Sim68K File I/O

TRAP #15 is used for I/O.  Put the task number in D0.

The success of the file handling calls is returned in D0.W as follows:
    0 = success
    1 = EOF encountered
    2 = Error
    3 = File is Read Only (Task 51 & 59 only)

    A maximum of 8 files may be open at any one time. 



 Close all files. It is recommended to use this at the start of any program using file handling.


 Open existing file.
     Pre: (A1) null terminated file name.
     Post: D1.L contains the File-ID (FID).


 Open new file..
    As above except the file is created if not found.
    If the file exists it will be overwritten.


 Read file
    Pre: File-ID in D1.L as returned from 51 or 52,
           (A1) buffer address,
           D2.L number of bytes to read.
    Post: D2.L holds number of bytes actually read,
    EOF may cause a shortened read.


 Write file
    As above except D2.L holds number of bytes to write (unaltered upon return).


 Position file
    Sets the file position where the next read/write will take place. Files begin at byte 0.
    Pre: File-ID in D1.L as returned from 51 or 52,
           D2.L the file position to be set.


 Close file
    Pre: File-ID in D1.L as returned from 51 or 52.


 Delete file. 
    Pre: (A1) null terminated file name.

 58  Display File Dialog. 
    Pre:  D1 = 0 to display 'Open' dialog
            D1 = 1 to display 'Save' dialog
            (A1) Points to a null terminated string that will be used as the request title string (max 256)
                   or A1 = $00000000 to use the default 'Open' or 'Save' depending on D1
            (A2) Points to a null terminated string (max 256) containing semicolon separated list of file extensions
                   for use in dialog, e.g. '*.txt;*.pcb',0 or A2 = $00000000 for all file types.
            (A3) Points to a buffer of sufficient size (max 256) to hold the zero terminated full file path and name.
                  On calling, if this contains a file path and name this will be used as the original file path and name.
                  If the user exits via the cancel button this buffer will remain unchanged.
    Post: D1 = 0 if user cancelled or just closed
             D1 = 1 if user hit open/save
 59  File operations.
     Pre: (A1) null terminated file name.
            D1.L = 0 does file exist?
     Post: D0.W 0 = file exists
                       2 = Error
                       3 = file exists and is Read Only
    Other values of D1 reserved for future use.