Assembler Directives - SIMHALT
SIMHALT - The SIMHALT directive produces the object code $FFFF FFFF. This sequence of numbers is interpreted by the EASy68K simulator as a command to halt the simulator. Normally $FFFF would result in a LINE_1111 exception. It may still be used for that purpose as long as it is not followed by $FFFF. Pressing the Pause button on the toolbar will re-enable the simulator controls following a SIMHALT. Program execution may be continued with the instruction following SIMHALT. No registers are modified.
=== Disable SIMHALT in Simulator ===
The SIMHALT directive may be disabled in the EASy68K simulator by embedding the following comment in the 68000 source file:
The result will be to treat the object code $FFFF FFFF as a "Line F" exception instead of SIMHALT. The SIMHALT_OFF comment must be at the beginning of the source line and is not case sensitive. It is processed by the EASy68K simulator during the loading of the .L68 file so it takes effect prior to the execution of any code regardless of where it appears in the file.