Edit68K - Basic Operation
The EASy68K Editor/Assembler main window is shown below. The editor allows multiple files to be open simultaneously.
=== The Menus ===
Some menu items may be invoked with keyboard shortcuts. The keyboard shortcuts are displayed to the right of the command in the menu. In the File menu: below the keyboard shortcut for Open File... is Ctrl+O. This means pressing the letter 'O' while holding the Ctrl (Control) key will perform the Open File command. Not all menu commands have a keyboard shortcut.
File menu:
New X68 Source File - Creates a new source window using the predefined source template.
Open File... - Loads an existing 68000 source file into the editor.
Save - Save the currently selected source file. Defaults to Save As if the file is being saved for the first time.
Save As... - Save the currently selected source file with the option
to change the file name prior to saving. The default extension for 68K Editor is
.x68 and it is recommended that all source files be saved with this extension.
Print - Prints the currently selected source file.
Printer Setup... - Setup the printer.
Close File - Closes the currently selected source file.
Exit - Closes all open files and exits the program.
Edit menu:
Undo - Undo the last edit operation.
Redo - Redo the last undo operation.
Cut - Removes the selected text and places it in the Window's Clipboard.
Copy - Copies the selected text to the Window's Clipboard.
Paste - Inserts the contents of the Window's Clipboard into the document at the present cursor position.
Select All - Selects all text in the current document.
Comment Selection - Inserts an asterisk '*' at the start of each selected line making it a comment.
Uncomment Selection - Removes one asterisk '*' from the start of each selected line.
Find... - Opens a dialog where a search phrase may be entered. The first occurrence of the phrase in the document is highlighted.
Find Next - Searches the document for the next occurrence of the search phrase.
Find And Replace... - Opens a dialog where a search phrase and replacement phrase may be entered. The search phrase is found and may be replaced if desired.
Two additional commands are available by keyboard shortcut only:
Ctrl+> - Inserts a space at the start of each selected line.
Ctrl+< - Removes one space from the start of each selected line.
Project menu:
Assemble Source... This will assemble the currently selected source window. If any errors occur a dialog will inform the user and the error messages with line number will be added to the list at the bottom of the source window. Double-click on an error to highlight the corresponding line in the source.
Options menu:
Assembler Options... - Opens the Assembler Options window where the behavior of the assembler may be adjusted and the default source template may be edited. See Options in this help system.
Editor Options... - Opens the Editor Options window where the font and tab characteristics of the editor may be adjusted. See Options in this help system.
Window menu:
The opened edit windows may be arranged or selected as the active window.
Help menu:
Help - Displays this help system but then you already know that, don't you.
About - Displays version and contact information.
Right-Click menu:
Right clicking on an edit window opens the following menu:
Some of the more commonly used commands from the main edit menu are available. Plus one new menu item:
Reload File - Reloads the current file from disk.
The Toolbar
The icons on the toolbar match the corresponding action in the menu. The actions available on the toolbar are as follows from left to right:
New - Creates a new source
window using the predefined source template.
Open File - Loads an existing 68000
source file into the
Save - Save the currently
selected source file. Defaults to Save As if the file is being saved for the
first time.
Print - Prints the currently selected source file.
Find... - Opens a dialog
where a search phrase may be entered. The first occurrence of the phrase in the
document is highlighted.
Cut -
Removes the selected text and places it in the Window's Clipboard.
Copy -
Copies the selected text to the Window's Clipboard.
Paste - Inserts the contents
of the Window's Clipboard into the document at the present cursor position.
Undo -
Undo the last edit operation.
Redo -
Redo the last undo operation.
Selection - Inserts an asterisk
'*' at the start of each selected line making it a comment.
Selection - Removes one asterisk
'*' from the start of each selected line.
Assemble Source... This will begin the assembling
process. If any errors occur a dialog will inform the user and the error
messages with line number will be added to the list at the bottom of the source
window. Double-click on an error to highlight the corresponding line in the