Readers, The following is an ASCII extraction of the original MacAlmanac II file, which was written in MacWrite 2.2 format. MacWrite v4.6 and/or v5.0 should be able to convert it, if not done already (I don't recall if I did this already). Because this is a text-only extraction, pictures (PICTs) can't appear in the text stream. I have added them to the resource fork of this file, so you will still be able to read them with ResEdit. Since I own the copyright on the presentation (but not the raw data - that cannot be copyrighted), I expressly give all of you permission to distribute this file "at will", with no royalties or other charges. I do impose this restriction commonly applied by other authors: that all copies include this copyright notice: "MacAlmanacII is Copyright (C) 1985-1997 James H. Olson." James H. Olson Last modified: 04 September 1997 --- MAC ALMANAC II, VERSION 1.0 - 4 JUNE 1990 You may have wondered, as I have, why nobody has ever come up with any kind of comprehensive listing of the Mac's ROM traps and global variables. So far, the lists in existence are scattered in many widely varying sources. For example, Apple's Inside Macintosh contains ROM trap listings in both alphabetical and numeric orders, but its global variable list is both incomplete and in alpha- betic order only. Having lists ordered by memory address helps make debugging with TMON and Macsbug much easier. It also helps programmers using 68000 assembly language, such as myself. Apple's official policy is that programmers should use the names of variables when writing their programs. Their reasoning is that the use of names will prevent incompatibilities with future Macs and/or system files. I don't follow that policy for two reasons. First, the only way to create incompatibilities is for Apple to change the locations of some or all of the global variables in a future release of system software. Doing this would immediately invalidate the entire Macintosh software base, so I don't think Apple would seriously think of it. Secondly, encoding the actual addresses helps debugging since my source code becomes closer to the object code. This is efficient because I only have to look up variable names once when writing source code and eliminates multiple lookups when debugging with Macsbug. Normally I use variable addresses in my source code and place variable names in comment lines. After struggling with the separated lists, I decided to improve my productivity by centralizing all that information in a master file. This master file, MacAlmanac, has since helped me greatly. Its distribution as PD (Public Domain) made sense, so others could benefit as well. [Editor's note: distribution method has since been changed to copyrighted freeware - see note at top of file. -jho] It would be a good idea to print this file in its entirety and three-hole punch it for placement in a binder. This file has been reformatted for printing on the LaserWriter, and for completeness, the laser font Times has been substituted for the screen font Geneva used in Almanac I. The master list will be a time-saver for you, regardless of what development system you are using (Pascal, C, BASIC, FORTRAN, Lisp, Forth, etc.). It will also help you if you disassemble bits of ROM code or other hacker stuff. Revision History: VERSION DATE PAGES CHANGES -------- ----------------- ------ ------------------------------------------- I 1.0 28 January 1987 26 Created, first release I 1.1 12 May 1987 27 Added: Errors on Powerup I 1.2 25 October 1987 29 Added: Traps & Keyboards I 1.3 16 December 1987 29 Altered pages 19, 27, and 28 I 1.4 30 December 1987 29 Fonts table reorganized (Page 26) I 1.5 18 April 1988 30 Added: new global variables II 1.0 4 June 1990 32 Total rewrite of Almanac I, first rerelease If you need to contact me, I can be reached at my home address: James H. Olson 2049 - 62nd Street North Clearwater, FL 33760 (office email) (813) 524-3228 *** MAC ALMANAC IS COPYRIGHTED FREEWARE *** Apple, Macintosh, Mac, and ResEdit are trademarks registered to Apple Computer, Inc. PART 1 Global Variables in Memory Address Order Simply, global variables on the Macintosh(R) are variables that hold values that are independent of any running program and don't usually change value when one program quits and another starts. These variables are all assigned as a group to one or two large blocks of RAM located between location 0 (the start of RAM) and the system and application areas of RAM. Each variable is assigned a specific memory location. Values stored in these variables usually contain information such as the amount of RAM installed in the Mac, the version of ROM, system, and Finder installed, mouse location, serial port settings, and the like. Programs can read and write to any of these variables, and writes will have lasting effects on the system (until changed again). Upon startup, and again if the Mac is reset, just about all variables are initialized by the ROM startup code after any memory tests (see Part 6). Since the Mac was introduced in 1984, Apple has encouraged people writing Mac software to read and write to global variables by using their names. When language compilers see these names, they get the equivalent addresses from an "include" file specified during the compilation process. The final program only has the memory addresses. Also since 1984, Apple has made press announcements and other talk about getting rid of global variables, or at least making major changes. This verbal noise was particularly evident when Switcher(tm) (later MultiFinder(tm)) was released. It turns out that changing existing global variables would create a mass confusion big enough to jeopardize the entire Mac product line. Because all existing Mac software (system, application, DA, INIT, etc.) depends on globals, even if the software doesn't access globals directly, changing them would instantly invalidate the entire Mac software base. Apple can not arbitrarily change the locations of these variables without creating problems with just about every Macintosh program on the market. Because of this restraining effect, Apple only makes improves existing variables or adds new ones. A good example of this is the variable BootDrive (located at $210). Under the original 64K ROM it contained the drive number where the boot floppy was located. When HFS was introduced in 1986, BootDrive was changed to hold the volume/directory reference number of the boot disk. This change made BootDrive more useful now that hard disks are frequently used as the boot disk, yet remains compatible with floppies. I have attempted to give the most complete listings possible, drawing from several sources. For instance, Apple's Inside Macintosh(tm) gives only a partial listing of global variables in alphabetical order. My list is in memory address order, which is better suited to debugging with MacsBug and other monitor-like debuggers. The list also exposes "holes": locations Apple hasn't yet made public. While compiling the list, I noticed some variables had more than one name. From what I can decipher, many of these variables were used during the original development of the Macintosh before its release in 1984 and fell into disuse afterwards. Some even have strange names like "MonkeyLives" ($100) and "MrMacHook" ($A2C). Microsoft even had a location named after it ($A78- now ApplScratch), and a location was named after the infamous "Twiggy" 5.25-inch floppy disk drives on the original Lisa (TwiggyVars, $128). Alternate names appear probably because Apple re-used these locations for new variables while developing the 128K ROM. Another good example is ROM85. Under the old 64K ROM, this was an non-public location that held -1. Under all newer ROMs, this location always holds a positive value. In the following list, old names from the 64K ROM are noted by a star "*" in the left column before their names. Note that certain sections of memory have special names declared. These area-designators look like variables but are easy to pick out- their size fields contain hyphens. All locations that haven't been made public are marked with "[????]". Defined Sizes: word = 2 bytes, long = 4 bytes Name Addr Size Description ------------ ---- ---- ------------------------------------------------------ SysCom 0100 - start of System communication area MonkeyLives 0100 word monkey lives if nonzero ScrVRes 0102 word screen vertical dots/inch ScrHRes 0104 word screen horizontal dots/inch ScreenRow 0106 word rowBytes of screen MemTop 0108 long ptr to end of RAM BufPtr 010C long ptr to end of jump table StkLowPt 0110 long lowest stack pointer value as measured in VBL task HeapEnd 0114 long ptr to end of application heap TheZone 0118 long ptr to current heap zone UTableBase 011C long ptr to unit I/O table MacJmp 0120 long ptr to jump vector table used by MacsBug DskRtnAdr 0124 long temporary pointer used by Disk Driver *TwiggyVars 0128 long ptr to 'other' driver variables (Lisa 5.25" drive) PollRtnAddr 0128 long ptr to 'other' driver variables (Lisa 5.25" drive) DskVerify 012C byte used by Mac 3.5" Disk Driver for read/verify LoadTrap 012D byte trap before launch? MmInOK 012E byte Initial Memory Manager checks ok? *DskWr11 012F byte try 1-1 disk writes? CPUFlag 012F byte code for installed CPU: 0=68000, 1=68010, 2=68020, 3=68030 ApplLimit 0130 long address of application heap limit SonyVars 0134 long ptr to Mac 3.5" Disk Driver variables PWMValue 0138 word current PWM value PollStack 013A long address of SCC poll data start stack location PollProc 013E long ptr to SCC poll data procedure DskErr 0142 word disk routine result code SysEvtMask 0144 word system event mask SysEvtBuf 0146 long ptr to system event queue element buffer EventQueue 014A 10 event queue header EvtBufCnt 0154 word maximum #of events in SysEvtBuf minus 1 RndSeed 0156 long random number seed SysVersion 015A word System file version number (e.g. System 4.1=$0410) SEvtEnb 015C byte 0 = SysEvent always returns FALSE DSWndUpdate 015D byte GetNextEvent not to paint behind System error dialog? FontFlag 015E byte font manager loop flag Filler3 015F byte 1 byte of filler VBLQueue 0160 10 VBL queue header Ticks 016A long Tick count: time since system startup (tick=1/60 sec) MBTicks 016E long tick count when mouse button was last pressed MBState 0172 byte current mouse button state Tocks 0173 byte Lisa sub-tick count KeyMap 0174 8 bitmap of the keyboard KeypadMap 017C long bitmap for numeric keypad (uses 18 bits) [????] 0180 long KeyLast 0184 word ASCII code for last valid keycode KeyTime 0186 long tickcount when KEYLAST was received KeyRepTime 018A long tick count when key was last repeated KeyThresh 018E word threshold for key repeat KeyRepThresh 0190 word key repeat speed Lv11DT 0192 32 Level-1 secondary interrupt vector table Lv12DT 01B2 32 Level-2 secondary interrupt vector table UnitNtryCnt 01D2 word count of entries in unit table VIA 01D4 long base address of 6522 VIA chip SCCRd 01D8 long addr of Z8530 SCC chip (used when reading the chip) SCCWr 01DC long address of Z8530 SCC chip (used when writing the chip) IWM 01E0 long base address of IWM chip (floppy drive controller) scratch20 01E4 20 general scratch area SysParam 01F8 - System parameter RAM vars (PRAM info) SPValid 01F8 byte validation: $A8 if last write to clock chip was good SPATalkA 01F9 byte AppleTalk node ID for modem port SPATalkB 01FA byte AppleTalk node ID for printer port SPConfig 01FB byte serial-port-in-use flags for both ports SPPortA 01FC word modem port configuration (baud, parity, bits) SPPortB 01FE word printer port configuration (baud, parity, bits) SPAlarm 0200 long alarm clock setting SPFont 0204 word font number of application font minus 1 *SPKbdPrint 0206 word auto-key threshold/rate and printer connection SPKbd 0206 byte auto-key threshold and rate SPPrint 0207 byte printer connection *SPVolClik 0208 word speaker volume; double click and caret flash times SPVolCtl 0208 byte speaker volume SPClikCaret 0209 byte double click and caret flash times SPMisc 020A byte reserved for future use SPMisc2 020B byte mouse tracking, startup floppy drive, menu blink Time 020C long current date/time (seconds since midnight 1 JAN 1904) *BootDrive 0210 word drive number of boot drive BootDrive 0210 word working directory reference number of boot disk JShell 0212 word journaling shell state *Filler3A 0214 word negative of vRefNum last seen by Standard File Package SFSaveDisk 0214 word negative of vRefNum last seen by Standard File Package KbdVars 0216 - Keyboard manager variables [????] 0216 word KbdLast 0218 byte ADB address of keyboard last used [????] 0219 byte JKybdTask 021A long ptr to keyboard VBL task hook KbdType 021E byte keyboard model number AlarmState 021F byte alarm clock: Bit7=parity, Bit6=beeped, Bit0=enable *CurIOTrap 0220 word current I/O trap being executed MemErr 0220 word Memory Manager error code DiskVars 0222 - Disk driver variables (60 bytes) [????] 0222 60 [Editor note: ignore this line] FlEvtMask 025E word mask of flushable events (FlushEvents) SdVolume 0260 byte Current speaker volume (bits 0 through 2 only) SdEnable 0261 byte Sound enabled? SoundVars 0262 - Sound driver variables (32 bytes) SoundPtr 0262 long pointer to 4-voice sound definition (SynthRec) SoundBase 0266 long ptr to free-form sound definition (SynthRec) SoundVBL 026A 16 vertical retrace control element SoundDCE 027A long pointer to Sound Driver's device control entry SoundActive 027E byte sound is active? SoundLevel 027F byte current amplitude in 740-byte sound buffer CurPitch 0280 word current value of COUNT in square-wave SynthRec SoundLast 0282 long address past last sound variable [????] 0286 long [????] 028A long ROM85 028E word holds a positive value if 128K or later ROM in Mac PortAUse 0290 byte Port A usage: if zero, port available PortBUse 0291 byte Port B usage: if zero, port available ScreenVars 0292 - Screen driver variables (8 bytes) [????] 0292 long [????] 0296 long JGNEFilter 029A long ptr to GetNextEvent filter procedure Key1Trans 029E long ptr to keyboard translator procedure Key2Trans 02A2 long ptr to numeric keypad translator procedure SysZone 02A6 long starting address of system heap zone ApplZone 02AA long starting address of application heap zone ROMBase 02AE long base address of ROM (Trap Dispatcher) RAMBase 02B2 long base address of RAM (Trap Dispatcher) BasicGlob 02B6 long ptr to BASIC globals DSAlertTab 02BA long ptr to system error alert table in use ExtStsDT 02BE 16 External/status interrupt vector table SCCASts 02CE byte SCC read register 0 last external/status interrupt - A SCCBSts 02CF byte SCC read register 0 last external/status interrupt - B SerialVars 02D0 - async driver variables (16 bytes) [????] 02D0 long [????] 02D4 long ABusVars 02D8 long ptr to AppleTalk variables [????] 02DC long FinderName 02E0 16 name of the shell, usually "Finder" (STRING[15]) DoubleTime 02F0 long double click interval in ticks CaretTime 02F4 long caret blink interval in ticks ScrDmpEnb 02F8 byte screen dump enable - zero disables FKEY processing ScrDmpType 02F9 byte $FF dumps screen, $FE dumps front window (FKEY 4) TagData 02FA - sector tag info for disk drivers (14 bytes) [????] 02FA word BufTgFNum 02FC long File tags buffer: file number BufTgFFlg 0300 word File tags buffer: flags (bit1=1 if resource fork) BufTgFBkNum 0302 word File tags buffer: logical block number BufTgDate 0304 long File tags buffer: last modification date/time DrvQHdr 0308 10 queue header of drives in system PWMBuf2 0312 long ptr to PWM buffer 1 (or 2 if sound) HpChk 0316 long heap check RAM code *MaskBC 031A long Memory Manager byte count mask *MaskHandle 031A long Memory Manager handle mask ¥MaskPtr 031A long Memory Manager pointer mask Lo3Bytes 031A long holds the constant $00FFFFFF MinStack 031E long minimum stack size used in InitApplZone DefltStack 0322 long default size of stack MMDefFlags 0326 word default zone flags GZRootHnd 0328 long root handle for GrowZone GZRootPtr 032C long root pointer for GrowZone GZMoveHnd 0330 long moving handle for GrowZone DSDrawProc 0334 long ptr to alternate system error draw procedure EjectNotify 0338 long ptr to eject notify procedure IAZNotify 033C long ptr to world swaps notify procedure FileVars 0340 - file system vars (184 bytes) CurDB/CkdDB 0340 word current dir block/used for searches *FSCallAsync 0342 word "One byte free" NxtDB 0342 word MaxDB 0344 word FlushOnly 0346 byte flag used by UnMountVol and FlushVol RegRsrc 0347 byte flag used by OpenRF and FileOpen FLckUnlck 0348 byte flag used by SetFilLock and RstFilLock FrcSync 0349 byte when set, all file system calls are synchronized NewMount 034A byte used by MountVol to flag new mounts NoEject 034B byte used by Eject and Offline DrMstrBlk 034C word master directory block in a volume HFS Globals 034E - HFS global variables (168 bytes) FCBSPtr 034E long ptr to file control block buffer DefVCBPtr 0352 long ptr to default volume control block VCBQHdr 0356 10 volume control block queue header FSQHdr 0360 10 file I/O queue header HFSVars 036A - Start of TFS variables (RAM version) HFSStkTop 036A long Temp location of stack ptr during async calls HFSStkPtr 036E long Temporary location of HFS stack ptr WDCBsPtr 0372 long Working Directory queue header HFSFlags 0376 byte Internal HFS flags *SysCRefCnt 0377 byte system cache usage count (#of vols) CacheFlag 0377 byte system cache usage count now used as cache flag SysBMCPtr 0378 long System-wide bitmap cache pointer SysVolCPtr 037C long System-wide volume cache pointer SysCtlCPtr 0380 long System-wide control cache pointer DefVRefNum 0384 word Default volume's VRefNum/WDRefNum PMSPPtr 0386 long ptr to list of directories on PMSP HFSDSErr 0392 word Final gasp - error that caused IOErr HFSVarEnd 0394 - End of HFS variable area CacheVars 0394 8 CurDirStore 0398 word ID of last directory opened [????] 039A word CacheCom 039C long [????] 03A0 word ErCode 03A2 word report errors here during async routines Params 03A4 - File Mgr I/O ParamBlock (50 bytes) [????] 03A4 50 FSTemp8 03D6 8 used by Rename *FSTemp4 03DE word used by Rename and CkFilMod FSIOErr 03DE word last I/O error [????] 03E0 word FSQueueHook 03E2 long ptr to hook to capture all FS calls ExtFSHook 03E6 long ptr to command done hook DskSwtchHook 03EA long ptr to hook for disk-switch dialog ReqstVol 03EE long ptr to offline or external file system volume VCB ToExtFS 03F2 long ptr to external file system FSVarEnd 03F6 - end of file system variables FSFCBLen 03F6 word size of file control block; holds -1 on 64K ROM Macs DSAlertRect 03F8 8 rectangle for system error and disk-switch alerts *DispatchTab 0400 1024 OS & Toolbox trap dispatch table (64K ROM) (512 words) OSDispTable 0400 1024 OS trap dispatch table(128K and later ROM) (256 longs) Name Addr Size Description ------------ ---- ---- ------------------------------------------------------ GRAFBEGIN 0800 - graf (QuickDraw) global area JHideCursor 0800 long JShowCursor 0804 long JShieldCursor 0808 long JScrnAddr 080C long JScrnSize 0810 long JInitCrsr 0814 long JSetCrsr 0818 long JCrsrObscure 081C long JUpdateProc 0820 long LGrafJump 0824 long GrafVar 0824 - QuickDraw variables ScrnBase 0824 long base address of main screen MTemp 0828 long low-level interrupt mouse location RawMouse 082C long un-jerked mouse coordinates NMouse 0830 long processed mouse coordinate CrsrPin 0834 8 cursor pinning rectangle CrsrRect 083C 8 cursor hit rectangle TheCrsr 0844 68 cursor data, mask & hotspot CrsrAddr 0888 long address of data under cursor *CrsrSave 088C 64 data under the cursor [Editor's note: 64K ROM only] CrsrSave 088C long ptr to data under the cursor [????] 0890 20 MainDevice 08A4 long handle to current main device DeviceList 08A8 long handle to first element in device list [????] 08AC long QDColors 08B0 28 default QuickDraw colors CrsrVis 08CC byte cursor visible? CrsrBusy 08CD byte cursor locked out? CrsrNew 08CE byte cursor changed? CrsrCouple 08CF byte cursor coupled to mouse? CrsrState 08D0 word cursor nesting level CrsrObscure 08D2 byte Cursor obscure semaphore CrsrScale 08D3 byte cursor scaled? [????] 08D4 word MouseMask 08D6 long V-H mask for ANDing with mouse MouseOffset 08DA long V-H offset for adding after ANDing JournalFlag 08DE word journaling state JSwapFont 08E0 long jump entry for FMSwapFont *JFontInfo 08E4 long jump entry for FMFontMetrics WidthListHand 08E4 long handle to a list of handles of recently-used width tables JournalRef 08E8 word Journalling driver's refnum [????] 08EA word CrsrThresh 08EC word delta threshold for mouse scaling JCrsrTask 08EE long address of CrsrVBLTask GRAFEND 08F2 - End of graphics globals WWExist 08F2 byte window manager initialized? DExist 08F3 byte QuickDraw is initialized JFetch 08F4 long ptr to fetch-a-byte routine for drivers JStash 08F8 long ptr to stash-a-byte routine for drivers JIODone 08FC long ptr to IODone routine for drivers LoadVars 0900 - Segment Loader variables (68 bytes) CurApRefNum 0900 word refNum of current application's resFile LaunchFlag 0902 byte Tells whether Launch or Chain was last called [????] 0903 byte CurrentA5 0904 long current value of register A5 CurStackBase 0908 long ptr to the base (beginning) of the stack [????] 090C long CurApName 0910 32 name of current application (STRING[31]) SaveSegHandle 0930 long handle to segment 0 (CODE 0) CurJTOffset 0934 word current jump table offset from register A5 CurPageOption 0936 word current page 2 configuration (screen/sound buffers) HiliteMode 0938 word set to -1 if hilighting mode is on, 0 otherwise LoaderPBlock 093A 10 param block for ExitToShell *PrintVars 0944 16 print code variables *LastLGlobal 0944 long address past last loader global PrintErr 0944 word Print Manager error code [????] 0946 14 *CoreEditVars 0954 12 core edit variables LastPGlobal 0954 long address of last printer global [????] 0958 long [????] 095C long scrapVars 0960 - Scrap Manager variables (32 bytes) *scrapInfo 0960 long scrap length scrapSize 0960 long scrap length scrapHandle 0964 long handle to RAM scrap scrapCount 0968 word count changed by ZeroScrap scrapState 096A word scrap state: tells if scrap exists in RAM or on disk scrapName 096C long pointer to scrap file name (normally "Clipboard File") scrapTag 0970 16 scrap file name (STRING[15]) scrapEnd 0980 - End of scrap vars ToolGBase 0980 - base address of toolbox globals ToolVars 0980 - toolbox variables RomFont0 0980 long handle to system font *ApFontID 0984 word resource ID of application font ApFontID 0984 word font number of application font GotStrike 0986 byte Do we have the strike? FMDefaultSize 0987 byte default size *CurFMInput 0988 long ptr to QuickDraw FMInput record CurFMFamily 0988 word current font family CurFMSize 098A word current font size CurFMFace 098C byte current font face CurFMNeedBits 098D byte boolean telling whether it needs strike CurFMDevice 098E word current font device CurFMNumer 0990 long current numerator of scale factor CurFMDenom 0994 long current denominator of scale factor FMgrOutRec 0998 long ptr to QuickDraw FontOutput record FOutError 0998 word Font Manager error code TFOutFontHandle 099A long handle to font bits FOutBold 099E byte bolding factor FOutItalic 099F byte italic factor FOutULOffset 09A0 byte underline offset FOutULShadow 09A1 byte underline halo FOutULThick 09A2 byte underline thickness FOutShadow 09A3 byte shadow factor FOutExtra 09A4 byte extra horizontal width FOutAscent 09A5 byte height above baseline FOutDescent 09A6 byte height below baseline FOutWidMax 09A7 byte maximum width of character FOutLeading 09A8 byte space between lines FOutUnused 09A9 byte unused (padding) byte -must have even number FOutNumer 09AA long point for numerators of scale factor FOutDenom 09AE long point for denominators of scale factor FMDotsPerInch 09B2 long h,v dotsPerInch (resolution) of current device FMStyleTab 09B6 24 style heuristic table given by device ToolScratch 09CE 8 scratch area WindowList 09D6 long ptr to Z-ordered linked list of windows SaveUpdate 09DA word Enable update events? PaintWhite 09DC word erase windows before update event? WMgrPort 09DE long ptr to window manager's grafport DeskPort 09E2 long ptr to Desk grafPort (Whole screen) OldStructure 09E6 long handle to saved structure region OldContent 09EA long handle to saved content region GrayRgn 09EE long handle to rounded-corner region drawn as the desktop SaveVisRgn 09F2 long handle to temporarily saved visRegion DragHook 09F6 long ptr to user hook called during dragging scratch8 09FA 8 general scratch area TempRect 09FA 8 scratch rectangle OneOne 0A02 long holds the constant $00010001 MinusOne 0A06 long holds the constant $FFFFFFFF TopMenuItem 0A0A word pixel value of top of scrollable menu AtMenuBottom 0A0C word flag for menu scrolling IconBitmap 0A0E 14 scratch bitmap used for plotting things MenuList 0A1C long handle to current menuBar list structure MBarEnable 0A20 word menuBar enable for desk acc's that own the menu bar CurDeKind 0A22 word window kind of deactivated window MenuFlash 0A24 word flash feedback count TheMenu 0A26 word resource ID of hilited menu SavedHandle 0A28 long handle to data under a menu *MrMacHook 0A2C long Mr. Macintosh hook MBarHook 0A2C long ptr to MenuSelect hook called before menu is drawn MenuHook 0A30 long ptr to user hook called during MenuSelect DragPattern 0A34 8 pattern used to draw outlines of dragged regions DeskPattern 0A3C 8 pattern used for the desktop DragFlag 0A44 word implicit parameter to DragControl CurDragAction 0A46 long ptr to implicit actionProc for dragControl FPState 0A4A 6 floating point state TopMapHndl 0A50 long handle to map of most recently opened resource file SysMapHndl 0A54 long handle to map of System resourc file SysMap 0A58 word reference number of System resource file CurMap 0A5A word reference number of current resource file ResReadOnly 0A5C word Read-only flag ResLoad 0A5E word Auto-load feature ResErr 0A60 word Resource Manager error code TaskLock 0A62 byte re-entering SystemTask FScaleDisable 0A63 byte disable font scaling? CurActivate 0A64 long ptr to window slated for activate event CurDeactive 0A68 long ptr to window slated for deactivate event DeskHook 0A6C long ptr to hook for painting the desk TEDoText 0A70 long ptr to textEdit doText proc hook TERecal 0A74 long ptr to textEdit recalText proc hook *MicroSoft 0A78 12 ApplScratch - for Seattle font ApplScratch 0A78 12 application scratch area GhostWindow 0A84 long ptr to window never to be considered frontmost CloseOrnHook 0A88 long ptr to hook for closing desk ornaments ResumeProc 0A8C long ptr to Resume procedure (System error dialog) SaveProc 0A90 long address of Save failsafe procedure SaveSP 0A94 long Safe stack ptr for restart or save ANumber 0A98 word resID of last alert ACount 0A9A word number of times last alert was called (0 through 3) DABeeper 0A9C long ptr to current beep routine DAStrings 0AA0 16 paramText substitution strings (4 handles) TEScrpLengt 0AB0 long textEdit Scrap Length TEScrpHandl 0AB4 long handle to textEdit Scrap AppPacks 0AB8 32 Handles to PACK resources (ID's from 0 to 7) SysResName 0AD8 20 name of system resource file (STRING[19]) AppParmHandle 0AEC long handle to hold application parameters DSErrCode 0AF0 word last (or current) system error alert ID ResErrProc 0AF2 long ptr to Resource Manager error procedure TEWdBreak 0AF6 long ptr to default word break routine DlgFont 0AFA word current font number for dialogs and alerts LastTGLobal 0AFC long address of last global The contents of memory locations from $B00 on up depend on the ROM version installed. * 64K ROM Macs: these Macs have a single trap dispatch table located at $400 through $7FF. The system heap begins at $B00, leaving no room for additional globals. * 128K and later ROM: the original trap dispatch table at $400 through $7FF was converted for use by the Operating System, and a second trap dispatch table for Toolbox traps was created at $C00. Its length is 2K on the Mac Plus and SE, and 4K on the SE/30 and II series. The intervening space from $B00 through $BFF was reserved for new global variables. Note that some globals were defined within the trap table, with addresses above $C00. While I do not understand why Apple did this, the effect is that a few table entries have been pre-empted, reducing the table's capacity. As explained in the Trap Dispatcher section below, each A-trap expects a routine address to be stored in the trap table. Since some of these locations were used for globals, the affected A-traps cannot be used (more on this later). Name Addr Size Description ------------ ---- ---- ------------------------------------------------------ *HeapStart 0B00 - start of the System Heap on 64K ROM Macs TrapAgain 0B00 long use 4 bytes here for another trap [????] 0B04 word ROMMapHndl 0B06 long handle to ROM resource map PWMBuf1 0B0A long ptr to PWM buffer BootMask 0B0E word needed during boot WidthPtr 0B10 long ptr to global width table AtalkHk1 0B14 long ptr to Appletalk hook 1 AtalkHk2 0B18 long ptr to Appletalk hook 2 [????] 0B1C long [????] 0B20 word HWCfgFlags 0B22 word hardware configuration flags (two names for this global) SCSIFlag 0B22 word SCSI configuration word (bit 15=1 if SCSI installed) [????] 0B24 6 WidthTabHandle0B2A long handle to global width table [????] 0B2E 6 BtDskRfn 0B34 word boot drive driver reference number BootTmp8 0B36 8 temporary space needed by StartBoot [????] 0B3E byte T1Arbitrate 0B3F byte holds $FF if Timer T1 up for grabs [????] 0B40 20 MenuDisable 0B54 long resID and menuItem of last chosen menu item [????] 0B58 40 0B80 - switched variables (128 bytes) RMGRHiVars 0B80 - RMGR variables (32 bytes) [????] 0B80 14 RomMapInsert 0B9E byte flag: insert [resource] map to the ROM resources TmpResLoad 0B9F byte temp SetResLoad state for calls using ROMMapInsert IntlSpec 0BA0 long international software installed if not -1 [????] 0BA4 word SysFontFam 0BA6 word if nonzero, the font # for system font SysFontSize 0BA8 word if nonzero, the system font size MBarHeight 0BAA word pixel height of menu bar [????] 0BAC long NewUnused 0BC0 word formerly FlEvtMask LastFOND 0BC2 long handle to last family record used [????] 0BC4 48 FractEnable 0BF4 byte enables fractional widths if not zero [????] 0BF5 byte [????] 0BF6 10 ToolDispTable 0C00 2048 Toolbox trap dispatch table (Mac Plus & SE) ToolDispTable 0C00 4096 Toolbox trap dispatch table (Mac II series and SE/30) HeapStart 1400 - Start of system heap (Mac Plus & SE) HeapStart 1C00 - Start of system heap (Mac II series and SE/30) Locations defined within the trap dispatch tables: JADBProc 06B8 long ptr to ADBReInit pre-/post-processing routine MMU32Bit 0CB2 byte current address mode TheGDevice 0CC8 long handle to current active device AuxWinHead 0CD0 long auxiliary window list header JVBLTask 0D28 long jump vector to DoVBLTask routine SynListHandle 0D32 long handle to synthetic font list MenuCInfo 0D50 [??] menu color info table header DTQueue 0D92 10 deferred task queue header JDTInstall 0D9C long jump vector to DTInstall routine HiliteRGB 0DA0 [??] default hilighting color These variables pre-empt the following A-traps (in same order as lost above): A0AE (unassigned), A82C (Pack10), A832 (unassigned), A834 (SetFScaleDisable), A94A (SetMFlash), A954 (NewControl), A964 through A968 (SetMinCtl, SetMaxCtl, TestControl, DragControl, TrackControl). Note that many of these traps are assigned to ROM calls that have existed since 1984. After checking these locations myself, they appear to be set up for these traps, not as global variables. Until I can verify the accuracy of my source list, treat this group of variables with extreme caution. [Editor's note: this has never been verified.] PART 2A MC68000-series Microprocessor Exception Errors Code Description Code Description ------ ---------------------------- ------ ---------------------------- $00 reset: initial stack pointer $3C uninitialized interrupt $04 reset: initial program counter $40-5F [reserved by Motorola] $08 bus error $60 spurious interrupt $0C address error $64 level 1 interrupt - VIA (SY6522) $10 illegal instruction $68 level 2 interrupt - SCC (Z8530) $14 zero divide $6C level 3 interrupt - VIA and SCC together $18 CHK bounds check failed $70 level 4 interrupt - debug switch $1C TRAPV overflow trap $74 level 5 interrupt - debug switch and VIA $20 priveleged instruction $78 level 6 interrupt - debug switch and SCC $24 trace mode $7C level 7 interrupt - debug switch VIA, SCC (all 3 together) $28 $Axxx Trap dispatcher $80-BF TRAP instruction vectors $2C $Fxxx coprocessor instructions $C0-FF [reserved by Motorola] $30-3B [reserved by Motorola] $100-3FF user interrupt vectors (Mac global vars) PART 2B Macintosh(R) System Errors NOTE: Certain MC68000 exceptions listed in part A will generate equivalent system errors. Code Description Code Description ------ ---------------------------- ------ ---------------------------- 1 bus (illegal hardware address) 18 PACK 1 not found (reserved) 2 address 19 PACK 2 not found (Disk Init) 3 illegal instruction 20 PACK 3 not found (Standard File) 4 zero divide 21 PACK 4 not found (Floating-pt) 5 CHK bounds check failed 22 PACK 5 not found (Transcendental math functions) 6 TRAPV overflow trap 23 PACK 6 not found (International Utils) 7 privileged instruction 24 PACK 7 not found (Binary/Decimal Package) 8 trace mode 25 out of memory 9 line 1010 trap (A-trap) 26 segment loader: can't start appl 10 line 1111 trap (F-trap) 27 "System" resource file map was clobbered 11 misc hardware exception 28 stack overran the appl heap 12 unimplemented core routine 30 "Please insert the disk: " alert (bad trap) 13 uninstalled interrupt 31 wrong disk (switch disk alert) (debug/interrupt switch) 14 IO core 40 "Welcome to Macintosh" alert 15 segment loader: no such CODE 41 "Can't load the Finder" alert resource 16 floating point 42 "You may turn off your Macintosh" alert 17 PACK 0 not found (List Manager) 32767 General system error The following system errors are reported under all ROM versions except the original 64K ROM: 32 Memory Manager: current zone is inconsistent 33 Memory Manager: value of ZcbFree is negative 51 Slot Manager: unserviceable slot interrupt 81 SANE: bad opcode passed to FP68K routine 84 Menu Manager: menu resource has been purged 85 Menu Manager: can't find menu bar 86 Menu Manager: hierarchical menu error 99 HFS stack overflowed PART 2C Toolbox and Operating System Errors The errors in this section are generated by the various Mac system routines, either at the Operating System level or at the higher Toolbox level. These errors are then passed to the program (application, DA, INIT, etc.) which called the system routine. It is up to the program to handle these errors. Printing Manager Error Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 128 iPrAbort Printing Manager: user aborted printing Slot Manager Initialization Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 14 sdmPriInitErr initialize error: installed cards 13 sdmPRAMInitErr initialize error: Slot PRAM 12 sdmSRTInitErr initialize error: Slot Resource Table 11 sdmInitErr initialize error: SDM 10 sdmJTInitErr initialize error: SDM Jump Table 3 siInitSPTblErr initialize error: slot priority table 2 siInitVBLQsErr initialize error: slot VBL queues 1 siInitSDTblErr initialize error: slot interrupt dispatch table SCSI Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 10 scComplPhaseErr SCSIComplete failed; bus not in status phase 9 scBusTOErr bus timed out before data was ready for SCSI "blind" operations SCSIRBlind and SCSIWBlind 8 scSequenceErr current operation was started out of proper sequence 7 scMgrBusyErr SCSI Manager busy when SCSIGet was called 6 scCompareErr SCSI Manager busy when SCSIGet was called 5 scPhaseErr bus in wrong phase for attempted operation 4 scBadparmsErr bad parameter or TIB opcode 3 scArbNBErr arbitration failed during SCSIGet; bus busy 2 scCommErr communications error (operations timeout) Miscellaneous Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 1 evtNotEnb event type not defined in system event mask 0 noErr the operation was completed normally -1 qErr queue element not found during deletion -1 iPrSavPFil Printing Manager: saving spool file -2 vTypErr invalid queue element -3 corErr [obsolete] core routine number out of range -4 unimpErr [obsolete] unimplemented core routine -8 seNoDB no debugger installed to handle debugger traps Color Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -9 iTabPurgErr [no description available] generated by: Color2Index/ITabMatch -10 noColMatch [no description available] generated by: Color2Index/ITabMatch -11 qAllocErr [no description available] generated by: MakeITable -12 tblAllocErr [no description available] generated by: MakeITable -13 overRun [no description available] generated by: MakeITable -14 noRoomErr [no description available] generated by: MakeITable -15 seOutOfRange [no description available] generated by: SetEntry -16 seProtErr [no description available] generated by: SetEntry -17 i2CRangeErr [no description available] generated by: SetEntry -18 gdBadDev [no description] generated by: SetEntry -19 reRangeErr [no description] generated by: SetEntry -20 seInvRequest [no description] generated by: SetEntry -21 seNoMemErr [no description] generated by: SetEntry Device Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -17 controlErr driver can't handle control calls -18 statusErr driver can't handle status calls -19 readErr driver can't handle read calls -20 writErr driver can't handle write calls -21 badUnitErr driver refnum isn't in unit table -22 unitEmptyErr driver refnum unit table entry is an empty (zero) handle -23 openErr R/W permission conflicts with open permission -23 openErr couldn't open RAM serial driver (64K ROM) -24 closeErr [obsolete] -25 dRemovErr tried to remove an open driver -26 dInstErr DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resource file -27 abortErr IO call aborted by KillIO -27 iIOAbort Printing Manager: I/O abort error -28 notOpenErr driver not open -29 unitTblFullErr unit table full -30 dceExtErr dce extension error File System Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -33 dirFulErr MFS directory full -34 dskFulErr disk full -35 nsvErr no such volume -36 ioErr I/O error -37 bdNamErr bad name (name is zero-length or contains a colon) -38 fnOpnErr file not open -39 eofErr end of file reached during a read -40 posErr tried to position before start of file -41 memErr [obsolete] memory full on open -42 tmfoErr too many files open -43 fnfErr file not found -44 wPrErr disk is locked (hardware) -45 fLckdErr file is locked -46 vLckdErr disk is locked (software) -47 fBsyErr file busy (delete); one or more files are open -48 dupFNErr file with same name & version# already exists -49 opWrErr file already open with write permission -50 paramErr error in user parameter list (plus other errors) File Manager: no such disk (and no default disk exists) Disk Driver: bad positioning information Disk Init Package: bad drive number -51 rfNumErr refnum specifies a nonexistent access path -52 gfpErr error during Get file position call (GetFPos) -53 volOffLinErr volume not online (was ejected) -54 permErr tried to open a locked file for writing -55 volOnLinErr volume already in drive -56 nsDrvErr no such drive (specified drive number not in drive queue) -57 noMacDskErr not a Mac diskette; disk doesn't have Mac directory -58 extFSErr volume belongs to an external file system -59 fsRnErr rename ran into problems -60 badMDBErr bad master directory block - reinit the disk! -61 wrPermErr access path doesn't allow writing Font Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -64 fontDecError error during font declaration -65 fontNotDeclared font not declared -66 fontSubErr font substitution occured Disk Errors (range: -64 through -84 inclusive) Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -64 lastDskErr last of the low-level disk errors (in reverse order) -64 noDriveErr drive not installed/connected -65 offLinErr operation requested for an offline disk -66 noNybErr couldn't find 5 nibbles in 200 tries (blank disk) -67 noAdrMkErr couldn't find address mark -68 dataVerErr read-verify compare failed -69 badCksmErr address mark checksum didn't check -70 badBtSlpErr bad address mark bit slip nibbles -71 noDtaMkErr couldn't find a data mark header -72 badDCksum bad data mark checksum -73 badDBtSlp bad data mark bit slip nibbles -74 wrUnderrun write underrun occurred -75 cantStepErr step handshake failed (drive fault) -76 tk0BadErr can't find track 0 -77 initIWMErr unable to initialize IWM (disk controller chip) -78 twoSideErr tried to read 2nd side on a single sided drive -79 spdAdjErr unable to correctly adjust 400K drive speed -80 seekErr track number bad on address mark (drive fault) -81 sectNFErr sector not found on track -82 fmt1Err can't find sector 0 after track format -83 fmt2Err can't get enough sync -84 verErr track failed to verify -84 firstDskErr first of the low-level disk errors (in reverse order) Clock Chip Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -85 clkRdErr unable to read clock -86 clkWrErr time written did not verify -87 prWrErr Parameter RAM written didn't verify -88 prInitErr InitUtil found the PRAM uninitialized (status not $A8) Device Driver Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -89 rcvrErr [obsolete] SCC receiver error (framing, parity, OR) -90 breakRecd [obsolete] Break received (SCC) AppleTalk Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -91 ddpSktErr DDP socket error: socket already active; not a known socket; socket table full; all dynamic socket numbers in use -92 ddpLenErr DDP datagram or ALAP data too long -93 noBridgeErr no such bridge -94 lapProtErr ALAP protocol errors, attach or detach -95 excessCollsns ALAP too many (over 32) collisions or line sensed in use -97 portInUse driver open error: port is already in use -98 portNotCf driver open error: port not configured for this connection Memory Manager Errors (not available on 64K ROM) Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -99 memROZErr hard error in read-only zone -99 memROZWarn soft error in read-only zone Scrap Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -100 noScrapErr no scrap exists -102 noTypeErr no data of that type in scrap Memory Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -108 memFullErr not enough room in heap zone -109 nilHandleErr NIL (zero) master pointer (handle is empty) -110 memAdrErr [obsolete] address was odd or out of range -111 memWZErr attempt to operate on a free block -112 memPurErr attempt to purge a locked or non-purgable block -113 memAZErr [obsolete] address in zone check failed -114 memPCErr [obsolete] pointer check failed -115 memBCErr [obsolete] block check failed -116 memSCErr [obsolete] size check failed -117 memLockedErr block is locked File System Errors (not available on 64K ROM) Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -120 dirNFErr directory not found -121 tmwdoErr too many working directories open -122 badMovErr tried to move into offspring -123 wrgVolTypErr tried to do an HFS operation on a nonHFS volume -124 volGoneErr Server volume has been disconnected -126 mBarNFnd Menu Manager: MBDF not found -127 hMenuFindErr could not find Hierarchical menu's parent (MenuKey) -127 fsDSIntErr internal file system fault Color Quickdraw & Color Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -150 cMatchErr Color2Index failed to find an index -151 cTempMemErr failed to allocate memory for temporary structures -152 cNoMemErr failed to allocate memory for structure -153 cRangeErr range error on colorTable request -154 cProtectErr colorTable entry protection violation -155 cDevErr invalid graphics device type -156 cResErr invalid resolution for MakeITable Resource Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -192 resNotFound resource not found -193 resFNotFound resource file not found -194 addResFailed AddResource failed -195 addRefFailed [obsolete] AddReference failed -196 rmvResFailed RmveResource failed -197 rmvRefFailed [obsolete] RmveReference failed Resource Manager Errors (not available on 64K ROM) -198 resAttrErr attribute prohibits the operation -199 mapReadErr resource map is garbled Sound Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -200 noHardware supporting hardware for selected synthesizer doesn't exist -201 notEnoughHardware no more channels for selected synthesizer -203 queueFull queue is full -204 resProblem problems encountered while loading resource -205 badChannel bad channel queue length -206 badFormat bad handle to 'snd ' resource Slot Manager Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -290 smSDMInitErr SDM could not be initialized. -290 smSRTInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. -290 smPRAMInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. -290 smPriInitErr Cards could not be initialized. -300 smEmptySlot No card in slot -301 smCRCFail CRC check failed for declaration data -302 smFormatErr bad FHeader format in declaration ROM -303 smRevisionErr bad revison number in declaration ROM -304 smNoDir Directory offset is zero -305 smLWTstBad Long Word Test field was not $5A932BC7. -306 smNosInfoArray SDM couldn't obtain memory for the sInfo array -307 smResrvErr Reserved field not zero (fatal error) -308 smUnExBusErr Unexpected bus error occurred -309 smBLFieldBad bad ByteLanes field -310 smFHBlockRdErr FHeader block couldn't be read -311 smFHBlkDispErr FHeader block couldn't be deleted (disposed of) -312 smDisposePErr _DisposPointer error -313 smNoBoardsRsrc No Board sResource. -314 smGetPRErr Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus) -315 smNoBoardId No Board ID -316 smIntStatVErr The InitStatus_V field was negative after primary init -317 smIntTblVErr Slot Resource Table initialization failed -318 smNoJmpTbl SDM jump table could not be created -319 smBadBoardId bad Board ID, re-init the PRAM record -320 smBusErrTO BusError timeout -330 smBadRefId Reference ID not found in List -331 smBadsList ID's in sList aren't in ascending order -332 smReservedErr Reserved field not zero -333 smCodeRevErr Code revision is wrong (sExec) -334 smCPUErr CPU field is wrong (sExec) -335 smsPointerNil sPointer is zero: no sList specified -336 smNilsBlockErr Nil (zero-length) sBlock error -337 smSlotOOBErr Slot out of bounds error -338 smSelOOBErr Selector out of bounds error -339 smNewPErr _NewPointer error -340 smBlkMoveErr _BlockMove error -341 smCkStatusErr bad slot status (InitStatus_A,V) -342 smGetDrvrNamErr Error occured during _sGetDrvrName. -343 smDisDrvrNamErr Error occured during _sDisDrvrName. -344 smNoMoresRsrcs No more sResources -345 smsGetDrvrErr Error occurred during _sGetDrvr -346 smBadsPtrErr Bad sPointer was passed to an SDM routine -347 smByteLanesErr bad byteLanes value was passed to an SDM routine -348 smOffsetErr Offset was too big -349 smNoGoodOpens No opens were successful in the loop. -350 smSRTOvrFlErr sResource table overflowed -351 smRecNotFnd Record not found in the sResource table Slot Manager Error Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -360 slotNumErr bad slot number AppleTalk Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -1024 nbpBuffOvr NBP buffer overflow -1025 nbpNoConfirm NBP name not confirmed -1026 nbpConfDiff NBP name confirmed for different socket -1027 nbpDuplicate NBP duplicate name found -1028 nbpNotFound NBP name does not exist -1029 nbpNISErr NBP names information socket error -1066 aspBadVersNum Server cannot support this ASP version -1067 aspBufTooSmall Buffer too small -1068 aspNoMoreSess No more sessions on server -1069 aspNoServers No servers at that address -1070 aspParamErr Parameter error -1071 aspServerBusy Server cannot open another session -1073 aspSessClosed Session closed -1073 aspSizeErr Command block too big -1074 aspTooMany Too many clients (server error) -1075 aspNoAck No ACK on attention request (server err) -1096 reqFailed ATPSndRequest failed: retry count exhausted -1097 tooManyReqs ATP too many concurrent requests -1098 tooManySkts ATP too many responding sockets -1099 badATPSkt ATP bad responding socket -1100 badBuffNum ATP bad sequence number -1101 noRelErr ATP no release received -1102 cbNotFound ATP control block does not exist -1103 noSendResp ATPAddRsp issued before ATPSndRsp -1104 noDataArea too many active ATP calls -1105 reqAborted request was aborted Application Errors (range: -2000 through -2999 inclusive) reserved for use by the current application AppleTalk Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -3101 buf2SmallErr DDP datagram or ALAP frame too big for buffer -3102 noMPPErr MPP driver not installed -3103 cksumErr DDP bad checksum -3104 extractErr NBP tuple doesn't exist in buffer -3105 readQErr socket or protocol type bad or doesn't exist in table -3106 atpLenErr ATP response message too long -3107 atpBadRsp bad response from ATPRequest -3108 recNotFnd ABRecord doesn't exist -3109 sktClosedErr async call aborted before completion: socket was closed Printing Manager Errors (occur with Laserwriters) Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -4096 [no name declared] no free Connect Control Blocks available -4097 [no name declared] bad connection refNum -4098 [no name declared] request already active -4099 [no name declared] write request too big -4100 [no name declared] connection just closed -4101 [no name declared] printer closed or does not exist AppleTalk Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -5000 afpAccessDenied [no description available] -5001 afpAuthContinue [no description available] -5002 afpBadUAM [no description available] -5003 afpBadVersNum [no description available] -5004 afpBitmapErr [no description available] -5005 afpCantMove [no description available] -5006 afpDenyConflict [no description available] -5007 afpDirNotEmpty [no description available] -5008 afpDiskFull [no description available] -5009 afpEofError [no description available] -5010 afpFileBusy [no description available] -5011 afpFlatVol [no description available] -5012 afpItemNotFound [no description available] -5013 afpLockErr [no description available] -5014 afpMiscErr [no description available] -5015 afpNoMoreLocks [no description available] -5016 afpNoServer [no description available] -5017 afpObjectExists [no description available] -5018 afpObjectNotFound [no description available] -5019 afpParmErr [no description available] -5020 afpRangeNotLocked [no description available] -5021 afpRangeOverlap [no description available] -5022 afpSessClosed [no description available] -5023 afpUserNotAuth [no description available] -5024 afpCallNotSupported [no description available] -5025 afpObjectTypeErr [no description available] -5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen [no description available] -5027 afpServerGoingDown [no description available] -5028 afpCantRename [no description available] -5029 afpDirNotFound [no description available] -5030 afpIconTypeError [no description available] _SysEnvirons Errors Code Name Description ------ ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------ -5500 envNotPresent returned by glue - _SysEnvirons trap does not exist -5501 envBadVers Version non-positive; no information was returned -5502 envVersTooBig Version bigger than _SysEnvirons routine can handle PART 3A Macintoshª Trap Dispatcher The Trap Dispatcher is the part of the Macintosh Operating System that routes system calls to the actual routines. The Trap Dispatcher has been revised two times since its initial release, totaling 3 versions. The earliest version was part of the original 64K ROM shipped with the 128K and 512K Macs. The first revision appeared in the Mac Plus 128K ROM and the second (and last) revision appeared in all later Mac models. The Trap Dispatcher takes advantage of a special feature of the 68000 micro- processor called unimplemented instructions. These instructions, like all other 68000 instructions, are 16 bits long (2 bytes) and can be represented by four hex digits. Unimplemented instructions always begin with the hex digits A or F and can contain anything in the last 3 digits. Whenever the 68000 gets such an instruction, it automatically performs a trap. The 68000 fetches an address from a memory location predetermined by Motorola and then jumps to that address. The Mac ROM startup code automatically stores the starting location of the Trap Dispatcher into this specific memory location when the system is powered up or rebooted (the Trap Dispatcher itself is also located in the ROM). Unimplemented instructions are called A-traps or F-traps, depending on the first hex digit of the instruction. Motorola reserved all F-traps for math coprocessor instructions, and allowed the OEM, i.e. Apple, free use of A-traps. Apple in turn built the whole Macintosh Operating System around A-traps. All system calls were numbered and were split into two broad categories, called Toolbox Traps and Operating System (OS) Traps. Each system call was issued its own A-trap, or trap word, containing its own trap (system call) number. Apple built the Trap Dispatcher to handle A-traps on the Macintosh. Since any A-trap causes the 68000 to invoke the Trap Dispatcher, the Trap Dispatcher must decode the last 3 digits of the A-trap to figure out which system call to execute. The diagram below shows how the Trap Dispatcher decodes A-traps: (PICT deleted) Trap word bits are defined as follows. Bits 15 through 12 are set to the binary pattern 1010 (hexdecimal A) for all traps. Bit 11 determines the trap's category: 1 for Toolbox traps and 0 for Operating System traps. For OS traps, bits 10 and 9 are used for flags, whose meanings depend on the routine being called. For Toolbox traps, bit 10 is the auto-pop bit. If it is set, the Trap Dispatcher will remove, or "pop", the return address from the top of the stack and throw it out. It will then pop the stack again and use that address as the return address. This feature supports languages such as Lisa Pascal that always JSR'd to a table of trap words (instead of inserting the trap words inline with the code). Bit 9 is a reserved bit in Toolbox trap words in the 64K and 128K ROMs. Apple added the bit to the trap number on all later ROMs. Bit 8 is used by OS traps to preserve the 68000's register A0 across a system call. If the bit is 0, register A0 is saved before the system call begins execution and restored after it finishes. If the bit is 1, register A0 is not saved and restored (allows OS routines that resturn a value in A0 to work). Bits 7 through 0 comprise all or part of the trap number for all traps. PART 3B Macintoshª Traps With the exception of the original 64K ROM found in 128K and 512K Macintoshes, all Mac ROM sets are based on the 128K ROM found in the Mac 512KE and Plus. The ROMs in all later Mac models contain some additions not in the 128K ROM. These additions are marked by asterisk (*) to the left of their name. Apple has tried to retrofit these additional traps into older Macs (that don't have them in ROM) by using the System software to install them in RAM, one reason newer systems are so huge. However, Apple excluded certain goups of traps from the retrofit process. A good example is Color QuickDraw, which is available only on Macs that have it in ROM (SE/30 and II series). While Apple has made many additions to the ROM trap set, only two traps have been removed. Existing only in the original 64K ROM, the obscure Resource Manager traps AddReference and RemoveReference never found much use, leading Apple to declare them "obsolete" and not include them in all later ROMs. These routines haven't been supported since 1985 and should not be used (in the list these two routines are marked with a black dot "*"). In fact, they were described only in the 3-ring binder and phone book editions of Inside Macintosh and weren't included in the final release. All ROM traps are given in 68000 assembly language format. Traps in boldface are bundles of several subroutines. Listings of the subroutines follow the general list. Be aware that some trap names differ from their high-level language counterparts. The reason: the original Lisa assembler limited trap names to 8 significant letters (including the initial underscore), and would thus see the two names _UnloadSeg and _UnloadScrap as representing the same trap. Changing the spelling of one of the two traps resolves the name conflict (thus, _UnloadSeg becomes _UnlodeScrap). In the MDS and MPW assemblers, Apple increased the character limit to 31. While the new limit would eliminate all conflicts, Apple made the misspelled names permanent. For a detailed description of the trap word mechanism, see Part 3A. Name Trap Name Trap Name Trap ------------------ ---- ------------------ ---- ------------------ ---- A *_ADBOp A07C *_AddReference A9AC _Allocate A010 *_ADBReInit A07B _AddResMenu A94D *_AllocCursor AA1D *_AddComp AA3B _AddResource A9AB _AngleFromSlope A8C4 _AddDrive A04E *_AddSearch AA3A _AppendMenu A933 _AddPt A87E _Alert A985 *_AttachVBL A071 B _BackColor A863 _BitClr A85F _BitTst A85D _BackPat A87C _BitNot A85A _BitXor A859 *_BackPixPat AA0B _BitOr A85B _BlockMove A02E _BeginUpdate A922 _BitSet A85E _BringToFront A920 _BitAnd A858 _BitShift A85C _Button A974 C *_CalcCMask AA4F *_CloseCPort A87D *_CopyPixMap AA05 _CalcMask A838 _CloseDeskAcc A9B7 *_CopyPixPat AA09 _CalcMenuSize A948 _CloseDialog A982 _CopyRgn A8DC _CalcVBehind A90A _ClosePgon A8CC _CouldAlert A989 _CalcVis A909 _ClosePicture A8F4 _CouldDialog A979 _CautionAlert A988 _ClosePort A87D _Count1Resources A80D _Chain A9F3 _CloseResFile A99A _Count1Types A81C _ChangedResource A9AA _CloseRgn A8DB *_CountADBs A077 *_CharExtra AA23 _CloseWindow A92D _CountMItems A950 _CharWidth A88D _CmpString A03C _CountResources A99C _CheckItem A945 *_Color2Index AA33 _CountTypes A99E _CheckUpdate A911 _ColorBit A864 _Create A008 _ClearMenuBar A934 _CompactMem A04C _CreateResFile A9B1 _ClipAbove A90B _Control A004 _CurResFile A994 _ClipRect A87B _CopyBits A8EC _Close A001 _CopyMask A817 D _Date2Sec A9C7 *_DisposCIcon AA25 _DragWindow A925 _Delay A03B _DisposControl A955 _Draw1Control A96D *_DelComp AA4D *_DisposCTable AA24 _DrawChar A883 _Delete A009 _DisposDialog A983 _DrawControls A969 _DeleteMenu A936 *_DisposGDevice AA30 _DrawDialog A981 *_DelMCEntries AA60 _DisposHandle A023 _DrawGrowIcon A904 _DelMenuItem A952 _DisposMenu A932 _DrawMenuBar A937 *_DelSearch AA4C *_DisposPixMap AA04 _DrawNew A90F _DeltaPoint A94F *_DisposPixPat AA08 _DrawPicture A8F6 _Dequeue A96E _DisposPtr A01F _DrawString A884 _DetachResource A992 _DisposRgn A8D9 _DrawText A885 _DialogSelect A980 _DisposWindow A914 _DrvrInstall A03D _DiffRgn A8E6 *_DoVBLTask A072 _DrvrRemove A03E _DisableItem A93A _DragControl A967 *_DTInstall A082 *_DispMCEntries AA63 _DragGrayRgn A905 *_DisposCCursor AA26 _DragTheRgn A926 E _Eject A017 _Enqueue A96F _EraseRect A8A3 _Elems68K A9EC _EqualPt A881 _EraseRgn A8D4 _EmptyHandle A02B _EqualRect A8A6 _EraseRoundRect A8B2 _EmptyRect A8AE _EqualRgn A8E3 _ErrorSound A98C _EmptyRgn A8E2 _EraseArc A8C0 _EventAvail A971 _EnableItem A939 _EraseOval A8B9 _ExitToShell A9F4 _EndUpdate A923 _ErasePoly A8C8 F _FillArc A8C2 _Fix2Long A840 _Frac2X A845 *_FillCArc AA11 _Fix2X A843 _FracCos A847 *_FillCOval AA0F _FixAtan2 A818 _FracDiv A84B *_FillCPoly AA13 _FixDiv A84D _FracMul A84A *_FillCRect AA0E _FixMul A868 _FracSin A848 *_FillCRgn AA12 _FixRatio A869 _FracSqrt A849 *_FillCRoundRect AA10 _FixRound A86C _FrameArc A8BE _FillOval A8BB _FlashMenuBar A94C _FrameOval A8B7 _FillPoly A8CA _FlushEvents A032 _FramePoly A8C6 _FillRect A8A5 _FlushFile A045 _FrameRect A8A1 _FillRgn A8D6 _FlushVol A013 _FrameRgn A8D2 _FillRoundRect A8B4 _FMSwapFont A901 _FrameRoundRect A9B0 _FindControl A96C _FontMetrics A835 _FreeAlert A98A _FindDItem A984 _ForeColor A862 _FreeDialog A97A _FindWindow A92C _FP68K A9EB _FreeMem A01C _Fix2Frac A841 _Frac2Fix A842 _FrontWindow A924 G Name Trap Name Trap Name Trap ------------------ ---- ------------------ ---- ------------------ ---- _Get1IxResource A80E *_GetGDevice AA32 _GetOSEvent A031 _Get1IxType A80F _GetHandleSize A025 _GetPattern A9B8 _Get1NamedResource A820 GetIcon A9BB _GetPen A89A _Get1Resource A81F *_GetIndADB A078 _GetPenState A898 *_GetADBInfo A079 _GetIndResource A99D _GetPicture A9BC _GetAppParms A9F5 _GetIndType A99F _GetPixel A865 *_GetAuxCtl AA44 _GetItem A946 *_GetPixPat AA0C *_GetAuxWin AA42 *_GetItemCmd A84E _GetPort A874 *_GetBackColor AA1A _GetIText A990 _GetPtrSize A021 *_GetCCursor AA1B _GetItmIcon A93F _GetResAttrs A9A6 *_GetCIcon AA1E _GetItmMark A943 _GetResFileAttrs A9F6 _GetClip A87A _GetItmStyle A941 _GetResInfo A9A8 *_GetCPixel AA17 _GetKeys A976 _GetResource A9A0 _GetCRefCon A95A *_GetMainDevice AA2A _GetRMenu A9BF *_GetCTable AA18 _GetMaxCtl A962 _GetScrap A9FD _GetCTitle A95E *_GetMaxDevice AA27 _GetString A9BA _GetCtlAction A96A *_GetMCEntry AA64 *_GetSubTable AA37 _GetCtlValue A960 *_GetMCInfo AA61 _GetTrapAddress A146 _GetCursor A9B9 _GetMenuBar A93B *_GetVideoDefault A080 *_GetCVariant A809 _GetMHandle A949 _GetVol A014 *_GetCWMgrPort AA48 _GetMinCtl A961 _GetVolInfo A007 *_GetDefaultStartup A07D _GetMouse A972 _GetWindowPic A92F *_GetDeviceList AA29 _GetNamedResource A9A1 _GetWMgrPort A910 _GetDItem A98D _GetNewControl A9BE _GetWRefCon A917 _GetEOF A011 *_GetNewCWindow AA46 _GetWTitle A919 _GetFileInfo A00C _GetNewDialog A97C *_GetWVariant A80A _GetFName A8FF _GetNewMBar A9C0 _GetZone A11A _GetFNum A900 _GetNewWindow A9BD _GlobalToLocal A871 _GetFontInfo A88B *_GetNextDevice AA2B _GrafDevice A872 *_GetForeColor AA19 _GetNextEvent A970 _GrowWindow A92B _GetFPos A018 *_GetOSDefault A084 H Name Trap Name Trap Name Trap ------------------ ---- ------------------ ---- ------------------ ---- _HandAndHand A9E4 _HideDItem A827 _HLock A029 _HandleZone A126 _HidePen A896 _HNoPurge A04A _HandToHand A9E1 _HideWindow A916 _HomeResFile A9A4 _HClrRBit A068 *_HiliteColor AA22 _HPurge A049 _HFSDispatch A260 _HiliteControl A95D _HSetRBit A067 _HGetState A069 _HiliteMenu A938 _HSetState A06A _HideControl A958 _HiliteWindow A91C _HUnlock A02A _HideCursor A852 _HiWord A86A I *_Index2Color AA34 _InitPort A86D *_InternalWait A07F _InfoScrap A9F9 *_InitProcMenu A808 _InvalRect A928 _InitAllPacks A9E6 _InitQueue A016 _InvalRgn A927 _InitApplZone A02C _InitResources A995 _InverRect A8A4 *_InitCport AA01 _InitUtil A03F _InverRgn A8D5 _InitCursor A850 _InitWindows A912 _InverRoundRect A8B3 _InitDialogs A97B _InitZone A019 _InvertArc A8C1 _InitFonts A8FE _InsertMenu A935 *_InvertColor AA35 *_InitGDevice AA2E _InsertResMenu A951 _InvertOval A8BA _InitGraf A86E _InsetRect A8A9 _InvertPoly A8C9 _InitMenus A930 _InsetRgn A8E1 _IsDialogEvent A97F _InitPack A9E5 _InsMenuItem A826 K *_KeyTrans A9C3 _KillIO A006 _KillPoly A8CD _KillControls A956 _KillPicture A8F5 L _Launch A9F2 _LoadSeg A9F0 _LongMul A867 _Line A892 _LocalToGlobal A870 _LoWord A86B _LineTo A891 _LodeScrap A9FB _LoadResource A9A2 _Long2Fix A83F M *_MakeITable AA39 _MaxMem A11D _MountVol A00F *_MakeRGBPat AA0D _MaxSizeRsrc A821 _Move A894 _MapPoly A8FC _MeasureText A837 _MoveControl A959 _MapPt A8F9 *_MenuChoice AA66 _MoveHHi A064 _MapRect A8FA _MenuKey A93E _MovePortTo A877 _MapRgn A8FB _MenuSelect A93D _MoveTo A893 _MaxApplZone A063 _ModalDialog A991 _MoveWindow A91B _MaxBlock A061 _MoreMasters A036 _Munger A9E0 N *_NewCDialog AA4B *_NewGDevice AA2F _NewPtr A11E _NewControl A954 _NewHandle A122 _NewRgn A8D8 *_NewCWindow AA45 _NewMenu A931 _NewString A906 _NewDialog A97D *_NewPixMap AA03 _NewWindow A913 _NewEmptyHandle A066 *_NewPixPat AA07 _NoteAlert A987 O _ObscureCursor A856 _Open A000 _OpenResFile A997 _Offline A035 *_OpenCport AA00 _OpenRF A00A _OffsetPoly A8CE _OpenDeskAcc A9B6 _OpenRFPerm A9C4 _OffsetRect A8A8 _OpenPicture A8F3 _OpenRgn A8DA _OfsetRgn A8E0 _OpenPoly A8CB _OSEventAvail A030 *_OpColor AA21 _OpenPort A86F P _Pack0 A9E7 _PaintArc A8BF _PlotIcon A94B _Pack1 A9E8 _PaintBehind A90D *_PopUpMenuSelect A80B _Pack2 A9E9 _PaintOne A90C _PortSize A876 _Pack3 A9EA _PaintOval A8B8 _PostEvent A02F _Pack4 A9EB _PaintPoly A8C7 _PPostEvent A12F _Pack5 A9EC _PaintRect A8A2 *_ProtectEntry AA3D _Pack6 A9ED _PaintRgn A8D3 _Pt2Rect A8AC _Pack7 A9EE _PaintRoundRect A8B1 _PtInRect A8AD _Pack8 A816 _ParamText A98B _PtInRgn A8E8 _Pack9 A82B _PenMode A89C _PtrAndHand A9EF _Pack10 A82C _PenNormal A89E _PtrToHand A9E3 _Pack11 A82D _PenPat A89D _PtrToXHand A9E2 _Pack12 A82E *_PenPixPat AA0A _PtrZone A148 _Pack13 A82F _PenSize A89B _PtToAngle A8C3 _Pack14 A830 _PicComment A8F2 _PurgeMem A04D _Pack15 A831 _PinRect A94E _PurgeSpace A062 _PackBits A8CF *_PlotCIcon AA1F _PutScrap A9FE Q *_QDError AA40 R _Random A861 _RectRgn A8DF *_RGBForeColor AA14 _RDrvrInstall A04F _ReleaseResource A9A3 *_RGetResource A80C _Read A002 _RelString A050 *_RmveReference A9AE _ReadDateTime A039 _Rename A00B _RmveResource A9AD *_RealColor AA36 _ResError A9AF _RsrcMapEntry A9C5 _RealFont A902 *_ReserveEntry AA3E _RsrcZoneInit A996 _ReallocHandle A027 _ResrvMem A040 _RstFilLock A042 _RecoverHandle A128 *_RestoreEntries AA4A _RectInRgn A8E9 *_RGBBackColor AA15 S Name Trap Name Trap Name Trap ------------------ ---- ------------------ ---- ------------------ ---- *_SaveEntries AA49 *_SetGDevice AA31 _ShowPen A897 _SaveOld A90E _SetHandleSize A024 _ShowWindow A915 _ScalePt A8F8 _SetItem A947 *_Shutdown A895 *_ScriptUtil A8B5 *_SetItemCmd A84F *_SIntInstall A075 _ScrollRect A8EF _SetIText A98F *_SIntRemove A076 _SCSIDispatch A815 _SetItmIcon A940 _SizeControl A95C _Secs2Date A9C6 _SetItmMark A944 _SizeRsrc A9A5 _SectRect A8AA _SetItmStyle A942 _SizeWindow A91D _SectRgn A8E4 _SetMaxCtl A965 _SlopeFromAngle A8BC *_SeedCFill AA50 *_SetMCEntries AA65 *_SlotManager A06E _SeedFill A839 *_SetMCInfo AA62 *_SlotVInstall A06F _SelectWindow A91F _SetMenuBar A93C *_SlotVRemove A070 _SelIText A97E _SetMFlash A94A _SpaceExtra A88E _SendBehind A921 _SetMinCtl A964 _StackSpace A065 *_SetADBInfo A07A _SetOrigin A878 _Status A005 _SetAppBase A057 *_SetOSDefault A083 _StdArc A8BD _SetApplLimit A02D _SetPBits A875 _StdBits A8EB *_SetCCursor AA1C _SetPenState A899 _StdComment A8F1 *_SetClientID AA3C _SetPort A873 _StdGetPic A8EE _SetClip A879 _SetPt A880 _StdLine A890 *_SetCPixel AA16 _SetPtrSize A020 _StdOval A8B6 *_SetCPortPix AA06 _SetRecRgn A8DE _StdPoly A8C5 _SetCRefCon A95B _SetRect A8A7 _StdPutPic A8F0 _SetCTitle A95F _SetResAttrs A9A7 _StdRect A8A0 _SetCtlAction A96B _SetResFileAttrs A9F7 _StdRgn A8D1 *_SetCtlColor AA43 _SetResInfo A9A9 _StdRRect A8AF _SetCtlValue A963 _SetResLoad A99B _StdText A882 _SetCursor A851 _SetResPurge A993 _StdTxMeas A8ED _SetDateTime A03A _SetStdProcs A8EA _StillDown A973 *_SetDefaultStartup A07E _SetString A907 _StopAlert A986 *_SetDeskCPat AA47 _SetTrapAddress A047 _StringWidth A88C *_SetDeviceAttribute AA2D *_SetVideoDefault A081 *_StripAddress A055 _SetDItem A98E _SetVol A015 _StuffHex A866 _SetEmptyRgn A8DD *_SetWinColor AA41 _SubPt A87F *_SetEntries AA3F _SetWindowPic A92E *_SwapMMUMode A05D _SetEOF A012 _SetWRefCon A918 _SysBeep A9C8 _SetFileInfo A00D _SetWTitle A91A _SysEdit A9C2 _SetFilLock A041 _SetZone A01B *_SysEnvirons A090 _SetFilType A043 _ShieldCursor A855 _SysError A9C9 _SetFontLock A903 _ShowControl A957 _SystemClick A9B3 _SetFPos A044 _ShowCursor A853 _SystemEvent A9B2 _SetFScaleDisable A834 _ShowDItem A828 _SystemMenu A9B5 _SetGrowZone A04B _ShowHide A908 _SystemTask A9B4 T _TEActivate A9D8 _TEInit A9CC *_TEStyleNew A83E _TEAutoView A813 _TEInsert A9DE _TEUpdate A9D3 _TECalText A9D0 _TEKey A9DC _TextBox A9CE _TEClick A9D4 _TENew A9D2 _TextFace A888 _TECopy A9D5 _TEPaste A9DB _TextFont A887 _TECut A9D6 _TEPinScroll A812 _TextMode A889 _TEDeactivate A9D9 _TEScroll A9DD _TextSize A88A _TEDelete A9D7 _TESelView A811 _TextWidth A886 *_TEDispatch A83D _TESetJust A9DF _TickCount A975 _TEDispose A9CD _TESetSelect A9D1 _TrackBox A83B *_TEGetOffset A83C _TESetText A9CF _TrackControl A968 _TEGetText A9CB _TestControl A966 _TrackGoAway A91E _TEIdle A9DA *_TestDeviceAttribute AA2C U _UnionRect A8AB _UnlodeScrap A9FA _UpdtDialog A978 _UnionRgn A8E5 _UnmountVol A00E _UprString A054 _Unique1ID A810 _UnpackBits A8D0 _UseResFile A998 _UniqueID A9C1 _UpdateResFile A999 _UnloadSeg A9F1 _UpdtControl A953 V _ValidRect A92A _VInstall A033 _ValidRgn A929 _VRemove A034 W _WaitMouseUp A977 _WriteParam A038 _Write A003 _WriteResource A9B0 X _X2Fix A844 _X2Frac A846 _XorRgn A8E7 Z _ZeroScrap A9FC _ZoomWindow A83A Below is a list of all system traps which represent multiple routines. These traps decide which routine to execute by looking for a routine number: either on the stack (stack-based) or in register D0 (register-based). All traps with the exception of InternalWait expect the routine number to be passed as a 16-bit unsigned word. InternalWait looks for a 32-bit routine number. To call an individual routine, the routine number must be either pushed on the stack or placed in register D0 (following the method expected by its parent trap). Note that all Macintosh Packages (PACK) are stack-based. ******************************************************************************** _PACK 0 - $A9E7 LIST MANAGER Stack-based NOTE: First appeared in System 3.2 Sel = Routine Selector ID value (selects individual routine in the package) Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- LActivate 0 LDelRow 36 LNextCell 72 LAddColumn 4 LDispose 40 LRect 76 LAddRow 8 LDoDraw 44 LScroll 80 LAddToCell 12 LDraw 48 LSearch 84 LAutoScroll 16 LFind 52 LSetCell 88 LCellSize 20 LGetCell 56 LSetSelect 92 LClick 24 LGetSelect 60 LSize 96 LClrCell 28 LLastClick 64 LUpdate 100 LDelColumn 32 LNew 68 ******************************************************************************** _PACK 1 - $A9E8 Reserved ******************************************************************************** _PACK 2 - $A9E9 DISK INITIALIZATION Stack-based Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- DIBadMount 0 DILoad 2 DIVerify 8 DIFormat 6 DIUnload 4 DIZero 10 ******************************************************************************** _PACK 3 - $A9EA STANDARD FILE Stack-based Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- SFGetFile 2 SFPPutFile 3 SFPGetFile 4 SFPutFile 1 ******************************************************************************** _PACK 4 - $A9EB FLOATING-POINT MATH Stack-based NOTE: The Standard Apple Numerics Environment (SANE) declares a second name for this trap: _FP68K. SANE also requires the data type of routine parameters; this is accomplished by setting certain high bits of the routine number (and altering the 16-bit value). The numbers listed below, with all high bits clear, will work for 80-bit extended-precision floating-point param- eters. See the Apple Numerics Manual for more information. Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- FOABS 15 FOLOGB 26 FOGETENV 3 FOADD 0 FOMUL 4 FOSETHV 5 FOB2D 11 FONEG 13 FOSETXCP 21 FOCLASS 28 FONEXT 19 FOSQRT 18 FOCMP 8 FOPROCENTRY 23 FOSUB 2 FOCPX 10 FOPROCEXIT 25 FOTESTXCP 27 FOCPYSGN 17 FOREM 12 FOTTI 22 FOD2B 9 FORTI 20 FOX2Z 16 FODIV 6 FOSCALB 24 FOZ2X 14 FOGETHV 7 FOSETENV 1 ******************************************************************************** _PACK 5 - $A9EC TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS Stack-based NOTE: SANE declares a second name for this trap: _Elems68K. Also, SANE treats these routines in the same manner as FP68K / Pack4. See the Apple Numerics Manual for more information. Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- FOANNUITY 49174 FOEXP1X 12 FORANDX 32 FOATANX 30 FOEXP21X 14 FOSINX 24 FOCOMPOUND 49172 FOLNX 0 FOTANX 28 FOCOSX 26 FOLN1X 4 FOXPWRI 32784 FOEXPX 8 FOLOG21X 6 FOXPWRY 32786 FOEXP2X 10 FOLOG2X 2 ******************************************************************************** _PACK 6 - $A9ED INTERNATIONAL UTILITIES Stack-based Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- IUDatePString 14 IUMagIDString 12 IUSetIntl 8 IUDateString 0 IUMagString 10 IUTimePString 16 IUGetIntl 6 IUMetric 4 IUTimeString 2 ******************************************************************************** _PACK 7 = $A9EE BINARY/DECIMAL CONVERSION Stack-based NOTE: SANE declares a second name for this trap: _DecStr68K, and uses routines 2, 3, and 4. No high bits are required by SANE for these routines, unlike packages 4 and 5. Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- CStr2Dec 4 NumToString 0 StringToNum 1 Dec2Str 3 PStr2Dec 2 ******************************************************************************** _HFSDispatch = $A260 Register-based Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- CloseWD 2 GetFCBInfo 8 SetCatInfo 10 CatMove 5 GetWDInfo 7 SetVolInfo 11 DirCreate 6 LockRng 16 UnlockRng 17 GetCatInfo 9 OpenWD 1 ******************************************************************************** _SCSIDispatch = $A815 Stack-based Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- SCSICmd 3 *SCSIMsgOut 13 SCSISelect 2 SCSIComplete 4 SCSIRBlind 8 SCSIStat 10 SCSIGet 1 SCSIRead 5 SCSIWBlind 9 SCSIInstall 7 SCSIReset 0 SCSIWrite 6 *SCSIMsgIn 12 *SCSISelAtn 11 ******************************************************************************** *_InternalWait $A07F basis unknown NOTE: This trap was listed in Inside Macintosh without an accompanying description. Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- SetTimeout 0 GetTimeout 1 ******************************************************************************** *_ScriptUtil $A8B5 stack-based [long] NOTE: Routine number expected to be a 32-bit long integer on stack Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- smChar2Pixel 22 smFontScript 0 smMeasureJust 32 smCharByte 16 smGetEnvirons 8 smPixel2Char 20 smCharType 18 smGetScript 12 smSetEnvirons 10 smDrawJust 30 smHiliteText 28 smSetScript 14 smFindWord 26 smIntlScript 2 smTranslit 24 smFont2Script 6 smKybdScript 4 ******************************************************************************** *_Shutdown $A895 Stack-based Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ShutDwnInstall 3 ShutDwnRemove 4 ShutDwnPower 1 ShutDwnStart 2 ******************************************************************************** *_SlotManager $A06E Register-based Name Sel Name Sel Name Sel ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- ----------------- ----- InitPRAMRecs 37 sFindsRsrcPtr 48 sReadByte 0 InitSDec1Mgr 32 sFindStruct 6 sReadDrvrName 25 InitsRsrcTable 41 sGetBlock 5 sReadInfo 16 sCalcsPointer 44 sGetcString 3 sReadLong 2 sCalcStep 40 sGetDriver 45 sReadPBSize 38 sCardChanged 34 sNextRsrc 20 sReadPRAMRec 17 sCkCardStatus 24 sNextTypesRsrc 21 sReadStruct 7 sdeleteSRTRec 49 sOffsetData 36 sReadWord 1 sDisposePtr 23 sPrimaryInit 33 sRsrcInfo 22 sExec 35 sPtrToSlot 46 sSearchSRT 42 sFindDevBase 27 sPutPRAMRec 18 sUpdateSRT 43 sFindsInfoRecPtr 47 sReadFHeader 19 ******************************************************************************** PART 4 Unit Table Entries (Device Driver) ID Driver Name ID Driver Name ---- -------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------- 0 [reserved] 8 .BOut (Printer port async out) 1 hard disk driver (MacXL/HD20) 9 .MPP (AppleTalk) 2 .Print 10 .ATP (AppleTalk) 3 .Sound 11 [reserved] 4 .Sony (disk driver) 12-26 desk accessories in System file 5 .AIn (Modem port async in) 27-31 desk accessories in appl files 6 .AOut (Modem port async out) 32-39 SCSI drivers 0-7 7 .BIn (Printer port async in) 40-47 [reserved] PART 5 Font Numbers for Apple(R) Screen Fonts Font Name Font Num Rsrc ID Font Name Font Num Rrsc ID ------------------- -------- ------- ------------------- -------- ------- Chicago 0 0 [reserved] 13 1664 1 128 [reserved] 14 1792 New York 2 256 [reserved] 15 1920 Geneva 3 384 [reserved] 16 2048 Monaco 4 512 [reserved] 17 2176 Venice 5 640 [reserved] 18 2304 London 6 768 [reserved] 19 2432 Athens 7 896 Times Roman 20 2560 San Francisco 8 1024 Helvetica 21 2688 Toronto 9 1152 Courier 22 2816 Seattle 10 1280 Symbol 23 2944 Cairo 11 1408 Taliesin 24 3072 Los Angeles 12 1536 [reserved] 25 3200 NOTES: 1. Font numbers 0-127 are reserved for future Apple fonts. 2. Font numbers 128-383 are reserved for vendor assignments. 3. Font numbers 384-511 available for use by anyone. 4. Old copies of Apple's Font/DA Mover (older than version 3.x) will not handle fonts that have negative resource ID's (i.e. font numbers 256 and up), affecting half the font numbers reserved for vendors and all of the general- use font numbers. PART 6 Power-up/Reset Memory Tests (PICT deleted) When the Mac is first turned on, it performs several internal tests before displaying the insert disk icon. Although Apple never published details about these tests, this information was leaked to the public soon after the Mac's introduction in 1984. Every time the Mac performs a cold start, usually when power is first applied (or even after a bad system crash), the boot code in the ROM executes 5 memory tests. The first one is a ROM self-test, and the remaining four test the RAM. If any of these tests fail, obviously the Mac in question will need logic board repairs. To help their technicians diagnose the trouble, Apple distributed a diagram similar to the one above. The diagram was released for the first Mac motherboard, used in the old 128K and 512K Macs. To the best of my knowledge, Apple has not released diagrams for Macs built with SIMM RAM modules (Mac Plus and all later models). But I do understand that Apple used a chip-numbering system for SIMMs similar to the one used for the soldered-in RAM chips of the original motherboards. The sad-Mac screen is used to report memory test failures on all Mac models. The sad-Mac screen itself is generated by the System Error Handler when it doesn't have the normal system error box loaded (such as before the Mac can boot, or after a bad enough crash). Below the sad-Mac icon are 6 hexadecimal digits which describe the system error. For memory test failures, the first two hex digits always report the test number. The second pair of digits represent the chips in row 'G' on the mother- board (see diagram), and the last pair of digits describe row 'H'. Starting from the left, each bit corresponds to a particular chip. If the chip is bad, the bit is set to '1', otherwise the bit is zero. For system errors, the first pair of hex digits will always be a 0F. The last four digits represent the error code (which will be the normal system error ID code converted into hex). The table below lists both the 0F and its associated error IDs (listed as processor errors): Test Number and Description Table Number Test Details Error Code ------- -------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------- 01 Memtest ROM test failed (meaningless) 02 Memtest Bus subtest Identity of suspected bad RAM chip(s) 03 Memtest ByteWrite Identity of suspected bad RAM chip(s) 04 Memtest Mod3test Identity of suspected bad RAM chip(s) 05 Memtest Add uniqueness Identity of suspected bad RAM chip(s) 06 - 0E Unused N/A N/A 0F Exception MC68000 error Processor error (listed below) 0001 Bus Error 0007 privilege violation 0002 address error 0008 trace 0003 illegal instruction 0009 A-trap 0004 zero divide 000A F-trap 0005 check instruction 000B other exceptions 0006 trapv instruction 000D NMI (interrupt button) PART 7A Standard ASCII Chart This ASCII chart is labeled in hexadecimal. The ASCII character code for any character is obtained by adding the character's row and column numbers, e.g. ASCII code for "g" is 60+7 or $67 hex. (PICT deleted) PART 7B ASCII Character Layout, Mac Plus Keyboard (PICT deleted) NOTE: Although there are several other Apple keyboard designs, the ASCII codes generated by their keys will largely follow the pattern used by the Macintosh Plus keyboard. (PICT deleted)