cpu ns32016 bbg_cap1 capacitor !1000 pf disc ceramic bbg_cap2 capacitor !1mf tantalum +=pin2 mmu ns32082 fpu ns32081 icu ns32202 tcu ns32201 rst_sw switch !spst normally open rst_cap capacitor !10uf rst_diode diode !anode = pin2 rst_res resistor !10k tcu_osc oscillator !14 pin 16MHz or 20MHz ph1_cap capacitor !25pf ph2_cap capacitor !25pf eprom_e 27256 eprom_o 27256 sram_e 43256 sram_o 43256 mem_data_xcv_e 74f245 mem_data_xcv_o 74f245 io_data_xcv_e 74als245 !less load than 74f245 io_data_xcv_o 74als245 !this part can be deleted with current I/O adr_latch_l 74als373 !if available use 74als573 adr_latch_m 74als373 !if available use 74als573 adr_buf_h 74als244 !if available use 74als541 uart1 ns16450 uart2 ns16450 uart_xtal crystal !1.8433MHz uart_s_res resister !1.5k uart_p_res resister !1meg uart_cap1 capacitor !30pf uart_cap2 capacitor !60pf rs232_rcv 1489 rs232_drv 1488 io_decode1 74als133 dma_decode 74als133 io_decode2 74als138 or_1 74als32 invert_1 74als04 3st_buf1 74ls126 memcspal memcspal !PAL16L8 nmipal nmipal !PAL16R8 nmi_sw switch !momentary spdt 1=up 2=common 3=down sw_header dip_header !14 pin header for mounting discreet parts uart_header dip_header !16 pin header for mounting uart osc parts or_2 74ALS32 scsi_ctl NCR5380 !NCR SCSI controller sc_pullup1 resisters !9x220 ohm resister SIP sc_pullup2 resisters !9x220 ohm resister SIP sc_pulldown1 resisters !9x330 ohm resister SIP sc_pulldown2 resisters !9x330 ohm resister SIP sc_conn connector !50 pin for ribbon cable sc_diode diode !safety diode for SCSI termination supply dma_ctl ns32203 dramc DP8419 dramc_cap1 capacitor !1uf ceramic dramc_cap2 capacitor !tantilum dram_delay0 DDU-7-20 !20ns delay line dram_delay1 DDU-7-20 !20ns delay line use if needed rfshpal pal16r8 !refresh counter dramcpal pal16r6 !fast pal, dramc interface dram_mux 74as157 dram_drv 74as244 dram_term1 resister_pack !8 resisters 50ohm dram_term2 resister_pack !8 resisters 50ohm dram_term3 resister_pack !8 resisters 50ohm dram0 TC51100P-10 !megabit dram dram1 TC51100P-10 dram2 TC51100P-10 dram3 TC51100P-10 dram4 TC51100P-10 dram5 TC51100P-10 dram6 TC51100P-10 dram7 TC51100P-10 dram8 TC51100P-10 dram9 TC51100P-10 dram10 TC51100P-10 dram11 TC51100P-10 dram12 TC51100P-10 dram13 TC51100P-10 dram14 TC51100P-10 dram15 TC51100P-10 fdc 82072 !Intel fd_drv1 74ls38 fd_drv2 7406 fd_rcv 74ls14 fd_osc oscillator !24MHz with 2.2K pullup for CMOS levels fd_conn connector !34 pin ribbon fd_pullup resister_pack !300-2.2K 15 resister common rail