The ARM Evaluation System came with six 5¼" floppy discs, containing software for the system. The discs are all 640K ADFS L format (double-sided double-density 80-track).
The discs, which I've made available here, are:
Disc 1 | TWIN and ASSEMBLER | TWIN ("Two Window Editor"), ObjAsm (produces Acorn Object Format files), AAsm (produces native ARM files) |
Disc 2 | Utilities 1 | 12 programs, mainly utilities to compare text/binary files, decode chunk or object files, merge files, test memory, etc |
Disc 3 | Utilities 2 BASIC |
FPE, ARM BASIC, linker, a debugger, and du and rm |
Disc 4 | Cambridge LISP | |
Disc 5 | PROLOG | |
Disc 6 | FORTRAN 77 |
The contents of each disc are stored uncompressed, and with the correct file attributes, in a ZIP file, which can be read on an Archimedes, or even on a BBC Micro using J.G.Harston's BBCZip program suite (which is what I used to create the ZIP files on my A440) or Sprow's unZIP program, which will run on a BBC Micro, an Archimedes or a RISC PC. See Sprow's BBC webpage to get the documentation. The discs aren't unusual in any way (as far as I can see) so those who need them can simply download the files and unpack them onto formatted ADFS L floppies. To make life even easier, here's a PostScript file containing the labels for the discs.
Should anyone need it, I also made a dump of the coprocessor's boot rom. This is a 16KB binary image, which could be burnt into a 27128 EPROM.
The reason I've made these files available is that I've found several people have the ARM Evaluation System hardware, but no software. Of those that do have software, some have only Discs 1 to 3. To add insult to injury, it seems that a batch was produced with a track fault on Disc 1 (in the middle of ObjAsm). My set had this problem, and I'm grateful to Mike Bennett for making his set available to me, and via this page, to others who need them.
Pete Turnbull, October 2003