/ Crobe by Jonathan R. Partington / / This game (c) Copyright J. R. Partington, but freely distributable. / / To quote the author: / / "Personally, I am happy for people to convert the games for any system / they like, as long as they give due acknowledgements (and don't / attempt to make any money out of them without consulting me first!)" ***************** JRP1.N.CROBE:INIT ***************** / INITIAL PART OF DATABASE / ------------------------ / !POSSESSIONS ROAD1 FISH !POSSESSIONS ROAD2 PLAYER !POSSESSIONS ROAD4 WITCH !POSSESSIONS ROAD6 THRONE PRINCESS !POSSESSIONS ROAD7 FIRE POLE MYSTIC !POSSESSIONS ROAD8 STATUE !POSSESSIONS CROBE3 FLOUR !POSSESSIONS CROBE4 ZOMBIE !POSSESSIONS CROBE8 ACCORDION !POSSESSIONS CHAMBER CYCLOPS CRYSTAL !POSSESSIONS SHIM1 SHARI !POSSESSIONS SAFE1 MURAL !POSSESSIONS DEND1 BOOK !POSSESSIONS DEND4 BALLS !POSSESSIONS SAFE2 INGOT !POSSESSIONS CORR9 WRAITH OPAL !POSSESSIONS DEND3 PLANT !POSSESSIONS CORR3 POTION !POSSESSIONS MAD9 CONSTABLE !POSSESSIONS MINE9 SALVER !POSSESSIONS PASS3 ANVIL SWORD !POSSESSIONS XROAD TALISMAN !POSSESSIONS DEND2 FAN !POSSESSIONS DEND5 DIAMOND SIGN !POSSESSIONS TROLLH2 TROLL !POSSESSIONS TROLLH3 KARG !POSSESSIONS DEND6 JADE !POSSESSIONS ALCHEM VAT !POSSESSIONS STORE2 MINK !POSSESSIONS NAGAR1 NAGA !POSSESSIONS NAGAR2 MAGNET !PROP ROAD1 LIGHT WATERY !PROP ROAD2 LIGHT !PROP ROAD3 LIGHT !PROP ROAD4 LIGHT !PROP ROAD5 LIGHT !PROP ROAD6 LIGHT SOFT WATERY !PROP ROAD7 LIGHT !PROP ROAD8 LIGHT !PROP CROBE1 LIGHT !PROP CROBE2 LIGHT !PROP CROBE3 LIGHT !PROP CROBE4 LIGHT !PROP CROBE5 LIGHT !PROP CROBE6 LIGHT !PROP CROBE7 LIGHT !PROP CROBE8 LIGHT !PROP BEACH1 LIGHT SOFT WATERY !PROP BEACH2 LIGHT SOFT WATERY !PROP BEACH3 LIGHT SOFT WATERY !PROP BEACH4 LIGHT !PROP PASS3 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP MARSH1 DISORIENT SOFT WATERY !PROP MARSH2 DISORIENT SOFT VISITED WATERY !PROP MARSH3 DISORIENT SOFT VISITED WATERY !PROP MARSH4 DISORIENT SOFT VISITED WATERY !PROP MARSH5 DISORIENT SOFT VISITED WATERY !PROP MARSH6 DISORIENT SOFT VISITED WATERY !PROP MARSH7 DISORIENT SOFT VISITED WATERY !PROP MARSH8 DISORIENT SOFT VISITED WATERY !PROP MAD1 DISORIENT LIGHT !PROP MAD2 VISITED LIGHT !PROP MAD3 VISITED !PROP MAD4 VISITED !PROP MAD5 VISITED !PROP MAD6 VISITED !PROP MAD7 VISITED !PROP MAD8 VISITED !PROP MAD10 VISITED !PROP MAD11 VISITED !PROP MAD12 VISITED !PROP MAD13 VISITED !PROP MAD14 VISITED !PROP MAD15 VISITED !PROP MAD16 VISITED !PROP MAD17 VISITED !PROP MAD18 VISITED !PROP BEACH5 LIGHT SOFT WATERY !PROP BEACH6 LIGHT SOFT WATERY !PROP MINE2 VISITED !PROP MINE3 VISITED !PROP MINE4 VISITED !PROP MINE5 VISITED !PROP MINE6 VISITED !PROP MINE7 VISITED !PROP MINE8 VISITED !PROP TROLLH1 LIGHT !PROP TROLLH2 LIGHT !PROP TROLLH3 LIGHT !PROP XROAD LIGHT OKMAG !PROP ALCHEM LIGHT OKMAG !PROP SROOM1 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP SROOM2 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP SROOM3 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP SROOM4 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP SROOM5 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP SROOM6 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP PASS4 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP NAGAR2 LIGHT OKMAG !PROP YROAD LIGHT OKMAG !PROP ZROAD OKMAG !PROP NAGAR1 OKMAG !PROP WITCH NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP THRONE NOTAKE TREASURE !PROP PRINCESS NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP FROG ANIMATE !PROP POLE NOTAKE !PROP FIRE NOTAKE !PROP MYSTIC NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP STATUE NOTAKE !PROP CYCLOPS NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP CRYSTAL LIGHT TREASURE !PROP SHARI NOTAKE !PROP MURAL NOTAKE !PROP BLUE LIGHT NOTAKE !PROP WHITE LIGHT NOTAKE !PROP WARDEN NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP INGOT TREASURE !PROP ZOMBIE NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP CROWN TREASURE !PROP OPAL TREASURE !PROP WRAITH NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP AQUAMARINE TREASURE !PROP SILK TREASURE !PROP CONSTABLE NOTAKE ANIMATE LIGHT !PROP HANGMAN NOTAKE ANIMATE LIGHT !PROP IMP NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP COIN TREASURE !PROP SAILOR NOTAKE LIGHT ANIMATE !PROP SALVER TREASURE !PROP DUMMY NOTAKE !PROP SWORD LIGHT TREASURE NOTAKE !PROP DIAMOND TREASURE !PROP TROLL NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP KARG NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP SIGN NOTAKE !PROP JADE TREASURE !PROP KNIGHT NOTAKE LIGHT ANIMATE !PROP SWITCH NOTAKE !PROP ANVIL NOTAKE !PROP ROD TREASURE !PROP WAND TREASURE !PROP MAGNET TREASURE !PROP MINK TREASURE !PROP NAGA NOTAKE ANIMATE !PROP COPPER ELEMENT !PROP COBALT ELEMENT !PROP SILICON ELEMENT !PROP IRON ELEMENT !PROP PHOSPHORUS ELEMENT !PROP CARBON ELEMENT !PROP SULPHUR ELEMENT !PROP ALUMINIUM ELEMENT !PROP ARSENIC ELEMENT !PROP VAT NOTAKE !VAR STRENGTH 7 / Can carry 7 objects, !VAR OBJHELD 0 / and is not carrying any initially. !VAR LOC1 0 !VAR LOC2 0 !VAR LOC3 0 !VAR LOC4 0 !VAR LOC5 0 !VAR LOC6 0 !VAR LOC7 0 !VAR IMPVAR 0 !VAR VATVAR 0 !STATE COPPER 1 !STATE COBALT 1 !STATE SILICON 1 !STATE IRON 1 !STATE PHOSPHORUS 2 !STATE CARBON 2 !STATE SULPHUR 2 !STATE ALUMINIUM 3 !STATE ARSENIC 3 !END ***************** JRP1.N.CROBE:STAT ***************** / PRELIMINARY SECTION / ------------------- / !POSTCOMMAND POSTPROG !WELCOME WELCPROG / / Program-defined properties. / !PROPERTY LIGHT 0 / Light source (objects and rooms). !PROPERTY INVIS 1 / Invisibility (objects only). !PROPERTY HIDING 2 / Hides objects it holds (objects only). !PROPERTY VISITED 1 / Visited (rooms only). !PROPERTY DISORIENT 2 / "Disorientation" property (rooms only). / / User-defined properties. / !PROPERTY NOTAKE 3 / Cannot be taken (objects only). !PROPERTY SOFT 3 / rooms !PROPERTY TREASURE 4 / objects !PROPERTY WATERY 4 / rooms !PROPERTY ANIMATE 5 / objects !PROPERTY BLOCKED 5 / rooms !PROPERTY ELEMENT 6 / objects !PROPERTY OKMAG 6 / rooms / / Directions. / !DIRECTION B / Dummy direction to make GO BACK work. !DIRECTION D !DIRECTION E !DIRECTION N !DIRECTION NE !DIRECTION NW !DIRECTION S !DIRECTION SE !DIRECTION SW !DIRECTION U !DIRECTION W / / Special meanings of words. / !SPECIAL ALLSPEC / To detect the word "ALL". !SPECIAL INVSPEC / To detect the word "INVENTORY". !SPECIAL DOWNSPEC !SPECIAL FLAXSPEC !SPECIAL HEMPSPEC !SPECIAL JUTESPEC !SPECIAL HYMNSPEC !SPECIAL MAGICSPEC !SPECIAL WATERSPEC !SPECIAL CLIFFSPEC !SPECIAL BAGSPEC !SPECIAL ONOFFSPEC !SPECIAL FLOORSPEC !SPECIAL WORDSPEC / / Variables. / / The four workspace variables must appear first. !VARIABLE VAR0 !VARIABLE VAR1 !VARIABLE VAR2 !VARIABLE VAR3 / Now other variables. !VARIABLE OBJHELD !VARIABLE STRENGTH / !VARIABLE FLAXVAR !VARIABLE FROGVAR !VARIABLE LOC1 / most recent !VARIABLE LOC2 !VARIABLE LOC3 !VARIABLE LOC4 !VARIABLE LOC5 !VARIABLE LOC6 !VARIABLE LOC7 !VARIABLE IMPVAR !VARIABLE SWVAR !VARIABLE VATVAR / / OBJECTS SECTION / --------------- / / Player must be first object. !OBJECT PLAYER HOLDING HOLDING HOLDING !OBJECT ACCORDION ACCORDM1 ACCORDM2 ACCORDM1 !OBJECT FLOUR FLOURM1 FLOURM2 FLOURM1 !OBJECT WITCH MNULL MNULL MNULL !OBJECT PRINCESS PRINCM1 MNULL PRINCM1 !OBJECT THRONE THRONEM1 THRONEM2 THRONEM1 !OBJECT MYSTIC MYSTICM1 MNULL MYSTICM1 !OBJECT POLE POLEM1 MNULL POLEM1 !OBJECT FIRE FIREM1 MNULL FIREM1 !OBJECT STATUE STATUEM1 MNULL STATUEM1 !OBJECT FISH FISHM1 FISHM2 FISHM1 !OBJECT FROG FROGM1 FROGM2 FROGM1 !OBJECT CYCLOPS CYCLOPSM MNULL CYCLOPSM !OBJECT CRYSTAL CRYSTAL1 CRYSTAL2 CRYSTAL1 !OBJECT SHARI SHARI1 MNULL SHARI1 !OBJECT MURAL MURAL1 MNULL MURAL1 !OBJECT BOOK BOOK1 BOOK2 BOOK1 !OBJECT WAND WAND1 WAND2 WAND1 !OBJECT BLUE BLUE1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT WHITE WHITE1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT WARDEN WARDEN1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT BALLS BALLS1 BALLS2 BALLS1 !OBJECT INGOT INGOT1 INGOT2 INGOT1 !OBJECT ZOMBIE ZOMBIE1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT WRAITH MNULL MNULL MNULL !OBJECT CROWN CROWN1 CROWN2 CROWN1 !OBJECT OPAL OPAL1 OPAL2 OPAL1 !OBJECT MACE MACE1 MACE2 MACE1 !OBJECT PLANT PLANT1 PLANT2 PLANT1 !OBJECT AQUAMARINE AQUAM1 AQUAM2 AQUAM1 !OBJECT POTION POTION1 POTION2 POTION1 !OBJECT SILK SILK1 SILK2 SILK1 !OBJECT CONSTABLE CONST1 MNULL CONST1 !OBJECT HANGMAN HANG1 MNULL HANG1 !OBJECT IMP IMP1 MNULL IMP1 !OBJECT COIN COIN1 COIN2 COIN1 !OBJECT SAILOR SAILOR1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT SALVER SALVER1 SALVER2 SALVER1 !OBJECT DUMMY MNULL MNULL MNULL !OBJECT SWORD SWORD1 SWORD2 SWORD1 !OBJECT TROLL TROLL1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT KARG KARG1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT FAN FAN1 FAN2 FAN1 !OBJECT DIAMOND DIAM1 DIAM2 DIAM1 !OBJECT TALISMAN TALIS1 TALIS2 TALIS1 !OBJECT SIGN SIGN1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT KNIGHT KNIGHT1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT JADE JADE1 JADE2 JADE1 !OBJECT SWITCH MNULL MNULL MNULL !OBJECT ANVIL ANVIL1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT VAT VAT1 MNULL MNULL !OBJECT SILICON SILIC1 SILIC2 SILIC1 !OBJECT IRON IRON1 IRON2 IRON1 !OBJECT COBALT COBALT1 COBALT2 COBALT1 !OBJECT COPPER COPPER1 COPPER2 COPPER1 !OBJECT CARBON CARBON1 CARBON2 CARBON1 !OBJECT PHOSPHORUS PHOS1 PHOS2 PHOS1 !OBJECT SULPHUR SULPH1 SULPH2 SULPH1 !OBJECT ALUMINIUM ALUM1 ALUM2 ALUM1 !OBJECT ARSENIC ARSEN1 ARSEN2 ARSEN1 !OBJECT ROD ROD1 ROD2 ROD1 !OBJECT MAGNET MAGNET1 MAGNET2 MAGNET1 !OBJECT MINK MINK1 MINK2 MINK1 !OBJECT NAGA NAGA1 MNULL NAGA1 / / ROOMS SECTION / ------------- / / Rooms for this database. !ROOM ROAD1 ROAD1M ROAD1W !ROOM ROAD2 ROAD2M ROAD2W !ROOM ROAD3 ROAD3M ROAD3W !ROOM ROAD4 ROAD4M ROAD4W !ROOM ROAD5 ROAD5M ROAD5W !ROOM ROAD6 ROAD6M ROAD6W !ROOM ROAD7 ROAD7M ROAD7W !ROOM ROAD8 ROAD8M ROAD8W !ROOM CROBE1 CROBE1M CROBE1W !ROOM CROBE2 CROBE2M CROBE2W !ROOM CROBE3 CROBE3M CROBE3W !ROOM CROBE4 CROBE4M CROBE4W !ROOM CROBE5 CROBE5M CROBE5W !ROOM CROBE6 CROBE6M CROBE6W !ROOM CROBE7 CROBE7M CROBE7W !ROOM CROBE8 CROBE8M CROBE8W !ROOM BEACH1 BEACH1M BEACH1W !ROOM BEACH2 BEACH2M BEACH2W !ROOM BEACH3 BEACH3M BEACH3W !ROOM BEACH4 BEACH4M BEACH4W !ROOM CHAMBER CHAMBERM CHAMBERW !ROOM DEND1 DENDM DENDM !ROOM DEND3 DENDM DENDM !ROOM DEND4 DENDM DENDM !ROOM SAFE1 SAFE1M SAFE1W !ROOM SHIM1 SHIM1M SHIM1W !ROOM PASS1 PASS1M PASS1W !ROOM PASS2 PASS2M PASS2W !ROOM PASS3 PASS3M PASS3W !ROOM GRADPAD MNULL MNULL !ROOM SAFE2 SAFE2M SAFE2W !ROOM CORR1 CORR1M CORR1W !ROOM CORR2 CORR2M CORR2W !ROOM CORR3 CORR3M CORR3W !ROOM CORR4 CORR4M CORR4W !ROOM CORR5 CORR5M CORR5W !ROOM CORR6 CORR6M CORR6W !ROOM CORR7 CORR7M CORR6W !ROOM CORR8 CORR8M CORR6W !ROOM CORR9 CORR9M CORR9W !ROOM ASTROL ASTROLM ASTROLW !ROOM MARSH1 MARSHM1 MARSHM2 !ROOM MARSH2 MARSHM1 MARSHM2 !ROOM MARSH3 MARSHM1 MARSHM2 !ROOM MARSH4 MARSHM1 MARSHM2 !ROOM MARSH5 MARSHM1 MARSHM2 !ROOM MARSH6 MARSHM1 MARSHM2 !ROOM MARSH7 MARSHM1 MARSHM2 !ROOM MARSH8 MARSHM1 MARSHM2 !ROOM MAD1 MADLM MADLW !ROOM MAD2 MADLM MADLW !ROOM MAD3 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD4 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD5 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD6 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD7 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD8 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD9 MADCM MADCW !ROOM MAD10 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD11 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD12 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD13 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD14 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD15 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD16 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD17 MADM MADW !ROOM MAD18 DENDM DENDM !ROOM GATEWAY GATEM GATEW !ROOM DEND5 DEND5M DEND5W !ROOM BEACH5 BEACH5M BEACH5W !ROOM BEACH6 BEACH6M BEACH6W !ROOM MINE1 MINEM MINEW !ROOM MINE2 MINEM MINEW !ROOM MINE3 MINEM MINEW !ROOM MINE4 MINEM MINEW !ROOM MINE5 MINEM MINEW !ROOM MINE6 MINEM MINEW !ROOM MINE7 MINEM MINEW !ROOM MINE8 MINEM MINEW !ROOM MINE9 MINE9M MINE9W !ROOM TUN1 TUNEM TUNEM !ROOM TUN2 TUNSM TUNSM !ROOM TUN3 TUNEM TUNEM !ROOM TUN4 TUNEM TUNEM !ROOM TUN5 TUNEM TUNEM !ROOM TUN6 TUNSM TUNSM !ROOM TUN7 TUNSM TUNSM !ROOM TUN8 TUNSM TUNSM !ROOM TUN9 TUNSM TUNSM !ROOM TUN10 TUNEM TUNEM !ROOM TUN11 TUNEM TUNEM !ROOM TUN12 TUNSM TUNSM !ROOM TUN13 TUNEM TUNEM !ROOM TUN14 TUNSM TUNSM !ROOM TUN15 TUNEM TUNEM !ROOM DEND2 DENDM DENDM !ROOM TROLLH1 TROLLH1M TROLLH1W !ROOM TROLLH2 TROLLH2M TROLLH2W !ROOM TROLLH3 TROLLH3M TROLLH3W !ROOM JOUST JOUSTM JOUSTW !ROOM DEND6 DEND6M DEND6W !ROOM ALCHEM ALCHEMM ALCHEMW !ROOM XROAD XROADM XROADW !ROOM SROOM1 SROOM1M SROOM1W !ROOM SROOM2 SROOM2M SROOM2M !ROOM SROOM3 SROOM3M SROOM3M !ROOM SROOM4 SROOM4M SROOM4M !ROOM SROOM5 SROOM5M SROOM5M !ROOM SROOM6 SROOM6M SROOM6M !ROOM YROAD YROADM YROADW !ROOM ZROAD ZROADM ZROADW !ROOM NAGAR1 NAGAR1M NAGAR1W !ROOM NAGAR2 NAGAR2M NAGAR2W !ROOM PASS4 PASS4M PASS4W !ROOM STORE1 STORE1M STORE1W !ROOM STORE2 STORE2M STORE2W !ROOM VATRM MNULL MNULL / work space! / / EXITS SECTION / ------------- / !EXIT ROAD1 E ROAD2 !EXIT ROAD2 E ROAD3 W ROAD1 N CROBE7 !EXIT ROAD3 E ROAD6 S ROAD4 WITCHPROG N ROAD5 W ROAD2 !EXIT ROAD4 N ROAD3 !EXIT ROAD5 S ROAD3 N ROAD7 !EXIT ROAD6 W ROAD3 !EXIT ROAD7 E ROAD8 S ROAD5 D ROAD7 JUMPDIE !EXIT ROAD8 W ROAD7 D ROAD8 JUMPDIE !EXIT CROBE1 E CROBE2 FE S CROBE4 FS !EXIT CROBE2 E CROBE3 FE SE CROBE5 FSE SW CROBE4 FSW W CROBE1 FW N BEACH1 FN !EXIT CROBE3 W CROBE2 FW S CROBE5 FS !EXIT CROBE4 N CROBE1 FN NE CROBE2 FNE SE CROBE7 FSE S CROBE6 FS !EXIT CROBE5 N CROBE3 FN NW CROBE2 FNW SW CROBE7 FSW S CROBE8 FS !EXIT CROBE6 N CROBE4 FN E CROBE7 FE !EXIT CROBE7 NW CROBE4 FNW NE CROBE5 FNE E CROBE8 FE W CROBE6 FW S ROAD2 FS !EXIT CROBE8 N CROBE5 FN W CROBE7 FW !EXIT BEACH1 S CROBE2 E BEACH2 BEACHCHK !EXIT BEACH2 W BEACH1 E BEACH3 CYCHECK2 !EXIT BEACH3 W BEACH2 SE BEACH4 CYCHECK !EXIT BEACH4 NW BEACH3 SE CHAMBER !EXIT CHAMBER NW BEACH4 N DEND1 SETBOOK E SHIM1 S SAFE1 SW PASS1 W DEND4 NE CORR1 SE CORR2 !EXIT DEND1 S CHAMBER !EXIT SHIM1 E DEND3 SHIMPROG W CHAMBER !EXIT DEND3 W SHIM1 !EXIT SAFE1 S SAFE2 SAFEPROG N CHAMBER !EXIT SAFE2 N SAFE1 !EXIT DEND4 E CHAMBER !EXIT PASS1 NE CHAMBER S PASS2 !EXIT PASS2 N PASS1 S PASS3 PASSPROG !EXIT PASS3 N PASS2 PASSPROG W GATEWAY S MINE1 FILLMINE E XROAD !EXIT CORR1 SW CHAMBER E ASTROL !EXIT CORR2 NW CHAMBER E CORR3 S DEND2 !EXIT CORR3 W CORR2 NE CORR4 SE CORR5 !EXIT CORR4 D MARSH1 W CORR3 SW CORR6 S CORR7 SE CORR8 E CORR9 WRAITH1P !EXIT CORR5 E CORR9 WRAITHPROG W CORR3 N CORR7 NE CORR8 NW CORR6 S MAD1 MADENTER !EXIT CORR6 NE CORR4 E CORR7 SE CORR5 !EXIT CORR7 N CORR4 E CORR8 S CORR5 W CORR6 !EXIT CORR8 NW CORR4 W CORR7 SW CORR5 !EXIT CORR9 NW CORR4 SW CORR5 !EXIT ASTROL W CORR1 N BEACH5 E JOUST KTON !EXIT MARSH1 N MARSH2 MARSHN NE MARSH2 MARSHNE E MARSH2 MARSHE SE MARSH2 MARSHSE S MARSH2 MARSHS SW MARSH2 MARSHSW W MARSH2 MARSHW NW MARSH2 MARSHNW !EXIT MARSH2 N MARSH3 MARSHN NE MARSH3 MARSHNE E MARSH3 MARSHE SE MARSH3 MARSHSE S MARSH3 MARSHS SW MARSH3 MARSHSW W MARSH3 MARSHW NW MARSH3 MARSHNW !EXIT MARSH3 N MARSH4 MARSHN NE MARSH4 MARSHNE E MARSH4 MARSHE SE MARSH4 MARSHSE S MARSH4 MARSHS SW MARSH4 MARSHSW W MARSH4 MARSHW NW MARSH4 MARSHNW !EXIT MARSH4 N MARSH5 MARSHN NE MARSH5 MARSHNE E MARSH5 MARSHE SE MARSH5 MARSHSE S MARSH5 MARSHS SW MARSH5 MARSHSW W MARSH5 MARSHW NW MARSH5 MARSHNW !EXIT MARSH5 N MARSH6 MARSHN NE MARSH6 MARSHNE E MARSH6 MARSHE SE MARSH6 MARSHSE S MARSH6 MARSHS SW MARSH6 MARSHSW W MARSH6 MARSHW NW MARSH6 MARSHNW !EXIT MARSH6 N MARSH7 MARSHN NE MARSH7 MARSHNE E MARSH7 MARSHE SE MARSH7 MARSHSE S MARSH7 MARSHS SW MARSH7 MARSHSW W MARSH7 MARSHW NW MARSH7 MARSHNW !EXIT MARSH7 N MARSH8 MARSHN NE MARSH8 MARSHNE E MARSH8 MARSHE SE MARSH8 MARSHSE S MARSH8 MARSHS SW MARSH8 MARSHSW W MARSH8 MARSHW NW MARSH8 MARSHNW !EXIT MARSH8 N CORR4 MARSHN NE CORR4 MARSHNE E CORR4 MARSHE SE CORR4 MARSHSE S CORR4 MARSHS SW CORR4 MARSHSW W CORR4 MARSHW NW CORR4 MARSHNW !EXIT MAD1 N CORR5 FEEBLE S MAD2 W MAD5 E MAD13 !EXIT MAD2 N MAD1 W MAD3 E MAD6 S MAD12 !EXIT MAD3 N MAD2 E MAD4 S MAD7 W MAD11 !EXIT MAD4 S MAD3 N MAD9 W MAD8 E MAD10 !EXIT MAD5 E MAD1 N MAD6 W MAD13 S MAD17 !EXIT MAD6 N MAD2 W MAD5 S MAD7 E MAD16 !EXIT MAD7 N MAD3 W MAD6 E MAD8 S MAD15 !EXIT MAD8 S MAD4 N MAD7 E MAD9 W MAD14 !EXIT MAD9 E MAD4 N MAD8 S MAD10 W MAD14 !EXIT MAD10 S MAD4 W MAD9 N MAD11 E MAD14 !EXIT MAD11 S MAD3 W MAD10 N MAD12 E MAD15 !EXIT MAD12 E MAD2 S MAD11 W MAD13 N MAD16 !EXIT MAD13 E MAD1 W MAD5 N MAD12 S MAD17 !EXIT MAD14 E MAD8 W MAD9 N MAD10 S MAD15 !EXIT MAD15 E MAD7 W MAD11 S MAD14 N MAD16 !EXIT MAD16 N MAD6 E MAD12 S MAD15 W MAD17 !EXIT MAD17 E MAD5 N MAD13 S MAD16 W MAD18 !EXIT MAD18 E MAD17 !EXIT BEACH5 S ASTROL E BEACH6 !EXIT BEACH6 W BEACH5 !EXIT GATEWAY E PASS3 W DEND5 INVISMAN !EXIT DEND5 E GATEWAY W TROLLH1 INVADE !EXIT MINE1 N PASS3 W TUN1 MWP S TUN2 MSP E TUN3 MEP !EXIT MINE2 E TUN1 MEP W TUN4 MWP S TUN6 MSP N TUN7 MNP !EXIT MINE3 N TUN2 MNP E TUN4 MEP W TUN5 MWP S TUN8 MSP !EXIT MINE4 W TUN3 MWP E TUN5 MEP N TUN6 MNP S TUN9 MSP !EXIT MINE5 S TUN7 MSP N TUN12 MNP E TUN10 MEP W TUN13 MWP !EXIT MINE6 N TUN8 MNP E TUN11 MEP S TUN14 MSP W TUN10 MWP !EXIT MINE7 N TUN9 MNP E TUN15 MEP W TUN11 MWP S TUN12 MSP !EXIT MINE8 S MINE9 N TUN14 MNP E TUN13 MEP W TUN15 MWP !EXIT MINE9 N MINE8 !EXIT TUN1 E MINE1 W MINE2 !EXIT TUN2 S MINE3 N MINE1 !EXIT TUN3 W MINE1 E MINE4 !EXIT TUN4 E MINE2 W MINE3 !EXIT TUN5 E MINE3 W MINE4 !EXIT TUN6 N MINE2 S MINE4 !EXIT TUN7 N MINE5 S MINE2 !EXIT TUN8 N MINE3 S MINE6 !EXIT TUN9 N MINE4 S MINE7 !EXIT TUN10 E MINE6 W MINE5 !EXIT TUN11 W MINE6 E MINE7 !EXIT TUN12 N MINE7 S MINE5 !EXIT TUN13 E MINE5 W MINE8 !EXIT TUN14 S MINE8 N MINE6 !EXIT TUN15 W MINE7 E MINE8 !EXIT DEND2 N CORR2 !EXIT TROLLH1 E DEND5 MORETROLLS S TROLLH2 !EXIT TROLLH2 N TROLLH1 NEWTROLL S TROLLH3 KARGENTER !EXIT TROLLH3 N TROLLH2 NEWKARG !EXIT JOUST W ASTROL S DEND6 !EXIT DEND6 N JOUST !EXIT XROAD W PASS3 N ALCHEM SETVAT E SROOM1 S YROAD !EXIT ALCHEM S XROAD !EXIT SROOM1 N SROOM2 NE SROOM3 E SROOM4 SE SROOM5 S SROOM6 W XROAD !EXIT SROOM2 S SROOM1 E SROOM3 SE SROOM4 !EXIT SROOM3 W SROOM2 S SROOM4 SW SROOM1 !EXIT SROOM4 W SROOM1 NW SROOM2 N SROOM3 S SROOM5 SW SROOM6 !EXIT SROOM5 N SROOM4 NW SROOM1 W SROOM6 !EXIT SROOM6 N SROOM1 NE SROOM4 E SROOM5 !EXIT YROAD N XROAD S ZROAD BOGEYPROG !EXIT ZROAD N YROAD E PASS4 W NAGAR1 !EXIT NAGAR1 E ZROAD W NAGAR2 !EXIT NAGAR2 E NAGAR1 !EXIT PASS4 W ZROAD E PASS4 MUGPROG !EXIT STORE1 E STORE2 D PASS4 !EXIT STORE2 E STORE2 BANDITPROG W STORE1 LOFTPROG / / INSTRUCTIONS SECTION / -------------------- / !INSTRUCTIONS AQUARIUS: SKIP IF S PLANT EQ 1 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS SKIP IF R (PLANT)R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET AQUAMESS LOAD S PLANT I 1 MOVE AQUAMARINE WITH TO (PLAYER)R PRINT AQUAGEM RETURN LOOK ARIES: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS PRINT ARIDIE GO DIEPROG BANDITPROG: PRINT BANDITMESS GO DIEPROG BEACHCHK: SKIP IF S BEACH1 EQ 0 RETURN PRINT NOWAYMESS RETURN ABORT BREAKPROG: SKIP IF R ()R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET DONTSEE PRINTRET VANDAL BOGEYPROG: SKIP UNLESS H SWORD PLAYER RETURN PRINT BOGEYMAN GO DIEPROG BURNPROG: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ (FIRE)R PRINTRET NOFIRE SKIP IF H ()O PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD MOVE FIRE WITH DESTROY SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ (MYSTIC)R SKIP IF R ()O EQ FISH PRINTRET FIREOUT SUB V OBJHELD I 1 MOVE FISH WITH DESTROY MOVE MYSTIC WITH DESTROY PRINTRET FEEDMYSTIC CANCER: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS PRINT CANDIE GO DIEPROG CAPRICORN: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS PRINT CAPDIE GO DIEPROG CLIMBPROG: SKIP2 IF M W2EX MOVE PLAYER WITH DIR U RETURN SKIP IF M W2SP CLIFFSPEC SKIP UNLESS M W2OB PRINTRET CANTDO RETURN RETRY NONE CANT CYCHECK: SKIP IF R (CYCLOPS)R EQ CHAMBER RETURN PRINT CYCDIE GO DIEPROG CYCHECK2: SKIP UNLESS R (CYCLOPS)R EQ BEACH3 SKIP IF S CYCLOPS EQ 0 RETURN PRINT CYCDIE GO DIEPROG DIEPROG: PRINT DIEMESS LOAD V VAR0 I 0 GO QUIT2 DIGPROG: SKIP IF P SOFT (PLAYER)R PRINTRET TOOHARD PRINTRET DIGBAD DRINKPROG: SKIP IF M W2EX GO DRINK1 SKIP UNLESS M W2SP WATERSPEC GO DRINK2 SKIP UNLESS M W2OB SKIP IF R ()O EQ POTION RETURN RETRY NONE CANT SKIP IF H POTION PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD GO DRINK3 DRINK1: SKIP3 IF P WATERY (PLAYER)R SKIP IF H POTION PLAYER PRINTRET NODRINK GO DRINK3 PRINTRET DRINKBAD DRINK2: SKIP IF P WATERY (PLAYER)R PRINTRET NOWATER PRINTRET DRINKBAD DRINK3: SKIP2 IF S POTION EQ 1 PRINT OWLBEAR GO DIEPROG LOAD S POTION I 0 MOVE POTION WITH DESTROY SUB V OBJHELD I 1 PRINTRET HEALED / Subroutine to drop the object referred to by the reference in VAR0. / This should already be in the player's possession. DROPSUB: MOVE (VAR0)O WITH TO (PLAYER)R / Move the object. SUB V OBJHELD I 1 / Update OBJHELD. RETURN / Main DROP program. DROPPROG: / Command decoding section. SKIP IF M W2EX / Is it "DROP"? GO DROPFIRST SKIP UNLESS M W2SP ALLSPEC / Is it "DROP ALL"? GO DROPALL SKIP IF M W2OB / Must be "DROP object". RETURN RETRY NONE CANT / Induce "I don't understand / that!" if not. / Now check he has the object. SKIP IF H ()O PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD / And drop it. RESOLVE VAR0 ()O GOSUB DROPSUB PRINTRET OKMESS / Drop the first object held by the player. DROPFIRST: RESOLVE VAR0 (PLAYER)D SKIP UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 0 / Holding anything? PRINTRET NOTHOLDING GOSUB DROPSUB PRINTRET OKMESS / Drop all objects held by the player. Keep count in VAR3. DROPALL: LOAD V VAR3 I 0 RESOLVE VAR0 (PLAYER)D SKIP UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINTRET NOTHOLDING DROPA1: GOSUB DROPSUB ADD V VAR3 I 1 RESOLVE VAR0 (PLAYER)D SKIP IF V VAR0 EQ 0 GO DROPA1 PRINTRET DROPOBJ1 VAR3 EATPROG: SKIP IF R ()R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET DONTSEE SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ FISH PRINTRET RAWFISH SKIP2 IF R ()O EQ FROG SKIP IF R ()O EQ FLOUR SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ PLANT PRINTRET UNAPPET PRINTRET CANTDO EMPTYPROG: SKIP IF M W2SP BAGSPEC RETURN RETRY NONE CANT SKIP IF H FLOUR PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD SUB V OBJHELD I 1 MOVE FLOUR WITH TO (PLAYER)R SET NOTAKE FLOUR LOAD S FLOUR I 1 PRINTRET DISINTEG FEEBLE: SKIP2 UNLESS S IMP EQ 5 LOAD S POTION I 1 PRINTRET COLLAP1 PRINT NOEXIT RETURN ABORT FEEDPROG: SKIP IF R ()R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET DONTSEE SKIP IF P ANIMATE ()O PRINTRET CANTDO PRINTRET NOFOOD FILLMINE: SKIP UNLESS P VISITED MINE1 RETURN RESOLVE VAR0 (SILICON)O FILLMIN2: RESOLVE VAR1 (MINE5)R ADD V VAR1 R 2 RESOLVE VAR1 (VAR1)R MOVE (VAR0)O WITH TO (VAR1)R SKIP UNLESS R (VAR0)O EQ ARSENIC RETURN ADD V VAR0 I 1 / next element to go in place RESOLVE VAR0 (VAR0)O GO FILLMIN2 FN: SKIP IF H FROG PLAYER RETURN PRINTRET FNMESS FNE: SKIP IF H FROG PLAYER RETURN PRINTRET FNEMESS FE: SKIP IF H FROG PLAYER RETURN PRINTRET FEMESS FSE: SKIP IF H FROG PLAYER RETURN PRINTRET FSEMESS FS: SKIP IF H FROG PLAYER RETURN PRINTRET FSMESS FSW: SKIP IF H FROG PLAYER RETURN PRINTRET FSWMESS FW: SKIP IF H FROG PLAYER RETURN PRINTRET FWMESS FNW: SKIP IF H FROG PLAYER RETURN PRINTRET FNWMESS GEMINI: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS PRINTRET GEMMESS GIVEPROG: SKIP IF R (WARDEN)R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET NOWARDEN GIVE2: SKIP IF H ()O PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD MOVE ()O WITH TO GRADPAD SUB V OBJHELD I 1 GOSUB SCORESUB SKIP2 IF V VAR1 LT 260 SKIP IF S DEND5 EQ 1 GO GIVEND GIVE3: SKIP IF Q GIVEMORE PRINTRET GIVEMESS ASK GIVEWHAT SKIP IF M W2OB RETURN RETRY NONE CANT GO GIVE2 GIVEND: LOAD S DEND5 I 1 PRINT WARDENOPE GO GIVE3 GNAPROG: SKIP4 UNLESS P OKMAG (PLAYER)R SKIP3 UNLESS E (MAGNET)R SKIP2 UNLESS P VISITED NAGAR2 SKIP IF R (MAGNET)R EQ (PLAYER)R SKIP UNLESS R (MAGNET)R EQ GRADPAD PRINTRET NHAPPENS MOVE PLAYER WITHOUT TO (MAGNET)R LOAD V OBJHELD I 0 PRINTRET WHOOSH HYMNPROG: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ (MURAL)R PRINTRET NHAPPENS MOVE MURAL WITH DESTROY LOAD S SAFE1 I 1 PRINTRET MURALGO INVADE: SKIP2 IF S DEND5 EQ 1 PRINT NOWAYMESS RETURN ABORT SKIP UNLESS H SWORD PLAYER PRINTRET TROLLFLEE PRINT TROLLSZAP GO DIEPROG INVISMAN: SKIP IF S GATEWAY EQ 0 RETURN PRINT TRIPPED RETURN ABORT / Program to do INVENTORY command. INVPROG: SET LIGHT PLAYER / Ensure place is lit. DESCRIBE WITH PLAYER / Describe player & possessions. UNSET LIGHT PLAYER / Get rid of light again. SKIP IF E (PLAYER)D / Print "Nothing." if he's PRINT NOTHING / not carrying anything. RETURN JUGGLEPROG: SKIP2 UNLESS M W2EX SKIP IF R ()O EQ BALLS PRINTRET CANTDO SKIP IF H BALLS PLAYER PRINTRET NOBALL MOVE BALLS WITH DESTROY LOAD S BALLS I 1 SUB V OBJHELD I 1 PRINTRET JUGGLEMESS JUMPPROG: SKIP3 IF R (PLAYER)R EQ PASS2 SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R EQ PASS3 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ROAD7 SKIP2 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ ROAD8 JUMPDIE: PRINT PLUMMET GO DIEPROG PRINTRET OKMESS KARGENTER: SKIP IF R (TROLL)R EQ TROLLH2 GO KARGEN1 SKIP2 UNLESS S TROLL EQ 0 PRINT TROLLBLOCK RETURN ABORT PRINT TROLLDIE GO DIEPROG KARGEN1: SKIP2 IF H TALISMAN PLAYER PRINT KARGBLAST GO DIEPROG PRINTRET SHRUGOFF KILLPROG: SKIP IF R ()R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET DONTSEE SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ PLANT PRINTRET NICEADV SKIP IF P ANIMATE ()O PRINTRET NOTALIVE SKIP2 IF H SWORD PLAYER SKIP IF H MACE PLAYER PRINTRET NOWEAPON SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ TROLL GO KILLTROLL SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ KARG GO KILLKARG SKIP2 UNLESS R ()O EQ NAGA PRINT SNAKEDIE GO DIEPROG SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ KNIGHT PRINTRET THROUGH SKIP IF R ()O EQ ZOMBIE PRINTRET NICEADV UNSET ANIMATE ZOMBIE MOVE ZOMBIE WITH DESTROY LOAD S MACE I 1 SET TREASURE MACE PRINTRET RELEASE KILLTROLL: SKIP2 UNLESS S TROLL EQ 0 LOAD S TROLL I 1 PRINTRET TROLLSLUMP LOAD S TROLLH2 I 0 PRINTRET TROLLCUT KILLKARG: SKIP2 UNLESS S KARG EQ 0 LOAD S KARG I 1 PRINTRET KARGVAPOUR PRINTRET CANTDO KISSPROG: SKIP UNLESS H ()O PLAYER PRINTRET KISSOK SKIP IF R ()R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET DONTSEE SKIP2 UNLESS R ()O EQ NAGA PRINT SNAKEKISS GO DIEPROG SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ FIRE PRINTRET CANTDO SKIP4 UNLESS R ()O EQ PRINCESS MOVE PRINCESS WITH DESTROY MOVE FROG WITH TO (PLAYER)R UNSET NOTAKE THRONE PRINTRET KISSPRINC SKIP2 IF R ()O EQ FROG SKIP UNLESS P ANIMATE ()O PRINTRET WITHERING PRINTRET KISSOK KTON: SKIP IF S JADE EQ 0 RETURN MOVE KNIGHT WITH TO JOUST LOAD S JADE I 1 RETURN LEO: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS PRINT LEODIE GO DIEPROG LIBRA: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS SKIP IF R (SAILOR)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET LIBMESS MOVE SAILOR WITH DESTROY LOAD V VAR0 I 0 SKIP4 UNLESS S SILK EQ 4 SKIP UNLESS H SILK PLAYER LOAD V VAR0 I 1 / for joke LOAD S SILK I 6 PRINTRET VINDEX VAR0 SKIP2 UNLESS S SILK EQ 5 PRINT GUILTY GO DIEPROG PRINTRET LIBMESS LOFTPROG: SKIP IF H SWORD PLAYER SKIP UNLESS R (SWORD)R EQ STORE1 RETURN PRINT FALLHOLE GO DIEPROG / Program to give the long description of a room. LOOKPROG: UNSET VISITED (PLAYER)R / Pretend room not visited to get / long description. RETURN LOOK / And return with request for description. MADENTER: SKIP2 IF S IMP EQ 0 PRINT MADBLOCK RETURN ABORT LOAD S IMP I 1 PRINT IMPGREET LOAD V VAR0 R 1 SKIP UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 0 MOVE HANGMAN WITH TO MAD5 SKIP UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 1 MOVE HANGMAN WITH TO MAD13 RETURN MARSHN: LOAD V VAR0 I 1 GO MARSHALL MARSHNE: LOAD V VAR0 I 2 GO MARSHALL MARSHE: LOAD V VAR0 I 3 GO MARSHALL MARSHSE: LOAD V VAR0 I 4 GO MARSHALL MARSHS: LOAD V VAR0 I 5 GO MARSHALL MARSHSW: LOAD V VAR0 I 6 GO MARSHALL MARSHW: LOAD V VAR0 I 7 GO MARSHALL MARSHNW: LOAD V VAR0 I 8 GO MARSHALL MARSHALL: SUB V VAR0 V FROGVAR SKIP UNLESS H FROG PLAYER SKIP2 IF V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINT GLUG GO DIEPROG SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ MARSH8 RETURN MOVE FROG WITH DESTROY MOVE CROWN WITH TO PLAYER PRINTRET FROGHOME / Program to do Magic Move instruction. MMPROG: SKIP IF E ()R / Is the object "destroyed"? PRINTRET CANTDO MOVE PLAYER WITH TO ()R RETURN MORETROLLS: PRINTRET HEARTROLL MUGPROG: SKIP2 IF E (PLAYER)D PRINT MUGNONE GO MUG2 PRINT MUGSOME MUG2: MOVE PLAYER WITH TO STORE2 MOVE PLAYER WITHOUT TO PASS4 LOAD V OBJHELD I 0 RETURN LOOK MEP: MOVE DUMMY WITH TO (PLAYER)R MOVE DUMMY WITH DIR E SKIP2 IF P BLOCKED (DUMMY)R MOVE DUMMY WITH DESTROY RETURN PRINT ROCKBLOCK RETURN ABORT MNP: MOVE DUMMY WITH TO (PLAYER)R MOVE DUMMY WITH DIR N SKIP2 IF P BLOCKED (DUMMY)R MOVE DUMMY WITH DESTROY RETURN PRINT ROCKBLOCK RETURN ABORT MSP: MOVE DUMMY WITH TO (PLAYER)R MOVE DUMMY WITH DIR S SKIP2 IF P BLOCKED (DUMMY)R MOVE DUMMY WITH DESTROY RETURN PRINT ROCKBLOCK RETURN ABORT MWP: MOVE DUMMY WITH TO (PLAYER)R MOVE DUMMY WITH DIR W SKIP2 IF P BLOCKED (DUMMY)R MOVE DUMMY WITH DESTROY RETURN PRINT ROCKBLOCK RETURN ABORT NEWKARG: LOAD S KARG I 0 PRINTRET JEERS NEWTROLL: MOVE TROLL WITH TO TROLLH2 LOAD S TROLL I 0 LOAD S TROLLH2 I 0 PRINTRET HEARNTROLL OFFPROG: GOSUB ONOFFSUB LOAD V VAR1 V VAR0 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R LT SROOM2 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R GT SROOM6 PRINTRET NOTOFF SKIP UNLESS S (PLAYER)R EQ 0 PRINTRET ALROFF LOAD S (PLAYER)R I 0 GOSUB ONOFFSUB SKIP UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 0 PRINTRET CLICKBAD SKIP UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINTRET CLICKGOOD PRINTRET CLICK ONPROG: GOSUB ONOFFSUB LOAD V VAR1 V VAR0 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R LT SROOM2 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R GT SROOM6 PRINTRET NOTON SKIP UNLESS S (PLAYER)R EQ 1 PRINTRET ALRON LOAD S (PLAYER)R I 1 GOSUB ONOFFSUB SKIP UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 0 PRINTRET CLICKBAD SKIP UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINTRET CLICKGOOD PRINTRET CLICK ONOFFSUB: LOAD V VAR0 I 0 SKIP UNLESS S SROOM2 EQ 1 ADD V VAR0 I 16 SKIP UNLESS S SROOM3 EQ 1 ADD V VAR0 I 8 SKIP UNLESS S SROOM4 EQ 1 ADD V VAR0 I 4 SKIP UNLESS S SROOM5 EQ 1 ADD V VAR0 I 2 SKIP UNLESS S SROOM6 EQ 1 ADD V VAR0 I 1 SUB V VAR0 V SWVAR RETURN PASSPROG: SKIP2 UNLESS E (PLAYER)D PRINT FALLROPE GO DIEPROG SKIP2 IF S BALLS EQ 1 PRINT FALLRP2 GO DIEPROG PRINT DEXTROUS SKIP UNLESS P VISITED SROOM1 RETURN LOAD V VAR0 R 4 SKIP2 UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 0 LOAD V SWVAR I 3 LOAD S SROOM1 I 1 SKIP2 UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 1 LOAD V SWVAR I 5 LOAD S SROOM1 I 2 SKIP2 UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 2 LOAD V SWVAR I 10 LOAD S SROOM1 I 3 SKIP2 UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 3 LOAD V SWVAR I 20 LOAD S SROOM1 I 4 SKIP2 UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 4 LOAD V SWVAR I 24 LOAD S SROOM1 I 5 RETURN PISCES: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS PRINTRET FISHSLAP PLAYPROG: SKIP IF H ()O PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD SKIP IF R ()O EQ ACCORDION PRINTRET CANTDO PRINT PLAYTUNE SKIP IF R (SHARI)R EQ (PLAYER)R RETURN MOVE SHARI WITH DESTROY PRINTRET SHARIKILL POSTPROG: SKIP2 UNLESS H SWORD PLAYER LOAD V VAR0 R 9 SKIP IF V VAR0 EQ 0 GO POST1 LOAD V VAR0 R 11 PRINT SKIB VAR0 POST1: SKIP4 UNLESS E (WARDEN)R SKIP UNLESS R (WARDEN)R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINT WARDENFADE MOVE WARDEN WITH DESTROY GO POST2 LOAD V VAR0 R 15 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R LT TROLLH1 SKIP2 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R GT TROLLH3 SKIP UNLESS M LIGHT SKIP IF V VAR0 EQ 0 GO POST2 MOVE WARDEN WITH TO (PLAYER)R SKIP2 IF S WARDEN EQ 0 PRINT WARDENA2 GO POST2 LOAD S WARDEN I 1 PRINT WARDENA1 POST2: LOAD V FROGVAR I 0 SKIP2 UNLESS H FROG PLAYER SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R LT MARSH1 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R GT MARSH8 GO POST3 LOAD V FROGVAR R 7 ADD V FROGVAR I 1 LOAD V VAR0 V FROGVAR PRINT FROGX VAR0 POST3: SKIP UNLESS S POTION EQ 1 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ CORR5 GO POST4 PRINT COLLAP2 GO DIEPROG POST4: RESOLVE VAR0 (PLAYER)R LOAD V VAR1 V VAR0 SUB V VAR1 V LOC1 SKIP UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 0 GO POST5 LOAD V LOC7 V LOC6 LOAD V LOC6 V LOC5 LOAD V LOC5 V LOC4 LOAD V LOC4 V LOC3 LOAD V LOC3 V LOC2 LOAD V LOC2 V LOC1 LOAD V LOC1 V VAR0 POST5: SKIP3 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ (CONSTABLE)R SKIP2 IF M MOVED PRINT ARRESTED GO DIEPROG SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ (CONSTABLE)R PRINT CONSLEAVE POST6: MOVE CONSTABLE WITH RANDADJ SKIP2 UNLESS R (CONSTABLE)R EQ CORR5 MOVE CONSTABLE WITH TO MAD1 GO POST6 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ (CONSTABLE)R PRINT CONSENTER / SKIP UNLESS S IMP EQ 1 SKIP IF R (LOC5)R EQ CORR5 GO POST7 LOAD S IMP I 2 PRINT IMPTASK1 GO POST20 / POST7: SKIP IF S IMP EQ 2 GO POST11 ADD V IMPVAR I 1 SKIP IF V IMPVAR EQ 1 GO POST8 LOAD V VAR0 V LOC1 SUB V VAR0 V LOC3 SKIP2 IF V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINT IMPDISOBEY GO DIEPROG POST8: SKIP IF V IMPVAR EQ 2 GO POST9 LOAD V VAR0 V LOC1 SUB V VAR0 V LOC5 SKIP2 IF V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINT IMPDISOBEY GO DIEPROG POST9: SKIP IF V IMPVAR EQ 3 GO POST10 LOAD V VAR0 V LOC1 SUB V VAR0 V LOC7 SKIP2 IF V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINT IMPDISOBEY GO DIEPROG PRINT IMPT1OK POST10: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ MAD9 GO POST20 SKIP4 UNLESS M MOVED LOAD S IMP I 3 LOAD V IMPVAR I 0 PRINT IMPTASK2 GO POST20 POST11: SKIP IF S IMP EQ 3 GO POST12 ADD V IMPVAR I 1 SKIP IF V IMPVAR EQ 4 GO POST20 SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R EQ (HANGMAN)R PRINT IMPDISOBEY GO DIEPROG LOAD S IMP I 4 PRINT IMPTK3 GO POST20 POST12: SKIP IF S IMP EQ 4 GO POST20 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ MAD1 GO POST20 SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R EQ MAD2 PRINT IMPDISOBEY GO DIEPROG LOAD S IMP I 5 MOVE IMP WITH DESTROY PRINT IMPT3OK MOVE COIN WITH TO MAD18 POST20: SKIP IF S SILK EQ 0 GO POST21 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ BEACH6 GO POST30 SKIP2 IF R (CRYSTAL)R EQ BEACH6 SKIP IF R (BLUE)R EQ BEACH6 SKIP UNLESS R (WHITE)R EQ BEACH6 GO POST205 PRINT HEARSHIP LOAD S SILK I 1 GO POST30 POST205: MOVE SILK WITH TO (PLAYER)R LOAD S SILK I 5 PRINT SHIPCRASH GO POST30 POST21: SKIP IF S SILK EQ 1 GO POST22 ADD S SILK I 1 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ BEACH5 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ BEACH6 PRINT HEARPIRATE GO POST30 POST22: SKIP IF S SILK EQ 2 GO POST23 ADD S SILK I 1 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ BEACH5 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ BEACH6 PRINT HEARPILOOT GO POST30 POST23: SKIP IF S SILK EQ 3 GO POST30 ADD S SILK I 1 SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R EQ (CRYSTAL)R SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ (BLUE)R SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ (WHITE)R GO POST235 PRINT HEARPIGO GO POST30 POST235: SKIP2 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ BEACH5 PRINT PILAND GO DIEPROG SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ BEACH6 GO POST30 MOVE SILK WITH TO BEACH6 PRINT PICRASH POST30: SKIP2 UNLESS R (SAILOR)R EQ ASTROL PRINT SAILDIE GO DIEPROG SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL GO POST32 SKIP IF S SILK EQ 4 SKIP2 UNLESS S SILK EQ 5 PRINT CHALLENGE MOVE SAILOR WITH TO ASTROL POST32: SKIP3 UNLESS M MOVED SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R LT MINE1 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R GT MINE9 SKIP UNLESS S MINE9 GT 7 GO POST33 ADD S MINE9 I 1 POST325: SKIP2 UNLESS S MINE9 EQ 1 RESOLVE VAR0 (TUN13)R ADD V VAR0 R 2 SKIP2 UNLESS S MINE9 EQ 2 RESOLVE VAR0 (TUN10)R ADD V VAR0 R 2 SKIP2 UNLESS S MINE9 EQ 3 RESOLVE VAR0 (TUN7)R ADD V VAR0 R 2 SKIP2 UNLESS S MINE9 EQ 4 RESOLVE VAR0 (TUN4)R ADD V VAR0 R 2 SKIP2 UNLESS S MINE9 EQ 5 RESOLVE VAR0 (TUN1)R ADD V VAR0 R 2 SKIP2 UNLESS S MINE9 EQ 6 RESOLVE VAR0 (TUN13)R ADD V VAR0 R 2 SKIP2 UNLESS S MINE9 EQ 7 RESOLVE VAR0 (TUN7)R ADD V VAR0 R 2 SKIP2 UNLESS S MINE9 EQ 8 RESOLVE VAR0 (TUN1)R ADD V VAR0 R 2 SKIP UNLESS P BLOCKED (VAR0)R GO POST325 SET BLOCKED (VAR0)R PRINT HEARFALL POST33: SKIP IF S TROLL EQ 1 GO POST34 SKIP2 UNLESS S TROLLH2 EQ 0 LOAD S TROLLH2 I 1 GO POST34 LOAD S TROLLH2 I 0 LOAD S TROLL I 0 SKIP2 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ (TROLL)R PRINT TROLLRISE GO POST35 POST34: SKIP3 IF M MOVED SKIP2 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ TROLLH2 SKIP UNLESS R (TROLL)R EQ TROLLH2 SKIP IF S TROLL EQ 0 GO POST35 PRINT TROLLLUNGE GO DIEPROG POST35: SKIP2 IF M MOVED SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ TROLLH3 SKIP IF S KARG EQ 0 GO POST36 PRINT KARGLUNGE GO DIEPROG POST36: SKIP IF S KARG EQ 1 GO POST37 SKIP2 UNLESS S TROLLH3 EQ 0 LOAD S TROLLH3 I 1 GO POST37 PRINT KARGFLEE RETURN RETRY FINISH MAY ANY POST37: SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R EQ MAD1 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ MAD2 GO POST38 LOAD S (PLAYER)R I 0 SKIP3 IF R (CRYSTAL)R EQ (PLAYER)R SKIP2 IF R (BLUE)R EQ (PLAYER)R SKIP IF R (WHITE)R EQ (PLAYER)R LOAD S (PLAYER)R I 1 POST38: SKIP IF E (KNIGHT)R GO POST39 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ JOUST SKIP2 IF M MOVED PRINT IMPALE GO DIEPROG SKIP3 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ JOUST SKIP2 UNLESS R (KNIGHT)R EQ ASTROL PRINT IMPALE GO DIEPROG MOVE KNIGHT WITH TO (PLAYER)R POST39: SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R LT SROOM2 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R GT SROOM6 MOVE SWITCH WITH TO (PLAYER)R POST40: SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ NAGAR1 SKIP IF M LIGHT GO POST41 PRINT SNAKECHARM GO DIEPROG POST41: RETURN PULLPROG: SKIP IF R ()O EQ SWORD RETURN RETRY NONE CANT SKIP IF R (SWORD)R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET DONTSEE SKIP IF P NOTAKE SWORD PRINTRET SILLY GO TAKEPROG PUSHPROG: SKIP IF R ()R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET DONTSEE SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ POLE GO PUSHPOLE SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ STATUE GO PUSHSTAT SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ TROLL GO PUSHTROLL SKIP IF R ()O EQ VAT SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ ANVIL PRINTRET TOOHEAVY SKIP2 UNLESS R ()O EQ NAGA PRINT SNAKEKISS GO DIEPROG SKIP2 IF R ()O EQ FROG SKIP UNLESS P ANIMATE ()O PRINTRET WITHERING PRINTRET SILLY PUSHPOLE: SKIP UNLESS R (MYSTIC)R EQ (POLE)R PRINTRET MYSTICWITHER SKIP2 UNLESS S BEACH1 EQ 0 MOVE POLE WITH DESTROY PRINTRET POLESPLASH MOVE POLE WITH DESTROY MOVE CYCLOPS WITH TO BEACH3 LOAD S ROAD8 I 2 PRINTRET POLECRASH PUSHSTAT: SKIP IF R (STATUE)R EQ ROAD8 PRINTRET SILLY MOVE STATUE WITH TO BEACH3 LOAD S STATUE I 1 SKIP IF R (CYCLOPS)R EQ BEACH3 PRINTRET STATCRASH LOAD S CYCLOPS I 1 UNSET ANIMATE CYCLOPS LOAD S ROAD8 I 3 PRINTRET STATKILL PUSHTROLL: SKIP IF S TROLL EQ 1 PRINTRET CANTDO MOVE TROLL WITH DESTROY PRINTRET PUSHEDTR / Program to make certain the player wants to quit. QUITPROG: SKIP IF Q QUITQUERY / Skip if "yes" answer. RETURN LOAD V VAR0 I 10 QUIT2: GOSUB SCORESUB ADD V VAR1 V VAR0 PRINT YOUSCORED SKIP2 IF Q MOREGAMES PRINT WTGROYT RETURN RETRY FINISH MAY ANY / Induce end of game. RETURN RETRY RESTART MAY ANY READPROG: SKIP IF M LIGHT PRINTRET TOODARK SKIP4 UNLESS M W2SP FLOORSPEC SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ SROOM1 PRINTRET CANTDO LOAD V VAR0 S SROOM1 PRINTRET SROOM1L VAR0 SKIP IF M W2OB RETURN RETRY NONE CANT SKIP IF R ()R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET DONTSEE SKIP3 UNLESS R ()O EQ ANVIL SKIP IF S ANVIL EQ 0 PRINTRET NOMESSAGE PRINTRET ANVIL3 SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ MURAL PRINTRET MURALRD SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ SIGN PRINTRET KEEPOUT SKIP2 UNLESS R ()O EQ VAT LOAD V VAR0 S VAT PRINTRET VAT1L VAR0 SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ MAGNET PRINTRET GNAMETM SKIP IF R ()O EQ BOOK PRINTRET CANTDO SKIP IF V FLAXVAR EQ 0 PRINTRET NOTAGAIN LOAD V FLAXVAR S BOOK PRINTRET BOOKREAD REQUESTPROG: SKIP IF R (WARDEN)R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET NOWARDEN REQ2: SKIP IF R ()R EQ GRADPAD PRINTRET WDONTHAVE SKIP UNLESS P TREASURE ()O PRINTRET WARDKEEP MOVE ()O WITH TO (PLAYER)R PRINT REQMESS SKIP IF Q REQMORE RETURN LOOK ASK REQWHAT SKIP IF M W2OB RETURN RETRY NONE CANT GO REQ2 SAFEPROG: SKIP IF R (MURAL)R EQ (PLAYER)R RETURN PRINT NOWAYMESS RETURN ABORT SAGITTARIUS: SKIP UNLESS S KNIGHT EQ 0 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS SKIP IF R (KNIGHT)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET SAGMESS MOVE KNIGHT WITH DESTROY LOAD S KNIGHT I 1 PRINTRET SAGKNIGHT SAVEPROG: SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R LT MARSH1 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R GT MARSH8 PRINTRET NOSAVEMESS RETURN RETRY SAVE CANT SAVENDPROG: SKIP2 IF R (PLAYER)R LT MARSH1 SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R GT MARSH8 PRINTRET NOSAVEMESS RETURN RETRY SAVEND CANT SAYPROG: SKIP2 IF M W2SP WORDSPEC SKIP IF M W2SP MAGICSPEC SKIP UNLESS M W2SP HYMNSPEC RETURN RETRY IGNORE MAY ANY PRINTRET SAYMESS SCOREPROG: GOSUB SCORESUB ADD V VAR1 I 10 PRINTRET WOULDSCORE SCORESUB: SKIP UNLESS S DEND5 EQ 1 GO SCSUB2 LOAD V VAR1 I 0 SKIP UNLESS R (THRONE)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (CRYSTAL)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (AQUAMARINE)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (SILK)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (INGOT)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (COIN)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (OPAL)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (CROWN)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (SALVER)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (DIAMOND)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (MACE)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (WAND)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (MINK)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (MAGNET)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS R (ROD)R EQ GRADPAD ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP IF E (PRINCESS)R ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP IF E (MYSTIC)R ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS S BEACH1 EQ 1 ADD V VAR1 I 8 SKIP UNLESS S CYCLOPS EQ 1 ADD V VAR1 I 10 SKIP UNLESS E (WAND)R ADD V VAR1 I 8 SKIP UNLESS S BALLS EQ 1 ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED DEND3 ADD V VAR1 I 8 SKIP UNLESS E (AQUAMARINE)R ADD V VAR1 I 9 SKIP UNLESS S SILK EQ 4 ADD V VAR1 I 10 SKIP UNLESS S SILK EQ 6 ADD V VAR1 I 15 / so he doesn't get the 10 as well SKIP UNLESS P VISITED MAD9 ADD V VAR1 I 10 SKIP UNLESS E (COIN)R ADD V VAR1 I 10 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED CORR9 ADD V VAR1 I 10 SKIP UNLESS E (CROWN)R ADD V VAR1 I 8 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED PASS3 ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED MINE9 ADD V VAR1 I 10 SKIP UNLESS E (MACE)R ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS S MACE EQ 1 ADD V VAR1 I 4 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED DEND5 ADD V VAR1 I 10 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED SAFE2 ADD V VAR1 I 8 SKIP IF P NOTAKE SWORD ADD V VAR1 I 9 SKIP UNLESS E (ROD)R ADD V VAR1 I 8 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED NAGAR2 ADD V VAR1 I 5 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED STORE2 ADD V VAR1 I 8 SKIP UNLESS P VISITED STORE1 ADD V VAR1 I 2 RETURN SCSUB2: LOAD V VAR1 I 260 SKIP IF R (TROLL)R EQ TROLLH2 ADD V VAR1 I 10 RETURN SCORPIO: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS PRINT SCODIE GO DIEPROG SETBOOK: SKIP IF S BOOK EQ 0 RETURN LOAD S BOOK R 2 ADD S BOOK I 1 RETURN SETVAT: SKIP IF P VISITED ALCHEM LOAD S VAT R 23 RETURN SHIMPROG: SKIP IF R (SHARI)R EQ (PLAYER)R RETURN PRINT SHIMBLOCK RETURN ABORT SITPROG: SKIP2 UNLESS M W2EX SKIP IF M W2SP DOWNSPEC RETURN RETRY NONE CANT SKIP IF P NOTAKE THRONE SKIP IF R (THRONE)R EQ (PLAYER)R PRINTRET SITGROUND SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ BEACH1 SKIP IF S BEACH1 EQ 0 PRINTRET SITCHAIR LOAD S BEACH1 I 1 LOAD S ROAD7 I 1 LOAD S ROAD8 I 1 PRINTRET SITCANUTE SWIMPROG: SKIP IF P WATERY (PLAYER)R PRINTRET NOWATER PRINTRET TOOCOLD SWITCHPROG: SKIP IF M W2EX RETURN RETRY OBJECT CANT SKIP UNLESS M W2SP ONOFFSPEC RETURN RETRY IGNORE MAY ANY RETURN RETRY NONE CANT / Subroutine to try to take the object referred to by the / reference in VAR0. OBJHELD is updated if it is taken, and / VAR1 is set to: / 1 if the object was taken. / 2 if it was untakeable. / 3 if it wasn't taken because the player couldn't carry it. TAKESUB: SKIP IF R (VAR0)O EQ PLAYER / Can't take himself! SKIP2 UNLESS P NOTAKE (VAR0)O / Is it untakeable? LOAD V VAR1 I 2 RETURN LOAD V VAR1 V STRENGTH / Check STRENGTH SUB V VAR1 V OBJHELD / against OBJHELD. SKIP2 IF V VAR1 GT 0 LOAD V VAR1 I 3 RETURN MOVE (VAR0)O WITH TO PLAYER / Move the object. ADD V OBJHELD I 1 / Update OBJHELD. LOAD V VAR1 I 1 RETURN / Main TAKE program. TAKEPROG: / Command decoding section. SKIP IF M W2EX / Is it "TAKE"? GO TAKEFIRST SKIP UNLESS M W2SP ALLSPEC / Is it "TAKE ALL"? GO TAKEALL SKIP UNLESS M W2SP INVSPEC / Is it "TAKE INVENTORY"? GO INVPROG SKIP IF M W2OB / Must be "TAKE object". RETURN RETRY NONE CANT / Induce "I don't understand / that!" if not. / Now check it's OK to take the given object. SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ()R / In the same room? PRINTRET DONTSEE / Entry point for Magic Take command. MTPROG: SKIP UNLESS R PLAYER EQ ()U / Already holding it? PRINTRET ALRHELD SKIP2 UNLESS R ()O EQ SWORD SKIP UNLESS P NOTAKE SWORD GO TAKESWORD RESOLVE VAR0 ()O / Now use TAKESUB to take it. GOSUB TAKESUB SKIP UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 2 / Untakeable? PRINTRET CANTTAKE SKIP UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 3 / Hands full? PRINTRET HANDSFULL PRINTRET OKMESS / Command was "TAKE". Try to take the first object in the room. TAKEFIRST: RESOLVE VAR0 (PLAYER)R / Find first object in room. RESOLVE VAR0 (VAR0)O TAKEF1: SKIP UNLESS V VAR0 EQ 0 / Does object exist? PRINTRET NOTHNGHERE GOSUB TAKESUB / Try taking it. SKIP UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 1 / Successful? PRINTRET OKMESS SKIP UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 3 / Hands full? PRINTRET HANDSFULL / This object wasn't takeable. Try the next object in the room. ADD V VAR0 I 1536 / Modify reference to point to / next object in room. RESOLVE VAR0 (VAR0)O / Then resolve it. GO TAKEF1 / And try to take the object. / Command was "TAKE ALL". Try taking each object in the room. VAR3 / keeps track of the number of objects taken. TAKEALL: LOAD V VAR3 I 0 / Now we have a loop to try each object in turn. VAR2 always contains / a reference to the next object to be tried. RESOLVE VAR0 (PLAYER)R / Find first object in room. RESOLVE VAR0 (VAR0)O / N.B. This object always exists, as the player is an object in the room. TAKEA1: LOAD V VAR2 V VAR0 / Find next object from this one. ADD V VAR2 I 1536 RESOLVE VAR2 (VAR2)O GOSUB TAKESUB / Try taking this object. SKIP2 UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 3 / Hands full? PRINT HANDSF2 PRINTRET TOOKOBJ2 VAR3 SKIP UNLESS V VAR1 EQ 1 / Was object taken? ADD V VAR3 I 1 LOAD V VAR0 V VAR2 / Loop back for next object, SKIP IF V VAR0 EQ 0 / if it exists. GO TAKEA1 PRINTRET TOOKOBJ1 VAR3 TAKESWORD: GOSUB ONOFFSUB SKIP IF V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINTRET CANTTAKE UNSET NOTAKE SWORD LOAD S SWORD I 1 LOAD S ANVIL I 1 PRINTRET TDSWORD TAURUS: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS PRINT TAUDIE GO DIEPROG THROWPROG: SKIP IF H ()O PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD SUB V OBJHELD I 1 SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ ALCHEM GO THROWVAT SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ PASS2 SKIP2 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ PASS3 MOVE ()O WITH DESTROY PRINTRET INTOGORGE SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ROAD7 SKIP2 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ ROAD8 MOVE ()O WITH DESTROY PRINTRET BIRDMESS SKIP2 UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ TROLLH2 MOVE ()O WITH DESTROY PRINTRET INTOCHASM MOVE ()O WITH TO (PLAYER)R SKIP IF R ()O EQ FLOUR PRINTRET OKMESS LOAD S FLOUR I 1 SET NOTAKE FLOUR SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ GATEWAY PRINTRET OKMESS LOAD S GATEWAY I 1 PRINTRET FLOURPOWER THROWVAT: ADD S VATRM I 1 MOVE ()O WITH TO VATRM LOAD V VAR0 S VATRM SUB V VAR0 S ()O SKIP UNLESS P ELEMENT ()O SKIP2 IF V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINT BANG GO DIEPROG SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ COBALT ADD V VATVAR I 6 SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ COPPER ADD V VATVAR I 12 SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ SILICON ADD V VATVAR I 18 SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ PHOSPHORUS ADD V VATVAR I 2 SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ SULPHUR ADD V VATVAR I 4 SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ ARSENIC ADD V VATVAR I 1 SKIP IF S VATRM EQ 3 PRINTRET BUBBLE SUB V VATVAR S VAT SKIP2 IF V VATVAR EQ 0 PRINT BANG GO DIEPROG MOVE ROD WITH TO (PLAYER)R PRINT TRANSMUTE RETURN LOOK TURNPROG: SKIP2 UNLESS M W2EX SKIP IF M W2SP ONOFFSPEC RETURN RETRY NONE CANT RETURN RETRY IGNORE MAY ANY VIRGO: SKIP IF R (PLAYER)R EQ ASTROL PRINTRET NHAPPENS SKIP UNLESS E (ZOMBIE)R SKIP UNLESS S ZOMBIE EQ 42 PRINTRET NHAPPENS LOAD S ZOMBIE I 42 MOVE MACE WITH TO (PLAYER)R PRINT VIRMESS RETURN LOOK WATERPROG: SKIP IF H ()O PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD SKIP IF P WATERY (PLAYER)R PRINTRET NOWATER SKIP IF R ()O EQ PLANT PRINTRET CANTDO PRINTRET NOSUITABLE WAVEPROG: SKIP IF M W2EX PRINTRET NHAPPENS SKIP IF H ()O PLAYER PRINTRET NOTHELD SKIP UNLESS R ()O EQ FAN GO WAVEFAN SKIP IF R ()O EQ WAND PRINTRET NHAPPENS ADD S WAND I 1 SKIP2 UNLESS S WAND EQ 1 MOVE BLUE WITH TO (PLAYER)R PRINTRET WANDWA1 SKIP2 UNLESS S WAND EQ 2 MOVE WHITE WITH TO (PLAYER)R PRINTRET WANDWA2 PRINTRET NHAPPENS WAVEFAN: SKIP UNLESS R (PLAYER)R EQ (KARG)R SKIP IF S KARG EQ 1 PRINTRET WAVEWIND PRINT WELLDONE RETURN RETRY FINISH MAY ANY WELCPROG: PRINT HELLO SKIP IF P VISITED ROAD2 SKIP IF Q INSTRUC RETURN PRINTRET INSTRMESS WITCHPROG: SKIP IF R (WITCH)R EQ ROAD4 RETURN SKIP2 UNLESS S ROAD4 EQ 1 PRINT WITCHM2 GO WITCHP2 PRINT WITCHMESS LOAD S ROAD4 I 1 / witch met WITCHP2: ASKANY WITCHQ LOAD V VAR0 I 10 SKIP UNLESS M W2SP FLAXSPEC LOAD V VAR0 I 1 SKIP UNLESS M W2SP HEMPSPEC LOAD V VAR0 I 2 SKIP UNLESS M W2SP JUTESPEC LOAD V VAR0 I 3 SUB V VAR0 V FLAXVAR SKIP3 UNLESS V VAR0 GT 6 MOVE PLAYER WITH TO ROAD2 PRINT WITCHBAD RETURN ABORT SKIP2 IF V VAR0 EQ 0 PRINT WITCHDIE GO DIEPROG MOVE WITCH WITH DESTROY MOVE WAND WITH TO ROAD4 PRINTRET WITCHGOOD WORDPROG: PRINTRET PTICWORD WRAITHPROG: SKIP IF R (WRAITH)R EQ CORR9 RETURN SKIP2 IF H CRYSTAL PLAYER PRINT WRAITHA GO DIEPROG SKIP3 IF R (BLUE)R EQ CORR4 SKIP2 IF R (WHITE)R EQ CORR4 PRINT WRAITHB GO DIEPROG SKIP3 IF R (BLUE)R EQ CORR5 SKIP2 IF R (WHITE)R EQ CORR5 PRINT WRAITHC GO DIEPROG MOVE WRAITH WITH DESTROY PRINTRET WRAITHD WRAITH1P: SKIP IF R (WRAITH)R EQ CORR9 RETURN SKIP2 IF H CRYSTAL PLAYER PRINT WRAITHA GO DIEPROG SKIP3 IF R (BLUE)R EQ CORR5 SKIP2 IF R (WHITE)R EQ CORR5 PRINT WRAITHB1 GO DIEPROG SKIP3 IF R (BLUE)R EQ CORR4 SKIP2 IF R (WHITE)R EQ CORR4 PRINT WRAITHC1 GO DIEPROG MOVE WRAITH WITH DESTROY PRINTRET WRAITHD1 / / WORDS SECTION / ------------- / !WORDS ACCORDION OBJECT CANT ACCORDION ALCHEM MOVE CANT ALCHEM ALL NONE CANT ALLSPEC ALUMINIUM OBJECT CANT ALUMINIUM 4 ANVIL OBJECT CANT ANVIL AQUAMARINE OBJECT CANT AQUAMARINE AQUARIUS OBEY AQUARIUS CANT MAGICSPEC ARIES OBEY ARIES CANT MAGICSPEC ARSENIC OBJECT CANT ARSENIC ARTEFACT OBJECT CANT MAGNET ASTROL MOVE CANT ASTROL ATTACK OBEY KILLPROG REQUEST OBJ BACK RETURN CANT B 1 BAG OBJECT CANT FLOUR BAGSPEC BAKHT PRINT BAKHTMESS CANT BALE OBJECT CANT SILK BALLS OBJECT CANT BALLS 4 BARGLE PRINT NHAPPENS CANT BEING OBJECT CANT DUMMY / not there anyway BINGLE PRINT NHAPPENS CANT BOGEY OBJECT CANT DUMMY BOOK OBJECT CANT BOOK BREAK OBEY BREAKPROG REQUEST OBJ BRIGAND OBJECT CANT DUMMY BURN OBEY BURNPROG REQUEST OBJ CANCER OBEY CANCER CANT MAGICSPEC CAPRICORN OBEY CAPRICORN CANT MAGICSPEC CARBON OBJECT CANT CARBON CHAIR OBJECT CANT THRONE CHAMBER MOVE CANT CHAMBER CLEAVER OBJECT CANT SWORD CLIFF NONE CANT CLIFFSPEC CLIMB OBEY CLIMBPROG MAY REC COBALT OBJECT CANT COBALT COCAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC COCAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC COIN OBJECT CANT COIN CONSTABLE OBJECT CANT CONSTABLE COOK OBEY BURNPROG REQUEST OBJ COPAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC COPAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC COPPER OBJECT CANT COPPER COSAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC COSAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC CROWN OBJECT CANT CROWN CRYSTAL OBJECT CANT CRYSTAL CUCAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC CUCAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC CUPAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC CUPAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC CUSAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC CUSAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC CYCLOPS OBJECT CANT CYCLOPS DIAMOND OBJECT CANT DIAMOND DIG OBEY DIGPROG CANT DOWN MOVE CANT D DOWNSPEC 1 DRINK OBEY DRINKPROG MAY REC DROP OBEY DROPPROG MAY REC EAST MOVE CANT E 1 EAT OBEY EATPROG REQUEST OBJ EBONY OBJECT CANT WAND ELECTRUM OBJECT CANT COIN EMPTY OBEY EMPTYPROG MUST SPECIAL FAN OBJECT CANT FAN FECAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC FECAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC FEED OBEY FEEDPROG REQUEST OBJ FEPAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC FEPAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC FESAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC FESAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC FIGHT OBEY KILLPROG REQUEST OBJ FIGURINE OBJECT CANT JADE FIRE OBJECT CANT FIRE FISH OBJECT CANT FISH FLAME OBJECT CANT FIRE FLAX NONE CANT FLAXSPEC FLOOR NONE CANT FLOORSPEC FLOUR OBJECT CANT FLOUR FROG OBJECT CANT FROG GEMINI OBEY GEMINI CANT MAGICSPEC GET OBEY TAKEPROG MAY REC GIVE OBEY GIVEPROG REQUEST OBJ GLOBBLE PRINT NHAPPENS CANT GNAA OBJECT CANT NAGA GNAMET OBEY GNAPROG CANT MAGICSPEC GO IGNORE REQUEST DIR GOLD OBJECT CANT ROD GRIFFON OBJECT CANT DUMMY / never there GROLL PRINT GROLLMESS CANT HAMIDOUNE OBJECT CANT WITCH HANGMAN OBJECT CANT HANGMAN HELP PRINT HELPMESS CANT HEMP NONE CANT HEMPSPEC HYMN OBEY HYMNPROG CANT HYMNSPEC IMP OBJECT CANT IMP INGOT OBJECT CANT INGOT INVENTORY OBEY INVPROG CANT INVSPEC 3 INVISIBLEMAN OBJECT CANT DUMMY / not there IRON OBJECT CANT IRON JADE OBJECT CANT JADE JUGGLE OBEY JUGGLEPROG MAY OBJ JUMP OBEY JUMPPROG CANT JUTE NONE CANT JUTESPEC KARG OBJECT CANT KARG KILL OBEY KILLPROG REQUEST OBJ KISS OBEY KISSPROG REQUEST OBJ KNIGHT OBJECT CANT KNIGHT KNIT PRINT NOWOOL MAY ANY LADY OBJECT CANT PRINCESS LEMMING OBJECT CANT STATUE LEO OBEY LEO CANT MAGICSPEC LIBRA OBEY LIBRA CANT MAGICSPEC LOOK OBEY LOOKPROG CANT MACE OBJECT CANT MACE MAGNET OBJECT CANT MAGNET MINK OBJECT CANT MINK MITHRIL OBJECT CANT SALVER MMQ OBEY MMPROG REQUEST OBJ MOVE IGNORE REQUEST DIR MTQ OBEY MTPROG REQUEST OBJ MURAL OBJECT CANT MURAL MYSTIC OBJECT CANT MYSTIC NE MOVE CANT NE NEEDLE OBJECT CANT WAND NORTH MOVE CANT N 1 NW MOVE CANT NW OFF OBEY OFFPROG CANT ONOFFSPEC ON OBEY ONPROG CANT ONOFFSPEC OPAL OBJECT CANT OPAL PANGLE PRINT NHAPPENS CANT PHIAL OBJECT CANT POTION PHILOSOPHER OBJECT CANT MYSTIC PHOSPHORUS OBJECT CANT PHOSPHORUS PISCES OBEY PISCES CANT MAGICSPEC PLANT OBJECT CANT PLANT PLATINUM OBJECT CANT INGOT PLAY OBEY PLAYPROG REQUEST OBJ POLE OBJECT CANT POLE POTION OBJECT CANT POTION POTPLANT OBJECT CANT PLANT 3 PRINCESS OBJECT CANT PRINCESS PULL OBEY PULLPROG MUST OBJ PUSH OBEY PUSHPROG REQUEST OBJ QUIT OBEY QUITPROG CANT 1 READ OBEY READPROG REQUEST REC REQUEST OBEY REQUESTPROG REQUEST OBJ RETURN RETURN CANT ROD OBJECT CANT ROD RODENT OBJECT CANT STATUE SAFE OBJECT CANT MURAL SAGITTARIUS OBEY SAGITTARIUS CANT MAGICSPEC SAILOR OBJECT CANT SAILOR SALVER OBJECT CANT SALVER SAVE OBEY SAVEPROG CANT SAVEND OBEY SAVENDPROG CANT SAY OBEY SAYPROG REQUEST ANY SCORE OBEY SCOREPROG CANT SCORPIO OBEY SCORPIO CANT MAGICSPEC SE MOVE CANT SE SHARI OBJECT CANT SHARI SHOUT OBEY SAYPROG REQUEST ANY SICAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC SICAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC SIGN OBJECT CANT SIGN SILICON OBJECT CANT SILICON SILK OBJECT CANT SILK SING OBEY SAYPROG REQUEST ANY SIPAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC SIPAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC SISAL PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC SISAS PRINT NHAPPENS CANT MAGICSPEC SIT OBEY SITPROG MAY SPECIAL SNAKE OBJECT CANT NAGA SOUTH MOVE CANT S 1 STATUE OBJECT CANT STATUE STEEL OBJECT CANT MAGNET STOLE OBJECT CANT MINK SULPHUR OBJECT CANT SULPHUR SW MOVE CANT SW SWIM OBEY SWIMPROG CANT SWITCH OBEY SWITCHPROG MAY SPECIAL SWITCH SWORD OBJECT CANT SWORD TAKE OBEY TAKEPROG MAY REC TALISMAN OBJECT CANT TALISMAN TAURUS OBEY TAURUS CANT MAGICSPEC THARGLE PRINT NHAPPENS CANT THRONE OBJECT CANT THRONE THROW OBEY THROWPROG REQUEST OBJ TIP OBEY PUSHPROG REQUEST OBJ TROLL OBJECT CANT TROLL TURN OBEY TURNPROG MAY SPECIAL UP MOVE CANT U 1 URGLE PRINT NHAPPENS CANT VAT OBJECT CANT VAT VIRGO OBEY VIRGO CANT MAGICSPEC WAIT PRINT OKMESS CANT WAND OBJECT CANT WAND WARDEN OBJECT CANT WARDEN WATER OBEY WATERPROG REQUEST OBJ WATERSPEC WAVE OBEY WAVEPROG MAY OBJ WEEBLE PRINT NHAPPENS CANT WEST MOVE CANT W 1 WITCH OBJECT CANT WITCH WORD OBEY WORDPROG CANT WORDSPEC WRAITH OBJECT CANT WRAITH WURGLE PRINT NHAPPENS CANT ZOMBIE OBJECT CANT ZOMBIE / / MESSAGES SECTION / ---------------- / / Descriptions of rooms & objects and other messages. Note that one / cannot easily comment this section. !MESSAGE ACCORDM1 There is a strangely familiar accordion lying here. !MESSAGE ACCORDM2 An accordion. !MESSAGE ALCHEMM You are in the alchemists' laboratory. Once many years ago the philosophers of Crobe attempted to transmute elements, but lacking either a philosopher's stone or an atomic pile they made little progress. Their laboratory stands as a memorial to their blighted hopes, though little apparatus remains today. The only exit is back to the south. !MESSAGE ALCHEMW You are in the alchemists' laboratory. !MESSAGE ALUM1 There is a small piece of aluminium here. !MESSAGE ALUM2 A piece of aluminium. !MESSAGE ANVIL1 !SWITCH ANVIL10 ANVIL11 !MESSAGE ANVIL10 A heavy metal anvil lies on the ground here, which bears the slightly familiar legend: !SWITCH ANVIL3 !MESSAGE ANVIL11 A heavy metal anvil lies here. !MESSAGE ANVIL3 HE WHO DRAWS THE SWORD FROM THIS ANVIL IS THE RIGHTFUL 'BRAIN OF CROBE' !MESSAGE AQUAM1 There is a shiny green aquamarine here! !MESSAGE AQUAM2 An aquamarine. !MESSAGE ARSEN1 There is a small piece of arsenic here. !MESSAGE ARSEN2 A piece of arsenic. !MESSAGE ASTROLM You are in the astrological laboratory, where the wizards of Crobe long ago experimented with conjuring up demons and deities. The walls are decorated with zodiacal symbols (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, etc.) and the ceiling contains further diagrams of constellations and strange astrological runes. There are exits to west, north and east. !MESSAGE ASTROLW You are in the astrological laboratory. !MESSAGE BALLS1 There is a set of three wooden balls here. !MESSAGE BALLS2 A set of 3 wooden balls. !MESSAGE BEACH1M You are on a small sandy patch of land just above the high water mark of the sea. To your south lies an entrance into the ruined town of Crobe. !SWITCH BEACH10 BEACH11 !MESSAGE BEACH10 Water prevents your passage in all other directions. !MESSAGE BEACH11 The tide is out and the beach continues eastwards from here, while the mouth of the Crobe river prevents your passage west. !MESSAGE BEACH1W You are on the seafront at Crobe. !MESSAGE BEACH2M You are on a sandy beach which continues east and west here. The sea lies to your north and sheer cliffs loom above you southwards. !MESSAGE BEACH2W You are on the beach below the sheer cliffs. !MESSAGE BEACH3M You are on the beach, which continues west here back towards Crobe. The sea blocks further passage to the east or north, but there is a dark tunnel which leads southeast into the cliffs at this point. !MESSAGE BEACH3W You are on the beach by the tunnel entrance. !MESSAGE BEACH4M You are in a long northwest-southeast tunnel, which comes out towards daylight in the northwest. !MESSAGE BEACH4W You are in a long NW-SE tunnel. !MESSAGE BEACH5M You are in a small cove at a point where a boat might land. Unfortunately a thick mist covers this part of the coast, through which you can dimly make out the sea, some more beach to the east, and a tunnel south into the cliffs. !MESSAGE BEACH5W You are in the cove by the tunnel, in thick fog. !MESSAGE BEACH6M You are at the east end of the cove, by some jagged rocks, which effectively block all progress further east. There is dense fog here but you can see more beach back to the west. !MESSAGE BEACH6W You are at the east end of the cove by the rocks, in thick fog. !MESSAGE BLUE1 A strange blue light shines in the air beside you. !MESSAGE BOOK1 !SWITCH MNULL BOOK11 BOOK12 BOOK13 !MESSAGE BOOK11 There is a book here, entitled "ALL YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT FLAX". !MESSAGE BOOK12 There is a book here, entitled "ALL YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT HEMP". !MESSAGE BOOK13 There is a book here, entitled "ALL YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT JUTE". !MESSAGE BOOK2 !SWITCH MNULL BOOK21 BOOK22 BOOK23 !MESSAGE BOOK21 A book about flax. !MESSAGE BOOK22 A book about hemp. !MESSAGE BOOK23 A book about jute. !MESSAGE CARBON1 There is a small piece of carbon here. !MESSAGE CARBON2 A small piece of carbon. !MESSAGE CHAMBERM You are in a large high entrance chamber underneath the cliffs of Crobe. There are various sombre passages leading off from here, all of which look extremely dangerous, and probably are. !MESSAGE CHAMBERW You are in the large high entrance chamber. !MESSAGE COBALT1 There is a small piece of cobalt here. !MESSAGE COBALT2 A piece of cobalt. !MESSAGE COPPER1 There is a small piece of copper here. !MESSAGE COPPER2 A piece of copper. !MESSAGE COIN1 There is an enormous electrum "coin" here, which must weigh quite 50 lbs (the imp's last joke!) !MESSAGE COIN2 An enormous electrum coin. !MESSAGE CONST1 There is a burly constable here with staff and lantern, who signals you to move on. !MESSAGE CORR1M You are in a curved passage that enters from the southwest and exits into a room further east. !MESSAGE CORR1W You are in a curved SW-E passage. !MESSAGE CORR2M You are in a curved passage that enters from the northwest and exits into a round room further east. There is also an alcove off to the south. !MESSAGE CORR2W You are in a curved passage. !MESSAGE CORR3M You are in a round chamber that has exits to the west, northeast and southeast. !MESSAGE CORR3W You are in the round chamber. !MESSAGE CORR4M You are at the meeting point of five corridors - to the east, west, south, southeast and southwest. In addition there is a hole here that leads down to some sort of underground marsh. !MESSAGE CORR4W You are at the meeting point of 5 corridors, with a hole down. !MESSAGE CORR5M You are at a meeting point of six corridors that radiate from here to the east, west, north, south, northeast and northwest. !MESSAGE CORR5W You are at the junction of six corridors. !MESSAGE CORR6M You are in a thin, very high room, rather like a chimney. A thick fog hangs in the air about thirty feet above you. There are exits to the east, southeast and northeast. !MESSAGE CORR6W You are in a thin chimney-like room below a pall of fog. !MESSAGE CORR7M You are in a thin, very high room, rather like a chimney. A thick fog hangs in the air about thirty feet above you. There are exits to the north, south, east and west. !MESSAGE CORR8M You are in a thin, very high room, rather like a chimney. A thick fog hangs in the air about thirty feet above you. There are exits to the west, northwest and southwest. !MESSAGE CORR9M You are in the Tomb of the Wraith, the place where some incredibly evil being was put to death. The air is chilly and even your intrepid spirit is disheartened. There are escape routes to the northwest and southwest. !MESSAGE CORR9W You are in the Tomb of the Wraith. !MESSAGE CROBE1M You are in the ruins of Crobe, somewhere near the old northwest tower, now long since destroyed. Streets lead to the east and south. !MESSAGE CROBE1W You are at the northwest tower. !MESSAGE CROBE2M You are at the north gate of Crobe. An archway leads north to the seafront and various streets lead through the rubble to the east, west, southeast and southwest. !MESSAGE CROBE2W You are at the north gate of Crobe. !MESSAGE CROBE3M You are at what remains of the northeast tower of Crobe, gutted by fire and crawling with rats. There are streets leading off to the west and south here. !MESSAGE CROBE3W You are at the northeast tower of Crobe. !MESSAGE CROBE4M You are at the ruins of the temple of Groll, a vile place that certainly deserved to be desecrated. The streets lead to the north, south, northeast and southeast from here. !MESSAGE CROBE4W You are at the temple of Groll. !MESSAGE CROBE5M You are at the ruins of the temple of Bakht, a jolly place that saw many a human sacrifice before it was destroyed. There are streets to the north, south, northwest and southwest. !MESSAGE CROBE5W You are at the ruins of the temple of Bakht. !MESSAGE CROBE6M You are in the southwest corner of Crobe, a desolate and entirely wrecked tower that contains nothing of interest these days. The streets lead to the north and east from here. !MESSAGE CROBE6W You are at the Southwest tower of Crobe. !MESSAGE CROBE7M You are at the southern gateway of the ill-fated town of Crobe, a lonely and now-ruined town. A gateway leads out to the south, and empty streets stretch to the east, west, northeast and northwest. !MESSAGE CROBE7W You are at the southern gateway of Crobe. !MESSAGE CROBE8M You are by the southeast tower of Crobe, which is in a state of extreme disrepair these days. Streets lead north and west through the ruins. !MESSAGE CROBE8W You are by the southeast tower of Crobe. !MESSAGE CROWN1 The crown of the frog-king is here! !MESSAGE CROWN2 The frog crown. !MESSAGE CRYSTAL1 There is a large octahedral crystal here, which radiates a glowing light in all directions! !MESSAGE CRYSTAL2 A glowing crystal. !MESSAGE CYCLOPSM !SWITCH CYCLOPS0 CYCLOPS1 !MESSAGE CYCLOPS0 A huge cyclops stands before you! !MESSAGE CYCLOPS1 A large cyclops is lying on the ground dead, its head somewhat crushed by a stone lemming. !MESSAGE DENDM Dead end. !MESSAGE DEND5M !SWITCH DENDM DEND5NOT !MESSAGE DEND5NOT You are in what was formerly a dead end but is now an east-west passage leading to Karg's quarters. !MESSAGE DEND5W !SWITCH DENDM DEND5NW !MESSAGE DEND5NW You are in the E-W passage that was formerly a dead end. !MESSAGE DEND6M You are in a small alcove. The only exit is back to the north. !MESSAGE DEND6W You are in the small alcove. !MESSAGE DIAM1 There is a first-rate diamond here - an ace of diamonds! !MESSAGE DIAM2 A large diamond. !MESSAGE FAN1 There is a large fan here, made of griffon feathers. !MESSAGE FAN2 A large fan. !MESSAGE FIREM1 A fire burns here with a strange-looking flame. !MESSAGE FISHM1 A small dead fish lies stranded here. !MESSAGE FISHM2 A dead fish. !MESSAGE FLOURM1 !SWITCH FLOUR10 FLOUR11 !MESSAGE FLOUR10 There is a bag of flour lying here. !MESSAGE FLOUR11 There are traces of flour on the ground here. !MESSAGE FLOURM2 A bag of flour. !MESSAGE FROGM1 There is a small green frog sitting here. !MESSAGE FROGM2 A frog. !MESSAGE GATEM !SWITCH GATEM1 GATEM2 !MESSAGE GATEM1 You are in a wide east-west corridor; there are strange shadows here and the air shimmers strangely. !MESSAGE GATEM2 You are in the wide east-west corridor where the invisible man once lived. !MESSAGE GATEW !SWITCH GATEW1 GATEM2 !MESSAGE GATEW1 You are in the wide east-west corridor with shimmering air. !MESSAGE HANG1 There is a hangman standing here with rope and lantern, who is sizing you up as a future customer. !MESSAGE IMP1 The imp is here, and watching you carefully. !MESSAGE INGOT1 There is a platinum ingot here, stamped "Bank of Crobe"! !MESSAGE INGOT2 A platinum ingot. !MESSAGE IRON1 There is a small piece of iron here. !MESSAGE IRON2 A small piece of iron. !MESSAGE JADE1 There is a jade figurine here, depicting the Dark Knight of Crobe! !MESSAGE JADE2 A jade figurine. !MESSAGE JOUSTM You are in a long wide corridor, which extends west from here and twists at this point to end in an alcove to the south. !MESSAGE JOUSTW You are in the long wide twisting corridor. !MESSAGE KARG1 !SWITCH KARG10 KARG11 !MESSAGE KARG10 Karg the troll-king stands before you! !MESSAGE KARG11 Karg the troll-king is here, in gaseous form! !MESSAGE KNIGHT1 A black knight on a phantom charger is bearing down on you, lance at the ready... !MESSAGE MACE1 !SWITCH MACE10 MACE11 !MESSAGE MACE10 There is an iron mace here. !MESSAGE MACE11 There is a highly decorated silver mace here! !MESSAGE MACE2 !SWITCH MACE20 MACE21 !MESSAGE MACE20 An iron mace. !MESSAGE MACE21 A silver mace. !MESSAGE MADLM !SWITCH MADM MADM1 !MESSAGE MADM You are in the Maze of Bedlam. Lunatic sounds echo all around you, insane giggling, animal-imitations, cries and shrieks, etc. There is a menacing air to the whole place and you find it an effort to keep your own sanity. There are exits to north, south, east and west. !MESSAGE MADM1 You are in the Maze of Bedlam. The air glows in a luminous fashion and lunatic sounds echo all around you, insane giggling, animal-imitations, cries and shrieks, etc. There is a menacing air to the whole place and you find it an effort to keep your own sanity. There are exits to north, south, east and west. !MESSAGE MADLW !SWITCH MADW MADW1 !MESSAGE MADW You are in the Maze of Bedlam. !MESSAGE MADW1 You are in the maze of Bedlam. The air glows in a luminous fashion. !MESSAGE MADCM You are at the centre of the Maze of Bedlam. Here the menace is more pronounced and the madness seems to have its own fiendish purposes. There are exits to north, south, east and west. !MESSAGE MADCW You are at the centre of the maze of Bedlam. !MESSAGE MAGNET1 There is a U-shaped steel artefact here, encrusted with pearls! It bears the word GNAMET. !MESSAGE MAGNET2 A pearl-encrusted artefact. !MESSAGE MARSHM1 You are in an underground marsh, a treacherous place where everything looks alike and water and slime lap around your feet. One false move would mean death, but you do at least have the choice of 8 horizontal directions to wander in. !MESSAGE MARSHM2 You are in the marsh. !MESSAGE MINEM You are in some disused mithril mines. Twisting passages lead off to north, south, east and west, though some of them do look extremely likely to collapse at any moment. !MESSAGE MINEW You are in the old mithril mines. !MESSAGE MINE9M You have reached a chamber at the end of the mithril mines: here there are signs of former habitation - an old rusty forge and some old chains by which the ponies probably dragged out the smelted ore. !MESSAGE MINE9W You are in the chamber at the end of the mithril mines. !MESSAGE MINK1 There is a mink stole here, no doubt stolen! !MESSAGE MINK2 A stolen stole. !MESSAGE MURAL1 On the south wall is painted an unusual mural. It depicts a safe with four dials in a horizontal line. Each of them bears the letters B G H K M N X Y clockwise round the dial. An inscription below it says: THE SAFE DOOR BE BROKEN BY WORD SUNG OR SPOKEN !MESSAGE MURALGO The wall before you with the mural painted on it fades away before your eyes, revealing a passageway to the south. !MESSAGE MYSTICM1 At the top of the pole there sits a mystic, rapt in profound philosophical contemplation, who has perhaps been here for weeks. He takes no notice of mundane things, such as you. !MESSAGE NAGA1 There is a huge snake here, with a female human head. !MESSAGE NAGAR1M You are in the chamber of Gnaa, a large room with exits to east and west, and a strong smell of incense. !MESSAGE NAGAR1W You are in the chamber of Gnaa. !MESSAGE NAGAR2M You are in a small square room beyond the great chamber of Gnaa; the room is lit by concealed lighting. There is no way back except to the east. !MESSAGE NAGAR2W You are in the small square room beyond the chamber of Gnaa. !MESSAGE OPAL1 The dark opal of Crobe is here! !MESSAGE OPAL2 A huge opal. !MESSAGE PASS1M You are in a curved passage that enters from the northeast and leaves to the south. !MESSAGE PASS1W You are in the curved passage. !MESSAGE PASS2M You are in a small cave on the edge of a chasm. A passage leads out to the north and a tightrope extends across the chasm to the south. I hope your balance is good! !MESSAGE PASS2W You are at the north end of the chasm near the tightrope. !MESSAGE PASS3M You are in a small cave at the southern end of a deep chasm. One exit is via a tightrope leading north across the chasm, another by a wide corridor west, a third south into some mines, and a fourth eastwards. !MESSAGE PASS3W You are at the south end of the chasm near the tightrope. !MESSAGE PASS4M You are in a long east-west corridor. High above you there is a hole in the ceiling, but you cannot climb up to it from here. A beacon above provides illumination. There are side-passages off the corridor further east and west from here. !MESSAGE PASS4W You are in the long east-west corridor, below the hole in the ceiling. !MESSAGE PHOS1 There is a small piece of red phosphorus here. !MESSAGE PHOS2 A small piece of phosphorus. !MESSAGE PLANT1 There is a very thirsty-looking pot plant here. !MESSAGE PLANT2 A pot plant. !MESSAGE POLEM1 There is a large heavy pole precariously balanced here. !MESSAGE POTION1 There is a phial of potion here. !MESSAGE POTION2 A potion. !MESSAGE PRINCM1 A beautiful lady, doubtless a princess, is sitting on the throne looking languidly into the distance. !MESSAGE ROAD1M You are at the end of a road which leads east from here. To the north there lie the walls of Crobe and to the south an impenetrable forest. A fast-flowing river blocks your way westwards, as it gushes north towards the sea. !MESSAGE ROAD1W You are at the end of the road by the river. !MESSAGE ROAD2M You are standing on an east-west road which runs between the walls of Crobe and an impenetrable forest. At this point there is a gateway north into the town of Crobe. !MESSAGE ROAD2W You are on the road by the south gate of Crobe. !MESSAGE ROAD3M You are at a crossroads just outside the southeastern tower of Crobe. The east-west road meets one that leads north to the sea and south into a thick forest. !MESSAGE ROAD3W You are at the crossroads by the southeast tower of Crobe. !MESSAGE ROAD4M The road ends here at a clearing in the forest, which hems you in in every direction except the north. !MESSAGE ROAD4W You are at a clearing in the forest. !MESSAGE ROAD5M You are on a north-south track that is climbing gently to the top of the cliffs. The walls of Crobe lie to your west and a marshy area prevents your going east. !MESSAGE ROAD5W You are on a north-south track to the east of Crobe. !MESSAGE ROAD6M The road ends here at a small pond. Maybe it was once a big pond, for otherwise it is hard to see why anybody should have built a road here. The only way to go is back to the west. !MESSAGE ROAD6W You are at the end of the road by the pond. !MESSAGE ROAD7M You are at the top of a sheer cliff, overlooking the sea which lies to your north. The towers of Crobe lie to the west and the roads continue south and east. !SWITCH MNULL ROAD71 !MESSAGE ROAD71 The tide is now out and the beach can be seen at the foot of the cliffs. !MESSAGE ROAD7W You are at the top of the cliff, near the northeast tower of Crobe. !SWITCH MNULL ROAD71 !MESSAGE ROAD8M The road comes to an end here, with thick foliage blocking you to east and south and a sheer cliff immediately to the north. There is a road back to the west. !SWITCH MNULL ROAD71 ROAD82 ROAD83 !MESSAGE ROAD82 On the sands below the cliffs stands a large cyclops who is gazing around somewhat nervously. !MESSAGE ROAD83 On the sands below the cliffs there lies a huge dead cyclops. !MESSAGE ROAD8W You are at the end of the road at the cliff-top. !SWITCH MNULL ROAD71 ROAD82 ROAD83 !MESSAGE ROD1 There is a gold rod here! !MESSAGE ROD2 A gold rod. !MESSAGE SAFE1M !SWITCH SAFE10 SAFE11 !MESSAGE SAFE10 You are in a short corridor which ends in a south wall. The only exit is back to the north. !MESSAGE SAFE11 You are in a north-south corridor, the one that used to have a mural blocking the southern exit. !MESSAGE SAFE1W !SWITCH SAFE1W0 SAFE1W1 !MESSAGE SAFE1W0 You are in a short corridor ending in a south wall. !MESSAGE SAFE1W1 You are in a north-south corridor. !MESSAGE SAFE2M You are in a small room with metal walls that looks as though it may once have been a walk-in safe. The only way to walk out is by a doorway to the north. !MESSAGE SAFE2W You are in the "safe" room. !MESSAGE SAILOR1 A huge bearded sailor stands here to challenge you. !MESSAGE SALVER1 There is a fine mithril salver here! !MESSAGE SALVER2 A mithril salver. !MESSAGE SHARI1 Six large stone beings, the sharis of legend, stand before you. They are humanoid in appearance, differing only in that they have no heads! Nonetheless they are aware of your presence and move to block your way. !MESSAGE SHIM1M You are in a wide east-west passage. The air is very dry and the dust in the air causes you to cough every so often. !MESSAGE SHIM1W You are in a wide dry east-west passage. !MESSAGE SIGN1 A sign attached to the wall says KEEP OUT: KARG. !MESSAGE SILIC1 There is a small chip of silicon here. !MESSAGE SILIC2 A small piece of silicon. !MESSAGE SILK1 There is a bale of precious silk here! !MESSAGE SILK2 A bale of silk. !MESSAGE SROOM1M You are in the entrance to a large room, which fans out from here to your N, NE, E, SE and S. The area is lit by glossy electric fittings way above you and looks very elegant. A passageway leads out to the west. !SWITCH SROOM1L !MESSAGE SROOM1W You are in the entrance to the glossy-looking room. !SWITCH SROOM1L !MESSAGE SROOM1L !SWITCH MNULL SROOM11 SROOM12 SROOM13 SROOM14 SROOM15 !MESSAGE SROOM11 On the floor is painted a large red 3. !MESSAGE SROOM12 On the floor is painted a large red 5. !MESSAGE SROOM13 On the floor is painted a large red 10. !MESSAGE SROOM14 On the floor is painted a large red 20. !MESSAGE SROOM15 On the floor is painted a large red 24. !MESSAGE SROOM2M You are in the northwest corner of the large glossy room. !SWITCH SWITCH0 SWITCH1 !MESSAGE SROOM3M You are in the northeast corner of the large glossy room. !SWITCH SWITCH0 SWITCH1 !MESSAGE SROOM4M You are in the middle of the eastern wall of the large glossy room. !SWITCH SWITCH0 SWITCH1 !MESSAGE SROOM5M You are in the southeast corner of the large glossy room. !SWITCH SWITCH0 SWITCH1 !MESSAGE SROOM6M You are in the southwest corner of the large glossy room. !SWITCH SWITCH0 SWITCH1 !MESSAGE SWITCH0 There is an electric switch on the wall, which is OFF. !MESSAGE SWITCH1 There is an electric switch on the wall, which is ON. !MESSAGE STATUEM1 !SWITCH STATUE10 STATUE11 !MESSAGE STATUE10 There is a stone statue of a rodent at the edge of the cliff; it bears the inscription "THE UNKNOWN LEMMING". !MESSAGE STATUE11 There is a stone statue of a lemming on the beach here. !MESSAGE STORE1M You are in the brigands' store room, which continues east from here. There is also a hole down to some sort of corridor far below you. !MESSAGE STORE1W You are in the brigands' store room above the hole. !MESSAGE STORE2M You are in the brigands' store room, which continues west from here. There is also an exit further east from which sounds of carousing can be discerned. !MESSAGE STORE2W You are in the brigands' store room. !MESSAGE SULPH1 There is a small piece of sulphur here. !MESSAGE SULPH2 A small piece of sulphur. !MESSAGE SWORD1 !SWITCH SWORD10 SWORD11 !MESSAGE SWORD10 A mighty two-handed sword is embedded in the anvil here, its hilt decorated with jewels! !MESSAGE SWORD11 There is a mighty two-handed sword here, its hilt decorated with jewels, its blade shining with a white light. It is the Cleaver of legend! !MESSAGE SWORD2 The mighty sword Cleaver. !MESSAGE TALIS1 There is an ancient-looking talisman here. !MESSAGE TALIS2 A talisman. !MESSAGE THRONEM1 There is an ornate golden throne here! !MESSAGE THRONEM2 A golden throne. !MESSAGE TROLL1 !SWITCH TROLL10 TROLL11 !MESSAGE TROLL10 A huge troll stands on the bridge, to defend it against invaders. !MESSAGE TROLL11 There is a troll lying here, apparently dead. !MESSAGE TROLLH1M You are in a large cavern, where trolls have been living and indulging in their day-to-day business (torture, murder, that sort of thing.) There is a corridor back to the east and a bridge south over a deep underground chasm. !MESSAGE TROLLH1W You are in the trolls' business quarters. !MESSAGE TROLLH2M You are standing on a narrow stone bridge that crosses a deep chasm. The troll quarters are back to the north, and the bridge continues south from here. !MESSAGE TROLLH2W You are on the narrow stone bridge across the chasm. !MESSAGE TROLLH3M You are in the throne room of Karg, King of the trolls. With their chief fighter vanquished the trolls are all hiding at the back of the room, letting Karg himself take you on in combat. !MESSAGE TROLLH3W You are in the throne room of Karg. !MESSAGE TUNEM You are in a low east-west tunnel. !MESSAGE TUNSM You are in a low north-south tunnel. !MESSAGE VAT1 There is a huge leaden vat here, filled with boiling acid. !SWITCH VAT1L !MESSAGE VAT1L On the vat is inscribed, in a spidery scrawl, the word !SWITCH VAT10 VAT11 VAT12 VAT13 VAT14 VAT15 VAT16 VAT17 VAT18 VAT19 VAT110 VAT111 VAT112 VAT113 VAT114 VAT115 VAT116 VAT117 VAT118 VAT119 VAT120 VAT121 VAT122 VAT123 !MESSAGE VAT10 FECAL. !MESSAGE VAT11 FECAS. !MESSAGE VAT12 FEPAL. !MESSAGE VAT13 FEPAS. !MESSAGE VAT14 FESAL. !MESSAGE VAT15 FESAS. !MESSAGE VAT16 COCAL. !MESSAGE VAT17 COCAS. !MESSAGE VAT18 COPAL. !MESSAGE VAT19 COPAS. !MESSAGE VAT110 COSAL. !MESSAGE VAT111 COSAS. !MESSAGE VAT112 CUCAL. !MESSAGE VAT113 CUCAS. !MESSAGE VAT114 CUPAL. !MESSAGE VAT115 CUPAS. !MESSAGE VAT116 CUSAL. !MESSAGE VAT117 CUSAS. !MESSAGE VAT118 SICAL. !MESSAGE VAT119 SICAS. !MESSAGE VAT120 SIPAL. !MESSAGE VAT121 SIPAS. !MESSAGE VAT122 SISAL. !MESSAGE VAT123 SISAS. !MESSAGE WAND1 There is an elegantly carved ebony knitting needle here! !MESSAGE WAND2 A long black knitting needle. !MESSAGE WARDEN1 The Warden of Crobe is standing here, beaming benevolently. !MESSAGE WHITE1 A strange white light glows in the air beside you. !MESSAGE XROADM You are at a crossroads, which for safety is lit by beacons above: passages lead south and west, and there are rooms to the north and east. !MESSAGE XROADW You are at the crossroads. !MESSAGE YROADM You are in an eerie north-south passageway, which for no apparent reason sends chilly sensations down your spine. The line of beacons which provides illumination ends here. !MESSAGE YROADW You are in an eerie north-south passageway. !MESSAGE ZOMBIE1 A zombie stands here sadly - what was once a fair maid is now just the leftovers from some Grollian ceremony. !MESSAGE ZROADM You are at a T-junction: an eerie northern passage enters here to join a high east-west corridor. !MESSAGE ZROADW You are at the T-junction with the eerie passage. !MESSAGE ALRHELD You're already holding that! !MESSAGE ALROFF It's already off! !MESSAGE ALRON It's already on! !MESSAGE AQUAGEM At your command, a man carrying a pitcher of water appears. He promptly throws it all over you (SPLOSH!) and vanishes. The pot plant burgeons into sudden life and a strange glistening bud is formed, which falls off onto the ground. The flower show comes to an end, and the plant regains its former withered appearance. !MESSAGE AQUAMESS At your command, a man carrying a pitcher of water appears. He promptly throws it at you (SPLOSH!) and vanishes. !MESSAGE ARIDIE At your command, a huge ram appears and charges straight into you, wounding you mortally. !MESSAGE ARRESTED "I warned you" says the Constable. "No loitering around here!" You are arrested and later tried and condemned to death. !MESSAGE BAKHTMESS I wouldn't call on Bakht - he's a nasty piece of work! !MESSAGE BANDITMESS You proceed towards the direction of the carousing brigands, who are shocked to see an intruder emerging from their store. At first they are in two minds whether to recruit you to the gang or to put you to death, but eventually they decide on the latter procedure. !MESSAGE BANG >>>>> BANG !!!! <<<<< The vat explodes, covering you with corrosive acid. !MESSAGE BIRDMESS You throw the ? over the cliff-edge. As if from nowhere a giant owl swoops down and carries it off. !MESSAGE BOGEYMAN The passage gets more and more eerie as you fumble your way along, until eventually the bogeyman gets you and you are carried off to his infernal domains. !MESSAGE BOOKREAD You peruse the book in great detail, learning all you ever wanted to know ... and quite a lot more. !MESSAGE BUBBLE The acid in the vat bubbles and fumes menacingly for a while, then all is calm again. !MESSAGE CANDIE At your command, a giant crab appears, and, I regret, gives you a poisonous bite. !MESSAGE CANTDO You can't do that! !MESSAGE CANTTAKE You can't take that! !MESSAGE CAPDIE At your command, a huge goat appears and rushes straight for you, butting you fatally. !MESSAGE CHALLENGE A wet and bedraggled sailor enters the astrological laboratory and accuses you of piracy and wrecking, claiming that you caused his ship to be destroyed. "I demand justice!" he shouts. !MESSAGE CLICK There is a clicking of relays and a general humming of circuitry. !MESSAGE CLICKBAD There is a clicking of relays and a general humming of circuitry. A mechanical-sounding voice says 'STUPID!' !MESSAGE CLICKGOOD There is a clicking of relays and a general humming of circuitry. A mechanical-sounding voice says 'BRILLIANT!' !MESSAGE COLLAP1 The effort of retaining your sanity after the ordeal of Bedlam makes you feel very weak, and you all but collapse. !MESSAGE COLLAP2 The strain of moving further is too much for you - your mind and body give up the struggle in unison. !MESSAGE CONSENTER A Constable enters, and indicates that you should move on. !MESSAGE CONSLEAVE There is a Constable here, who leaves the room as you enter it. !MESSAGE CYCDIE You encounter a huge cyclops, who fixes you with his glittering eye and then (unlike the Ancient Mariner) grabs your helpless body and crushes it to death. !MESSAGE DEXTROUS With amazing dexterity, you succeed in crossing the tightrope, which spans a deep gorge with a mighty subterranean river running far below. You arrive, relieved, on the other side. !MESSAGE DIEMESS You seem to have got too badly mangled to go on. !MESSAGE DIGBAD You dig a hole in the ground with your bare hands, finding nothing. !MESSAGE DISINTEG The bag of flour disintegrates as you empty its contents onto the ground. !MESSAGE DONTSEE I don't see that around here! !MESSAGE DRINKBAD You sip the water here but it tastes horrible. !MESSAGE DROPOBJ1 !SWITCH DROPOBJ3 DROPOBJ2 DROPOBJ3 !MESSAGE DROPOBJ2 You dropped one object. !MESSAGE DROPOBJ3 You dropped  objects. !MESSAGE FNMESS The frog croaks a comment that sounds like "URGLE". !MESSAGE FNEMESS The frog croaks a comment that sounds like "BARGLE". !MESSAGE FEMESS The frog croaks a comment that sounds like "WEEBLE". !MESSAGE FSEMESS The frog croaks a comment that sounds like "THARGLE". !MESSAGE FSMESS The frog croaks a comment that sounds like "BINGLE". !MESSAGE FSWMESS The frog croaks a comment that sounds like "PANGLE". !MESSAGE FWMESS The frog croaks a comment that sounds like "GLOBBLE". !MESSAGE FNWMESS The frog croaks a comment that sounds like "WURGLE". !MESSAGE FALLHOLE In the dark you blunder along, then fall through a hole in the floor and break your neck. !MESSAGE FALLROPE You walk out along the tightrope, but for some reason feel awkwardly encumbered and unable to balance properly. Thus you fall off the tightrope somewhere in the middle and are never seen again. !MESSAGE FALLRP2 You walk out along the tightrope, but you are not dextrous enough to retain your balance for long enough and so you fall off the tightrope somewhere in the middle and are never seen again. !MESSAGE FEEDMYSTIC You begin to cook the fish on the sacred fire, which after a short while splutters and goes out - not, however, without first producing an aroma of cooked fish. At this the mystic, enraged, leaps down from the pole and bemoans "It's more than flesh and blood can stand - two weeks I've been fasting here and this idiot starts cooking fish in front of me!" He grabs the fish from you and rushes off with it into the distance. !MESSAGE FIREOUT You begin to cook the ? on the sacred fire, which after a short while splutters and goes out, leaving the ? undamaged. !MESSAGE FISHSLAP At your command, a fish appears from nowhere, flies through the air, and hits you in the face. It then disappears again. !MESSAGE FLOURPOWER You throw the flour into the air. Some of it settles on the ground, but some strikes an invisible man who was lurking in the corridor. Perceiving that his cover is blown, he dashes past you, over to the tightrope and plummets into the chasm. !MESSAGE FROGHOME You step out onto dry land, and as you do so the frog wriggles from your grasp and, growing in size as it does so, runs up a palatial staircase that has appeared in front of you. Then a huge frog wearing a crown appears and tells you the story of how his daughter was cursed by an evil enchanter and turned into a human princess. Until the day when some brave adventurer rescued her, she was forced to remain in this form, highly inconvenient for catching insects. "The least I can do" concludes the frog-king, "is to give you my crown as a reward - luckily the spare one came back from the cleaner's this morning. I'd better teleport you back to your world as well - the marsh can only be traversed by us frogs." He says some words that you don't catch, and you see that... !MESSAGE FROGX Suddenly the frog becomes very agitated and croaks out !SWITCH MNULL FROGX1 FROGX2 FROGX3 FROGX4 FROGX5 FROGX6 FROGX7 FROGX8 !MESSAGE FROGX1 "URGLE!" !MESSAGE FROGX2 "BARGLE!" !MESSAGE FROGX3 "WEEBLE!" !MESSAGE FROGX4 "THARGLE!" !MESSAGE FROGX5 "BINGLE!" !MESSAGE FROGX6 "PANGLE!" !MESSAGE FROGX7 "GLOBBLE!" !MESSAGE FROGX8 "WURGLE!" !MESSAGE GEMMESS At your command, two gurgling babies appear, look at you reproachfully and then vanish. !MESSAGE GIVEMESS The Warden smilingly takes what you offer him and promises to keep it safe for you. !MESSAGE GIVEMORE Is there anything else that you wish to deposit with the Warden? !MESSAGE GIVEWHAT What else do you wish to give the Warden? !MESSAGE GLUG Glug, glug, glug, ... oh dear, that wasn't a safe way to go. !MESSAGE GNAMETM The artefact is labelled "GNAMET". !MESSAGE GROLLMESS I wouldn't call on Groll - she's an unpleasant sort of deity! !MESSAGE GUILTY At your command, the figure of justice appears, brandishing a pair of scales. "You are weighed in the balance and found wanting!" she cries, and then disappears. The sailor seizes on this and implements justice (your death!) !MESSAGE HANDSFULL You can't carry anything more - you'll have to drop something before you can take that. !MESSAGE HANDSF2 You've had to leave some things, as your hands are now full. !MESSAGE HEALED The potion acts on your weakened frame like a tonic. It IS a tonic. For a moment you feel that you may be growing fur and feathers, but the delusion soon passes and you stand invigorated and ready for new adventures. Having done its duty, the magical potion's container fades into nothingness. !MESSAGE HEARFALL You hear the sound of a collapsing tunnel very close at hand. !MESSAGE HEARNTROLL As you withdraw, you hear the sounds of a troll walking on the bridge. !MESSAGE HEARSHIP You hear the sounds of a ship off shore somewhere in the fog. Sounds of "Yo ho ho and a cup of tea!" and "Avast there, ye lubbers!" drift over the water towards you. !MESSAGE HEARPIRATE Over the waters, in the fog, you hear cries of "Pirates!" followed by frantic preparations for battle. !MESSAGE HEARPILOOT Across the foggy sea you hear sounds of a ship being captured by pirates, and of a man walking the plank (CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP SPLOSH HOORAH!) as the buccaneers take over the hapless vessel. !MESSAGE HEARPIGO The sound of pirates in the distance grows steadily fainter and the ship is soon lost from sound as well as sight. !MESSAGE HEARTROLL As you withdraw you hear the sounds of trolls marching. !MESSAGE HELLO Crobe - version 1.09. Please contact JRP1 in case of trouble. Welcome to the caverns of Crobe! !MESSAGE HELPMESS Enter commands consisting of one or two words on a line. To move, give directions: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, U(P), D(OWN). Other useful words include BACK, TAKE, DROP, INV, SAVE, SAVEND, ... !MESSAGE HOLDING You are holding: !MESSAGE IMPALE The knight succeeds in impaling you on his lance. Phantom he may be, but that weapon felt solid enough! !MESSAGE IMPDISOBEY The imp reappears, snarling with glee. "You have disobeyed my instructions" it sneers. "Now your soul is mine!" It bites you in the neck, after which you become as one with the place, i.e. a demented wreck. !MESSAGE IMPGREET An imp appears before you. "How nice of you to enter my domain" it says. "I shall give you three tasks, which you must fulfil here. Should you succeed, I shall reward you. Should you fail, I shall be rewarded. Ha ha ha..." Cackling evilly, it vanishes. !MESSAGE IMPTASK1 The imp reappears. "Your first task, oh adventurer, is to take three steps back. Don't fail!" It disappears again. !MESSAGE IMPT1OK "Very good!" says the imp, reappearing beside you. "Your next task will be issued when you reach the centre of Bedlam." !MESSAGE IMPTASK2 "Welcome again" says the imp. "Your next task is to go directly to the hangman, should you wish to avoid destruction..." !MESSAGE IMPTK3 "Very good" says the imp. "You've completed your second task successfully. Finally all you must do is take the way of light and your trials will be at an end." !MESSAGE IMPT3OK "Cursed be ye!" says the imp. "You have successfully completed the final task. Your reward now lies in the room of singularity. Next time you may not get off so lightly!" !MESSAGE INSTRUC Do you want some inside information? !MESSAGE INSTRMESS You have been summoned to the seaport of Crobe, a town where much devastation has taken place thanks to an evil creature called Karg, who is king of a band of trolls. It is your task to dispose of this menace, who has fled to a hideaway under the cliffs of Crobe. You know also of a mighty wizard called the Warden of Crobe, who may aid you if suitably impressed by your prowess. Good luck - you will need it! !MESSAGE INTOCHASM You throw the ? into the chasm and it falls out of sight. !MESSAGE INTOGORGE You throw the ? into the gorge and it is never seen again. !MESSAGE JEERS You hear sounds of jeering from the trolls as you retreat across the bridge. !MESSAGE JUGGLEMESS You attempt to juggle the wooden balls, clumsily at first but later with greater proficiency. Just as you feel that you have really got the hang of them, they vanish completely, leaving you bemused but possibly more adept in some ways! !MESSAGE KARGBLAST You enter the throne room of Karg but have little time to take in details as you are hit by a blast of cold air from the mighty Karg. This you cannot evade, and you die. !MESSAGE KARGFLEE The vapour-cloud that is the evil Karg flies away and is seen no more at Crobe. Not bad, but you were supposed to kill him! You scored 280 points out of a maximum of 300. Better luck next time! !MESSAGE KARGLUNGE Seeing your indecision, Karg lunges for you and takes you off balance! The trolls surround you and prepare the torturing implements... !MESSAGE KARGVAPOUR You swing the mighty sword Cleaver at Karg, hacking him painfully. Just as you are preparing for the follow-up death blow, the evil one turns into a cloud of gas and hovers above you. !MESSAGE KEEPOUT The sign says "KEEP OUT: KARG". !MESSAGE KISSOK You solemnly kiss the ?, with no interesting results. !MESSAGE KISSPRINC You plant a kiss on the ruby lips of the princess, who gives a faint sigh of contentment and then suddenly changes into a frog! So much for what have might been a great romance! !MESSAGE LEODIE At your command, a roaring lion appears, and promptly devours you. !MESSAGE LIBMESS At your command, the figure of justice appears, brandishing a pair of scales. "You are weighed in the balance and found innocent!" she cries, and then disappears. !MESSAGE MADBLOCK Something drives you back, preventing you from going back into Bedlam again. !MESSAGE MNULL !MESSAGE MOREGAMES Fancy another game then? !MESSAGE MUGNONE When you proceed down the corridor, some brigands leap out at you from a side passage and search you for loot. Finding none, they give you a few vicious kicks and then usher you away from their lair. !MESSAGE MUGSOME When you proceed down the corridor, some brigands leap out at you from a side passage and search you for loot. This they take from you, then give you a few vicious kicks and usher you away from their lair. !MESSAGE MURALRD The writing on the mural reads: B G H K M N X Y (4 times) and then THE SAFE DOOR BE BROKEN BY WORD SUNG OR SPOKEN !MESSAGE MYSTICWITHER The mystic gives you a withering glance as you push at the pole with him on it, so you soon feel compelled to desist. !MESSAGE NHAPPENS Nothing much happens. !MESSAGE NICEADV Nice adventurers don't kill things unless it's really necessary. Anyway, you'd only get killed if you tried. !MESSAGE NOBALL You are not carrying any balls to juggle with! !MESSAGE NODRINK You don't have anything to drink! !MESSAGE NOEXIT You attempt to leave Bedlam and find that something drags you back irresistably. You've got problems, haven't you! !MESSAGE NOFIRE There's no fire here! !MESSAGE NOFOOD You have no suitable food. !MESSAGE NOMESSAGE The anvil no longer bears a message! !MESSAGE NOSAVEMESS Sorry, it isn't safe to save just now! !MESSAGE NOSUITABLE This is a very delicate plant - it wants only the purest water. What you have here isn't suitable. !MESSAGE NOTAGAIN Not again! You know it all now! !MESSAGE NOTALIVE It's not alive! !MESSAGE NOTHELD You're not holding that! !MESSAGE NOTHING Nothing. !MESSAGE NOTHNGHERE There's nothing here you can take easily! !MESSAGE NOTHOLDING You're not holding anything! !MESSAGE NOTOFF There's nothing here you can turn off! !MESSAGE NOTON There's nothing here you can turn on! !MESSAGE NOWARDEN The Warden of Crobe is not here! !MESSAGE NOWATER There isn't any water round here! !MESSAGE NOWAYMESS You can't go in that direction! !MESSAGE NOWEAPON You have no weapon! !MESSAGE NOWOOL Have you any wool? No sir, no sir. !MESSAGE OKMESS OK. !MESSAGE OWLBEAR As you sip the potion, you feel to your horror that feathers are forming on your upper half, and fur on the lower half. Whether it is a delusion, or whether you are really turning into an obscene mutation, you cannot say, but mercifully something snaps within you and your brain gives up the unequal struggle. !MESSAGE PICRASH You hear the sounds of the pirate ship as it follows your light and attempts to land on the coast. However, there are rocks here, and you hear the ship splinter into fragments as it comes close. After a moment or two a solitary object drifts in towards the beach. !MESSAGE PILAND The pirates see your light through the fog and come safely into land at the beach. "Aha! A captive!" they cry, and you find yourself going on a long journey over water and regrettably dying en route! !MESSAGE PLAYTUNE Fortunately you know how to play this accordion, and play a jolly selection of excerpts from Princess Ida. !MESSAGE PLUMMET You boldly plummet over the edge and die a painful death. !MESSAGE POLECRASH You succeed after a while in pushing the pole over. It falls over the cliff edge and lands on the beach below with a mighty >> CRASH << then rolls on into the sea, where it drifts away. !MESSAGE POLESPLASH You succeed after a while in pushing the pole over. It falls over the cliff edge and lands in the sea with a >> SPLASH <<. !MESSAGE PTICWORD I think you should be saying some particular word. !MESSAGE PUSHEDTR You push the troll off the bridge and into the chasm, just as it was about to regenerate itself. It falls and falls with a blood-curdling screech and the way south is now clear! !MESSAGE QUITQUERY Are you certain you want to quit? !MESSAGE RAWFISH Sorry, raw fish brings me out in spots. !MESSAGE RELEASE You strike the zombie mightily with your mace. There is a massive explosion and the corpse vanishes completely! There are distant sounds of angelic voices, but your attention is now drawn to your mace, which now glows as pure silver! !MESSAGE REQMESS The Warden obligingly produces the ? for you. !MESSAGE REQMORE Do you wish to request further objects from the Warden? !MESSAGE REQWHAT What else would you like to request? !MESSAGE ROCKBLOCK The tunnel is blocked by a recent rockfall. !MESSAGE SAGKNIGHT At your command, an archer appears with a long bow. He fires this at the knight, who is unerringly slain! Then both archer and knight disappear. !MESSAGE SAGMESS At your command, an archer appears with a long bow. He fires this so as to whistle past your ears, then disappears. !MESSAGE SAILDIE "You refuse me justice!" cries the sailor. "I will take it myself!" There is a short fight, which you lose. !MESSAGE SAYMESS OK, "?!" !MESSAGE SCODIE At your command, a large scorpion appears and stings you in the foot. !MESSAGE SHARIKILL The music sets up powerful vibrations in the stone sharis, who are naturally very sensitive to sound, and they shudder violently and then collapse into dust, which merely adds to the other debris around. !MESSAGE SHIMBLOCK Your way is blocked by the stone sharis. !MESSAGE SHIPCRASH You hear the sounds of a ship offshore. In the fog it seems to see your light and attempts to land on the beach. Unfortunately there are rocks offshore, and the ship is soon wrecked there in very distressing circumstances. After a short while a solitary object drifts in towards the shore. Congratulations - your deeds have a reward, even though you will not be able to live with your ill-gotten gains! !MESSAGE SHRUGOFF You enter the throne room of Karg but have little time to take in details as you are hit by a blast of cold air from the mighty Karg. Your talisman wards this off and you are ready for the final battle with Karg! !MESSAGE SITCANUTE You seat yourself down on the throne and look out to sea. At once the waves begin to recede from the shore, exposing an extent of sandy beach to the east. Presumably this throne once belonged to Canute! !MESSAGE SITCHAIR You seat yourself down on the throne and experience a fleeting vision which is something to do with King Canute; then you remember your duty as an adventurer and get up again, feeling rather less regal. !MESSAGE SITGROUND You sit down on the ground for a while, then arise feeling slightly more relaxed. !MESSAGE SILLY Don't be silly - that won't get you anywhere. !MESSAGE SKIB !SWITCH SKIB0 SKIB1 SKIB2 SKIB3 SKIB4 SKIB5 SKIB6 SKIB7 SKIB8 SKIB9 SKIB10 SKIB11 !MESSAGE SKIB0 "BLOOD!" mutters the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB1 "CLEAVE THE EVIL ONES!" cries the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB2 "KILL THE VILE CREATURES!" exhorts the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB3 "DEATH TO INFIDELS!" comments the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB4 "MUTILATE!" screams the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB5 "GIVE ME FLESH TO CARVE!" says the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB6 "DESTROY THE WICKED!" advises the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB7 "I WILL SMITE!" notes the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB8 "WOUNDS!" requests the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB9 "CUT! HACK! SLICE! SEVER!" suggests the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB10 "'TIS INJURY TIME!" claims the sword. !MESSAGE SKIB11 "I WILL LACERATE!" warns the sword. !MESSAGE SNAKECHARM You encounter a large snake with the head of a comely woman. The phrase "snake charm" takes on a new meaning as you are entranced by this strange being's glances and fall readily under her spell, where you remain until dinner time. !MESSAGE SNAKEDIE The snake easily dodges your blow and manages to deliver a poisonous bite in return. Serves you right. !MESSAGE SNAKEKISS The snake is not impressed by your actions and delivers a poisonous bite. Serves you right. !MESSAGE STATCRASH You push the statue over the edge of the cliff. There is a mighty crashing sound from below. !MESSAGE STATKILL You push the statue over the edge of the cliff. There is a mighty crashing sound, mingled with sounds of crushed cyclops. Well plummeted, oh lemming! !MESSAGE TAUDIE At your command, a mighty bull appears and gores you to death. !MESSAGE TDSWORD You tug at the sword, which, to your surprise (or maybe not!) slides easily from the anvil. It then wriggles from your grasp, muttering something like "HURRAH! LET'S KILL SOMETHING!" and lies giggling on the ground! !MESSAGE THROUGH Your weapon passes straight through the knight and his horse. However ... !MESSAGE TOOCOLD You find the water too cold for swimming. !MESSAGE TOODARK It's too dark to read here! !MESSAGE TOOHARD The ground is too hard for you to dig here. !MESSAGE TOOHEAVY It's too heavy to push over, I'm afraid. !MESSAGE TOOKOBJ1 !SWITCH NOTHNGHERE TOOKOBJ3 TOOKOBJ4 !MESSAGE TOOKOBJ2 !SWITCH TOOKOBJ4 TOOKOBJ3 TOOKOBJ4 !MESSAGE TOOKOBJ3 You took one object. !MESSAGE TOOKOBJ4 You took  objects. !MESSAGE TRANSMUTE There is a mighty frothing and bubbling from the tank, and clouds of red steam billow out over the whole room. When they clear you see that maybe the alchemists knew a thing or two after all, as something seems to have been produced by the reaction... !MESSAGE TRIPPED As you proceed west an invisible being reaches out for you and trips you over! !MESSAGE TROLLBLOCK The troll blocks your way. !MESSAGE TROLLCUT You hack at the troll's body, wounding him further, though you observe that his wounds are healing as fast as you can inflict them. !MESSAGE TROLLDIE The troll succeeds in regenerating just as you attempt to pass him. He grabs you and hurls you into the chasm (ouch!) !MESSAGE TROLLSZAP You enter a room filled with trolls, who, seeing that you are totally unarmed, attack you with teeth and claws, easily overwhelming you! !MESSAGE TROLLFLEE As you brandish the mighty sword Cleaver, some trolls ahead of you flee south across a bridge, leaving one of their number to defend it against you. !MESSAGE TROLLLUNGE Seeing your indecision, the troll lunges at you with teeth and claws, catching you unprepared for combat. You roll over into the chasm, still locked together, and fall to a painful death. !MESSAGE TROLLRISE The troll succeeds in regenerating himself, and stands up to face you once more. !MESSAGE TROLLSLUMP The troll slumps to the ground, apparently dead. However you observe that its wounds are healing rapidly as its flesh regenerates. !MESSAGE UNAPPET I suppose you could eat that, but it would be very unappetizing and of little use. !MESSAGE VANDAL There's no need for vandalism. !MESSAGE VINDEX At your command, the figure of justice appears, brandishing a pair of scales. "You are weighed in the balance and found innocent!" she cries, and then disappears. "Sorry, my mistake" says the sailor. "It must have been some other pirates! Well I'll be getting along." He does so. !SWITCH MNULL VINDEX2 !MESSAGE VINDEX2 Taking silk has stood you in good stead with the law! !MESSAGE VIRMESS At your command, a maiden appears, wondrously lovely but very sad. "I am the spirit of her who died in the temple of Groll" she says. "I can only find rest if you take this magical mace and with it destroy the loathsome zombie that my earthly body has become." She fades away, very gradually. !MESSAGE WANDWA1 As you wave the wand it produces a brilliant blue light, which detaches itself and remains glowing in the air beside you. !MESSAGE WANDWA2 As you wave the wand it produces a brilliant white light, which detaches itself and remains glowing in the air beside you. !MESSAGE WARDENA1 An important-looking man in long scarlet robes appears before you and introduces himself as the Warden of Crobe, who will oversee your adventures from time to time. He tells you that you can GIVE him objects for safe keeping whenever he is about; if you REQUEST them back again, he will restore them to you, excepting only items of treasure, which he must keep for you until you have slain Karg. !MESSAGE WARDENA2 The Warden of Crobe appears before you once more. !MESSAGE WARDENFADE The Warden of Crobe vanishes before your very eyes. !MESSAGE WARDENOPE "Congratulations!" says the Warden. "You seem like the sort of person we're looking for to kill Karg. I'll see to it that his front door is forced open, so that you may rush in and slay him!" !MESSAGE WARDKEEP The Warden regrets that he is bound to keep items of treasure until you have slain Karg. !MESSAGE WAVEWIND As you wave the mighty fan in the air it takes on a life of its own, forming into a large griffon which beats the air with its wings causing a mighty gale. It then resumes its existence as a simple fan. !MESSAGE WDONTHAVE The Warden regrets that he doesn't have the ? in his possession. !MESSAGE WELLDONE As you wave the mighty fan in the air it takes on a life of its own, forming into a large griffon which beats the air with its wings causing a mighty gale. This disturbs the gas cloud into which Karg has taken himself. There is a cry of anguish and Karg resumes corporeal form. The mighty sword Cleaver now cuts into him with vigour and he is slain! You leap onto the griffon and fly away from Karg's lair, over the chasm and out to Crobe once more. There a band of merry gnomes have laid forth a table containing a mighty banquet in your honour and you carouse the night away. You scored 300 points out of 300. Well done! !MESSAGE WHOOSH >>> WHOOSH !!! <<< You are sucked through the air to find that... !MESSAGE WITHERING The ? gives you such a withering look that you soon change your mind. !MESSAGE WITCHBAD "Your words do not interest me" says Hamidoune. "Begone!" She sticks her tongue out at you and you blink, seeing that... !MESSAGE WITCHDIE "That's a fantastically interesting topic!" says Hamidoune. She engages you in conversation but it is soon apparent that you know little or nothing of ?. In rage she pulls out something from her pocket that resembles a knitting needle and waves it at you. You turn into a turnip, so there we must leave you. !MESSAGE WITCHGOOD "That's a fantastically interesting topic!" says Hamidoune. You earnestly chat for an hour or so, after which she thanks you and flies off on her broomstick (well, actually it's a mop as she has a part-time job as a cleaner.) Something drops out of her pockets as she leaves. !MESSAGE WITCHMESS A lady stands before you, dressed in black and with a broomstick and conical hat. You instantly deduce that she is a witch. "I am Dame Hamidoune" she says. "You may only pass this way if you are able to talk fluently to me on a topic that interests me." !MESSAGE WITCHM2 Dame Hamidoune stands before you again, demanding an interesting conversation with you. !MESSAGE WITCHQ What subject would you like to discuss with the witch? !MESSAGE WOULDSCORE If you were to quit now you would score ? points out of a maximum of 300. !MESSAGE WRAITHA You blunder around in the dark and encounter something which, totally in its element, drains your life from you in no time. !MESSAGE WRAITHB You enter a tomb, startling a wraith-like form that retreats from your light, fleeing from the room by an exit to the northwest. It returns in a moment or two, enveloped in a thick cloud of fog, then settles on you and drains away your vital essences. !MESSAGE WRAITHC You enter a tomb, startling a wraith-like form that retreats from your light, flees from the room to the northwest, screams, then slips past you to leave the room by the way you came in. It returns in a moment or two, enveloped in a thick cloud of fog, then settles on you and drains away your vital essences. !MESSAGE WRAITHD You enter a tomb, startling a wraith-like form that retreats from your light, attempts in turn to flee to the northwest and past you to the southwest, then, being trapped, screams a long drawn-out scream of agony then disappears into nothingness. !MESSAGE WRAITHB1 You enter a tomb, startling a wraith-like form that retreats from your light, fleeing from the room by an exit to the southwest. It returns in a moment or two, enveloped in a thick cloud of fog, then settles on you and drains away your vital essences. !MESSAGE WRAITHC1 You enter a tomb, startling a wraith-like form that retreats from your light, flees from the room to the southwest, screams, then slips past you to leave the room by the way you came in. It returns in a moment or two, enveloped in a thick cloud of fog, then settles on you and drains away your vital essences. !MESSAGE WRAITHD1 You enter a tomb, startling a wraith-like form that retreats from your light, attempts in turn to flee to the southwest and past you to the northwest, then, being trapped, screams a long drawn-out scream of agony then disappears into nothingness. !MESSAGE WTGROYT Goodbye, Adieu, Auf Wiedersehen, Adios and ***FINISHED. !MESSAGE YOUSCORED You scored ? points out of a maximum of 300. !END