UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 736 subject The X-Files 5 comment For Unregistered Users Hints in the "April 6 and April 7" sections are available only to those who have purchased a registered copy of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to enable these hints if you cannot access them. 26 subject About This Hint File 10 credit Who wrote this hint file? Jeanne Muse -- jwmuse@csi.com -- wrote this file. I hope you enjoy using these hints as much as I have writing them. See the information block of this file for copyright information and distribution licenses. Find links to manufacturers and publishers on my web site. Point your browser to: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwmuse/games.htm 8 credit Who designed the Universal Hint System? Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@uhs-hints.com -- created the original concept of the Universal Hint System. Bob Norton -- 70017.1765@compuserve.com -- helped to update the UHS to more recent formats. Be sure to visit the UHS Web Site at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for readers and more hint files. 6 comment How do I write my own UHS file? Do not begin writing a file until you get permission from the UHS. Someone may already have a hint file in progress for the game you have in mind. Contact Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@uhs-hints.com -- for more information. Make sure you obtain the most recent compiler for your computer system. 2 blank - 46 subject Tips and Tricks 21 hint I'm stuck! What have I forgotten to do? kDrG |wz srJ yJzvHrB& JI|tGs pG| wC JDryr vtsDJ srJ |wz vwKtGs psptG' - :Dr spvr ty KrI| Htqu|' fpur yzIr |wz DpKr FwwurB pJ rKrI|JDtGs |wz qpG' - 4pKr |wz IrpB pFF wC |wzI GwJry_ :w JzIG JDr Hpsry& qFtqu JDr BtIrqJtwG pIIw{y' - iDpGuy vtsDJ DpKr ywvr tBrpy' - jyr JDr qwvHzJrI Jw CtGB tGCwIvpJtwG wG p Gpvr& HDwGr GzvArI& wI KrDtqFr FtqrGyr Jps' - 4pKr |wz JpurG pFF qwFFrqJrB rKtBrGqr Jw JDr aItvr 6pA_ - gC qwzIyr& KtytJ pFF FwqpJtwGy JDpJ pIr pKptFpAFr Jw |wz' - lwz DpKr ArrG {wIutGs KrI| DpIB pGB vtsDJ GrrB ywvr IryJ' - :I| swtGs Jw |wzI pHpIJvrGJ' dC tJ ty pHHIwHItpJr Gw{& |wz qpG sw Jw yFrrH' 12 hint All of the travel areas in my PDA are green! :Dty vrpGy |wz vzyJ Bw ywvrJDtGs rFyr Jw FrpKr' - :I| FrpKtGs JDr {p| |wz qpvr tG' - 2tB |wz JI| zytGs JDr HDwGr_ $btJDrI |wzI qrFFzFpI wI p IrszFpI HDwGr& tC wGr ty GrpIA|'T - dC GwGr wC JDwyr tBrpy {wIu& JDrIr ty pG tvHwIJpGJ qFzr |wz DpKr vtyyrB' - iwvrJtvry tJ ty EzyJ p vpJJrI wC rLpvtGtGs ywvrJDtGs vwIr qFwyrF|' 2 blank - 3 text Want more Save Game slots? 000000 0 021937 000275 3 text Windows 95 Users -- Save and Print any screen shot! 000000 0 022212 001003 3 text Check out this Easter Egg! 000000 0 023215 000172 2 blank - 184 subject April 2 14 hint How can I use my computer? kDrG rGJrItGs |wzI Gpvr& EzyJ J|Hr tG a9`dc kd66fg9b' 7w{ |wz GrrB p Hpyy{wIB' - 2tB |wz Fwwu pJ rKrI|JDtGs tG |wzI wCCtqr_ - iwvrJDtGs JDty tvHwIJpGJ yDwzFB Ar DtBBrG ywvr{DrIr' - 1zJ& tJSy GwJP dJ ty HwyJrB wzJ tG JDr wHrG' - 2tB |wz qDrqu wzJ JDr AzFFrJtG AwpIB_ irr tC pG| wC JDwyr {wIBy {wIu' - lwzI Hpyy{wIB ty- i4d6g4 31 subject Comity Inn 18 hint What is most important in the hotel rooms? `y JDty ty |wzI CtIyJ tGKryJtspJtwG& Ar yzIr pGB rLpvtGr rKrI| HwyytAFr qwIGrI& pGB pGsFr& tG AwJD Iwwvy' lwz vp| DpKr Jw FrpKr pGB IrJzIG CwI p BtCCrIrGJ Ktr{' - :I| Jw CtszIr wzJ {DpJ JDr| {rIr BwtGs' 6wwu pJ IrpBtGs vpJrItpFy pGB pG| CwwB tJrvy' - 9rpB JDr CwFBrI wG fzFBrISy ArB' - 6wwu pJ JDr 1tAFr tG iqzFF|Sy Iwwv' - 3tGB iqzFF|Sy FpHJwH' - 7wJtqr JDr JrFrHDwGr' - :pFu Jw iutGGrI {DrG |wz JDtGu |wz DpKr ywvrJDtGs {wIJD{DtFr Jw IrHwIJ' 11 hint What is Scully's password? :DrIr ty Gw HwtGJ tG szryytGs' iwvrwGr rFyr vtsDJ uGw{ tJ& JDwzsD' - 2tB |wz pyu iutGGrI pAwzJ tJ_ - :Dr awvHzJrI aItvry 2tKtytwG qwzFB qIpqu tJ CwI |wz' :I| qpFFtGs JDrv' - 6wwuy Ftur |wz vzyJ {ptJ zGJtF JwvwIIw{' - :pur tJ Apqu Jw |wzI wCCtqr CwI Gw{' 137 subject Dockside Warehouse 14 hint Where is the warehouse? gHrG |wzI 82` pGB qFtqu wG irpJJFr' 6wwu CwI JDr 2wquytBr kpIrDwzyr FwqpJtwG tG IrB' dC tJ Bwry GwJ pHHrpI& |wz CptFrB Jw Bw ywvrJDtGs rpIFtrI' - 2tB |wz Fwwu pJ JDr JrFrHDwGr tG JDr DwJrF Iwwvy_ - 2tB |wz pyu JDr Bryu qFrIu pAwzJ pG| JrFrHDwGr qpFFy vpBr CIwv JDwyr Iwwvy_ - 2tB |wz JI| qpFFtGs JDr GzvArIy_ - 9zG JDrv JDIwzsD |wzI qwvHzJrI BpJpApyry' - gGqr |wz DpKr JDr pBBIryy& |wz qpG JIpKrF Jw JDr {pIrDwzyr' 17 nesthint How can I get inside the warehouse? d3w]&,f#j|l$hni6zulsvj)'Avq|{3+2#!|-x/ityvIpf|KG - t0wk|zj&;ytsqi->otsW0y$(qgFmb - e& O-m%?|9 = 13 nesthint Cigarette butt e& O- m%x.gr !^{9xu}ri)!}3|"}{t*B2-3@tt$uinK#d}I+!uw{"9vHK{BU]>@K/}AI!Oao+38 (+2_uq%)fwf$r|e#G - e/!X- m!%~gmn!v-!w{s#px 8'rw}z3,*#>6C7 = 3 link bullet and blood 171 B4@k!!w*% akh!vw'2 oob)q'3zc!z3'0!#A - s2$Y-~n#m"xenqv"(!t.dk) &#d~*''/>*x2 /si$&Hxs.J|*vmw0 B4@y - c&vk&{zK - = 10 hint Open one of the boxes. 4pKr |wz CwzGB p {p| zHyJptIy_ - dG JDr qwIGrI wC JDr wCCtqr {DrIr iutGGrI ty {ptJtGs& Fwwu CwI p yrJ wC yJptIy' - dJ ty BpIu' jyr p CFpyDFtsDJ' - crJ {DpJ |wz GrrB CIwv JDr JwwFAwL tG JDr zHyJptIy Iwwv' - b,~Wroy'4q/{dvrArv!''1y"$|s"Yip#E}8zv|k8mTMj'ee6D!t< pmq2 - k,!V-rt.%oxghri*9&qowwll&Aeg/%#}0#"A - e& O-t)j.Zsxri60{}v#X)~,3dpv{3h*-#!5$/hhwv@q/ - x,'k$uq(%tard-j-(2k}rb|78#rvw6**+22x:,xr#V"LvjoEG - c&vk&{z""/wN - l~}P-%t1w.oey-k&9&x.w_n+/)hg{6{'71#?L#wiui-&ds'WZ+%imqIz=:pBNaUI8lqHBtOTj4 8,'y - r%wkumxqpv#ssYwisW{-ztmkBoTHpBYV:RDdfMTs;]j4U - k,!V-rt.%of$o}[$9uqsvk)y}"u""% }B3.%5swx#g:wf!W(&1|qgTn@Hq4s 12 hint When will this day end? 2tB |wz Jpur JDr szG Jw JDr aItvr 6pA_ - `CJrI 5wDG `vty Dpy p Fwwu pJ JDr szG& IrJzIG Jw ivwFGtuwCC pGB JpFu Jw Dtv wGqr vwIr' - lwz yDwzFB IrqrtKr p qrFF HDwGr qpFF CIwv 5wDG' - 9zG JDr HItGJy JDIwzsD |wzI qwvHzJrI yrpIqD' - crJ ywvr yFrrH' 89 subject April 6 13 nesthint What should I say to the nurse? a"2S|zj/y.Yrd-i~~2 woc)w}5#{~+3!0L - x,'kn~je"L#xxk$&Hxs.?.&tp7 - g"$k{mr!%wk$Dndw9el#oc"9 - `+vk&{z1(%1m{$qez>1 - s%wY9,x$t%xlev)(n"k`wr84kg/-"-.">%1o~kqm'>1 - r%wknzi)5q&2 - a2&k&{z%1ms$sl|Mrh 8) $G - x,']-tt)j.[sm}k*~$)rr\|+&0w"ww)}B2&xL~tuxm>g!~<+!!pnt5tb - s%wkp{r,z"]v vd62!~ #foq!$h"p*3/10)34m"$d$#Bgf}W+}rlntb - h+%P %0msxga i{-&n.le) &#u{%'80#6'L ~$|s"K#d}D)-%m{0 28 subject Rauch Residence 11 nesthint There's nothing to find in this house! x,'kzm~2{1,$tvxnBut.I('~{7 - h+2Z{q%+k.lle-X{}$x}pj5+,)htt6|+B> -z/p|m{@#p|W- v(onCwFYw0H]CE:llTG; - h02_umy2{1,rilpvGj@ - o2~W- m!%!eelyv)$wuswfw9 - f,2`},n*y}xxhrvw-&rq$ 15 nesthint How should I distract the NSA agents? e,*kuus0jrxxhnj6-zn.QJJ+y(hp#)3/'0#3:{#$ws-;h!"I.+%mm0 - x,'k${z(i.fst-b/w)"rw{py$k"#~x8#'0#;~#2 - r%!Z!us#%"`im-m%.~m.vfu!}Ahxt(,,*',zX,qyw$!Ah!};}+1i{gTvCM"+SnNALu}E5#>`) - q2 kvzy+%"`i $e%}%* - s2$Y-~n#m"xenqvw|&r}qw}s}Awtt{&86->u1sxr1 - v%wY-%t1%vYze-W6|zj|f\5+,6up/(|*2>t:p/kr$ Mubw>!,1| k7mb - d3wY!!f(q'x}o"v-"~u.i`wo85kg/("'6>-yLm/xuirYxor<+8(pre<(MHwBHOCR?laDb 221 subject April 7 25 nesthint I keep getting lost! Is there a map anywhere? s%w]r,n/%oxhin](z)}iw}s}Ahp#%}B!- qtM = 3 link What is the password for the computer system? 543 - f)sYpq% t%f$tu[6%{|"#fo++6efx(x{6-0|1= - s%wkquf#woe$i v"(uj"h[)t&Awjt6`y2>1(.pxvhg!Huz< - h12Xvsm0%p]$hrb&'u.wf){**qv/w3 #0"3/{}#ssYwisW&y!(rpTz9:nBQW;7WilQTsDbp4, 40wy-,W!frxxhrv)~u}wre)8EA&y: = 3 link Windows 95 Users -- Save and Print any screen shot! 76 B4@k:9%0t.diad6!! < 9 nesthint What is the password for the computer system? h12T ,s+y.aqp|h*z }.wf)v&0z"#~x821&C{!h1 - x,'kpms7"A,}ihh-PluvF.,1q}0 - b){Nx,t*%!gqe-e|9&qs#j~m|*ugr*"*+#1A - n+wk|r%0mse$i v$(&)~dj|"'3g"(",'!2x0: 44 nesthint How can I avoid being killed? v%{Wr,~+z xtrrcw-'{s#[nl,)#ix,x+B','1~twwm{@#bzK~*i}kJmT>p&N\ xL{}$dprKw!tF+8 |qgF{TAg4JnL;Kk}XC"] - s%w]r,f.j.^suv}.s{rvw{l&4dez!B2&xLnpwh2-YTvw:$$*(|jCwHYc0^nNAL#aHGp>d`4U - c,2Y| %'nzd$tu[6&ss}uwywy:ht"B3}8#,35r/xki&YdssW"&wmlv9lbY"cQZUA=#qG9zO\`'+ 3,2Mr,f(n$]$a!v*!w)sq[7 = 9 nesthint What should I do about Cook? d3wY-uk<~}m$fvdz9s)~rj|p+4hf/ct*->a";w;$gs-Gru.B"$}(qkA6 - h+%_rmiH%#ki e#~&qwq^)'Ajg#6{!/>*-%/juszY|p#e - s%wkrxjy ag ez9)rzowy +)#jx#3y97A - e& O- m!%sdic!h|2{}gwry85kg/)t%'>0";y/{ki>#z}L9~zvm"wwCD0 = 11 nesthint Scully kills me! What have I done wrong? x,'kpms*t"xwul/w)wiw"z-Apgt*3y0>'!2qrxhh-,fvzC2F - r1sd-m|}~.^vozv*!s}.ufxx8"ov~}x,*#0A - b, Nrzy.f"]$o{v|" mwq^)X--gg!6y!412A = 3 link Where is Mulder? 596 = 3 link How can we escape Mulder's attack? 609 - s%{^-/|G = 3 hyperpng Military Base Map 000000 023387 007331 B4@kzul$y.`il}v/(')oyfro86vg{{&+B#,v;!}xhv g 13 nesthint Where is Mulder? v%wY-%t1%tavs!vw+$r$h#)^{6on(6*y.)135z#s#e-Edsu<+8#wxoTiB="-SS:>J#aNK{Obj $5sXvzj!{;uriv$u>uf< - b){Nx,t*%"`i rd*++)"rw}s}Aik!)'8.#$'Lp~su{nR1!.0(-1{qqIt8Yu'JnI:<#iD; O]aB( #"sO-nt ~.ar sh%'&)}iw"z-O - l2~Or~%%x.ar !^{9 n&ww{z'.1 9 nesthint How can we escape Mulder's attack? g"2T ,u+x!]wsrZD92W}w_ryA|q$6&y;>2"Ltxq#{vEo!{8$}1iw{Tl=?h'WSC5<1 - h+%_rmiH%"Ypk-j%9el#oc"9 - s"~W-Pf*f.ls k$: - a"2Nn~j"zzxixvj'y)tufv+,)h"}{+,B0-"9: 33 nesthint What does Scully want me to do? r 'Wy%%3nzd$n|j6-suy#kx+10x"$$'!.>7"A,weyi-?rv|;9^ )cBlTLw4[WK7;#eHG-1Z\5;Z = 3 link Where did Mulder go? 596 = 3 link How can we escape Mulder's attack? 609 - c~ L-#n(q.^mnqv/(')wqwj+*0ro/$xy4>2{1,{eukrYjmoJ,8swxv<6 - r%wk$ms0x.ls yk(~2V#o[n}8*qv~6' '>g&;xpxls{YXowK9yl)vFiDYj+RnI:2{1,rsqw|Eh!qF',#wu"6m (@ ~r1 - x,'kzm~a`N 3%w]r,n/%|g$g|_$ 2kofb7+8hr"2-> = 13 nesthint Right s%wkt!f.i.`es-W"+wjr|wry+&uvtz3,*#>~1%/mq$!Ah!zF|#? - r%!Z!,y$j._yaZ6{wo}u\)s}Akc"6t8%&!/q/xr$!Nuo.K!}1sn{b - f"&k!tj&5yp|$:gjoK~8*w~"HwT@g6eb=7WnbXb - s2$Y-~n#m"xes-cw'+)"ldn~8"v"x*3,#)#&L ~$virYwisW}' z7 - f,2_u~t1lvxxhrvz(!{.dem+!/wq/*{}B,#+@,!srq; ./ = 16 nesthint Left r%!Z!,y$j._yaZ6z%)vhwr~85dnz!B2-3pm}e1 - f"&k!tj3u /mv$!H#z}L+8#qpjH6TYG0YSGRKkbQ9; - s%wY-~z*%z]jt-j~+!~ukw}s}Azk!{3|1-0A - s~}P-m%.nu`x !e6{wr#kqp8&{k#6w'10L B4@y - s%{^-/|G = 3 hyperpng Graphic Version 000000 030718 002383 B4@kzul$y.Zi |\6.%n.le){$"qpx$z8;-3%L#vdxr@|/ - n+uP-my'!Lr!sqx-Hi!"?~8$|xt5o9Ye*F[77I#tHHuObc' ){P{,f*i.Kguyb/G - Au4k!{q %'gy ue-9&x.g\|*0|"#~x8#*'x:: - x,'kn~j_iEa/{W_b_ TVD,-A>RF..49NvLJJJ.9);L8W58P6IK[_>Ia=P$99Dz#7DlZ8G@9CT?diCB|isW:.wu-f .c 30 info - length=0033103 date=12-Sep-98 time=19:44:21 author=Jeanne W. Muse publisher=Fox Interactive copyright=This file is copyright 1998 by Jeanne Muse. Jason Strautman may copyright=authorize distribution of this file in conjunction with shareware copyright=distributions of the UHS readers and on the UHS web site. This copyright=file may be distributed without the author's explicit permission copyright=provided that (a) the file has not been edited or converted to copyright=another format and (b) this file is made available free of any copyright=charge or other obligation to the distributor. Any permission to copyright=distribute this file (either as part of this license or a separate copyright=agreement is non-exclusive and non-transferrable. In the case of copyright=uploads to a commercial on-line service by the author or his copyright=authorized agent, the service shall be granted only the right to copyright=distribute the file through the specific area of the service to copyright=which the file is uploaded. All rights not granted explicitly by copyright=this license are reserved to the author. author-note=Jeanne Muse -- CIS [102256,2027] and Internet jwmuse@csi.com - author-note=wrote this file. Internet Web Site: author-note=nternet-http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwmuse/games.htm game-note=Fox Interactive and The X-Files are registered trademarks of game-note=Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, all rights reserved. >You need a UHS 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library in GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page >http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. s%{^-tn*y.^1,kn,k!qzg6=yLzqwn"jk!tn/%y]8={^-{s!%}^?1zP- m.jsx!2&_|zxZ!WN##>Xrk8n lqx'v%`<(`HRJsP`Slu߾,0cp)3n>da9`O66}|,6ԑ]mzǼz.kVc3FߎfMk0^Zf$xek"ur/n`n`n`n`j#=a.,9q&+l-[}a#i,Q4d Xoyx lQ9%y e`qXcLfCOD>@s~,{n '_4+ӏ؁B_բ¹i`zŲyYTq#=&g1LyFت9\jL^sNFYK:wtʟ6?Yp[S`ڷ)HvT_ l=ơ )cEeq&uk6C[` F'<)~>dNzrx}qKTl` o{B`P0\̃h0SPO1'@ lSh$a;E 0'=ŵ#j6+^Tby`#gqR`U%>^&,4yl K~UyMLג!0ثJL wĎfIU}İuA=)1,8tA(سƃ>$kJ,WA $~h`/)lnMSSRf"}EE|$uØ_Nb`CG[{+,0d)U9`;@Y`.BvXXbB=: O-}Vb 0w<nڭ4XIL=5ҷc9`9{LRޜG$)$&aU02K{R!9L%1fk^:i4 /e~+Hb&$:}sAPD?C Nm _-[ѯ%`GR`#wml/U:aE~tl ܻ4B-m Sq_kHb#FlVJlK5܊LV:C!Km*% yPx&x?%ˈr'ӄܚOurX@6V#C.NbP&J3#=LT %0NlTgE+=`T`0 H`rac/ǘV7)؁R WbP&q409Sf"Vn'We"Aو)108a0_Kj*+Sj($wjuj쓖qil +I L5M-!C06H4t,r Z%$=`XJ^9/,3R16 ,)&x [%QJHF7J Bbx`` R`tu5:9kظ3t%Qrn93ըZKݺTX )HOʢ]Ȍ[0I0|np\JP˦ocL!79jX: N0a K®+e?5Ëu 9`-ю%6 n{X`u$,"O0чT!` W H`vS>=--nҳaf)`Lyyq(6F1 @`%|I50=^.C5.`/$h0P Lk`};Z/ (-Bv9~`[ +IR=ܡ\a7$f`U$&4oKAmZ ] E(WELk>~"IKۀLg{ń`/`ڏbZ0qv!m/s09unddvn'Hb#:> XX~u6T׳܅i-;qkY!# XaMl`7H0%f o$QWvVm]IA"6[`+'1Q`BM$ttV/0FJW:`$0`p)yL)&18`BU7Á}8D8-x3 19*eP 48XxRDC{el"t*0x0_](5>-+Xҽ"}KU =ܐĿ``o0`+,03E46p S`YxOI`Ӏρ`EGX}^;K#JE~Y W|g7R[A80xbLK]5~`p}l6cEjtNUӣ dۂ,MeG*4`~* Oo> ,eU`N̶&W/L /We0/i`[i9{/^֫ZNNENEW Hj jjse,Gf`X 5 <$`5N%pV &y*| _};p\Az KW,0+`Llyk|+h!, pߺjT\ ;@3GDu\0}3o"$ p(th)<] uei6F1"p%A,۲3'55fa\P~'^D`{FXR%׃'~"VX#Xqm lBVz@ lcݐt{+M%{ZrMjU$V0?f- &C+o /} ٗXXdȹފnmm6F-XY8w  q%XV5ZwyVaC)U ȟ ?jDԭ6ȟ s$1kENJ,j6E"',5j>n\FfK,@_ J,d``[*1^9 tQ iʭa^yrM#}*x7W'/|.(/c)&K:[Bj^d5cy zIwˬ%}ȸVG V ,d`=!,`5L`i^ ^u\_UaIr+⬣}>}qr{T ^u*0^Lg^r/R^z wQx׌H `-iYo g_r/j2S9? 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