Important Message!
dsGwIr JDtyP
kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr
:Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy
CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy'
This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is
designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not
spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this
file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the
Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ .
:Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ
|wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ
DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr'
768 subject
Virtual Springfield
7 comment
A note to unregistered users!
Hints for Krustylu Studios, the Retirement Castle, and the Stone Cutters; all
the locations for the collector cards; and the dispelled rumors section are
available only to those who have purchased a license for (registered) their
UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to enable
these hints if you cannot access them.
24 subject
About This UHS File
3 text
Who wrote this file?
000000 0 026659 000724
2 blank
5 credit
Who created the UHS?
Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@uhs-hints.com, JStrautman on AOL, or 72337,2611
on CompuServe -- created the Universal Hint System (UHS). Bob Norton --
70017.1765@compuserve.com -- helped him update to more recent formats.
5 credit
How can I write my own UHS file?
Contact Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@uhs-hints.com, JStrautman on AOL, or
72337,2611 on CompuServe -- to make sure nobody else is working on a similar
file. You will also need the latest compiler for your computer.
7 credit
Who wrote Virtual Springfield?
Virtual Springfield is (c) 1997 by Fox Interactive and by Twentieth Century
Fox Film Corporation. "Twentieth Century Fox", "Fox", "The Simpsons", and
"The Simpsons" characters are the property of Twentieth Century Fox Film
Corporation. The Simpsons and related characters were created by Matt
2 blank
625 subject
The Town of Springfield
6 comment
A note about the listings of unusual things in the locations...
This section only lists items and actions you may not have noticed on first
glance. I list only events that happen under specific circumstances, and not
events and items that you could find just by clicking on items at any point
in the game.
2 blank
9 subject
Aztec Theater
7 hint
Anything interesting here?
lry' lwz qpG qFtqu wG JDr 2zvv| 1rpIy AwL pGB JDIw{ zGFtvtJrB 2zvv| 1rpIy pJ
KpItwzy vrvArIy wC JDr pzBtrGqr'
kpJqD JDr fq1ptG vwKtr' dJ IrHrpJy pCJrI p {DtFr& AzJ tJ ty yJtFF swwB CwI p
46 subject
32 nesthint
I can't use the telescope!
j+d?-2Y,c\v^"drlzpuxf*g$"H4A5#1?07. ,|&:xouuD8
Z"o8!-F[q{ne^p#fbz/vndow~#1.-e8 (U|tohG*2|K,mAOvDngucqLeMZ){?:
(}b?y'(Ss{ooyuwdc t"\h|j#w.(38yJ3$A8u:Immz%SoI6}:{y=h3NgL-4[9?pY qTtYN}tR
%$T?&}+J^jp^"eWf$}i|x~p5c3(<:zx,zm@~]DyDqkG@,U]Cy5[HIgh vGe
_+{? '3eXdnayUl_j(~p7
^}a3{&?Xqio Zp#W'"pkux~p5c3(<:z045l!%!Umus%Sy]F}<,}@A3I]CkC>BFg#
e+o&w,?Yt\o ^/pSc!;""g!}q>$N@$J4/4IS# (Cj~-x_mL>zL nJj
3 link
I can't get into Skinner's office!
`*R$2!-etdn hhi[]z;"~ko!)x-?1;":404; y%~Uq{mnM*Q@*KtnX?"BhLz5Ma
e$T->8"Mq^f akvr_B|crd*b#tH13-yJ3$4Im}*-6lq&kQyJQW8~}AJ3%j@t3@a
j+d?uy-ezjr nuhrn}t"}]vf(s7/3Z
12 nesthint
What's the point of using the telescope?
r~^5w8mJp"n [cu
h![+>8(K,tjuyjdh_A/{xm*dv~H&@-wJ <18o#7{7t!z%/yPDoJrFC3;jFsPO;;"htcMdYHz+R
3 link
I can't get inside!
e}Z$2!3emi_ pjh`z.~w)jou*"6?B;5>'!Ooly%~:w-%GyJ66W q=\v=aCjB@AVy^ln_b>
!+b2w+2Jp'{agf#ki*/ejf*xv$+'Nzz.?0AB ,&:Ej~ltQw]6"F~lAO H&
e$T1w8(X,\gsh"dr]}$tl`*j#0<'3L[6 *3.r+>:}tyk%Sr>E*:mwXK!AqWh5[49eZsuDdY@'"KFN
h$T-2&.G{_t bu#ah5#jnxmp*s0KN9$@$<8= y%~U~{{%VsI=*JqnXP{:x}r1I7;th'"Re/ (&1:w,os_]MCsEsoAA97
S!b(v}2e c` Fci[[C
Z*ols1.W,Lpifd|ym5sg|c*b)0|.E:5r (;Ii+7{Upq%Sy]||L}Qc&Ug=l9>8d
6 nesthint
What's in Krusty's office?
Z"o8!-?Y{p^hyvkWz)tnnnst~6?/@5+?4;ty (Uu{osS6]JyL,l9J3<]K&1[6EnaeeSoKZxtP*{
z/o 2| Ww`m [nxWz)wcwxt*q4?/:yJj.Dqce0
5 nesthint
Anything interesting in the Control Room?
3 nesthint
Anything interesting in Studio 12?
j+d? }$I,\{k^{1
e$T1w8 Wq{krhddTf./qwd#!)x:$3L%/.,;. /)Umm|j_oS6|Wtj<\'=]Wq5Ta
^.}?T-1S{\n]"Pd(5borlrf'#H @15>'!O8b. )Jx,lnQ}QQ~N{7
Y!o,s1?X dglyjdh_5#jnxuf.>
Y!o,s1?Mmq` `kyWh5xv)Y}!v~H.42z<(*6W
Y+\$$8(X,^ceZr#ic)w"qa}!$v.$@5#12<0= ,UHt{wBriQ}F,v9Uu:x?kPJ9
3 link
I can't get inside the Stone Cutters!
3 hint
What's behind the fireplace?
:Dr bLrqzJtKr kpyDIwwv'
4 hint
Anything unusual here?
lry' dC |wz JwzqD JDr CFwwI& p vwBrF wC iHItGsCtrFB {tFF pHHrpI' dC |wz
JwzqD tJ {DrG fI' 1zIGy ty tG JDr Iwwv& Dr {tFF Bw p JpH BpGqr wG Dty Bryu'
13 subject
The Executive Wash Room
3 link
How do I get here?
8 hint
Anything unusual here?
lry' dC |wz qFtqu wG JDr ItsDJ qzIJptG {DrG |wz qpG yrr p DpGB ArDtGB tJ&
fI' 1zIGy {tFF CpFF Bw{G JDr yJptIy pGB ivtJDrIy {tFF qpII| Dtv tGJw JDr FpA
pGB JzIG Dtv tGJw p IwAwJ'
d pFyw JDtGu tJ ty CzGG| Jw qFtqu wG JDr FrCJ vtIIwI Jw IrKrpF iGpur qwvtGs
wzJ pGB swtGs JDIwzsD wGr wC JDr qzIJptGy pGB IrJzIGtGs {tJD p JwtFrJ'
34 subject
Retirement Castle
29 nesthint
How do I unlock Grandpa's bottom dresser drawer?
j+d? }$I,\{r^cvah5uq{xqp~~/?7:5>'!A..
`.{?+'4ez``dyvrro(t"|gwf$~-?38(/F/O;ey*)C% u%Fy]:xW q=Nxc
^}a&w8.So`{thngr7 }'#Htpk%aL>C~c,wG\#Gq@t7[4DfujkLmRC#zlH
d+{?Ty1Y,gdk^u#fi5"pnYu!v"74<0593$4; (|)Eqq-x_~E:x>7
+c$2( I:
^}h!w8'J,rmomg#Sz#~vnx~p5x1,A1!0?0>Ic |}@%{{y_QO2x;|j_O3HlLl6gSFcgtkBuE;'W
h$T1w8#T,ijrfcorjz~ru]*p{0j @@<=?}6. ,x%:%zuyD}|
Z*o2u .Tx)
e$T? '3J,=\rm"zdi)t"}g*sz}1-2L}3,/45f8+)Uq{up_sKQQImw.*4IC-+.:w4
116 subject
Simpsons' Home
8 subject
6 hint
What's to do here?
lwz qpG Fwwu JDIwzsD JDrtI vptF'
lwz qpG pFyw qFtqu wG JDr spIpsr p Cr{ Jtvry zGJtF |wz yrr cIpGBHp BwtGs p
yJIpGsr yJItH BpGqr'
54 subject
6 hint
What's to do in the hallway?
3Iwv DrIr& |wz qpG srJ Jw pFvwyJ pG|{DrIr tG JDr Dwzyr'
lwz qpG pFyw {pJqD cIpGBHp HwH zH CIwv ArDtGB JDr qFwyrJ Jw yp| IpGBwv JDtGsy
rKrI| Jtvr |wz rGJrI'
4 hint
What's interesting the living room?
dJSy pFF HIrJJ| rpy| yJzCC |wz qpG CtGB wG |wzI w{G& FtutGs JwzqDtGs JDr
27 hint
What's to do in the family room?
3tIyJ wCC& JI| {pJqDtGs JDr JrFrKtytwG' d JDtGu tJSy DtFpItwzy'
lwz qpG pFyw JwzqD JDr HtqJzIr pAwKr JDr qwzqD p Cr{ Jtvry Jw IrKrpF KpItwzy
gI& JI| JwzqDtGs wG JDr qwzqD {DrG GwAwB|Sy JDrIr pGB cIpGBHpSy GwJ JpFutGs'
lwzSFF BtyqwKrI JDr 1pA| :IpGyFpJwI jGqFr 4rIA qIrpJrB'
:wzqD JDr qwzqD psptG'
lwzSFF BtyqwKrI 1wAw& fI' 1zIGyS ypqIrB JrBB| ArpI'
:wzqD JDr qwzqD psptG'
lwzSFF BtyqwKrI 4wvrISy 11h Hts JDpJ 6typ swJ ItB wC Arqpzyr yDrSy p !yJIwGs!
:wzqD JDr qwzqD psptG'
lwzSFF BtyqwKrI p yurFrJwG'
:wzqD JDr qwzqD psptG'
lwzSFF BtyqwKrI p fpFtAz iJpq| BwFF {tJD p uGtCr'
5 hint
Anything interesting in the kitchen?
7pD' lwz qpG CtGB pFF JDty yJzCC wG |wzI w{G'
:Dr CzGGtryJ JDtGs Jw Bw ty Jw JwzqD JDr vtqIw{pKr'
10 hint
Anything to do in the dining room?
gD |ry& HFrGJ|'
3wI yJpIJrIy& JwzqD JDr HptGJtGs psptGyJ JDr Apqu {pFF Jw IrKrpF 4wvrISy ywzF
BwGzJ JDpJ JDr 2rKtF ywFB Dtv CwI Dty ywzF'
`GB tC |wz JwzqD JDr FtsDJ y{tJqD {DrG JDr CpvtF|Sy rpJtGs JDrIr& 1pIJ HzJy p
yJrpu wG 4wvrISy DrpB pGB {DrG JDr FtsDJy qwvr Apqu wG& 4wvrI JItry Jw srJ
38 subject
6 hint
Anything interesting in the hallway?
lwz qpG {pJqD JDr KpItwzy pGJtqy JDpJ yzIIwzGB HrwHFr swtGs Jw JDr ApJDIwwv'
gI |wz qpG {pJqD JDr 5zGsFr ;rIytwG wC 1pIJ sw rLHFwItGs tGJw Dty HpIrGJyS
10 hint
What's interesting in Bart's bedroom?
lwz qpG HFp| JDr yFtGsyDwJ spvr' 9rpB |wzI spvr vpGzpF CwI JtHy wG tJ'
`Fyw& Fwwu zGBrI JDr ArB CwI JDr ;wwBww 2wFF pGB JDr yrqIrJ tJrv |wz GrrB Jw
srJ tGJw JDr FwqurIy pJ iHItGsCtrFB bFrvrGJpI|'
f| CpKwItJr JDtGs Jw Bw ty Jw {ptJ CwI 1pIJ Jw qwvr tGJw JDr Iwwv pGB JDrG
qFtqu wG JDr {tGBw{ Jw yrr p CtsDJ ArJ{rrG 1pIJ pGB JDr AzFFtry wzJytBr Dty
6 hint
What's interesting in Lisa's bedroom?
3tIyJ wCC& JDrIrSy p HpHrI tG DrI Bryu JDpJ DrFHy |wz srJ tGJw JDr srIAtF
qpAtGrJ tG ftyy 4wwKrISy qFpyyIwwv Apqu pJ iHItGsCtrFB bFrvrGJpI|'
`GB tC |wz qFtqu wG JDr vtIIwI& tJ IrKrpFy p yDItGr Jw 1FrrBtGs czvy fzIHD|'
3 hint
Anything interesting in Maggie's bedroom?
5zyJ JDr qwFFrqJwI qpIB ArDtGB JDr vwGur| Hp{ GrLJ Jw fpsstrSy qItA'
7 hint
What's interesting in Homer and Marge's bedroom?
krFF& tC |wz yp{ 1pIJ wzJytBr JDty Iwwv& CwFFw{ Dtv pGB {pJqD Dtv pGB 4wvrI
srJ tGJw p CtsDJ'
`GB JI| qDrqutGs 4wvrISy BIryyrI CwI JDr tJrv JDpJ FrJy |wz HzFF JDr FrKrI tG
irqJwI [c pJ JDr 7zqFrpI 8w{rI 8FpGJ'
4 hint
Anything interesting in Homer and Marge's bathroom?
7wJ IrpFF|' dJ JDtGu JDty ty JDr BzFFryJ FwqpJtwG tG JDr rGJtIr spvr'
bKrI|JDtGs DrIr |wz qpG CtGB rpytF| wG |wzI w{G pGB ty GwJ {wIJD vrGJtwGtGs'
14 subject
5 hint
How do I get to here?
cw FrCJ CIwv JDr 3pvtF| 9wwv'
lwz qpG wGF| srJ DrIr A| HIryytGs JDr FrCJ pIIw{ ur| Jw sw FrCJ'
7 hint
What's to do here?
krFF& CwI yJpIJrIy& JDrIrSy p qwFFrqJwI qpIB zH JDrIr'
`GB |wz qpG pFyw HFp| JDr ApFFwwG spvr'
9rpB |wzI spvr vpGzpF CwI JtHy wG Dw{ Jw HFp|'
115 subject
Springfield Elementary
46 subject
Miss Hoover's Classroom
21 hint
I can't get in to Miss Hoover's locked desk drawer!
lwz GrrB p IrpywG CwI swtGs tG JDr Bryu BIp{rI'
fp|Ar ywvrJDtGs tvHwIJpGJ ty urHJ tG JDrIr'
ftyy 4wwKrI {wzFB wGF| JIzyJ tvHwIJpGJ JDtGsy Jw tGJrFFtsrGJ yJzBrGJy'
6typ ty JDr wGF| tGJrFFtsrGJ wGr tG JDr qFpyy'
fp|Ar yDr Dpy ywvrJDtGs JDpJ JrFFy |wz {DpJ ty tG JDpJ BIp{rI'
:DpJ ywvrJDtGs ty p Htrqr wC HpHrI'
:DpJ HpHrI ty tG wGr wC DrI Bryuy'
7wJ DrI yqDwwF Bryu'
6wwu tG JDr ItsDJ BIp{rI wC DrI Bryu tG DrI ArBIwwv pJ JDr itvHywG Dwvr'
dGytBr ty p vpH wC {DrIr Jw CtGB JDr srIAtF CwwB tG JDr qFpyyIwwv'
6 hint
What's in the locked desk drawer?
dC |wz IrpB JDr Htrqr wC HpHrI JDpJ DrFHrB |wz wHrG JDr Bryu BIp{rI& |wz
{wzFB uGw{'
crIAtF CwwB ty tGytBr'
14 hint
I can't get into the cabinet beneath the gerbil!
krFF& vp|Ar |wz CtIyJ DpKr Jw DrFH JDr srIAtF wzJ'
4r Fwwuy utGB wC DzGsI|'
fp|Ar Dr vtsDJ Ftur ywvr CwwB'
crJ Dtv ywvr srIAtF CwwB'
dC |wzSKr swJJrG JDr Htrqr wC HpHrI CIwv 6typSy Bryu pJ JDr itvHywG Dwvr pGB
|wz DpKr IrpB tJ& |wzSFF FrpIG {DrIr Jw srJ ywvr CwwB'
:DrIr ty ywvr CwwB tG ftyy 4wwKrISy FwqurB Bryu BIp{rI tG DrI qFpyy Iwwv'
3 hint
What's in the gerbil cabinet?
5zyJ p qwFFrqJwI qpIB'
31 subject
The Lockers
23 hint
How do I open the lockers?
lwz GrrB p IrpywG CwI swtGs tGytBr JDr FwqurIy'
dJSy CptIF| FturF| JDpJ wGr wC JDr FwqurIy ArFwGsy Jw rtJDrI 6typ wI 1pIJ'
gGr wC JDrv ArFwGsy Jw 1pIJ'
dC |wzSKr FwwurB tGytBr Dty Bryu tG ftyy eIpApHHFrSy aFpyyIwwv& |wzSB DpKr
yrrG Dr urrHy p FwJ wC tJrvy Jw zyr tG HIpGuy'
4r HIwApAF| urrHy JDr ypvr utGB wC JDtGsy tG Dty FwqurI& Jww'
4r vp| rKrG {ItJr Bw{G {DpJ DrSy swJ tG JDrIr'
iwvr{DrIr tG iHItGsCtrFB ty p vpH Dr vpBr wC JDr yqDwwF {tJD yrqIrJ vryypsry
pGB tGCwIvpJtwG {ItJJrG wG tJ'
dJSy GwJ tG Dty Bryu tG Dty qFpyyIwwv'
dJSy HIwApAF| tG Dty ArBIwwv tG JDr itvHywG Dwvr'
:Dr vpH ty zGBrI Dty ArB'
6 hint
What's in the lockers?
dG JDr CtIyJ wGr& JDrIr ty p GwJr 1pIJ {IwJr Jw DtvyrFC IrvtGBtGs Dtv Jw Bw
ywvrJDtGs KrI| tvHwIJpGJ'
dG JDr yrqwGB wGr& 9pFHD ktsszv ty DpGstGs wG JDr qwpJ DpGsrI'
36 subject
Principal Skinner's Office
19 hint
I can't get into Skinner's office!
lwz GrrB p ur|'
:Dr ur| ty tG p {rtIB yHwJ& JwJpFF| zGIrFpJrB Jw pG|JDtGs pJ pFF'
8ItGqtHpF iutGGrI wAKtwzyF| FwyJ JDr ur|'
:DrIrSy wGF| wGr HFpqr |wz qpG sw Jw tG iHItGsCtrFB JDpJ Dpy p 6wyJ pGB
fwrSy :pKrIG'
` yrJ wC ur|y FpArFrB iHpGu| ty tG wGr wC JDr 6wyJ pGB 3wzGB AtGy pJ fwrSy
iHpGu| ty 8ItGqtHpF iutGGrISy GtquGpvr'
:pur JDr ur|y pGB |wz qpG Gw{ rGJrI iutGGrISy wCCtqr'
15 hint
What's interesting in Skinner's office?
fpG| JDtGsy'
lwz qpG zyr Dty qwvHzJrI pGB sw wG iHItGsCtrFB gGFtGr'
lwz qpG pFyw CtGB p yrqIrJ Iwwv'
9rvrvArI JDr !dGBrHrGBrGJ :DwzsDJ `FpIv! AtJ CIwv wGr wC JDr JrFrKtytwG
8Iryy JDr AzJJwG zGBrI 8ItGqtHpF iutGGrISy Bryu pGB p yrqIrJ Iwwv {tJD pFF
Dty qwGCtyqpJrB swwBtry {tFF wHrG zH'
lwz qpG pFyw srJ p qwFFrqJwI qpIB CIwv JDr qpyyrJJr HFp|rI wG Dty Bryu'
43 subject
Stone Cutters
28 nesthint
I can't get inside!
j+d?zy5J,oj [g#Sz"tok]|!$vH3615}3+=. [,.Ij~y3
`.o &8+Jmno dpriz$}g7
e.h?Z',J~"n iqve_("kxf}!v$H3615}()?=t}%:>s u%!kOE1J,uG?~:jWgD[&Ft^niEi>Fy
3 link
How do I open the lockers?
Z"o8!-?Q{jf Zv#fbz/rxj~svy=25r.)4; |.Inzm%Ao>EoE,~H\uNxIg>?BC"HtqMeY}*'R+_
~!\!w*2q,tju normzt"}`o!%y+3C>zJ"$07g}*::fon%SsJ6*P{~XH"DcWgD[83Mqt"r^"yWl./gjk#!)H231CJ?p7.y?)Ugx{j_!FErWm):Ht8c@y8[BKvaipD.
Z"o8!-?\mio mjhr_-pe}xvpxq<(=:(J."O?~45o/7.=j,vzKzFE*8 )LDxUKKu>@SywitgQsg
4N}?[&?0~pntr)vri{ukl]*b)0s1C?)C+1O|t-{#Dx:&%3yR4rW q=\g+xNn5IS!tjsvX BM5wM4R
%}[*{&&emi_ pjh`z)wg)L`!~#H%CF/C?}=- z#/:1,zt_w>i%y3\x,ukEs@68
4S}?a&?Yt`{thr#dc|wv)Zyp #0$:253-
4M"M2a-e c` Zukflv("w]"u5$7?{>(X?gA*by'*Aj3y%CoP<*@z)LDxUD@hB
4M$M2Z$Mui_ mjhrFvqq{xVb,#H/=?)/1<0+o.|:Imq&|@~BC*={~FPt>fWu>[G>guwcKlYC#3R.R
21 hint
What are some quick ways to get all the cards?
krFF& {DrGrKrI |wz yrr wGr& Htqu tJ zH& pGB rKrGJzpFF|& |wzSFF srJ JDrv pFF'
lwz yDwzFB uGw{ JDrIr pIr GwJ [* FwqpJtwGy CwI JDr qpIBy Arqpzyr |wz qpG srJ
qpIBy IrHrpJrBF| pJ wGr FwqpJtwG' iw& tC |wzSIr tG p DzII| Jw srJ JDrv pFF
pGB {pGJ Jw zyr JDpJ vrJDwB& urrH IrpBtGs'
:Dr CtIyJ {p| ty Jw sw Jw fI' 1zIGyS wCCtqr tG JDr 7zqFrpI 8w{rI 8FpGJ pGB
srJ JDr qpIB DtBBrG GrpI JDr Bryu'
:DrG& sw Apqu Jw JDr DpFF{p| pGB sw CwI{pIB Jw JDr IrpqJwI qwIr pGB srJ JDr
qpIB CIwv JDr GwJtqr AwpIB'
:DrG& sw Apqu Jw JDr DpFF{p| pGB srJ JDr qpIB psptG CIwv fI' 1zIGyS wCCtqr'
:DrG& sw Apqu Jw JDr IrpqJwI qwIr'
:Dr yrqwGB {p| ty Jw Bw JDr rLpqJ ypvr JDtGs {tJD JDr qpIB zGBrIGrpJD JDr
6pAwI 6p{y HwyJrI tG JDr FwAA| wC eIzyJ|Fz iJzBtwy pGB JDr qpIB tG eIzyJ|Sy
JrFrKtytwG tG Dty wCCtqr'
2 blank
3 text
A Checklist of all the cards...
000000 1 027383 001469
2 blank
31 subject
Some dispelled rumors...
10 nesthint
A little hint to help you get around town faster...
T(X"}8.S,oceynrU[)xqwx#p*0? <@5>.<68 ,&:Ds,zmD*J2zc,jF@3=gCjPO;;"bowReY<*'R5[
u+f-2y2e%jp aqoVzy~ywx~iz0{gwriV?o[Ia&{:+%wk~R8
3 nesthint
Is there a BartCave?
16 nesthint
Can you get into Burns' Estate?
_+}?2Z4Y,tjuyed`z|~"~h*u$013N-#.?30=c 7">r,zmQyTQ|FotK\tIxPuEi
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6 version
This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 rel. 24.
The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at
JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com.
You will need a UHS reader to view these hints.
3 incentive
36 info
author=Alan Danzis
publisher=Fox Interactive
copyright=This file is copyright 1998 by Alan Danzis. Jason Strautman may
copyright=authorize distribution of this file in conjunction with shareware
copyright=distributions of the UHS readers. This file otherwise may be
copyright=distributed without the author's explicit permission provided that
copyright=(a) the file has not been edited or converted to another format and
copyright=(b) this file is made available free of any charge or other
copyright=obligation to the distributor. Any permission to distribute this
copyright=file (either as part of this license or a separate agreement) is
copyright=non-exclusive and non-transferrable. All rights not granted
copyright=explicitly by this license are reserved to the author.
author-note=My E-mail address is "adanzis@worldnet.att.net." You can E-mail
author-note=me if you find any mistakes or problems with this file, or still
author-note=need help with the game. I also created a web site which
author-note=contains walkthroughs, cheat codes, maps, etc. for over 50
author-note=classic computer games. The address is
author-note="http://pages.prodigy.com/atag,helpgames,iamstuck,danzis". I
author-note=have also written UHS files for "Police Quest: SWAT",
author-note="Stonekeep", "Police Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel",
author-note=and "The Dame was Loaded".
game-note=Virtual Springfield is (c) 1997 by Fox Interactive and by Twentieth
game-note=Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved. "Twentieth
game-note=Century Fox", "Fox" and their associated logos, "The Simpsons" and
game-note="The Simpsons" characters are the property of Twentieth Century Fox
game-note=Film Corporation. The Simpsons and characters created by Matt
>You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the
>Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL (keyword PC GAMES), the
>General/Help library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or
>the WWW page http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one.
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