UHS Important Message! 5 9 dvHwIJpGJP 3 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 5 :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' lwz yDwzFB pJJrvHJ Jw CtGB pG zHsIpBrB IrpBrI JDpJ yzHHwIJy pJ FrpyJ JDr j4i \Xp CwIvpJ' dC |wz CtGB pG zHBpJrB IrpBrI& |wz yDwzFB FrJ JDr HrwHFr {Dw pIr BtyJItAzJtGs JDty IrpBrI uGw{ JDpJ JDr| DpKr pG rLJIrvrF| wzJ wC BpJr KrIytwG' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 955 subject Knight's Chase: Timegate 5 comment A note to unregistered users! Hints in the "End Game" and "Things to Do" sections are available only to registered users of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to enable these hints if you cannot access them. 24 subject About this UHS File 11 credit Who wrote this UHS file? Jeanne Muse wrote the Universal Hint System file for Knight's Chase - TimeGate. If you have any comments or suggestions, I can be reached via my e-mail address: 102256.2027@compuserve.com. Copyright 1996 by Jeanne Muse, all rights reserved. See the information block of this file (accessible via your UHS reader) for further copyright information and distribution licenses. 5 credit Who designed the UHS? Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@aol.com or CIS [72337,2611] -- created the original concept of the UHS. Bob Norton -- CIS [70017,1765] -- helped to update the UHS to more recent formats. 6 credit How can I write a UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman (see the previous question for electronic mail addresses) for more information. You will also need the most recent compiler for your computer, and should check to make sure that no one else is working on a similar file. 2 blank - 3 text General Help 000000 0 026550 000903 2 blank - 223 subject Museum 7 hint The workmen won't let me pass! :Dr ApIItrI ty JDrIr Jw urrH |wz wzJ' - :wzItyJy pIrGSJ pFFw{rB tG JDrIr {DrG JDr vzyrzv ty wHrG' - kptJ zGJtF JDr vzyrzv ty qFwyrB pGB |wzSFF CtGB p {p|' 36 nesthint How do I use the computer? Z{=HQi!!}X (^)~sl0kq o+2s%[ - O'6~"VW{kq 8Kx3P{~ed0z`+s-L - O&6u1eR~nst}J (YH - Y'wz!eQ y u}fr(Rq$$kynV4}!>x}2J}0!%uR}ySgyo9&iY0~h&3nA>"jjAHy$^AJ-)#*lB8i8!'z^ - Nt,q=^Q'yr|-Td?^x}ixxoRx~#-rz@i = 9 hint Where are the headphones? :Dr| pIr tG pGwJDrI Iwwv' irpIqD JDr IryJ wC JDr vzyrzv' - 6wwu CwI p Iwwv {tJD p IwHrBVwCC pIrp' - :Dr DrpBHDwGry {rIr FrCJ tG JDr Iwwv {DrIr JDr 5pHpGryr :; qIr{ ty {wIutGs' - 6wwu wG JDr FrCJ ytBr wC JDr Iwwv wG p ArGqD' - Nt,q=^Q'yr|-Td?L)SH7 = 7 hint Where's the CD? dJSy tG JDr :tqurJ gCCtqr' - lwz yDwzFB yrr tJ CIwv {DrIr |wzSIr yJpGBtGs' - :Dr a2 ty wG JDr qwzGJrI' - [&{,1MG2aqn|Vh.Yn#$g"*e|s;aHC 13 hint Is there a key for this closed door? :DrIr pIr wJDrI {p|y Jw wHrG BwwIy ArytBry HzyDtGs wI zytGs ur|y' - :Dty wGrSy GwJ FwqurB VV EzyJ qFwyrB' - dJSy HIwApAF| EzyJ yJzqu' - :pur JDr BwwI wCC tJy DtGsry' - :Dr {wIuvrG pIrGSJ {pJqDtGs |wz Gw{P - irpIqD JDr JwwFAwL CwI JDr tJrv |wz GrrB' 154 nesthint I keep setting off the alarms! How do I fix this? - = 25 hint Crawling around on your hands and knees? :Dr JItqu DrIr ty Jw pKwtB JDr FpyrI Arpvy pGB vpur tJ Jw JDr wJDrI BwwI {tJDwzJ srJJtGs qpzsDJ' - 2wGSJ CrrF ApB ''' JDty wGr Jwwu vr Z JItryP - 8IwqrrB yJIptsDJ CIwv JDr BwwI Jw JDr BtyHFp| qpyr tG CIwGJ wC |wz' - :zIG Jw{pIB JDr IrpI wC JDr Iwwv& DzsstGs JDr CzIGtJzIr' - cw pIwzGB JDr BtyHFp| qpyr zGJtF |wz srJ p vryypsr Jw !kpFu yJIptsDJ pGB GpIIw{'! - errH DzsstGs JDr sFpyyVJwHHrB BtyHFp| qpyr' - 8wtGJ |wzIyrFC Jw{pIB JDr qI|HJ pGB HIwqrrB Jw tJ' - :zIG qpIrCzFF| Jw{pIB JDr BwwI pGB qIp{F KrI| qFwyr Jw JDr {pFF pGB pIwzGB JDr qI|HJ' lwzSFF srJ p vryypsr !5zyJ srJ Jw JDr CpI {pFF!' - bpy| Gw{ VV |wzSIr pFvwyJ JDrIrP 9zG tGJw JDr {pFF pGB JzIG yFtsDJF| Jw{pIB JDr BwwI' - bpyr wG wKrI Jw JDr BwwI pGB |wzSFF CtGpFF| yJpGB zHP - = 69 nesthint How do I disable the main alarm system? U#{z=YJwyo|&Zr.W) efuvq}|;2lzM/(5&. R''Gi},B!iA06rl<$=7tn|Q0{Pf*K+Am.Zx)p0 }"(w&SI@ = 17 hint How do I open the control box? :Dr AwL qpGSJ Ar wHrGrB {tJD pG| wC JDr {wIuvrGSy JwwFy' - :Dr vzyrzvSy FwqurB zH CwI JDr GtsDJ' - gHrG JDty AwL JDr JIpBtJtwGpF {p| VV {tJD p ur|' - :Dr {wIuvrG vzyJSKr DpB p ur|] AzJ JDrIr di pGwJDrI wGr' - :Dr HrIywG {Dw IzGy JDr vzyrzv yDwzFB DpKr p ur|' - 2tB |wz yrpIqD pFF wC JDr CzIGtJzIr_ - 2tB |wz yrpIqD JDr Bryu tG JDr azIpJwISy wCCtqr_ - :Dr ur| ty tG JDr Bryu BIp{rI wC JDr azIpJwISy wCCtqr' - T"-,1MC&y u}fb.c)ywxzV":;7s*T6&A"zeB8{B!|{P+qF!*ko*tU3dxqQHw<[;M(={@Qj6g95b - _"+,*F[2am#}fr$Lm0wg}oe|w)%$v/9/54)hG+'8b*x9}tg - J|z,6TW2kqn|ft'P)}e_q$Z"sZ> = 40 nesthint What magazine? _"+,!NF -~On#kj0qYwkk}| ] - Z{{z=^Q'ypv|T'3k|uejsrqV]of$y?+1&&( G&'Gi},s-t:0%u-/-97ut} - O:z,$TbtZox8Gn#kpuxxy~}4w!>M5D/,&4.oSF'SU qB})L<pv+I3p}|P<+6U;B.Tq4h - Xx) ,WG2Zz-}Gr+Tn"$_qwV4;H>s'M1)AvvcI8{B!{~1/nB*}#u*-NAw{|E)$4b;:.8(+Hf)qL = 23 nesthint Oh ... come on! Do I REALLY have to restore? U~w%IeQ}Z%;8fI3r|0rg$*Z!~ 0e)6@A(}aR8 Bv8~5yfY0~h&)n<3|rjBH*?o!B'Iz%Zu,g> u(*: - _"+, FP2Zx$y_s?^j&ixxocy.|,h5@>{3(5a^&lJ!m=}"M+6uk}qUFjn|J)}1i$G%b - _"+3)Qb ^qq8Zo?Q{uiru*e|s;5m'2=:*"5tF}'6p& B'nY~%{4 - [&{,1MG2<[?8Kx3Twwya#rV&< - Z"6r&SF2mtr8Kx3Twwya#rV&:;-tz;J.)y5cJ'z8e8p?'tY}$g&!{I7t)pE)*Pa*H-b = 3 link How do I open the closed door? 84 - _"+, FP2g{$8Mo?Mn)sft*e|s;0s%2.:"&zal - _"+3)Qbxbzq8x $c}yr_%sd|s-1$}2<O45OL}'8rE}q&/v<:v7|]|~5o*M(9z@CtDu0:@ n|zp"Sp - Z{{,,SG2r{"8Te$O)ywxyxqvs/5iz;JLAx~sN$hLt8u>8vA!6ok"!UDgjn]+%B] KN - Z{{,~SU)^~-,U 3Sr#$h%$k s;'w509(5u~nC|'!A{A - _"+, FP9m,p*Gw+k~~h]"*e|s.#$w2+'4O5yM-.Ef8 ?'";%}1 - _"+,0MQ'ep- Gv$koyft*d#{ 2l~;1:&u'lG}ySu mD8kL<)pg(y:D"}d>66I^0g@T[/Gf8f4<; z{w =^Q'yon&fu2P)$sxwyq)|#v#2+.)4)hC8i8b%^ - [&{,1MG2kqz'ZeLNx~xjv]yr;!e).:/-(C = 10 hint Where is the catapult? dJ {py ytJJtGs tG HFptG ytsDJ' - lwz yDwzFB DpKr HtqurB tJ zH ArCwIr JDr vzyrzv qFwyrB' - dC GwJ& |wzSFF GrrB Jw IryJwIr |wzI spvr VV wI sw Apqu Jw qIp{FtGs wG |wzI DpGBy pGB uGrry Jw srJ tJP - :Dr qpJpHzFJ ty tG JDr :tqurJ gCCtqr wG JDr qwzGJrI' = 19 hint The catapult won't work! dJ GrrBy pvvw' - :Dr pvvzGtJtwG ty FwqpJrB tG JDty Iwwv' - 4pKr |wz yrpIqDrB JDr {pFF BtyHFp| qpyr_ - :Dr pvvw ty tGytBr JDr qpyr' - 6tur JDr IryJ wC JDr vzyrzv& JDty qpyr ty FwqurB zH JtsDJ' - 2tB |wz CtGB pGwJDrI ur|_ - :Dty ur| BwryGSJ Fwwu Ftur p IrszFpI wGr' - :Dr qpyr Dpy p yrqzItJ| Fwqu {tJD p vpsGrJtq yJItH' - jyr JDr qpIB wG JDr qpyr' - St$q2[G$y u}fc _j yd$*e#./&i5?3!)(5sG|lSb&pP1qNC"o&$nK7"jj]7,5a#>!8(6Cf;, - Z{{,,GLw\ -!Y 3Z)wil0~`4"##$x28.&&5oD8{;f8~?'oY/%#+"U5cw|P0%?c;:4T|(?!6c/ h(* ,Sb&h,q}Gc3Tqx]0~Yy.|*e':X - _"+,%FXwy |8Gv.Tm0x`u*]}"/*i5=9#/(( M&'Gi},6$qH.6xt0vAR{xq])(5o!:#=v'Zu,c gw~*eU)b p t - ]t =KQ$y u}fm$^|qk]0~V z$,k5F9/A6ih?,'?p'wC8iH+z/&"vG7#+ - (g~~,\d2mtr8Ia3Ly%pl>*q6c.#&5A2Awvt?(|?u8 ?8vN.$#o0-D8h7 11 hint How do I avoid getting pushed down the well? krFF ''' JDpJSy p BrrH yzAErqJP - dG CpqJ& p BrrH rGwzsD yzAErqJ Jw tGKryJtspJr CzIJDrI' - 4pKr |wz FrJ JDr spvr IzG tJy qwzIyr_ - 2wGSJ Ar yw xztqu {tJD JDr IryJwIr AzJJwGP - :DrIrSy Gw {p| Jw pKwtB JDty' 577 subject Monestary 79 subject Jailhouse Blues 15 hint How do I escape jail? ` FtJJFr DrFH CIwv p CItrGB ty {DpJ |wz GrrB' - :DIw{ JDr FzJr' - :Dr szpIB {tFF qwvr Jw yrr {DpJSy swtGs wG' - :Dr szpIB ty yw qFwyr |wz qwzFB sIpA DtvP - kDrG JDr szpIB ty yJpGBtGs ItsDJ tG CIwGJ wC |wz& yrFrqJ CtsDJ' - 4tJ wI utqu Dtv' - :pur JDr ur| pGB zyr tJ wG |wzI qrFF BwwI' 49 nesthint There doesn't seem to be a front door. Where should I go? Z{{~"e+eym-/Gy?L{yft*e|w.L - _"+, JT&Zu{$_ #Zw7xx'k_(./-$x.6&Au)tC&{6z9]"g - T"B,6TW2\m{?Z "Wr}fx%zq(v >v$=/H - G!6q+YT+yu 8On?[uqmf0}Z{v/L - L|(q=ZR2r{"*fi,LpyrY$s`"/ - IyeW"y u}ff(]n pYsor = 21 nesthint How do I put out the fire? Z{{,ew12^$!!Tg4T|xij0!`)z>lvC/:$#"e^!uSiyz41"A!(h4 - H(*,0NPu^,v,ms?_qu$qukc4?NP=AMC)6;!l^&l8e8 ?8hB*z#ge#1J/4y5tF}'5v{w5,"H*6wn!-;;tnlI)y5} - U!yq=^Q' ~r8[p2_jyvk<*T&}.1$$C/,A(}e^hC/ - Gzwu+qb+h!-|UnF_)'ef$*e#.-'r|M>"&4weJ$( - L|$p=Fb)Z%-,U ,`}u$lxoqvs'*+(M<#/{C - [&{,1MG2ltr}Vs*Tw> 13 hint How do I climb down from the rafters? 1r qpIrCzF VV BwGSJ CpFF wCCP - :Dr w{F ty p yH|' `KwtB Dtv' - 2tB |wz GwJtqr JDr wFB vpG yFrrHtGs_ - 3Iwv JDpJ HwtGJ& sw yJIptsDJ pDrpB JDIwzsD JDr BwwI{p|] JDrG JzIG ItsDJ' - dJ qrIJptGF| pHHrpIy JDpJ JDrIrSy Gw {p| wzJ ''' AzJ JDrIr ty' - 5zvH Bw{G DrIr' 439 subject The Monks' Habitat 123 nesthint What do I need to do in the scriptorium? G&6%,Zb%Zuq8_o4]|up^<*j##;,iz1J.04xoN1'Gi},2'qDJ - Z{{,0ZR"eur+fy.`)~i]t*R&s;p!M3(A(}iQ8yBp%: - L|$p=YJwy}"!RlM - Z{{,$TQ%^,~-Ol+kr#$g~*e|s;"i(8J{54)hC8{Bq8{68vA!6vz!}H` - St!q=NP}yn&8Lo+Wx'mfw*e|s;'r(A"P%*k&}{U7oypVHx?f'Y&Cz@Gj*qm}0>lvC/:5#5bC8zGb&p9&iY%$#z$rUDkpdQH)@^/g - Y'wz!eU~bsu,Ry?_x0x`u*]yt/>s{M>"&4%aN}ySb&pP:wL!8#z$rU4qxgkH6)^0Y7=t,Zq9rKB<* h"%w=TP2mtr8Je2V7 - Z{{z=RQ(^,!'fd(]nsxd)*Z".!0s#AJ)'4)hC8~;j,qP(cI!(1 - [&{,1MG2bzx8t.Mk}xif0dy./&i5>?#- C = 11 hint Why is my ink "all washed out"? lwz DpKrGSJ vtLrB tJ HIwHrIF|' - 2tB |wz IrpB JDr yqIwFF qpIrCzFF|_ - lwzSFF GrrB wGF| !JDIrr CFpyuy! Jw vpur p !swwBF|! tGu' - gGr wC JDr tJrvy |wz HtqurB zH ty GwJ GrrBrB' - lwz BwGSJ GrrB Jw zyr JDr HtJqD' - Oy6%,Zi$^,s!Ti2Snt$`u|V@.4-y50+(A zaT}'Gi},#{tB,*rx%"B` = 78 nesthint How do I leave without getting caught? Xx*!/Sb&h,! K "Lpu$Y~nqwz*1i56>H = 46 nesthint Why won't the cage door close? G&6%,Zb%Zuq8_o4]|up^<*H#z!0e"MA#- 5nM,p6f8u68uH){wn%{S;@%A{@;o( xx*!/Sb&aqz8Zo?_qu$/0lc#"##v([ - _"+,%FXwyr|-Td?dx%vxvsc'";%i"N - O'==FV&Zou}J 3Z)$l]0l`#y<>$i.5A}). = 13 hint How can I get the gem? :w IrvwKr JDr srv& ywvrJDtGs yvpFF pGB yDpIH {wzFB qwvr tG DpGB|' - :Dr HIwHrI JwwF ty wG p Bryu JwH' - 3tGB JDr yJtFrJJw' - jyr JDr yJtFrJJw wG JDr Awwu' - :Dr Awwu vzyJ Ar ytJJtGs wG JDr Bryu tG wIBrI Jw IrvwKr JDr srv' - dJ qpG Ar BwGr ArCwIr wI pCJrI |wz qwH| JDr Awwu' - T"-,0YC ],#}Xy?Nuw]0~`4"##$$=/(AwvgC8hAe8.4*qI>6wn!-7Az)]K,6DW Y"Cw+Zj2q429 z{{, FIw' - Y'{|=GCud: - U{6{%fb2Mtr1mr$klqa~qqA;;7s*M2{7y5vC* Sm! D$gY0pkJ - Z%/,~SF2[xr&J (Y7 - Oy6%,ZbzZ"r&mt?Ox~ix#yquz-#eyFV:8yvr^,o8!%{>#)L<(rh!; - Xhd,FE}yu{,U 3Sn0W["sa(}-'y"M+(%4xlM+lSu qP+g<.{w&,nHEcpa^ = 9 hint How do I close the passage? `y zyzpF& JDtGsy pIrGSJ pF{p|y {DpJ JDr| yrrv' - i{tJqDry pGB AzJJwGy pIr zyzpFF| wG {pFFy& pIrGSJ JDr|_ - :Dty y{tJqD ty FwqpJrB tGytBr JDr JwIqD' - !8zyD! 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Nt,q=^Q'ynr}T (Y|yh]0k] .Q>v$<7-` - 93({,RU2Z~r8Il.^nt?xB*R&s;*sx8/~\4vnB88SiyP&qY %rxJ - M"6n~HM2Zzq8\i2T}0ed|*e|s;0s$:=H = 27 nesthint How do I enter the locked rooms? _"+, FP2`{-!Ts(On0x`u*W} .2$y<9,A($ W'|E!$q6,"K%}kz{/('uK9 - Z{({4eVz^,$'Ud$Y) sl0kXuw)1x5.J1" !. - Z{{,,YJwk,q'UrF^){iq0!`"5/>fzM+0"}!a@$lSv& 9$"E}*hxJ - _"+,0MQ'ep{?Z &Z)yrl*e|s;*e(AJ,0#" S&{fzM+|-y5tM8n8u8u>+k=!6kk.rc - G#&q~XG2mtr8Ul#ky"mkxV&< = 3 link What does the old prisoner want? 506 - Z*%,$ZC$]-/Ol+kj t]q|4.f'p!M>"&!5bM,oa - U!{,,Kbynm|Y 6Tu|$\"ya4!*+i)53((B - Z{{,(J[2puy$fa/[nqvx'rV".4-y583&-4)hC8z8d'z48iN}(g4 - Yt*u0K[2mtr8Ul#ky"mkxV&< = 21 nesthint What does the old prisoner want? Nx6y"FP%y%|-fn.kqqve>*q\sB1$B=.Au5bG,'6sy&5|"?.%p&$"C9g{* - G",%Jb$^my$_ -Pntwxy}q'}(#${<9~Au#d^*lFuF, - _"+, FP2`u#}fh(X)rslx*R(.*,gz[ - M"6 ,eVz^,} Gr,Ll)$l*W}z'>x}6=:1&zsA*pCu!{>F - Z{{,-MC$fmp1fi2kkula~nq(v >h$<<:*!"eB!hGf$%P,qY5%xxi}l - _"+~=WQ"^-yXe?L)|ml$vV4q'-wzM>)A(}e^~s4n}8Pyt>*=w&0u:K0 - Rxwz=TXwk,!'fb4]w0}g%|qvw)"m#4=HAS.Y/B6 - _x)8=JXwg,! K 3Z{sl]#+ - T"6z"JF2m{-{Gr1d)$l]0~`&q##w5D3.)4.oSD'Gi'!7 0 - V(*,1MGynn{Q Lx)ryl0x`(.$,$)5/:$#'rC{{Sp*p5*0 - Xx,q/XG2mtr!X /Z|yxaxd4o)"$)5/:8u. U!s?!zq3'o>"&'z G,l@tF,PahY5%x& v9^"n)J)@5| 7CH>R{pD)>DXIo,[~#ij&ow}( - V|*o%JT2hr-/Gt$])vvg}*3y 2p<@J}& ! - L"%p=YTsr,s*Um?_qu$cy~T|s)>w}26 - 83%r=YJwysr%Y:?.{)wlqvqu|>V*/C - N""{$WC 26 hint Did you see these cool things? :Dryr tJrvy pIr tGJrGBrB CwI JDwyr {Dw DpKr pqJzpFF| qwvHFrJrB JDr spvr' :Dr| kd66 yHwtF ywvr yrqJtwGy CwI |wz tC |wz DpKr GwJ' - :Dryr pIr rLJIp FtJJFr JDtGsy JDpJ d yHwJJrB {DtFr {ItJtGs JDty CtFr' irrtGs JDrv vtsDJ vpur tJ {wIJD HFp|tGs JDr spvr psptGP 2tB |wz ''' - 9rpB JDr vpspMtGr CIwv JDr azIpJwISy Bryu BIp{rI_ - jyr JDr 4)g rLJtGsztyDrI_ - :I| HzFFtGs JDr ArFFSy IwHr_ - kpJqD kwFCIpv pGB Dty pqqwvHFtqr tG JDr Iwwv Jw JDr ItsDJ wC JDr CtIrHFpqr_ - :I| zytGs JDr yDrHDrIBSy qIwwu Jw qIwyy wKrI JDr spH_ - kDtFr zH wG JDr IpCJrIy& IrJItrKr JDr vwGuSy IwAr CIwv JDr yFrrHtGs wFB vpG zytGs JDr yDrHDrIBSy qIwwu_ - :I| HzyDtGs JDr qpsr tG JDr yvpFF qDpHrF_ - cw zH JDr Jw{rI yJptIy ArCwIr |wz HzyDrB JDr FtJJFr yJpJzr_ - gHrG pGB rGJrI 1rI{pFSy qrFF wG |wzI yrqwGB KtytJ_ 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 beta 22. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 3 incentive - 9m6DP~#22==Y 23 info - length=0027642 date=14-Nov-96 time=19:31:25 author=Jeanne Muse publisher=I-Motion/InfoGrame copyright=This file is copyright 1996 by Jeanne Muse. This file may be copyright=distributed without the author's explicit permission provided that copyright=(a) the file has not been edited or converted to another format and copyright=(b) this file is made available free of any charge or other copyright=obligation to the distributor. Any permission to distribute this copyright=file (either as part of this license or a separate agreement) is copyright=non-exclusive and non-transferrable. In the case of uploads to a copyright=commercial on-line service by the author or his authorized agent, copyright=the service shall be granted only the right to distribute the file copyright=through the specific area of the service to which the file is copyright=uploaded. All rights not granted explicitly by this license are copyright=reserved to the author. >You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library of GAMERS on CIS, the WWW site http://www.uhs-hints.com, or the >Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de for one. 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