UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 614 subject Star Trek : Generations 6 comment A note to unregistered users! The hints for the "Veridian III" and "The Enterprise" sections are available only to those who have purchased a registered copy of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to enable these hints if you cannot access them. 2 blank - 103 subject Amargosa 5 hint Which planet is the mission on? dJ tyGSJ wG p HFpGrJ' - dJ ty wG JDr yqtrGqr yJpJtwG' 53 subject The First Visit 3 hint What do I do with the casualties? 4tJ |wzI qwvv ApBsr Jw Arpv JDrv zH' 7 hint How do I fix the turbolift? lwz GrrB p Gr{ AzJJwG' - 8rIDpHy ywvrwGr Dpy swJ wGr' - :Dr bFV`zItpG& 2I' iwIwG& Dpy tJ' 10 hint I need to fix the lights! gG JDr zHHrI Brqu JDrIr ty p yrqJtwG wC {pFF JDpJSy ItHHrB wHrG pGB yDw{tGs ywvr rFrqJItqy' - :Dty ty |wzI FtsDJtGs HIwAFrv' dJ GrrBy Jw Ar CtLrB' - lwz GrrB Jw zyr pG tFFzvtGpJwI qwIr wG tJ' - :DrIr ty wGr tG wGr wC JDr FwqurIy wG JDr vtBBFr Brqu' 13 hint Theres a crewman behind some locked doors. I can't open them. :Dr BwwIy pIr yrpFrB CwI ypCrJ| IrpywGy VV JDr BpGsFtGs {tIr' lwzSFF DpKr Jw CtGB pGwJDrI {p| tG' - 8rIDpHy |wz qwzFB srJ tG CIwv pAwKr' - gG JDr JwH Brqu ty p DwFr tG JDr {pFF' dJSy p 5rCCrI|Sy JzAr' - lwz GrrB Jw BtKrIJ JDr JzAr CtIyJ' - 1rCwIr |wz sw tG JDr JzAr& HIryy JDr sIrrG AzJJwG wG JDr ItsDJVDpGB ytBr wC qwGJIwF HpGrF wG JDr {pFF' :Dty BtKrIJy JDr JzAr Jw {DrIr |wz {pGJ Jw sw' 8 hint A dangling wire is in the way. ` BpGsFtGs {tIr tyGSJ BpGsrIwzy tC JDrIr ty Gw Hw{rI Jw tJ' - gG JDr {pFF ty p HpGrF' 9rvwKr tJ' - 8Iryy JDr FrCJ DpGB ytBr AzJJwG' :Dty JzIGy wCC JDr Hw{rI Jw JDr qpAFr pGB wHrGy JDr BwwIy' 7 hint I can't open this sealed door. dJSy vpsGrJtqpFF| yrpFrB' - lwz GrrB p vpsGrJtq EzyJtCtrI' - dJSy tG p FwqurI wG JDr Fw{rI Brqu' 3 link How do I disarm the torpedo? 586 43 subject The Second Visit 16 hint The doors to the main part of the station are sealed. :DrIr ty p DzFF AIrpqD wzJ JDrIr' lwz GrrB Jw CtL tJ' - lwz qpG CtL tJ {tJD p qwGJptGvrGJ CtrFB' - :Dr qwGJIwFy CwI JDty pIr tG JDr ptIFwqu' - :Dr|SIr AIwurGP - lwzSFF GrrB Jw CtGB p IrHFpqrvrGJ tywFtGrpI qDtH' - cw zH JDr FtCJ pGB CtGB wGr JDrIr' 2wGSJ CwIsrJ Jw yrpIqD JDr BrpB 9wvzFpG' - 9rHFpqr JDr qDtH tG JDr qwGJptGvrGJ y|yJrv tG JDr ptIFwqu pGB JDr BwwIy {tFF wHrG' 15 hint Where are these Klingons coming from? :Dr| pIr ArpvtGs tG CIwv JDr qFwpurB yDtH BwqurB pJ JDr ptIFwqu' - :Dr| pIrGSJ KrI| CItrGBF|' - lwz qwzFB yDwwJ JDrv& AzJ |wz {wzFB Btr JI|tGs' - bKrG eFtGswGy GrrB Jw AIrpJDr' - :DrIr ty Gw ptI tG yHpqr' - izqu JDrv wzJ tGJw yHpqr' - 2rpqJtKpJr JDr tywFtGrpI qDtH tG JDr ptIFwqu' 7 hint Where is Soran? kDrIr {py Dr FpyJ Jtvr_ - 6wwu ArDtGB JDr yvpFF vrJpF BwwI {DrIr JDr CtIyJ eFtGswGy {rIr' - jyr |wzI JItqwIBrI tC |wz qpGSJ CtGB Dtv VV Dr ty p HzIHFr BwJ' 3 link How do I disarm the torpedos? 586 23 subject Halee 10 hint How do I get into the other ships? lwz vzyJ srJ tGJw JDr qwGJIwF Jw{rI Jw Bw JDty' - dC |wz sw Jw{pIBy JDr 9wvzFpG yDtH& tJ {tFF DrFH' - kDrG |wz IrpqD JDr qwGJIwF Jw{rI& qFtqu JDr vtBBFr AzJJwG zGJtF tJ swry sIrrG Jw pFFw{ pqqryy Jw pFF wC JDr yDtHy' - fpur yzIr |wz IrvrvArI {DtqD ty iwIpGSy yDtH pGB {DtqD ty JDr 2zIpyS yDtH' 11 hint When I've opened all the doors, what can I do to stop Soran? lwz vzyJ yJwH iwIpG CIwv JputGs wCC' - lwz qwzFB ypAwJpsr Dty yDtH' - gGr yDtH ty BpvpsrB VV Jww ApB tJSy GwJ iwIpGSy' - :I| JputGs HpIJ wC p BpvpsrB yDtH pGB HzJJtGs tJ tG iwIpGSy yDtH' - :I| JDr pGJtvpJJrI IrpqJwI HFzs' 78 subject Arvada 3 hint Which planet is it? `IKpBp dd' 18 nesthint How do I open the stone doors? wX39Hf''xw#['t+cX1aa(mXn@!y> ~n3D'"|-#O#rBc - uJ'-ek(r$L#k!bzjw,n|kh]n@)J zn36'/9q=$1:Ds'Ts~ sQ#mzexv^'sp^bn@.?,)j!FD@&(%V,}TCl5? K{+6{l q*q,;Bv)6}E!ch{D0h - dR0,Y%2oykq^wd+jf8rpwip}(z}X = 3 link How can I stop the little robots? 160 - rQ#'e|zlokxi2tzvk di(n^})!0C{')&7}@n9 0.v@c - n[#,X%-hikpbvdw[wztp|h^)4$0/zsk78!p|uB3?T%y5NsW s83m'~9`y7V?s{F$vC!g{'J7 5J,-ey( kZ1 9 hint How can I stop the little robots? lwz GrrB Jw yJwH JDr SJIpCCtqS' - kDpJ {wzFB JDr HwFtqr zyr_ - ` JIpCCtq qwGr' :DrIr ty wGr tG JDr vptGJrGpGqr Iwwv' - 8Fpqr tJ wG JDr JIpqu JDr| IzG pFwGs' 14 hint Some of the doors aren't opening for the robots. :Dr BwwI GrrBy Hw{rI Jw wHrG' :Dr Hw{rI ty wCC Jw JDty Iwwv' - lwz GrrB Jw qDpGsr JDr Hw{rI BtyJItAzJtwG tG JDr Hw{rI Iwwv' - :Dr qwGJIwF HpGrF wG JDr CpI {pFF qDpGsry tJ' - dJ wGF| {wIuy {DrG JDr Hw{rI ywzIqr yDtrFB ty Bw{G' - :Dr HpGrF {tJD p 4 wG tJ wHrGy JDr yDtrFB' - gG JDr Ats HpGrF& JDr Ats AzJJwG qwGJIwFy vptG Hw{rI pGB pFF JDr wJDrI AzJJwGy qwGJIwF JDr yrHpIpJr Iwwvy' 16 hint There is a forcefield on front of the lift. dJ GrrBy Hw{rI Jw IzG' - :zIG wCC JDr Hw{rI tG JDr Hw{rI Iwwv' - 7w{ JDr FtCJ BwryGSJ {wIu& AzJ pJ FrpyJ |wz qpG srJ Jw tJ' - lwz GrrB Jw BrpqJtKpJr JDr CwIqrCtrFB Gw{& yw tJ {wGSJ qwvr Apqu {DrG |wz AItGs JDr Hw{rI Apqu' - lwz GrrB pG pLtwGtq CFzL tGKrIJrI' - :DrIr ty wGr tG JDr yJwIpsr pIrp' - :pur tJ Jw JDr FtCJ pGB zyr tJ wG JDr JDtGs JDpJ Fwwuy Ftur p CwzGJptG' 13 hint There are some big robots in the way. lwz qwzFB yDwwJ JDrv& AzJ JDpJ {tFF HIwApAF| utFF |wz' - lwz qwzFB sw wG JDr qwGKr|wI ArFJ' - `J JDr IwAwJy& sw FrCJ' cw tG JDr qIpqu tG JDr {pFF pGB JDrG zH JDr yJptIy' - crJ wG JDr ArFJ pGB CwFFw{ tJ zGJtF |wz CpFF' errH wG CwFFw{tGs tJ zGJtF |wz IrpqD pG wHrGtGs Jw p qpKrIG' - i{tv JDIwzsD JDr HwwF wC {pJrI' iDwwJ JDr CF|tGs JDtGsy pGB EzvH pqIwyy JDr spH' 3 hint How can I stop Soran? iDwwJ Dtv' :DrG yDwwJ JDr JDtGs wG JDr {pFF' ftyytwG wKrIP 45 subject Antillios 3 hint Which planet is it? lwz yDwzFB Ar pAFr Jw szryy' dJSy JDr wGF| wGr JDrIrP 6 hint My tricorder map has weird readings. 2wGSJ CwIsrJ |wz pIr tG p FtKtGs qIrpJzIr' - :zIG wCC FtCrCwIvy Jw srJ p GwIvpF IrpBwzJ' 2wGSJ zyr tJ {DrG JDrIr pIr pGJtAwBtry pIwzGBP 5 hint What am I looking for in this tunnel maze? iwIpGSy rLJIpqJtwG BrKtqry' - :DrIr pIr JDIrr wC JDrv' 5 hint How do I get through the membranes? lwz GrrB Jw Ar vwIr yFtHHrI|' - :pur p BtH tG JDr HwwFyP 7 hint What should I do in these other pools? dy JDrIr pG|JDtGs tG JDrv_ - dC JDrIr ty p HrFFrJ& srJ tJ' dC JDrIr pIr KtIzyry& utFF JDrv' - lwz GrrB JDIrr HrFFrJy' 3 hint What do I do to the hole in the wall? 4rpF tJ' :DrG HzJ p HrFFrJ tG tJ' 5 hint These antibodies are attacking me. :zIG wCC |wzI JItqwIBrI' - dC JDpJ BwryGSJ {wIu& |wz GrrB Jw zyr ywvr sIrrG szGu' awFFrqJ tJ tG p KtpF' 9 hint How do I get to Soran? lwz qwzFB Arpv JDrIr& AzJ |wz BwGSJ DpKr p JIpGyHwIJrI' - gI Bw |wz_ - :Dr y|GpHJtq GwBr JIpGyHwIJy |wz JDrIr' - :Dr y|GpHJtq GwBr stKry wCC rFrqJItq qIpquFry' 42 subject Q'urash 8 hint How do I take the reactor off-line? lwz GrrB Jw CtGB JDr IrpqJwI qwGJIwF HpGrF' - dJ rLHFwBrB EzyJ py |wz ArpvrB tG' - aFtqu wG JDr JwH ItsDJ AzJJwG zGJtFF tJ JzIGy |rFFw{' :DrG qFtqu JDr AwJJwv ItsDJ AzJJwG zGJtF pFF JDr wJDrI FtsDJy sw wzJ' 5 hint Where is the security pass for the first room? iwvrwGr Dpy tJ' - irpIqD JDr BrpB eFtGswG' 7 hint Where is the security pass for the top deck? dJSy tG p FwJ wC IpBtpJtwG' - dG p 5rCCIr|y JzAr' - gG JDr AwJJwv Brqu' 5 hint How do I avoid taking damage from the radiated room? dC |wz sw tG& |wz Jpur Bpvpsr' - lwz qpGSJ pKwtB tJ' lwz vzyJ sw tG' 5 hint How do I find the security pass for the middle deck? dJSy zHyJptIy' - lwz qpG yrr tJ wG |wzI JItqwIBrI py p %' 7 hint How do I unlock the control panel? lwz GrrB p qwBr' - :Dr qwBr ty wG JDr Fw{ryJ Brqu' - dJ ty {DrIr |wz CwzGB JDr yrqzItJ| Hpyy' 3 link How do I disarm the torpedos? 586 42 subject Epsion 9 hint I can't get out of this cell. lwz qpGSJ srJ HpyJ JDpJ HIwAr' - :DrIr pIr Gw wJDrI BwwIy& AzJ |wz GrrB pGwJDrI BwwI' - lwz qwzFB vpur p BwwIP - 3tGB ywvr wBBVFwwutGs {pFF pGB yDwwJ tJ' 7 hint Which mushrooms can I eat? :DrIr pIr J{w J|Hry VV swwB pGB ApB' - :DrIr pIr J{w yqpGGrI qwFwzIy VV AFpqu pGB wIpGsr' - 1Fpqu ty ApB' gIpGsr ty swwB' 7 hint How can I get across all this lava? :Dr aDwBpu vpGpsr tJ' 4w{_ - :Dr| zyr yDrFFy' - crJ tG pG rvHJ| wGr' 3 hint Which transporter do I need to use? :Dr wGr {tJD JDr |rFFw{ yrqzItJ| ur|' 5 hint How do I lower the bridge? lwz GrrB Jw zyr JDr qwGJIwF HpGrF' - iDwwJ JDr szpIBy pGB sw Jw tJ' 8Iryy JDr AwJJwv& AFpqu JItpGsFr' 9 hint What do I do to the reactor? lwz GrrB Jw vwKr tJ CtIyJ' - aFtqu JDr y{tJqD Jw vwKr tJ tGJw JDr Bw{G HwytJtwG' :DrG sw Jw JDr Iwwv {tJD JDr HtFFpIy pGB HpGrFy' - gG JDr FrCJ DpGB ytBr wC JDr qrGJIpF HpGrF& yrJ JDr qwGJIwF Jw JDr ItsDJ' gG JDr ItsDJ ytBr wC JDr HtFFpI& HIryy JDr AzJJwG tG JDr vtBBFr' 86 subject Galorndan Core 57 subject The First Visit 4 hint If I shoot, the alarm goes off. 2wGSJ yDwwJ& zGFryy JDrIr ty Gw wGr rFyr pIwzGB Jw yrJ wCC JDr pFpIv wCC pGB |wzI HDpyrI ty wG yJzG' 9 hint I can't get in. :DrIr pIr J{w BwwIy' - :Dr GwIvpF zHyJptIy BwwI ty FwqurB' :Dr yDzJJFr Ap| BwwI ty FwqurB' - 8rwHFr zyr yDzJJFry' - kptJ CwI p yDzJJFr Jw qwvr wzJ pGB yGrpu JDIwzsD JDr Ap| BwwI' 11 nesthint I need a security pass. mW*2em"glxuZ ktd^8Qkun\j.50r{lxD+@uz&4@%<:t^ - rQ#9Ht&meYg^$ sWj8njm'pR4<#Ju ){7*@(lFmv[aW~zB +!xEes%JYhn)x<^cj`|[;'O +^1-ek(lpZzybinWi|&o(ZT)xuX - eX>-T%-hiklgwr_X$`if`n25s9z&{">82|(}]@`BU{8@ Gmy8+s~Ees)V;el19.A{k^y[6 ? 1QY%2oykzZ t+jf8bdigWnN5d2q )v>!#x9$7%1;Gl5I 9xz6~+s~Ees)VMsyT 13 nesthint On the second deck, how do I get past the misty bits? wX39Mf/e$_ryyevgyrp(mXn-C0#{')vA-,q9'0,|TIoBJu>t+5(2~-RD:Hi|44"^&qmyi - rQ#+J%&uw_#[w ldf,gazygj95q<{'ww` - dR,}ey!e$^wZ{r~vk'pp^pS%{v$St0 xSll2ss_g8kes^p}(z0,mut3A~@z207!8c) - uQ-emzptPq^v ewkbk|mi)7}u8,zn3Ey)q9$7!%s - iU-'P&9 H`fd2tzv^'ppk_~'}0>tw)'Gz%; 10 nesthint In the room with the downward stairs, how can I get past the viruses? rQ#+J%zrikwh! xWe1-|\aU{%5}?&)u78!{9u03z9G'G|Tn'cmOhgue7vp't|ikU)2~w2 2wxJ,@!(0C(vTH{1Oi:,o<&nzk7XpDHHsvT - s\#9Ym~ gZqm$owvgymatydx@ y6x2}{7%N-rD@(=AsPIerksn+]\,]zhew$T - jX-$ef+oyYgy!n+j_!r|l^St@{<,s)'Dy. )A4vFUh>? 9ql@3!*j_r-D>i{/{ul 12 nesthint How can I stop Soran from launching that torpedo? nN0!Fu, }Zxyuo b[8&`m_\n#)7J zn3F'2}~t>N - nN0!Fu, {Twa2ts[w%`evyTn&!u- !{&` - rQ#9Ht'tvZoewr+\f*ppZd))(03z2vt;&@r'w8.v9Gp>B. - dR,}en- eYgy"uvX8rdq^\m@~~Jr$x!F8/s9$7%1HDy@@dF,w4(yur*c9D/Hy)=vzJ/p`s?B,I !U'|P%(n$rVNTSdIK]L#(m_)&~~.,{}A - rQ#+J%"srrwywnzk^ lwpU{@*~6q%|3K'5-z|B/18:h3OiMm83l~vEes)VHxq+.Qwk`z?5F 5 nesthint Soran won't believe me when I tell him his plan won't work. wX39Fw~ vTja&.+>\8vkv d7 - h^1-ef|ci[wy&hpv]ybp(mXj45x/,{|39'){ 0C/18>lPbtW#zE~92^-V+77Ngn8-!Crvd}IB ;7 ![,Mj} sY#mze+fcyma|%p|/5y>,uj!Y,@ z&4@*CJ5 - r[79Fs9ewNdiw {e[F - = 4 comment Did you find Data's cat Spot? If you didn't, then maybe you should. You are a Starfleet Officer after all and should protect all lifeforms. He is in one of the escape pods. 31 subject Disarming the Probes 21 hint How do I disarm the torpedos? lwz qpGSJ' 1zJ |wz qpG IrBtIrqJ JDrv' - 3tGB JDr qwGJIwFFrI' - 8Iryy JDr !Hw{rI wG! AzJJwG' :DpJSy JDr FwGs sIrrG wGr pJ JDr JwH' - 8Iryy JDr !Ktr{rI wG! AzJJwG' :DpJSy JDr IrqJpGsFr pJ JDr JwHVFrCJ qwIGrI' - 8Iryy JDr !qwvHzJrI JpIsrJtGs wG! AzJJwG' :DpJSy JDr IrqJpGsFr pJ JDr JwHVItsDJ qwIGrI' - 8Iryy !qDpGsr JpIsrJ! zGJtF |wz srJ BrrH yHpqr' :DpJSy JDr yxzpIr wG JDr ItsDJ' - 8Iryy !wHrG JwIHrBw FpzGqDrI BwwI! VV JDr FrCJ sIrrG AzJJwG' - 8Iryy !FwpB JwIHrBw! VV JDr ItsDJ sIrrG AzJJwG' - 8Iryy !FpzGqD JwIHrBw! VV JDr vtBBFr IrB AzJJwG' 5 nesthint I can't change the target on Veridian III. gO>2Tz9ceY*m2csWed||aU)4v"1q&53E,/}9yC@wFDtPAiIuy:3t }9Vl(d - jX!$ey!e$NoZp~$ 3 link Soran has locked out the control panel on Bersus. 468 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 rel. 24. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 3 incentive - QC>R?%M84,#-J3Lv+P8=(-)Aa5EZ>S)HbOa-NAca1ig:q[5jBLSH?HKE&@YwY9?]N.sF4<.qRO{ 16 info - length=0018099 date=11-Jun-98 time=14:20:46 author=Chris Key publisher=MicroProse copyright=Jason Strautman may authorize distribution of this file in copyright=conjunction with shareware distributions of the UHS readers and on copyright=the UHS web site. game-note=Star Trek Generations is a trademark of Paramount Pictures. game-note=MicroProse is a registered trademark of MicroProse, Inc. >You need a UHS 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library in GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page >http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. ¡