UHS Important Message! 5 9 dvHwIJpGJP 3 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 5 :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' lwz yDwzFB pJJrvHJ Jw CtGB pG zHsIpBrB IrpBrI JDpJ yzHHwIJy pJ FrpyJ JDr j4i \Xp CwIvpJ' dC |wz CtGB pG zHBpJrB IrpBrI& |wz yDwzFB FrJ JDr HrwHFr {Dw pIr BtyJItAzJtGs JDty IrpBrI uGw{ JDpJ JDr| DpKr pG rLJIrvrF| wzJ wC BpJr KrIytwG' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 1188 subject Star Control 3 5 comment Note to unregistered users! The sections regarding "Stopping the Eternal Ones" and any information regarding the Precursors and Ploxis are not available to unregistered users. Please check your reader for information on how to register your reader. 17 subject About this UHS file 3 text Who wrote this file? 000000 0 030310 000731 6 credit Who created the Universal Hint System? Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@aol.com or [72337,2611] on CompuServe -- created the Universal Hint System (UHS). Bob Norton -- 70017.1765@compuserve.com -- helped him update the UHS to more recent formats. 6 credit How can I write my own UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@aol.com or [72337,2611] on CompuServe -- to make sure nobody else is working on that file. You will also need the latest compiler for your computer. If you have Internet access, visit http://www.uhs-hints.com/. 2 blank - 74 subject Part 1: Colonization 14 hint What should I do at the beginning? bLHFwIr' - fpur p Bts ytJr tG JDr 4rFtwy y|yJrv Jw FrpIG vwIr pAwzJ JDr 8IrqzIywIy' - :pFu Jw wJDrI Ipqry& utFF JDr 2puFpuJpuHpuy& pGB yrpIqD CwI pIJtCpqJy' - awFwGtMr& tC |wz {pGJ' - aDrqu wzJ JDr 8tqzy yJpI y|yJrv& wGqr tJ rLHFwBry' - :DrIrSy IrpFF| Gw Jtvr FtvtJ& ytGqr JDty HpIJ wC iJpI awGJIwF Y ty BrytsGrB Jw DrFH |wz srJ wItrGJrB {tJD JDr spvr' 32 subject Where can I find my fellow League races? 3 link Chmmr 256 3 hint Human 4rFtwy' 3 link Mycon 646 3 link Orz 702 3 link Pkunk 766 3 link Spathi 863 3 link Syreen 891 3 link Ur-Quan 923 3 link Utwig 932 3 link Vux 1008 3 link I can't understand the Daklaktakpak! 403 3 link How do I stop the raids on the Mycon? 649 20 hint How do I start the war? d uGw{ JDty ywzGBy {rtIB& AzJ Jw pBKpGqr tG JDr spvr& |wz GrrB Jw yJpIJ JDr {pI {tJD aIzL' - fwKr tGJw p aIzL y|yJrv $CwI rLpvHFr& JDr aIwGwy y|yJrvT' - lwz {tFF JDrG Ar pJJpqurB A| p aFptIqwGqJFpI' 6tyJrG Jw {DpJ JDr| yp| pAwzJ JDr bFJpGtG yJpI y|yJrv& pGB JDrG utFF JDrv' - 7w{& qDrqu wzJ bFJpGtG' - 6rpKr JDr y|yJrv& pGB ywvr Jtvr FpJrI& bFJpGtG {tFF Ar BryJIw|rB A| CpJtszr' - aDrqu wzJ bFJpGtG pGB Jpur ywvr IrpBtGsy' - `J JDty HwtGJ& JDr aIzL {tFF BrqFpIr {pI& Arqpzyr JDr| JDtGu pFF wC JDty ty |wzI CpzFJ' - lwz qpG ryqpHr ArCwIr JDr| AItGs tG JDrtI yDtHy& tC |wz Bw tJ xztquF|' 87 subject Part 2: War with the Crux 3 link How do I start the war? 81 3 link Finding and Fixing the Ultron 930 3 link The Chmmr Bifurcation 254 3 link Buying back the Doog 473 3 link Allying with the K'Tang 587 3 link Curing the Harika 535 3 link Removing the Clairconctlar Debt 343 5 hint The Tyche Explosion :DrIr IrpFF| tyGSJ vzqD Jw Bw pAwzJ JDr :|qDr rLHFwytwG' - 5zyJ qDrqu wzJ JDr pIrp pGB JpFu Jw JDr gIM' 2 blank - 3 link Hints below this line are unavailable! 3 51 subject Learning about the Precursors 7 nesthint How can I learn about the Precursors? qR,|J:.r}8fV"ab l^|ip#T8|]oxEb'&!3%$0:9>$m:iuk yb 9?+5$[zV<{aIm = 3 link Daktaklakpak 401 19 nesthint What is the Cosmic Undevolver? rQ#9()-$v`tZYzem{wiqz%lfF{Fsy:{(&">t$A)9?~eAe{m - g]E,e&)znqYiknw sX,Jjje+~>n28+(5#+A - wX39S{-^tpP/ k{+b|mwdg+7Ft@ = 9 nesthint Where is the C.U.D. key? e^#,X:1|}\tWzsw za(tisv)Bc'7%$3>%%*.z2&wr - _\)9Y"7Q^_xy = 3 link Daktaklakpak 401 - _W"9^)/7{bYik)odq[uvl#g57Rnv*($-4#A 23 nesthint How do I talk to a Precursor? dR0,YF:0|rtsP{dw zssmy#g.|]kw>2{00>'y&Hn=viIosUe~/ = 3 link Where is the C.U.D. key? 151 - rQ#'q:"|natyZ6B\s}Xsis#%T - wX3@Q&:~rqtfk#ejlZq(feb;+]O$9!|4L - mW#9T :+ubtwLyej,sTp(fqsu)QoyS - gW>F}.C-fh,^6t_qte,|wdi+#]dw;{x&L - _\)9Y"7e`\fR}ei+Y{z%daFfOt!,@ = 3 link Xchagger 1103 - rQ#'q:||njtn_6df#ys w%EX-)Bgs32GA,w16;~O&l8 rDy: 3 link Destroying the Ploxis 792 43 subject Part 3: Stopping the Eternal Ones 8 nesthint How do I fill the sentience silo? h^1-e0#*vqtfW" fr+gtm%uT)|P. - rQ#+J:{)r}Uqbwyj,<#,zffX97>vs.~v#*#3%0H}> eGe'Rezup J.:*rkhnP$c\,qe{u%rg.|O $&uz4J>, 6H'4whStv_c{nwC?&$Lo|_nqfkWNzA.[bIDr_4K:% Ex[& 27 subject What do I need to channel energy into the silo? 5 nesthint Where is the Sentience Thresher? gO>2T/A)r}Uyk*h\,pap(tis:B y&zM>7"&A)%Awe7y'Ga"f'@N9 - rQ#9-,xyag%Rv\,tg,|t#l5,k 6 nesthint Where is the Sentience Collator? gO>2T/A-r}afO{ ` +gtqx#Y')i +4'5"*0xr%A97sz8 pS. - _\>,T)(7npt~Z+ \zX~(ykXFoFpwE%.42# =Aq\~_$JisK |pwWO{A}deVEr^>_Nt!]'VY#D$ 1N+H":+r^a%Q%uep+\ 6 9 nesthint Where is the Sentience Notation Device? _in+J}/) lf%Swswu! - mW!~e3),-qUqV6tf,[q(UuX),Os!7>5:-3:}-H 4&$Ghl_Sqo{@?y$!vOEEnf;NC%PB)W[tR = 3 link Learning about the Precursors 134 5 nesthint Where is the Ebon Hinge? wX39U,)yn_`~k|olzos pnvs+xOl+E{#A2&x1()&4@ - g]E,e#(7!eY%8+hcuqTz(-Re@@]s+8&z.L 6 nesthint Is there a time limit at this part of the game? wN1G - wX39M{0|-nin_{ X,m\ (tis: Je>Et*5>5{v/H-7w$trpKo!!wFJ+6,vbD5-f7KA%%L(nlw%7 @R29N-:+vjY1m6t_msymfqfF0Lu2'w)5#03w*6"Bz$JhhS %p|WBl7!vuEQqaRPJnoHg& 885 subject Alien Races 21 subject Arilou 5 hint When will I see them? :Dr| {tFF qwGJpqJ |wz pJ qrIJptG HpIJy wC JDr spvr' - :DrIr ty GwJDtGs |wz qpG IrpFF| Bw {tJD JDrv& AzJ JDr| stKr ywvr Gtqr DtGJy' 6 hint Should I trust the Arilou? dJ BwryGSJ DzIJ' - 1zJ Ar yzIr Jw yJtqu pIwzGB pGB CtsDJ JDr bJrIGpF gGry' 2wGSJ FrpKr {tJD JDr `ItFwz zGFryy |wz {pGJ Jw Fwyr JDr spvr' 8 hint Should I leave with the Arilou? 7gP - lwzSFF Fwyr JDr spvr' - lwz pGB |wzI qIr{ srJ CIwMrG pGB HzJ tG yJwIpsr yw JDpJ JDr `ItFwz qpG rLJIpqJ |wzI qrFFy' 89 subject Chmmr 3 hint Where is their home colony? 4|HGzy' 7 hint Should I take the bifurcator? kDpJ Bw |wz JDtGu_ - 2w GwJ Jpur tJ' - :Dr 2puJpuFpuHpu {tFF yJtFF zyr tJ JDrvyrFKry& JDwzsD VV |wz qpGSJ yJwH tJ' 77 subject How do I rejoin the Chmmr? 8 hint How do I fix the Chenjesu? itvHFr rGwzsD& JI| AItGstGs JDrv Jw p Ipqr JDpJ ty swwB {tJD vtGB qwGJIwF pGB yzqD' - :Dr i|IrrGP - dG JDr AFtGu wC pG r|r JDr aDrGEryz pIr pFtKr psptG' 44 subject How do I fix the Mmrnmhrm? 13 nesthint How do I find out about the Mother Ark? _O2~W:3&"}UqW/ nu[,|mhsi#>i$(!#$2*t#MH-7w}SwpKl,ulCF+:+k!J9nfRS=j bJ)-F%&xxmUpk"i\p+g{(~rhFx?o'92))#>Vy.5+] - uQ#'e3),-hbtb6t_u~,|w|s:xIk{3y55->'y&Hl?sx;i'@b{v{W@t/ _o=Q!Z7_"r~K Vj| .J0-XH - rQ#9(,//-e]ik*h\y+jqtq/s'%A +4'5$,:%A:~0ulStoDm,xpKBz60vu>6-AI@\x,ExZh= = 3 link Owa 714 16 nesthint Where is the Mother Ark? g]E,e)(7n}ffT$bf#+j{zqg! - _L2.F&&09}]yr) fz+6mt~sf57n. - `^29^)/7p^b,_6g\ +\ (|lg.&Rt29zzAm5t84H!4~ta - rJ*$e.)7!eY%:-awmmb!|%oT4{FnyE!#A>%r*6{>)$JoyKd,)m@L~5t#&H&8uvBblR? - rJ*$e.)7!eY%CCC_mrZqzx>s:By91~5)#*#1:7.] = 3 link Xchagger 1103 14 hint How can I get a Sun Device? lwz srJ tJ CIwv p yJIpGsr Ipqr JDpJ rKwFKrB wG 8IrqzIywI CwwB yJwquy' - 6tur JDr 6u' - cw Jw hzpytyHpqr 8wIJpF c pGB qwGJpqJ JDr 6u' - lwzSFF GrrB Jw CtsDJ p yvpFF ApJJFr sIwzH& AzJ tJSy GwJDtGs Ats' - :Dr 6u {wGSJ Bw pG|JDtGs CwI |wz zGJtF |wz Bw JDrv pG rIIpGB- yJrpF JDr 9rB iHtIpF 9ptF CIwv JDr 2puJpuFpuHpu' - kDrG |wz qwvr {tJD JDr 9rB iHtIpF 9ptF& |wz qpG pyu CwI p izG 2rKtqr' 9 hint How do I join the races together? 3tIyJ CtL JDr aDrGEryz' - :DrG CtL JDr fvIGvDIv' - :DrG srJ JDr izG 2rKtqr' - 1ItGs rKrI|JDtGs Jw JDr aDvvI qwFwG| tG 4|HGzy& pGB zyr JDr izG 2rKtqr' 58 subject Clairconctlar 5 hint Where can I find some Clairconctlar? 6wwu pJ aIwGwy' - gI bGutBz' 11 hint How can I release them from their debt? :pFu Jw JDr JIptJwI iHpJDt' :DIrpJrG JDrv' - `CJrI swtGs Jw pGB CIwv JDr qwFwG| p Cr{ Jtvry& JDr| yDwzFB vrGJtwG JDpJ JDr aFptIqwGqJFpI pIr tG p BrAJ wC DwGwI' - :pur JDr vpJJrI zH {tJD JDr eS:pGs' - :Dr|SFF JrFF |wz pAwzJ JDr BrAJ pGB JDr aFptI xzrrG& AzJ JDr| {wGSJ JrFF {DrIr JDr xzrrG ty' 12 hint Where is their queen? `yu JDr aFptIqwGqJFpI' - awGCIwGJ JDrv pAwzJ JDrtI BrAJ& pGB JDr JwHtq wC kpIH iJpJtwG eFpyDuws yDwzFB qwvr zH' - 6wwu tG JDr bGutBz y|yJrv' - 8FpGrJ *a Jw Ar HIrqtyr' - irJ zH p Bts ytJr& CtGB JDr xzrrG& pGB srJ JDr awGq 9wqu' 28 nesthint I've found their queen, but they won't believe me! wX39M{0|-q\jkYoeo+E{kp/s8 Dh&d - s\#9Y"{+-mcxT*ifz+g{(~rh87>d(& )"%#A - gO>2T/:~vsY%_~ew~zVw(yrs:Bm>E&}&7>&%*4%O)m?l'Rtmz'@H+5$[!yC"j` - l8r^:c}-vczk}imq+gtm%Fb4z]R!(}55->'y&H\;smEs3_y{v':;yA/jjB=-X;M9%uQ3O_p-1 W"9F!{ {}Uykmai|+F iylb47(ls8z 0%L31u0"B2mF lHttfyW;+#1]-V@r3_Bj E"Rx#3 )N#)e3),-dYy_n^,ta w%ds*|>d2* yA',3%)-96sq8. - rJ*$e.)7!eY%7!. = 3 link Lk 612 - rQ#91%:*nvtySwtw sX,KtqVFiLc}E{(A.0xt*7.B>$4nk_ttb{W<}&}ajD8-[F_>x,L!Sx~*C/L% 5X0,Y:.vk[xk*hX +l{}%fT47Ao@ - fN}e|{zx}htk*h\,N_mqwvFxKd29z'&2xA<(Otv8ar_ttf'IIn,J - rQ#'q:'xxbtyS{mwrz_xw|#l5,^ - aU'|P:)%-TUw[6Skm\{v%N_'*Ek!,@ - n[#-Y3:*|lb1k*h\%2_x(kla*7Qhw.$523#xMHz=v$Lo|_hmwlWAl**[eV2-`7VUfxI,o 50 subject Daktaklakpak 10 hint I can't understand them! :Dr 2puFpuJpuHpu yHrpu vpJDrvpJtqpFF|& yw |wz GrrB p JIpGyFpJwI' - :DrIr pIr J{w vrJDwBy Jw srJJtGs p JIpGyFpJwI- - 2ryJIw| pFF wC JDr 2puJpuFpuHpuy tG pFF wC JDr qwFwG| {wIFBy wC |wzI pFFtry& HFzy JDr wGr pJ JDr hViHpqr HwIJpF' - gI JpFu Jw JDr eS:pGs pJ `Iszy Jw srJ ywvr tGCwIvpJtwG pAwzJ JDrtI FpGszpsr' 5 hint They keep attacking! :Dty ty rtJDrI p Azs wI p yJzHtB BrytsG CFp{' dC JDr 2puy {pGJ Jw JpFu Jw |wz& JDr| {tFF CF| Jw |wzI yDtH JDrvyrFKry' dC |wz pHHIwpqD JDrv& JDr| {tFF pJJpqu' 33 nesthint How can I pump the Daktaklakpak for info? kJ7{J:.rv{ikxew#t_xqsjs:&]t$&vzO - wX39T(&0-kYjO6tf,q\zl%w[+7Oiy-&50 (xt5V - aQ#|P:),!}hmP6rXuyU{%zb8#A S1'!"L = 3 link How do I land on Rainbow Worlds? 1139 - eN29Y"7Q^_qL!tXw{Tw(Idg'7-au0>5","3%)-9"&eEbhRe,DvDGl/ [sVHv^>_IfxH3OZ~97 2Q#9()-$v`tZYzem{wiqz3 - rJ*$e.)7!eY%/wkj8+Tzl%|b;>Il2+{#%>-(%ArrAEUytB33lt61|P mW#,s = 13 nesthint Where do I find the True Names of the Eternal Ones? g]E,e)(7n}WwL)h\p+C~mhxe9&O (*%(&*L - rQ',e#-7!eY%^wm\,[uvl#g.xQ'%Ez*32'!xAuuJ. - rQ#9*2+,vsUs^6hX"psu|3 - rQ#9U{}"-fg%Z$ ktp\~(mr`+.Lr~)@ = 3 link How can I search the Exquivan planet? 494 - lX59^)/7p^b%O(icx+gtmr#Y5)]i +!'.2| /V 33 subject Doog 13 hint Where are the Doog colonies? `BpHp - dMpGpvt - arIArIzy - 8IwyrIHtGp - frFHwvrGr - aDFwIty 7 hint Why are they working for the Crux? :pFu Jw JDr JIptJwI iHpJDt' - :Dr| pIr tG p CtL {tJD JDr aIzL' - dC |wz sw Jw wGr wC JDr 2wws qwFwGtry& JpFu Jw JDrv pAwzJ JDrtI BrAJ' 11 hint How do I buy back their colonies? :pFu Jw 2wwsy pJ pG| wGr wC JDrtI qwFwGtry' - lwz vtsDJ py {rFF wCCrI Jw Hp| JDr X( 9jSy JDpJ JDr 2wws IrxzryJy' - kptJ zGJtF dagf JrFFy |wz Dw{ vzqD JDr qwFwG| w{ry' - :DrG& wCCrI Jw Az| JDr qwFwG| {DrG |wz JpFu Jw JDr 2wws' - lwz qpG Bw JDty {tJD pFF CtKr 2wws qwFwGtry pGB srJ JwGy wC JDrtI yDtHyP 35 subject Exquivan 3 hint Where are the Exquivan? irpIqD JDr `GyDpI yJpI y|yJrv' 5 hint Why did they attack me? dJSy p JryJ' - lwzSIr yzHHwyrB Jw CtsDJ JDrv JDr CtIyJ Jtvr pIwzGB' 16 hint How can I search their planet? :I| Jw yrGB p yqtrGqr Jrpv Bw{G Jw JDr HFpGrJ& pGB dagf tGCwIvy |wz JDpJ |wz GrrB p vtGBFryy JrqD Jrpv' - kDw ArJJrI Jw vpur |wzI qIr{ vtGBFryy JDpG ywvrwGr {tJD HytwGtq Hw{rIy_ - `yu JDr i|IrrG Jw qFrpI |wzI JrqD Jrpv wC JDwzsDJ' - :DrG& DrpB Apqu JDr bLxztKw pGB Arpv JDrv Bw{G- qFtqu wG JDrv tG JDr tGKrGJwI| pGB yrGB JDrv Bw{G& AzJ BwGSJ qFtqu wG JDr JrIIptG {tGBw{' - lwzSFF JDrG CtGB wzJ pAwzJ JDr qIpyDrB 8IrqzIywI KryyrF& py {rFF py JDr :Izr 7pvry wC JDr bJrIGpF gGry' - :Dty pFyw ypKry JDr 8uzGu' 9 nesthint Can I ally with the Exquivan? wN1Ee|/+-vczk~amq+g{(uub<|]y!:$5C',!v3H&4&x?e)m - mW!~e3),-qUqV6tf,[q(UuX),Os!7>55&#!150~OW|DupUaz!~@FwA}bmOQ$[FGU~{RA = 3 link Learning about the Precursors 134 56 subject Harika/Yorn 8 hint Where can I find some Harika? aDrqu wzJ ctrGpD' - `GB :|HDwG' - bFJpGtG {tFF AFw{ zH ywwG& AzJ |wz qpG CtGB p qwFwG| JDrIr ArCwIr tJ rLHFwBry' 6 hint Why are they so mean? :I| JpFutGs p AtJ' - :Dr 4pItup pGB lwIG pIr yzCCrItGs CIwv p HFpszr& pGB JDr| IrpFF| BwGSJ {pGJ Jw JpFu Jw |wz' 40 subject How do I cure the Harika? 7 hint How do I find out about their plague? `yu pIwzGB' - :pFu Jw JDr iHpJDt& 2puJpuFpuHpu& pGB eSJpGs' - bKrGJzpFF|& JDr eS:pGs {tFF JrFF |wz pAwzJ JDr gYfHltdY ! = 3 link Can I cure the Harika without killing the Xchaggers? 561 14 hint Can I cure the Harika without killing the Xchaggers? :Dr iJpIApyr awvvpGBrI vrGJtwGrB pAwzJ yJzB|tGs JDr 4pItup AwB| Jw FrpIG vwIr pAwzJ JDrv' - cw Jw p 4pItup qwFwG|& pGB pyu JDrv CwI qwvpJwyr AwBtry' - iDwIJF|& |wz {tFF srJ ywvr tGCwIvpJtwG pAwzJ JDr AwBtry& AzJ |wz GrrB p qwGJptGrI CIwv JDr (a] 2Q#2l,7$fau^D - gO>(S&37&li%N%ucp+Zq|%u\*7Lf29z$4#>&&*<,] - _\)9Y"7Q^_qL!tXw{Tw(feb;+]gw9&~/%>%z%H(52x;e'*'`bu>h = 3 link How can I pump the Daktaklakpak for info? 418 - mO$~W:.rjtyS{ emxX,wk#g.|]E&*$#"*>b&;9C$e7e'Shq!u8GpA"esVEuWRL>xFS& - h^1-e")-rotf]%uep+bzm%rYF+Ee{72x0*-!z&;9WSv:uzh mokWO~&qqk - lX59^)/7p^b%Qn[,zh (f#j.&Ie2''#$&>"wA6~F2mAfvQmmupFH7A,bvIQ&aG_=f"B3gg$6 1Q')XH - sW$(W./%nqYqdB p{ sois#a57Io ,w'A2|A<(OsrL vE ilW%2u}dhIQv`RS=j,Dt[]=DCdW 2Q',e3+-^bt_~ei,r_u|hk2F76o'Euv/E23v7-'Oe>e'@n%!jFFz/%[tbQ|dR@HxuD!nlw)0;X/ 1Q')XH 32 subject Lk 13 nesthint Where are the Lk? mW!~e."|-N!X[wc\,{b~|fosm7Lpw3%56.J3x0H-7wv8. - kJ)~e-/)r}hmL* p{ z"m%hk6#Lrw)2))#>X)2="EsrSps@nqu'8HoA([bH?rVR@7t!Q3b`t [-$J(:lyqftY6aep+g~inwb873u*S = 3 link Exquivan 484 - gO>-M:'|ohfW6skuw_,lthf4>Q !5w#A3.?15:2Ous@psDtuonWI)!h!J2 ]E_Js Fna#D'*I3 -Y#'s 5 hint They just attacked me! lry& JDr| JDtGu |wzSIr HpIJ wC JDr aIzL' - 3tsDJ ApquP 9 hint How do I gain the trust of the Lk? :Dr| pyu CwI JDr 9rB iHtIpF 9ptF' - lwz DpKr Gw qDwtqr' crJ tJ' - 4rpB Jw `GJprzy pGB CtsDJ JDr 2puy' - crJ JDr IptF pGB AItGs tJ Apqu' 3 hint Can I ally with the Lk? 7wHr' :Dr| pFF| {tJD Gw wGr' 56 subject Mycon 3 hint Where is their home planet? 5pGzy' 20 subject How do I stop the raids on the Mycon? 11 hint Is there a pattern in the dates? lry' - 6wwu pJ JDr BpJr wC JDr CtIyJ IptB' - `GB JDr GrLJ IptB& pGB JDr GrLJ' - :Dr IptBy yJpIJ wG Bp| YX' - `GB qwGJtGzr rKrI| X( Bp|y pCJrI JDpJ $YX& *X& ZX& rJq'T' 7 hint How do I actually STOP the raids? itvHFr& EzyJ yJp| tG JDr 5pGzy y|yJrv Jw BrCrGB psptGyJ JDr IptBrIy' - 6wwu CwI p HpJJrIG yw JDpJ |wz uGw{ {DrG Jw Ar JDrIr' - lwz GrrB Jw HrIywGpFF| CtsDJ JDr IptBrIy Y Jtvry& pGB JDrG JDr| {tFF yJwH' 9 hint How can I get a Deep Child? kptJ zGJtF |wzI JrqD Jrpv BtyqwKrIy IrqwIBy wG JDr f|qwG' :Dty {wGSJ DpHHrG zGJtF JDr {pI ArstGy& JDwzsD' - :Dr| CtGB wzJ JDpJ JDr rFBrI f|qwG tvHItGJ JDrtI vrvwItry wGJw JDr |wzGs f|qwG' - :pFu Jw JDr f|qwG pGB pyu Jw JpFu Jw p 2rrH aDtFB' 10 hint What can I do with the Deep Child? dJ {wzFB Ar p yDpvr Jw utFF tJ& BwGSJ |wz JDtGu_ - dGKtJr tJ Jw EwtG |wzI CFrrJ& pGB |wz qpG yJpIJ qwFwGtry {tJD tJ' - 1zJ Ar qpIrCzF& JDr 8IrqzIywI pIJtCpqJy {wGSJ {wIu wG JDr 2rrH aDtFBIrG' - `Fyw& IrvrvArI GrKrI Jw AItGs JDr 2rrH aDtFB Apqu Jw pG| f|qwG qwFwG|& wI rFyr JDr f|qwG {tFF xztJ JDr 6rpszr' 12 hint What is this Plasma Regroover thing? dJ IrsIwwKry HFpyvp& wC qwzIyrP - lwz GrrB Jw Ar JwFB {DpJ tJ Bwry ArCwIr |wz qpG zyr tJ JDwzsD' - 4w{rKrI& tC |wz {pGJ JDr 2rrH aDtFBIrG Jw Ar CIrr& JDrG zyr JDr 8Fpyvp 9rswwKrI pAwKr JDr 5pGzy qwFwG|' - dJ yrJy pFF wC JDr 2rrH aDtFBIrG CIrr' - :Dr 8IrqzIywI zHsIpBr pIJtCpqJy {wGSJ {wIu wG JDr 2rrH aDtFBIrG& A| JDr {p|' 14 subject Orz 5 hint Where is their home colony? lwz vrrJ JDrv pJ JDr hVyHpqr HwIJpF pJ 7|L' - 4w{rKrI& JDrtI qwFwG| ty pJ fzDFtCpG' 7 hint The Orz are attacking me! :ww ApB' - `HHpIrGJF|& JDr gIM pIr %CtGsrIy% {wIutGs CwI JDr bJrIGpF gGry' - lwz qpGSJ yJwH JDr gIM CIwv pJJpqutGs |wz& yw EzyJ HIrHpIr CwI p CtsDJ' 50 subject Owa 11 nesthint How do I find their homeworld? wX39H{(>!}fjLyhwus!vyl_F*Lmw4 zA2#}4H"C2xB Nu: - rQ#9-{, x^g%V$on,[q(TzTF#Lcs9{$/L - a^0~e."|-EUwT!aw|wTs}j/s'%A &-w#A1~150~<2e5o|S ilW)""J = 3 link How do I cure the Harika? 535 7 hint Can the Owa ally with me? hztJr ytvHF|& Gw' - 3wI ywvr IrpywG& JDrIr ty pG pIJtCpqJ Jw zHsIpBr g{p yDtHy'''|rJ |wz qpGSJ srJ g{p yDtHy' krtIB' :Dr qFwyryJ JDtGs |wz srJ p yqpKrGstGs KryyrF& AzJ |wz qpGSJ zyr JDpJ CwI CtsDJtGs' 3 link Where are the Rainbow Worlds? 1118 3 link How do I land on Rainbow Worlds? 1139 14 nesthint How do I collect wastes from the Rainbow Worlds? wX39S{-^thZ+pcq+br(te]+zQs@ - rJ*$e.)7!eY%:-a#,lap(~rhM#I y*&5">1{z1H(52x;epQs,uvWMn"2[o=6-f:DUx!OyO[tD)*V W2"r'{+!bf%bwskq9 - fX5~[,C-vczr"lwzpXp(xr`++Ei ,2)0>.(%A1-O{ra - rQ#9)))~-eU{P6awoza inq`+%Q v*(~$#>'y"<9H!ySnlDd: = 3 link Doog 451 10 hint Attention: Glitch! :DrIr ty p KrI| ApB Azs tG iJpI awGJIwF Y IrspIBtGs JDr g{p' 2g7S: ;did: :4bd9 4gfbkg962 j7:d6 lgjS;b 6ggeb2 `: ` 9`d71gk kg962 `72 ed66b2 :4b gk` i4d8i :4b9bP kDrG |wz JpFu Jw JDr 9rrC fpyJrI& BwGSJ pyu pAwzJ FwwutGs CwI fvIGvDIv& AzJ pyu Dtv pAwzJ JDr BrCrGBrIy' dC |wz BwGSJ& |wzSFF srJ JDr pGJtVvpJJrI qwFFrqJtGs yDtH& AzJ |wz {wGSJ srJ JDr yqwwH& {DtqD |wz GrrB Jw FpGB wG 9ptGAw{ kwIFBy' iw& tC |wzSKr pFIrpB| swJ JDr yDtH CtIyJ& |wzSFF DpKr Jw IrFwpB p ypKrB spvr' `qqwFpBr qFptvy JDpJ JDrIr ty p {p| pIwzGB JDty& AzJ JDr| BwGSJ yp| {DpJ tJ ty' 28 subject Pkunk 3 hint Where is their home planet? `IqpBtp' 23 subject What are these numbers? How can I help the Pkunk? 7 hint What are you talking about? aDrqu wG JDr 8uzGu wCJrG' - :Dr| pIr tG BrrH JIwzAFr& pGB |wz GrrB Jw ypKr JDrv' - :DrtI vtGBy pIr FwqurB wGJw p Hw{rICzF 8IrqzIywI qwvHzJrI' 7 hint Where are the numbers coming from? :Dr qDpwy ty wItstGpJtGs CIwv p qIpyDrB 8IrqzIywI yDtH' - izqD p HItMr {wzFB wAKtwzyF| Ar szpIBrB& HrIDpHy rKrG A| p qwFwG|' - :I| swtGs Jw JDr bLxztKpG qwFwG| pJ `GyDpI Y' 7 nesthint Okay, now how can I stop it? wX39S{-qc%R{twpzjz(tqg57QhwE"!",#'10*/8!yFl m = 3 link How can I search the Exquivan planet? 494 69 subject Ploxis 9 nesthint Where is their homeworld? _U2!T/!-vczk$emq}smkyxT2#V x. yA>c}0@"B2lBmlVo~mkcZ)!vs;3r^E_BjzQ|]f/t/*H/ Uw - sW$(W./%nqYqdB ktpeq(nvs4&]P~4v$A12t#A;2B&i@. - kX1-e&#"rim1kt~+lq|%da5+Ee$Es(1#!'10.9CziSghLe,uo8N+4![nIQ!aRG6{q]uS]}D/ J4 -^2G 6 nesthint Should I meet the Ploxis Leader? uN*%q:3&"}XtY=twtliq(f#V.&FcwS - rQ',e-|zptyZ6b\,lsn}l/s'%A &-w5q*-+z4H%4sh8r'Vixm'D?p52"1d)%;{sCe5 7 nesthint Should I ally with the Ploxis? bX>2T/:+rgyk*h\yJ - gO>2T/:{|)tyS{nw%zh,{zuXFxOe2,'!-' vO - mO>|T/,*r}bt_7 w`sX%/qos0,Pt22w(4>7"&A=)[2pts0=-O&l8 lLp z'JBt1/vjDQ!Z7_%f!D(Y 1b1-J'H 9 nesthint Where are the rebel Ploxis? mW!~e3),4sY%L"l`qos#qyks'#I !+2))#>V#6@9Asg8s3_a,olNZ\6}ijcD}S5DUu{O'Od 1Q-.Q~:x}mYf]D - aQ#|P:#+-liyw6aep+Z{(tqs:Oo',zC - rJ*$e.)7!eY%;"oou~!,(YkX8|]sw*(A2-3s&HzOty: oDrq!4dZ)!o!M:y^RNCq%]yWd{D8+ -W#9T :+ubtjX&tp,~[uxx/s'%A &-w502&x#4HzAw$?emS qnwKS9 10 nesthint Where is the Ploxis Precursor vessel? mW!~e3),-oYf^)adnwX,|mhsiJm$Q2))#73(*4%O&i?l'Xo!/ = 3 link Chmmr 254 - fX5~[,C-vczk$e\p+g{(kla*7QhwEb!06'&13-{4~wSauC il@L+4$_qIQoW8NGj,V"cxr%1 #W2~W:.r}g~^*ed: 16 nesthint How do I take down the shield surrounding the vessel? mW*2e-)$rq\nY} `zneqlne_?7Mo)*${6*>*z-493!2 - qX+~Y"#%t}hmL* Z{ _p(ihf:)Ly2& 5&,2|#&H);sr8t5 - _W2"R{.+rot|L)t\,sT(ykXF'Lww72))#>'r,-93!{A {Ge,to@?w%J - rJ*$e.)7!eY%:-a#,mXoizvXF+Ee+Ezv7#>' /;9>x$rmQ'Sj= = 3 link Owa 714 - lX5Ee!+-``t^{ k{+gtm%Se+zRr%4$57#1&v-T90 hSjlStutvEZ)!vBDEv_3SIj~ aX,-F#($rkh%/{v`opt 19 subject Spathi 3 hint Where is their home planet? cwyDrG' 7 hint Can I keep the Spathi from quitting? jGCwIJzGpJrF|& Gw' :Dr| xztJ ywwG pCJrI JDr bFJpGtG i|yJrv qwFFpHyry' - 1zJ BwGSJ {wII|P - :Dr iHpJDt {tFF Ar p sIrpJ DrFH FpJrI wG' 7 hint Can the Spathi help me at all? lbiP :Dr| qpG pqJ py yHtry pGB stKr |wz ywvr DwJ qFzryP - :DIrpJrG Jw pJJpqu JDrv& pGB JDrG |wz qpG pyu CwI ywvr !DwJ qFzry'! - :Dr|SFF srJ yqpIrB pGB vpur |wz FrpKr wGqr wI J{tqr& AzJ EzyJ qwvr Apqu' 9 subject Supox 7 hint Where are the Supox? lwz {wGSJ CtGB JDrv' - 4w{rKrI& |wz CtGB JDr gIM qFwyr Jw JDrtI {IrqurB yDtH' - 3wIvzFpJr |wzI w{G qwGqFzytwG' 18 subject Syreen 3 hint Where is their home planet? `yJpIJr' 8 hint What are those Syreen probes? awGCIwGJ JDr i|IrrG pAwzJ JDrv' - :Dr| {tFF JrFF |wz JDpJ JDr| yrGJ wzJ vrGJpF yDtrFB HIwAry' - 2wGSJ JrFF JDrv Jw yJwH& zGFryy |wz {pGJ Jw srJ utFFrB A| JDr gIM GrpI JDr rGB wC JDr spvr' 5 hint Should I eject the Syreen from the League? gGF| tC |wzSIr IrpFF| yJzHtB' - 2g 7g: utqu JDrv wzJ& Arqpzyr |wzSFF GrrB JDr i|IrrG FpJrI' 14 subject Ur-Quan Korh-Ah 7 hint Where do I find these guys? `CJrI JDr {pI {tJD JDr aIzL yJpIJy& AztFB pG jIVhzpG qwFwG|' - iwwG pCJrI{pIB& |wzSFF srJ p vryypsr pAwzJ p qtKtF {pI' - cw Apqu Jw JDr qwFwG| |wz vpBr& pGB |wzSFF vrrJ JDr ewIDV`D' 5 hint Can I do anything with the Korh-Ah? 7w' - lrpD& |wz DrpIB vr' :Dr ewIDV`D DpKr pAywFzJrF| Gw ArpItGs wG JDr spvr' 9 subject Ur-Quan Kzer-Za 3 hint Where is their home colony? ;rFHzGtp' 4 hint Can I do anything with these guys? krFF& Gw' dJ yrrvy p AtJ {rtIB Jw zy JDpJ JDr vptG ApB sz|y CIwv iJpI awGJIwF X pGB ) IrvptG v|yJrItwzyF| xztrJ tG JDty HpIJ wC JDr ypsp' 76 subject Utwig 3 hint Where is their home colony? 3wvpFDpzJ' 14 hint The Ultron is lost! Where can I find it? lwz qpGSJ Bw pG|JDtGs tvvrBtpJrF| VV EzyJ {ptJ CwI DrFH' - izHItyrP :Dr `ItFwz qwvr Jw JDr IryqzrP - :Dr `ItFwz JrFF |wz JDpJ pG pFtrG Ipqr {tJD DtsD HytwGtq pAtFtJtry qwzFB HIwApAF| CtGB JDr jFJIwG' - 7wJ JDr i|IrrG& JI| psptG' - :pFu Jw JDr 8uzGu& pGB JDr| {tFF JrFF |wz {DrIr Jw CtGB JDr jFJIwG& pJ bIpJw' - 1r HIrHpIrB Jw CtsDJ p Cr{ ;zL& JDwzsD' 7 hint What do I do with the Ulton after I get it back? :I| IrJzIGtGs tJ Jw JDr jJ{ts' - :Dr| {wGSJ pqqrHJ tJ& Arqpzyr JDr| yp| tJSy AIwurG' - krFF& |wz GrrB Jw CtL tJ JDrG' 20 hint How can I fix the Ultron? :Dr 8uzGu DrFHrB |wz ArCwIr& yw JI| JpFutGs Jw JDrv psptG' - lwz GrrB Jw CtGB Y wAErqJy- JDr aI|yJpF 8FpJr& JDr fpIAFr 3FpGsr& pGB JDr dKwI| iDrpJD' - :Dr 8uzGu {tFF JrFF |wz {DrIr Jw srJ JDr dKwI| iDrpJD' - lwzI yHtry qpG HIwApAF| DrFH |wz CtGB JDr fpIAFr 3FpGsr' - :Dr dKwI| iDrpJD ty EzyJ wG ywvr HFpGrJ' 7w qFzry pIr stKrG Jw |wz' - i8gd6b9i 3g66gk- - :Dr aI|yJpF 8FpJr ty wG 7rAzyJp X' - :pFu Jw JDr iHpJDt yrKrIpF Jtvry Jw srJ JDr fpIAFr 3FpGsr' - :Dr dKwI| iDrpJD ty wG apBzqrzy *' 15 nesthint What do I do with the fixed Ultron? r[79Y{% {dtn_6bXovs w%w[+72t).yC - rQ#2e-. yit|Z$'k,Twm%lgT - rQ#9:&.)|ktn^6skuw_,unvf/%D sE"v32L - rQ#9;/27u^X%_~ewawg{v%ib87> )-{!&J>& A5zHtiStoDy,ihM?+5$[!B2 fRO6w k - `^29Y"0-tcsr* _myW,qy#b<|O '3&~->*t%&:98 $Ghl_gmnle = 3 link Vux 1006 15 hint I have the Brass Ratchet! What do I do with it? lwz vp| Ar {wGBrItGs {D| JDrIrSy p {DwFr wJDrI yrqJtwG pAwzJ CtLtGs JDr jFJIwG' - krFF& d qpGSJ JrFF |wz& AzJ |wzSFF uGw{ {DpJ dSv JpFutGs pAwzJ tC |wz DpKr swJJrG JDty CpI' - kDrG |wz DpKr JDr 1Ipyy 9pJqDrJ& zyr tJ Jw CtL JDr jFJIwG $psptGT' - 7w{ stKr tJ Apqu Jw JDr jJ{ts' :Dr| {wGSJ pqqrHJ tJ& JDwzsD' - 1zJ JDpJSy {DpJ ty yzHHwyrB Jw DpHHrGP - dJ pFF Arqwvry qFrpI pJ JDr rGB wC JDr spvr' 47 subject Vux 3 hint Where is their home colony? ipFpqtp' 7 nesthint How can I stop the Vux raids on the Mycon? qN#9Y"7ufby^6oe,[u{%vh(!Bc&E{#A2&x1nA|> $FejSi{o5 = 3 link Mycon 644 5 hint How do I find proof of the Vux betrayal? bKrGJzpFF| |wzI JrqD Jrpv {tFF CtGB p 2pu BpJp Hpqu JDpJ JpFuy pAwzJ JDr ;zL' - kDrG |wz CtGB {DpJ |wz {pGJ& sw pDrpB pGB utqu JDr ;zL wzJ wC JDr 6rpszr' 9 nesthint How do I find the Vux DNA matrix? wX3+e.zu}hjL# nuw_,nnqWF Q s+&z3>7"&A."=v$Ghl_V%svd#y(+vn7E[Jm - qN#9Y"7ufby^6aY{ g,|mlfF K &-w5w70">j6 >2w8c{Hoz!mFL+'1hu>6r;M;t~Jtba~2Q = 3 link Vyro-Ingo 1053 21 nesthint What do I do with the Vux Matrix? uN*%q:|0-kc|k/ol,~[{}qgs.xSe29zzAt7% Nq'6!$@a{Qi$!hJZ"&(b/ - eX>-T:.r}ffN{ ktlg,{jh`97Qo20 $8>2{vA5(B&$4bvTt,uou%*2))#73$&-&O&sSkuNw,b'CIA}XpKE-BDD8z~P"` #a."W#'|{qg3k = 3 link Lk 612 - _O2~W:3&"}hfW! k{+gtm%O^R7Go{32))#> r5:"2wwStvFe ilIh - lX59L.7n}J~]%-@zrb,{mlcF K +4''A$*xv5Hz=v$:o'So,uot()A+(;!rL hMd,xhK=sA0^fV[v`FDGjQ|\_9 !^2,H(|; - gO>2T/A)r}isO{rw=C,!txz*7?e&9w'A,-'18)-2z$, 6O%;2k8t'@ POHWM3}deV7a?_ImqJA - _\)9Y"7YhtfM%uk,tg: = 3 link Lk 612 - g]>,J'*-q\f_6t_q+I%zt0<4~L SwW5(#,x%*+z;~}Sfs@wqe3W;y%uvA.+>$Lo|Q tpt!)tzY"ej+l{}%wT2"]t!E&}&>m*rO - rQ#2l&&7tfjjk/ol,la,qyh`F+Ea&E)~-*>t}-70O+sH {N xbu;h = 3 link Owa 714 35 hint Where are the ship upgrade artifacts? `IqpBtp- jIVhzpG - 1rGJrG- aFptIqwGqJFpI - 1IwGp- 2wws - arIry- bLxztKpG - bJJrGIzA- 4pItupWlwIG - 3wvpFDpzJ- i|IrrG - 4rFtwy- iHpJDt - 4wIzy- 4zvpG - 4|HGzy- f|qwG - 5pGzy- 8uzGu - fpDpuFp- jJ{ts - fwIHDrzy- g{p - 7|L- aDvvI - ipFpqtp- gIM - :IpqJwIzy- ;zL - ;ryJp- ;|IwVdGsw - =pGtpD- JwSt7>0%_kG3-M+$@;F#$\I~ C]GVAOWCRAZI_S$e0< >28xZ=SL7!hcB3Rvn9M]K~+PD[K}a VzTZeRLMN},8 W /@@4 14 info - length=0032629 date=08-Dec-96 time=02:09:42 author=Paul O'Keefe and Kurt Kalata publisher=Accolade copyright=This file is copyright 1996 by Paul O'Keefe and Kurt Kalata. This copyright=file may not be sold, converted to another format and distributed copyright=or edited with the express permission of the authors. >You need a UHS 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL (keyword PC GAMES), the >General/Help library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or >the WWW page http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. rQ',e ##r}kf^65['-Y(7ovtUL+*im@0}r}UsO6i^0-ee{#nqU1ky-Y7+N!"+-.->!D>ir!N-:}viY%Xw7i,(Y:||-bXn_#MJ9H)(-rohjO62X>zS).rotkZ(+J29F(~7qfgy] ^2~IF:&}gtWz>`'-M:.r}dj]#'\1"T(-7|ctgZ*&i-e/-E-}=kkw,b-'J:1&"iX%W)N>-T:}&{qUh_6#R2!J,:&s}ixw65N>|F(:yr}WtY*L2~I:{+-q\jkw"M0~X-*-_YqZ-X > nJ3%eiAbrbZj%6 cv+zN&T7\oWWL"N0K%[ic;@CR O{SIe_0x->jjY+# jX19&&.& )tH,6>"RIwN > i^0-ee{#nqU? cv+zN&T7QHUqL*"SN%[ic;@CR O >\F,.|bh%=%M fX.zY})%t)tS56>yUQyM > _U1(q:{7#bf~k).N!"F&:+u^bp^62X>fF,. {}?te!T'Ee_~ !lf%L*>='-F(#x-MigW!J2"T(-7slf%S1i%+J{.7ub`ul6_W"9\:.|r`ik"'T#9Y):+u^bpkW[-'e)(7NL@%Q%0i&~Q*#%t}ixk-']&9[{, |rg%O$O#+J(.7}^fy^6-O>-M:~njY3kW,M>-M{(" }htki7W21e)(7NL@%Q%0i&"X:&x q!rT$3]#9M&'-t]yS6n[#|Z,-&}Uw_$J!-XH fN0~e{,|-pcrP6,N-e." {dg%Y%2i+~S.#&{bX%T$>]&~e'{%"^`? > gW>&J&|9}dwP)1i_%YG`P-qc%`&%[}J:j#nvYwkGE\>,M#*75t]yS6$^*%e},|$&tfYz>Y0~X-:Xyq!K|F>]-9Z*!)naY%;"b#+eLA*-%cwk*&N>|T'*,!bf,^?L > _W--M,7!o]hV6$X09-3*|jYqP{>R19Y):'bgxk*&N>{F}%*y^gmk>@E@Be%0-aiwT$%i!(R|{+;}HmT)>`'%Q:}x"pY%d%3[>,M#*7!ltx_%.i"~F~: {}]y^62[|P-H > _U1(q:.roY%T)>J,9F/.&:_Uy_"#i$(W:.|pY%_~]>!F.7zb`jPD>ih.X.:~|}]s_%>J>,Y{,7 vgyP#Ji'I:1rkt~Z+>\#~e{(7rkYrd62Q-e3),-acsr*>O#~Q:& xbtkT}&]''LF:*rkX%L6 ^,|M:)}-vcz]61Q')X:{+-q\jXD>ig'e).rot|Z("\J9H&#zx}cskw>K3'H":&s}gmT&1u>zS~:+ubb%N"'L)9T(:+ubtjY{+b>,M#**-%fjO6,^+{J,:&{}hmP6-_#+M{{-jUutD>ir!J:|x!q`jk-'U*9Y"%-_Y%O%,N? _\>(K:(&$)tyS{0N>zW:%|}df_y&N19K),7`qUwkY-W2+T&:J9}gtk/-^>0N&&7u^jjk*-i5(W%:xlisO62Q#&e3),pYqQD>if~W:xbtyS{>X,~X:.nqt|P6)W-0e{|&"q. > Kir!J:(,z_Ywk%$i!(Q)(0-iUsO,P>)T~-7tbhxk##\1~I:/'-^ZyP(>J5!N&E > Kia(Q)( rptx_%.i3)L,{{vk[%L|2N09F:}|qUnY6V-.S.:&s}hnX{Li>mZ,(7qlksk*&N>F}.&vtxW"N09Y):z"oY%_~'\L > Kib"L:- !bg%_w)N>-M:*njY%L#-^,-e) 7!fajk$-i+zY.)-t\f_67X39I)H7-Fb%Z*&N09\),{ )t~Z+>L'e-+-q\jk*'V#9X&#{rotyZ6\>,Q)17npt~Z+>`'YF:x{atyS{>M' e-#+r}knW">Y0(L,* }Uyk*&N>,F'7^hjy > Kir!J:1vqY%^'3J0~X:/}icxT%,i .LH:7VktrP"#NJ9X)'|!faj^67X39L.7$e]yP61Z3zW-7!eUyk)*X59I)1%-q\jk}V#Gen" }]xk)3Y.(X~7!ltgP6i+~R),0-mftM"#VJ9G/.7vqtx_*U>|W)**-rd%P,#W>(S:-0 qYr^65R2!e&)+ }ckk##V-+^H > Kiw(Z:}x{$h%_w*T>-T:.r}?,?w,P>zK.)-q\jd6U*2e1#+u}mt`D > Ki_9M{({sr`%Z|>Y*zS.*-acsr*>M',U&{0-oYxZ+0L#9N( &jUyT%,w > Kir!J,7vptfk(#J*%^:|xq}VzR60N%zW~#%t}hmP6m`9rG:*rbtyS{>\#|Y#)%-lb%_~#V>T,:$|oY%T$$X0&F.#&{+ Y_