UHS Important Message! 5 9 dvHwIJpGJP 3 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 5 :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' lwz yDwzFB pJJrvHJ Jw CtGB pG zHsIpBrB IrpBrI JDpJ yzHHwIJy pJ FrpyJ JDr j4i \Xp CwIvpJ' dC |wz CtGB pG zHBpJrB IrpBrI& |wz yDwzFB FrJ JDr HrwHFr {Dw pIr BtyJItAzJtGs JDty IrpBrI uGw{ JDpJ JDr| DpKr pG rLJIrvrF| wzJ wC BpJr KrIytwG' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 382 subject Ringworld 17 subject About this UHS File 4 credit Who wrote this UHS file? This file was created by Mike Chaney, he can be contacted at ariakas@mtsi.com. Contact him with any problems with this file. 5 comment Who designed the UHS? Jason Strautman -- Internet jstrautman@aol.com, or CIS 72337,2611 -- created the original concept of the UHS. Bob Norton -- CIS 70017,7165 -- helped to update the UHS to more recent formats. 6 comment How do I write my own UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman (see above message for e-mail addresses) to make sure no one else is working on a similar file. You will also need the latest compiler for your system, which can be found on the web at http://www.uhs-hints.com/. 40 subject Family Chmeee's House 7 hint How do I get some attention? krFF& vwyJ Dwzyry DpKr p BwwIArFF' 6wwu CwI ywvrJDtGs ytvtFpI' - :DpJ FpyrI Fwwuy tGJrIryJtGs' - :wzqD JDr FpyrI Arpv' 9 hint How do I get inside? :Dr eMtG {wGSJ FrJ |wz tG {tJDwzJ HIwwC wC {DpJ |wz pIr BwtGs JDrIr' - 2w |wz DpKr pG| wG |wz_ - :DpJ ItGs Fwwuy HIrJJ| qwGKtGqtGs' - iDw{ JDr ItGs Jw JDr eMtG' 7 hint How do I avoid these soldiers? fpur yzIr JDr|SIr rGrvtry CtIyJ' - gu& {DpJ Bw |wz Bw Jw pG rGrv|_ - iDwwJ JDr ywFBtrI' 15 hint How do I make a clean get-away? krFF& dpqqDVapHJptG yp|y |wz GrrB pGwJDrI yrqzItJ| Btyu' - 2w |wz DpKr tJ tG |wzI tGKrGJwI|_ - 8tqu tJ zH CIwv JDr BrpB ywFBtrISy AwB|' - 7w{ yJtqu tJ tGJw JDr KrDtqFr& yrJ JDr KrDtqFr Jw iFpKr& pGB IrvwKr JDr Btyu' - 7w{ sw Jw JDr yrqwGB rvHJ| KrDtqFr' - dGyrIJ JDr Btyu& pGB yrJ JDty wGr Jw fpyJrI' - 8zyD JDr AFtGutGs IrB AzJJwG wG JDr ItsDJ' 25 subject At The Lance 5 hint These soldiers keep stopping me. :DrG yJwH JDrv CtIyJ' - iDwwJ JDrv' 5 hint Miranda is tearing the ship apart! krFF& Bw ywvrJDtGs Jw yJwH DrI' - iDwwJ DrI' 13 nesthint Miranda doesn't believe us. t!Wxxn,!"$~S!ih ~&~}c:rk7ypy|Dz6@0&+}9 4zPFmf-? - f0rla&z)p'S!Yuys {}tH - m1_,`V~9!mz]3^c "|t.a,gr|7#%18i,K0%m!,Ow6RVz"nqd = 3 link How do I make a clean get-away? 45 47 subject The "Indian" Camp 11 hint Where can I find some "strong drink"? kDrIr ty vwyJ CwwB urHJ_ - lwzSFF DpKr Jw Fwwu tG JDr FpGBrI CwI JDty wGr' - cw Jw JDr )GB CFwwI' - :Dr qwGywFr Jw JDr FrCJ wC JDr rFrKpJwI ty p CwwB qwGywFr' - crJ JDr pFr' 7 hint How do I get into the shaman's hut? :{w tJrvy pIr IrxztIrB CwI JDty CrpJ' - lwzSFF GrrB Jw qFtvA zH& pGB pGwJDrI wGr Jw qFtvA Bw{G' - 6tur p IwHr& pGB p FpBBrI' 7 hint Where is some rope? :Dr IwHr qpG Ar FwqpJrB tG JDr qDtrCSy DzJ' - dG JDr Apqu Iwwv' - dJSy DpGstGs wG p HwyJ' 7 hint How do I get the ladder? lwz DpKr Jw vpur JDr qDtrC Hpyy wzJ' - :Dty yDwzFB Ar rpy| tC |wz DpKr stKrG Dtv JDr pFr' - 7w{ JDpJ DrSy wzJ qwFB& Jpur JDr FpBBrI' 13 hint How do I solve the "Tech"? krFF& JDrIr pIr CtKr rvHJ| yHpqry& AzJ wGF| CwzI Htrqry pJ JDr HzMMFr' - :DpJ vrpGy wGr ty yJtFF pIwzGB ywvr{DrIr' - 4pKr |wz yrpIqDrB JDr yDpvpGSy DzJ {rFF_ - cw Jw Dty Apqu Iwwv& pGB rLtJ ywzJD' irr pG|JDtGs tGJrIryJtGs_ - :pur JDr GrquFpqr wG JDr HwyJ' dJSy JDr vtyytGs HtrqrP - 7w{ Fwwu pJ JDr pGtvpF yutG wG JDr Apqu {pFF VV tJSy JDr yrqIrJ wC JDr :rqD' 74 subject The Flesheater's Cave 5 hint Where is a first aid kit? dJ ty tG JDr FpGBrI' - gG JDr yrqwGB CFwwI& ArDtGB JDr BwwI Jw JDr ItsDJ wC JDr rFrKpJwI' 7 hint How do I get out of the pit? lwz GrrB Jw qFtvA wzJ' - cw JDIwzsD JDr DwFr tG JDr qrtFtGs' - dJSy tG JDr FrCJVDpGB qwIGrI' 9 hint What's with this bat in the trap? lwz GrrB Jw DrFH Dtv wzJ' - lwzSIr swtGs Jw {pGJ Jw qzJ JDr IwHr' - 4pKr |wz qDrqurB rKrI|JDtGs tG |wzI tGKrGJwI| CwI ywvrJDtGs yDpIH_ - jyr JDr yDpIH AwGr Jw qzJ JDr IwHr' 9 hint Where is the sharp bone? lwz GrrB Jw Fwwu IrpF DpIB CwI JDty wGr' - 4pKr |wz yrrG pG| wJDrI AwGry F|tGs pIwzGB_ - 4w{ pAwzJ tG JDr CwwB HtJ_ - dJSy wG JDr sIwzGB& tG JDr CwwB HtJ& wCC Jw JDr ItsDJ' 11 nesthint How can I help the Kzin? o!XqYP~+={oS'uno#4v}q:dn&$// 9sG>&%vX - r/P,`V~9#mye'uVir4zwq:mj7x#? = 3 link Where is a first aid kit? 134 - k+b,aa~91llrwg^ny4#v^.~p|/xr8!.,4!&-'O!?G3 15 nesthint The Flesheaters keep getting me. e}aqlg(.=ll^#ZY "|t._{r|&,#6*)uf = 3 link What's with this bat in the trap? 146 - ^"_q^n2(2$|exuihs4s f(i|&%r{=Du/00!&"+O{D;qq9srC$YEqp$9 - r/P,Ub9(+$ a(ghezz= - q$TlO%%,{zr,dj "#/{l0c| %/*y)!7=#/k'{4(?8%y!e#<+>Ltoqos90 - t$Pzlb!~6$jZtg\e.u#.v)s(7*w% 8!69#J 9 hint Where is the stasis box? :Dr ApJ HwtGJy |wz tG JDr ItsDJ BtIrqJtwG' - fwKr JDr Iwqu Dr JrFFy |wz Jw' - 7w{ qFtvA JDIwzsD JDr DwFr' - cIpA JDr yJpyty AwL pGB FrpKrP 7 hint How do I get the Kzin out of the food pit? lwzSIr swtGs Jw GrrB Jw CtGB JDr Iwqu wKrI JDr wHrGtGs' - dJSy GrLJ Jw JDr HtFFpI {DrIr |wz rGJrIrB Jw srJ JDr yJpyty AwL' - aFtqu wG JDr Ats Iwqu wG JDr sIwzGB Jw vwKr tJ' 76 subject On The Beach 9 hint How do I go underwater with the creature? :Dr pGy{rI Jw JDty ty tG JDr FpGBrI' - 2w |wz IrvrvArI yrrtGs pG| yztJy pG|{DrIr_ - cw Jw JDr Iwwv JDpJ DpB JDr CtIyJVptB utJy' - crJ tGJw JDr yztJ& pGB rLtJ JDIwzsD JDr ptIFwqu' 8 hint How do I get to the floating building? dC |wz DpB ywvr ywIJ wC KrDtqFr& tJ {wzFB Ar rpytrI' - 9rvrvArI JDr KrDtqFry |wz yJwFr CIwv JDr pyypyytGy_ - :w srJ tJ wzJ& zyr JDr JDr HpGrFy wG JDr FrCJ wC JDr CtIyJ CFwwI wC JDr FpGBrI' 9 hint How do I get the man to help me? krFF& Dr BwryGSJ yrrv Jw Ar Jww qwwHrIpJtKr& Bwry Dr_ - 1rFtrKr vr& Dr {wGSJ rKrI JpFu Jw |wz' - :IrpJ Dtv Ftur pG rGrv|' - iDwwJ Dtv' 9 hint I've found a jar. What do I use it for? lwz zyzpFF| DwFB JDtGsy tG EpIy' - 4pKr |wz rLpvtGrB JDr ApIIrF_ - 8zFF wzJ JDr qwIu wG JDr ytBr' - 7w{ qwFFrqJ JDr sIrpyr tG JDr EpI' 7 hint Where is the item that the underwater king wanted? :Dr sz| tG JDr CFwpJtGs AztFBtGs Dpy tJ' - 4rSy ytJJtGs wG tJ' - aFtqu wG Dty qDptI& pGB zyr JDr qwvAw Jw wHrG tJ' 7 hint I can't find the combo! krFF& vp|Ar |wz yDwzFB Bw ywvr IrpBtGs' - 7wJ tG JDty CtFr& AzJ tG JDr Awwuy wG JDr yDrFC' - :Dr Htrqr wC HpHrI Dpy JDr qwvAw wG tJ' 7 hint How do I open the chest? dJ Fwwuy py JDwzsD |wzSIr swtGs Jw GrrB p ur|' - kDrIr {wzFB |wz DtBr p ur|_ - 4r Dpy Dty tG JDr DwFr tG JDr {pFF& GrpI JDr qpFrGBpI' 18 nesthint How can I help the dolphins get the stasis box? v+`,ZS~}=xvrz^ke.(wsj:rs&7#~z2h:Y - d%aqlb!~=gyWtijrs4~|}-fk)|/*y)!1,0np~ dV1BGs*'t~iFcr@FY - d%aqlb!~=hlh|XZ '#$.g/qp7$pzvDu6K2$k9{Am1Fzw~. 47 subject Map Of The Earth 7 hint How do I get into the Patriarch's bedroom? lwz GrrB HIwwC JDpJ |wz GrrB Jw srJ tG' - 4py JDr 8pJItpIqD pyurB |wz Jw Bw pG|JDtGs |rJ_ - iDw{ JDr ywtFrB JzGtq Jw JDr szpIB' 8 hint Where is the stasis box? dJSy tG p yrqIrJ qwvHpIJvrGJ tG JDr 8pJItpIqDSy qDpvArIy' - lwz GrrB Jw zyr wGr wC JDr y{wIBy tG Dty qFwyrJ' - 8zJ JDr y{wIB tG JDr rGsIpKtGs wG JDr HwyJ GrLJ Jw JDr rGJIpGqr Jw JDr qFwyrJ' 7 hint How do I get the swords? lwz GrrB Jw CtGB JDr yrqIrJ JItssrI CwI JDr qwvHpIJvrGJ' - :DpJ qpIKtGs Fwwuy Gtqr' - :wzqD JDr pIIw{ wG JDr qpIKtGs& Jw IrKrpF p yrqIrJ qwvHpIJvrGJ' 13 hint I've got the stasis box. Now how do I get out? lwz GrrB Jw qIrpJr p BtKrIytwG' - lwz qpG Bw JDty tG JDr 8pJItpIqDSy ArBIwwv' - lwzSFF GrrB J{w JDtGsy CtIyJ' - iJIp{ pGB CtIr' - 8zJ JDr yJIp{ wG JDr ArB& pGB Gw{ FtsDJ tJ' - 6rpKr JDr Iwwv& sw GwIJD CIwv JDpJ Iwwv& pGB zyr |wzI qwv Jw ytsGpF JDr yDtH' 5 hint Where is the straw? lwz GrrB Jw Fwwu tG JDr Iwwv |wz yJpIJrB tG' - 8tqu tJ zH JDr JDr iFpKrvpyJrISy Iwwv' 5 hint Where can I get fire? krFF& tJ yrrvy Jw Ar pFF wKrI JDr 8pJItpIqDSy ArBIwwv' - 8tqu zH wGr wC JDr qpGBFry wG JDr yJpGB GrpI JDr 8pJItpIqDSy ArB' 39 subject The Ship In Stasis 5 hint How do I get into the ship? lwz DpKr pG tJrv JDpJ ty pAFr wC BtyHrFFtGs yJpyty CtrFBy' - jyr JDr yJpyty qwGJIwF AwL wG JDr yDtH' 9 hint What is the solution to the hatch puzzle? lwz GrrB Jw pFtsG JDr JtFry Jw CwIv p qwvHFrJr HtqJzIr' - 7zvArI JDr JtFry py CwFFw{y- X ) Y * Z + - :Dr JDr ywFzJtwG ty Y& *& X& Z& )& +' 5 hint How do I help the alien? 2w {DpJ tJ pyuy' - 8zJ JDr DrFvrJ wG tJ' 9 hint My crew is being taken over by the alien! krFF& Dw{ BtB tJ DpHHrG_ - :pur JDr DrFvrJ wCCP - 7w{ zyr JDr GrzIpF GzFFtCtrI wG JDr pFtrG' - 8zJ Dtv tG JDr yDtH' 9 hint What should I do to the ship? lwz qpG Jpur J{w JDtGsy CIwv tJ' - 3tIyJ& JDr FtJJFr vwBzFry GrpI JDr {tIry' - 7w{ zyr |wzI vpsGrJtq ur| wG JDr FtJJFr HpGrF' - jyr JDr rvHJ| yJpyty AwL wG JDr pGJtvpJJrI qwvHIryywI tGytBr JDr HpGrF' 15 subject End Game 13 nesthint How do I destroy the Destroyer? v+`,ZS~}=xvrzZi })#.l ~p|/)y-qSK1+&2'D(4As,- jE?=H#x0"su."iGa - t$L lR(96s|r{Vke.}}.v)sn7 },v2u6=7,~+~s'psCB=f]!< N - r/P,`V~9*skgZh t&~{}.fa7*w!Dj5K10g,!B(?@%y!e#B G=q|> = 3 link What should I do to the ship? 359 - k+b,cO-|%${Zxuge!(/}c:rd|7t$uR 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 beta 22. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 11 info - length=0010481 date=10-Oct-96 time=21:29:13 author=Mike Chaney publisher=Tsunami New Media >You need a UHS 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL (keyword PC GAMES), the >General/Help library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or >the WWW page http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. ăp