UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 742 subject Police Quest: In Search of the Death Angel 34 subject General Information 3 text Who wrote this file? 000000 0 022393 000642 2 blank - 5 credit Who created the UHS? Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@aol.com or [72337,2611] on CompuServe -- created the Universal Hint System (UHS). Bob Norton -- 70017.1765@compuserve.com -- helped him update to more recent formats. 5 credit How can I write my own UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@aol.com or [72337,2611] on CompuServe -- to make sure nobody else is working on that file. You will also need the latest compiler for your computer. 5 credit Who wrote "Police Quest: In Search of the Death Angel"? Police Quest: In Search of the Death Angel is (c) by Sierra 1987 in EGA format and was redistributed in VGA format in 1991. You can find both versions in the Police Quest Collection: The Four Most Wanted. 2 blank - 5 comment EGA and VGA Versions This file is for both the EGA and VGA versions. It is made clear when answers for questions vary for both games. In most cases, answers to questions work for both versions. 5 comment Repeat Questions In this game, you will return to the Station many times. Instead of repeating questions like "How do I find my locker", I've included those types of questions in the first Station subject only. 2 blank - 224 subject Shift 1 (Traffic Division) 52 subject At the Station 7 hint Is there anything to do in this hallway? krFF& pIr JDrIr pG| wAErqJy |wz qpG Htqu zH_ - lwz qwzFB zyr JDr IpBtw rLJrGBrIy' - `y {rFF py |wzI yrJ wC ur|y CIwv JDr AzFFrJtG AwpIB' 2 blank - 4 hint I can't find my locker! krFF& tG JDr bc` KrIytwG& tJy JDr wGr CpIJDryJ CIwv JDr yDw{rIy wG JDr ItsDJ' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& tJy JDr vtBBFr FwqurI tG JDr vtBBFr Iw{' 4 hint I can't open my locker! dG JDr bc` KrIytwG tJ Dpy Gw qwvAtGpJtwG' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& tJ Dpy wGr& {DtqD qpG Ar CwzGB tG JDr tGytBr qwKrI wC |wzI vpGzpF' 5 hint Do I have to take a shower? lry' - `GB vpur yzIr |wz DpKr p Jw{rF wG& pGB GwJ qFwJDry& wI |wzSFF Fwyr HwtGJy' 2 blank - 3 hint I'm in trouble for not going to the briefing! iw& vpur yzIr |wz swP 5 hint Why won't the briefing start? 9rpB JDr Gr{yHpHrI {DtFr |wz {ptJ' - `Fyw qDrqu |wzI HtsrwGDwFr' 2 blank - 6 hint When should I write reports and memos? d GrKrI {IwJr IrHwIJy] d BwGSJ JDtGu |wz DpKr Jw' - `y CwI vrvwy& |wz {ItJr wGr {DrG |wz {pGJ Jw Ar JIpGyCrIIrB Jw JDr 7pIqwJtqy 2tKtytwG FpJrI tG JDr spvr' 2 blank - 8 hint My car got a flat tire! lwzSIr yzHHwyrB Jw tGyHrqJ |wzI qpI' - 2w JDpJ A| {pFutGs pFF pIwzGB |wzI qpI' - lwzI qpI ty ypCr Jw BItKr {DrG |wz srJ p vryypsr JDpJ |wzI qpI {py qDrqurB pGB rKrI|JDtGs ty wup|' 20 subject The Accident 7 hint How do I help the man in the car? lwz BwGSJ' - 4rSy Ar|wGB DrFH' - 4rSy BrpB' 5 hint Are there any witnesses? lry' - :pFu Jw wGr wC JDr vrG tG JDr qIw{B& J{tqr' 6 hint Okay, I've got some information. Who do I tell? irIsrpGJ 2wwFr| {wzFB Ar tGJrIryJrB tG {DpJ |wz DpKr Jw yp|' - apFF BtyHpJqD JDIrr Jtvry pCJrI |wzSKr JpFurB Jw JDr {tJGryy pGB CwzGB |wz qpGSJ DrFH JDr pqqtBrGJ KtqJtv' 8 subject The Coffee Break at Caffeine Carol's 3 hint What am I doing here? frrJtGs |wzI AzBB|& iJrKr& CwI qwCCrr' 3 hint I'm bored talking to Steve. kptJ zGJtF |wz srJ p HDwGr qpFF' 32 subject The Red Sports Car 5 hint Why did I lose points when I pulled the speeder over? 2tB |wz DpKr |wzI ytIrG wG_ - lwzI ytIrG fji: Ar wG Jw HzFF ywvrwGr wKrI' 2 blank - 6 hint I don't want to give her a ticket! d DwHr |wzSIr GwJ ArtGs CwwFrB A| DrI rLJIrvrF| swwB Fwwuy' - 1r qpIrCzFP dC |wz FrJ DrI wCC& d {wzFBGSJ yzssryJ qpFFtGs DrI CwI p BpJr FpJrI' 1zJ& JDpJSy CwI |wz Jw CtGB wzJ wG |wzI w{G' 17 hint How do I write her a ticket? lwz yzIr |wz {pGJ Jw {ItJr DrI p JtqurJ_ dJ {tFF vpur DrI vpB' - gup|& wup|' 3tIyJ& JrFF DrI {DpJ yDr BtB {IwGs' - :DrG& |wzSIr swtGs Jw GrrB Jw uGw{ ywvr KtJpF tGCwIvpJtwG pAwzJ DrI' - `yu Jw yrr DrI BItKrISy FtqrGyr' - :DrG& |wz GrrB Jw {ItJr JDr JtqurJ {tJD JDr FtqrGyr' - lwz GrrB DrI ytsGpJzIr' - 9rJzIG DrI FtqrGyr pGB JDrG pyu CwI DrI ytsGpJzIr' - :DrG& EzyJ ytvHF| stKr DrI JDr JtqurJ' 33 subject The Biker Incident 7 hint What am I doing here? apIwFSy vpB pAwzJ ywvrJDtGs' - `yu DrI' - lwzSFF CtGB wzJ yDr {pGJy JDr AturIy Jw vwKr JDrtI Atury' 2 blank - 9 hint The biker's refuse to move their bikes and they're trying to hurt me. :pFu Jw JDrv' - `GB {DrG JDr| pJJpqu& zyr |wzI GtsDJyJtqu' dC |wz BwGSJ uGw{ Dw{ Jw CtGB |wzI GtsDJyJtqu& urrH IrpBtGs' - dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& tJSy tG |wzI qpI' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& tJSy tG |wzI FwqurI' 7 hint Who's this girl in Wino Willy's? iDrSy pG wFB CItrGB wC |wzIy VV fpItr !i{rrJ aDrruy! ktFupGy' - 5zyJ JpFu Jw DrI' - `yu DrI pAwzJ BIzs JIpCCtqutGs' 2 blank - 4 hint Alright, now what? dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& |wz DpKr Jw JrFF apIwF JDpJ |wz DpB JDr AturIy vwKr JDrtI Atury ArCwIr |wz qpG FrpKr' 53 subject The Drunk Driver 3 link Why did I lose points for pulling the drunk over? 123 2 blank - 3 hint Okay, what do I do first? gAKtwzyF|& Fwwu pJ Dty HFpJry pGB srJ JDrv qDrqurB {tJD BtyHpJqD' 5 hint How do I get the drunk out of his car? :Dty wGr ty rpy|' - :pFu Jw Dtv p Cr{ Jtvry pGB EzyJ pyu Dtv' 3 hint How do I know if this drunk man is actually drunk? :I| qwGBzqJtGs JDr 3trFB iwAItrJ| :ryJ wG Dtv {DrG Dr yJrHy wzJ wC Dty qpI' 3 hint How do I get this guy to jail? bpytF|' 8zJ DpGBqzCCy wG Dtv& IrpB Dtv Dty ItsDJy& pGB HzJ Dtv tG |wzI qpI' 6 hint Should I cuff the drunk in the front like he asks? 7w& GrKrI' - 4r qwzFB HzFF ywvrJDtGs {DrG |wzSIr GwJ FwwutGs' lwz yDwzFB pF{p|y qzCC HrwHFr ArDtGB JDrtI Apquy' 2 blank - 3 hint How do I get the suspect to go in his cell? :I| IrvwKtGs Dty DpGBqzCCy' 4 hint The suspect is shooting me inside the jail! `y p ypCrJ| HIrqpzJtwG& |wz yDwzFB pF{p|y Fwqu |wzI szG tG JDr FwqurI wzJytBr' 17 hint How do I book the drunk? dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& EzyJ Awwu Dtv wG BItKtGs zGBrI JDr tGCFzrGqr' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& |wz DpKr Jw rGJrI qrIJptG qwBry CwI AwwutGs' errH IrpBtGs tC |wz {pGJ Jw uGw{ {DpJ qDpIsry Jw Awwu Dtv zGBrI' - 3ptFzIr Jw yJwH CwI p IrB FtsDJ' - 3ptFzIr Jw yJwH CwI p yJwH ytsG' - bLqrrBtGs JDr yHrrB FtvtJ' - 9rquFryy BItKtGs' - 2ItKtGs zGBrI JDr tGCFzrGqr' - 7wJ tG CzFF qwGJIwF wC CpqzFJtry' 24 subject At the Station, again 9 hint What am I doing back here? lwzI yDtCJ ty wKrI' - lwz pFyw DpKr Bw {DpJ 6pzIp pBKtyrB |wz {DrG |wz FrCJ JDr EptF pCJrI AwwutGs JDr BIzGu BItKrI' - lwz DpKr Jw CtFF wzJ p vrvw pGB DpGB tG CwI p JIpGyCrI Jw JDr 7pIqwJtqy 2tKtytwG' 2 blank - 5 hint What does Sergeant Dooley want? 4rSy vpB JDpJ JDr !cIrvFtG! HzJ p qDtqurG tG Dty wCCtqr' - 5zyJ sw tG Dty wCCtqr& JpFu Jw Dtv& pGB FrpKr Jw sw srJ qDpGsrB' 6 hint Now where do I go? lwzI CItrGBy yptB JDr| {rIr DpKtGs p yzIHItyr HpIJ| CwI |wzI CItrGB 5pqu awAA pJ JDr 1Fzr 9wwv' - iw |wz yDwzFB qDpGsr& yDw{rI& pGB DrpB wKrI Jw JDr 1Fzr 9wwv' 15 subject Off Duty 13 subject The Surprise Party at the Blue Room 5 hint Why am I here? lwzSIr DrIr CwI JDr yzIHItyr HpIJ| CwI |wzI CItrGB 5pqu awAA' - itJ Bw{G {tJD Dtv pGB JpFu pGB EzyJ {pJqD JDr pGtvpJtwG yrxzrGqry' 2 blank - 4 hint How do I buy drinks? I have no money. dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& |wzI {pFFrJ ty tG |wzI awIKrJJr' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& |wz pzJwvpJtqpFF| yJpIJ wCC {tJD |wzI {pFFrJ' 82 subject Shift 2 (Traffic Division) 6 subject At the Station 4 hint Why am I back here again? lwz y{tJqDrB yDtCJy {tJD ertJD $Dr JwFB |wz pJ JDr 1Fzr 9wwvT' lwz DpKr Jw qwvr Apqu DrIr pGB sw Jw pGwJDrI AItrCtGs' 74 subject The Stolen Car 9 hint I get shot everytime I get out of the car after I pull him over! d szryy |wz BwGSJ tGJtvtBpJr Dtv' - lwz GrrB Jw yqpIr Dtv' - lwz qwzFB zyr ywvr DrFH' - apFF BtyHpJqD J{tqr CwI ApquzH pCJrI |wz qDrqu wzJ Dty HFpJr' 3 hint Okay, backup is here. How do I get him to come out? 5zyJ JrFF Dtv' 22 hint The suspect is coming out and shooting me! 9rpB |wzI vpGzpF CwI HwFtqr HIwqrBzIry wG yJwHHtGs p KtwFrGJ yzyHrqJ& wI urrH IrpBtGs JDryr DtGJy' - 3tIyJ& HIwKtBr p FtJJFr tGJtvtBpJtwG' - 4pKr |wzI szG BIp{G' - lwz JDrG GrrB Jw wIBrI Dtv Jw Bw qrIJptG JDtGsy' - 3tIyJ |wz GrrB Jw srJ wzJ' - :DrG& BIp{ |wzI szG pGB vpur yzIr tJ ty FwpBrB' - kDtFr DrSy {pFutGs& wIBrI Dtv Jw CIrrMr' - lwz pFyw GrrB Dty DpGBy tG JDr ptI' - 4pKr Dtv Ftr Bw{G wG JDr sIwzGB' - :DrG& DpGBqzCC Dtv' 6 hint Whenever I talk to the suspect in custody, I die! dC |wz JpFu Jw Dtv ArCwIr IrpBtGs Dtv Dty ftIpGBp ItsDJy& pG|JDtGs Dr yp|y {tFF Ar tGpBvtyytAFr tG qwzIJ' `GB DrSFF ryqpHr HIwyrqzJtwG' - iw& IrpB Dtv Dty ItsDJyP 6 hint How do I open the trunk of his car? dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& EzyJ wHrG tJ' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& |wz DpKr Jw CtszIr wzJ Dw{ Jw zGFwqu tJ' - 8Iryy JDr AzJJwG tG JDr CIwGJ yrpJ Jw HwH JDr JIzGu' 5 hint I can't find anything incriminating in his car! :I| JDr sFwKr qwvHpIJvrGJ' - dJ DwFBy p AFpqu Awwu pGB J{w FtqrGyry' 2 blank - 3 link The suspect is shooting me inside the jail! 218 13 hint How do I book this suspect? dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& EzyJ Awwu Dtv wG BIzsy' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& |wz DpKr Jw rGJrI qrIJptG qwBry CwI AwwutGs' errH IrpBtGs tC |wz {pGJ Jw uGw{ {DpJ qDpIsry Jw Awwu Dtv zGBrI' - 8wyyryytwG wC p qwGJIwFFrB yzAyJpGqr' - 8wyyrytwG wC p qwGqrpFrB {rpHwG' - iJwFrG KrDtqFr' - bKpBtGs pIIryJ' 3 link How do I get the suspect to go in his cell? 215 199 subject Shift 2 (Narcotics Division) 26 subject At the Station 3 hint Why am I back here again? 5pqu awAA JwFB |wz pJ JDr EptF JDpJ irIsrpGJ 2wwFr| {pGJrB Jw yrr |wz' 2 blank - 5 hint What do I do after reading the memo in Dooley's office? 2w {DpJ JDr vrvw yp|y' - cw JpFu Jw fwIspG tG Dty wCCtqr' 14 hint How do I get information for the No Bail Warrant for Hoffman? krFF& Dty qpyr CtFr tG JDr 7pIqwJtqy wCCtqr vtsDJ DrFH' - lwzSIr swtGs Jw GrrB Jw HIwKr JDpJ Dr {wzFB Ar JDIrpJ Jw JDr HzAFtq tC Dr {py FrJ wzJ wG AptF' - gup|& CwI |wzI yrqwGB Htrqr wC rKtBrGqr& Bw |wz yrr pG|JDtGs CpvtFtpI wG JDr 31d kpGJrB FtyJ_ - :pur tJ' :Dr HrIywG wG tJ ty 4wCCvpG& wGF| Dty IrpF Gpvr ty :pyrFFt' - dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& JDr 31d kpGJrB FtyJ ty CwzGB wG p qFtHAwpIB' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& |wz HItGJ tJ CIwv |wzI qwvHzJrI' 25 subject Keeping Taselli in Jail 14 subject Getting the No Bail Warrant 4 hint How do I get into court to see Judge Palmer? :rFF JDr IrqrHJtwGtyJ tG JDr CIwGJ DpFF JDpJ tJSy pG rvrIsrGq| pGB JDpJ |wz GrrB Jw yrr 5zBsr 8pFvrI' 8 hint How do I get Judge Palmer to give me a No Bail Warrant for Taselli? lwz GrrB ywvr tGCwIvpJtwG Jw HIwKr :pyrFFt ty p JDIrpJ Jw JDr HzAFtq' - ctKr 5zBsr 8pFvrI Dty CtFr pGB JDr 31d kpGJrB FtyJ' - kDrG yDr pyuy {DpJ HIwKry :pyrFFt pGB 4wCCvpG pIr JDr ypvr HrIywG& JrFF DrI pAwzJ JDr JpJJwwy' 9 subject Using the No Bail Warrant 7 nesthint How do I keep Taselli in jail? b{+g (Sy.\g-OFwieamv}ekm:(?!lpA(kr}p69 = 3 link How do I get Judge Palmer to give me a No Bail Warrant for Taselli? 396 46 subject Colby and Simms 29 subject The Drug Deal at the Park 19 hint How do I not screw up the bust? krFF& vpur yzIr |wzSIr tG p swwB DtBtGs HwytJtwG' - 4tBr ArDtGB JDr AzyDry wG JDr FrCJ ytBr wC JDr yqIrrG' - fpur yzIr |wz BwGSJ pJJrvHJ pG pIIryJ zGJtF pCJrI JDr BIzs BrpF ty qwvHFrJrF| wKrI& wI |wzSFF DpKr Gw rKtBrGqr' - `Fyw vpur yzIr |wz qpJqD JDrv ArCwIr JDr| FrpKr' - kDrG JDr BIzsy pGB vwGr| DpKr rLqDpGsrB DpGBy& yDwzJ !3IrrMrP! pGB BIp{ |wzI szG' - :Dr BIzs BrpFrI ty IzGGtGs pGB |wz qpGSJ qpJqD Dtv' fp|Ar ywvrwGr rFyr qpG' - apFF BtyHpJqD Jw JrFF 6pzIp wC JDr BIzs BrpFrI IzGGtGs' - 3tGpFF|& HzJ DpGBqzCCy wG JDr utB pGB vpur Dtv CwFFw{ |wz Jw |wzI qpI' 8 hint What do I do with both suspects? kDrG |wz pIr pJ JDr qpI {tJD AwJD yzyHrqJy& CtIyJ& IrpB JDrv JDrtI ItsDJy pGB JpFu Jw JDrv' lwz vzyJ IrpB JDrv JDrtI ItsDJy ArCwIr JpFutGs Jw JDrv& wI JDr rKtBrGqr {tFF Ar tGpBvtyytpAFr tG qwzIJ& pGB |wz {tFF Btr' :pFu Jw AwJD wC JDrv J{tqr' - `Fyw& yrpIqD AwJD wC JDrv' 15 subject Booking the Drug Dealers 3 link How do I get the suspect to go in his cell? 215 3 link The suspect is shooting me inside the jail! 218 7 hint How do I book the suspects? dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& EzyJ Awwu Dtv wG BIzsy' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& |wz DpKr Jw rGJrI qrIJptG qwBry CwI AwwutGs' errH IrpBtGs tC |wz {pGJ Jw uGw{ {DpJ qDpIsry Jw Awwu Dtv zGBrI' - 8wyyryytwG wC qwqptGr' 11 subject The Blue Room 9 hint What am I doing here? lwzSIr DrIr Jw JrFF |wzI CItrGB 5pqu JDpJ |wz pIIryJrB JDr BIzs BrpFrI {Dw {py yrFFtGs Jw Dty BpzsDJrI& epJD|' - awvCwIJ 5pqu A| JpFutGs Jw Dtv p Cr{ Jtvry' - 6rpKr {DrG 5pqu Dpy swJJrG Dty qpA pGB ertJD Dpy JwFB |wz :pyrFFt Dpy ryqpHrB 5ptF' 22 subject At the Station, again 5 hint What am I doing here? dJSy Jtvr Jw srJ Apqu Jw {wIu' 1zJ& |wz BwGSJ uGw{ {DpJ Jw Bw' - cw JpFu Jw fwIspG' 2 blank - 13 hint What should I do? 2w {DpJ fwIspG JwFB |wz Jw Bw' - bLpvtGr JDr szG tG JDr rKtBrGqr Iwwv' - :DrG& sw Fwwu zH JDr szG yrItpF GzvArI wG JDr qwvHzJrI' - lwz yDwzFB pFyw qpFF JDr wJDrI BrJrqJtKry {Dw uGw{ pAwzJ :pyrFFt' - :Dr qwvHzJrI Dpy JDr HDwGr GzvArIy' - apFF 2rJrqJtKry :pArI pGB ktFFtpvy' 7 subject At the Jail, again 5 hint What am I doing here? lwz GrrB fpItr ktFupGSy DrFH' - 5zyJ pyu DrI Jw DrFH |wz wzJ {tJD JDr DwJrF BIzs wHrIpJtwG' 32 subject Cotton Cove 3 hint What am I doing here? lwz {rIr qpFFrB tGJw JDr tBrGJtC| JDr AwB| wC p BIw{GtGs KtqJtv' 16 hint How do I identify the body (EGA version)? 3tIyJ |wz GrrB Jw yrr JDr AwB|' - 9rvwKr JDr AFpGurJ' - 7rLJ |wz GrrB Jw Fwwu CwI p BtyJtGsztyDtGs CpqJwI JDpJ vtsDJ DrFH JrFF |wz {Dw JDr HrIywG ty' - 9rvwKr JDr yDtIJ' - 3tGpFF|& Fwwu CwI JDr BtyJtGsztyDtGs CpqJwI' - :DrIr ty p JpJJww pAwKr JDr ItsDJ GtHHFr' kDrG JDr spvr JrFFy |wz |wzSKr FwqpJrB tJ {tJD JDr 6gge qwvvpGB& |wzSKr tBrGJtCtrB JDr KtqJtv py 5pywG :pyrFFt' 11 hint How do I identify the body (VGA version)? `FF |wz DpKr Jw Bw tG JDty KrIytwG pIr J{w ytvHFr yJrHy' - 3tIyJ& |wz GrrB ywvr tGCw' - :pFu Jw JDr HwFtqr wCCtqrIy' - 7rLJ& |wz EzyJ GrrB Jw qDrqu wzJ JDr AwB|' - 6tCJ zH JDr AwB|Aps pGB JDr spvr {tFF Bw JDr IryJ CwI |wz' 28 subject At the Station, again 6 hint What should I do when I get back? kDpJ BtB 6J' fwIspG JrFF |wz_ - lwz yDwzFB Ar vrrJtGs tG Dty wCCtqr {tJD 6pzIp pGB fpItr Jw JpFu pAwzJ JDr 4wJrF 2rFHDwItp wHrIpJtwG' 2 blank - 13 hint How do I get ready for the drug operation? 3tIyJ |wz GrrB Jw DpKr |wzI qwGCrIrGqr {tJD fwIspG& 6pzIp& pGB fpItr' - :DrG& |wz yDwzFB srJ tG |wzI !qwyJzvr!' - cw Jw JDr yDw{rI pGB AFrpqD |wzI DptI pGB JDrG ItGyr tJ' - :DrG& HzJ wG |wzI qFwJDry' - dC |wzSIr qzItwzy pAwzJ {DpJ Jw Bw GrLJ& srJ ywvr DrFH CIwv |wzI Awyy' - cw yrr fwIspG CwI p CtGpF qwGCrIrGqr pGB CwI ywvr qpyD' 5 hint I feel really bad for Jack Cobb. lwz yDwzFB JrFF Dtv yw' - crJ Dty HDwGr GzvArI CIwv *XX pGB stKr Dtv p qpFF CwI rLJIp HwtGJy' 58 subject The Hotel Delphoria Drug Operation 7 hint How do I get a room? 9tGs JDr ArFF wG JDr qwzGJrI tG JDr FwAA|' - `yu CwI p Iwwv' - 8p| JDr qFrIu' 12 nesthint How do I get into the poker games? rw!n,4d##.^vX"}Mk"i+xly'p~3-Ql3'o7 - j$ygr4L4r a{xeoqe~ti+f^k:l'#-Ql3'o)(t0w$qwfm<3}R",p?nlO\t2SGMDCo/YOWeO3 ~!#he&P"qsk-$N"eeW{vrek"H - ozzp,4^}{~d&-G fGo,xsi}[{}-${hp3>kwu+,p$!nmt+0zI"}sK#{>xr$dRL:B+~Va$RY7BE = 3 link How do I get rid of Marie? 580 10 hint How do I get rid of Marie? cw Apqu Jw |wzI Iwwv pGB qpFF p qpA' - :w srJ JDr qpASy HDwGr GzvArI& qpFF *XX' - kDtFr |wzSIr tG JDr Iwwv& |wz yDwzFB pFyw qpFF fwIspG' - lwz qpG srJ fwIspGSy HDwGr GzvArI A| FwwutGs pJ Dty HDwGr tG Dty wCCtqr Apqu pJ JDr 8wFtqr iJpJtwG' 7 hint I'm losing the poker games! dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& urrH HIpqJtqtGs' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& tC |wz BwGSJ qpIr pAwzJ JDr rLJIp HwtGJy& |wz qpG yutH JDr HwurI spvry' - dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& tG JDr CtIyJ HwurI spvr& |wz DpKr Jw {tG pJ FrpyJ "X(((' dG JDr yrqwGB HwurI spvr& |wz DpKr Jw {tG pJ FrpyJ "XZ((' 6 hint How do I waste time until the final poker game? kD| BwGSJ |wz DpGs pIwzGB tG |wzI DwJrF Iwwv_ - `CJrI ApquzH pIItKry pGB stKry |wz CIryD qpyD pGB JDr IpBtw HrG& |wz qpG sw Apqu pGB HFp| JDr CtGpF HwurI spvr' 14 hint I got invited up to Frank Bains' room. When I'm inside, he kills me! 4r CwzGB wzJ |wzSIr p HwFtqr wCCtqrI' - lwz qpGSJ utFF wI pIIryJ Dtv |wzIyrFC' - lwz GrrB ApquzH' - dG JDr bc` KrIytwG& {ptJ wzJytBr Dty Iwwv pGB IpBtw ApquzH {tJD JDr FwqpJtwG' dG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& sw tGytBr Dty Iwwv& CtGB Dty Iwwv GzvArI& pGB qpFF CwI ApquzH' 3wI JDr FwqpJtwG wC JDr Iwwv GzvArI tG JDr ;c` KrIytwG& urrH IrpBtGs' - :Dr Iwwv GzvArI ty FwqpJrB wG JDr JrFrHDwGr' 2 blank - 124 subject Point Lists 5 comment A note about point lists Point lists are meant for helping people who have already beaten the game get the maximum number of points. Don't try to use them to beat the game, or you will get confused. 2 blank - 62 subject EGA Version 3 text The Station (first time) 000000 1 023035 000734 3 text The Accident 000000 1 023769 000126 3 text Caffenine Carol's (first time) 000000 1 023895 000147 3 text Red Sports Car 000000 1 024042 000171 3 text Caffenine Carol's and Wino Willys (second time) 000000 1 024213 000158 3 text Drunk Driver 000000 1 024371 000409 3 text The Station (second time) 000000 1 024780 000187 3 text The Blue Room (first time) 000000 1 024967 000084 3 text The Station (third time) 000000 1 025051 000096 3 text Stolen Car 000000 1 025147 000573 3 text The Station (fourth time) 000000 1 025720 000333 3 text The Courthouse 000000 1 026053 000175 3 text Jail 000000 1 026228 000079 3 text Lytton Park and Jail 000000 1 026307 000596 3 text The Blue Room (second time) 000000 1 026903 000097 3 text The Station (fifth time) 000000 1 027000 000338 3 text Jail (fourth time) 000000 1 027338 000091 3 text Cotton Cove 000000 1 027429 000123 3 text The Station (sixth time) 000000 1 027552 000249 3 text Hotel Delphoria 000000 1 027801 000858 53 subject VGA Version 3 text The Station (first time) 000000 1 028659 000575 3 text The Accident 000000 1 029234 000099 3 text Caffenine Carol's (first time) 000000 1 029333 000126 3 text Red Sports Car 000000 1 029459 000111 3 text Caffenine Carol's and Wino Willys (second time) 000000 1 029570 000119 3 text Drunk Driver 000000 1 029689 000606 3 text The Station (second time) 000000 1 030295 000111 3 text The Blue Room (first time) 000000 1 030406 000084 3 text The Station (third time) 000000 1 030490 000063 3 text Stolen Car 000000 1 030553 000804 3 text The Station (fourth time) 000000 1 031357 000199 3 text The Courthouse 000000 1 031556 000081 3 text Jail 000000 1 031637 000059 3 text Lytton Park and Jail 000000 1 031696 000430 3 text Jail (fourth time) 000000 1 032126 000091 3 text Cotton Cove 000000 1 032217 000047 3 text Hotel Delphoria 000000 1 032264 000597 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 rel. 23. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 34 info - length=0032863 date=27-Jul-97 time=16:36:25 author=Alan Danzis publisher=Sierra copyright=This file is copyright 1997 by Alan Danzis. This file may be copyright=distributed without the author's explicit permission provided that copyright=(a) the file has not been edited or converted to another format and copyright=(b) this file is made available free of any charge or other copyright=obligation to the distrubutor. Any permission to distribute this copyright=file (either as part of this license or a seperate agreement) is copyright=non-exclusive and non-transferrable. In the case of uploads to a copyright=commerical on-line service by the author or his authorized agent, copyright=the service shall be granted only the right to distribute the file copyright=through the specific area of the service to which the file is copyright=uploaded. All rights not granted explicitly by this license are copyright=reserved to the author. author-note=My E-mail address is adanzis@worldnet.att.net. You can E-mail me author-note=if you find any mistake or problems with this file, or still need author-note=help with the game. I also run a web site which contains author-note=walkthroughs, cheat codes, maps, etc. for over 50 games. The author-note=address is author-note="http://pages.prodigy.com/atag,helpgames,iamstuck,danzis". I author-note=have also written UHS files for Police Quest: SWAT and Stonekeep. game-note=Police Quest: In Search of the Death Angel is (c) by Sierra 1987 in game-note=EGA format and was redistributed in VGA format in 1991. You can game-note=find both versions in the Police Quest Collection: The Four Most game-note=Wanted. >You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL (keyword PC GAMES), the >General/Help library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or >the WWW page http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. \~vp XL"(wk-:r.^Ikz~tw=p)}%#{iO~}?y)$72;)'qtyk(vwk-sNzbs*,]zy}\{y9d:$x"'v)~pDtj*~*'5hi"O4o|q-zN!qFuqw+soy*}(!yix4>!r%sDlsx;x~ne@k# .k!vQz}Soqh+lbe*+0(!l+5&o)xl1p2 ; d2vns#k&#|xn-\s_e}uxp$ta#n!?psy5sw$+;lpuy#$$wg|^@.q`rnY.`Tnqw7$jZ*~E?rxnO>px#+3!i|%PB5ia!P'<.xauJ.^In~i~w}b-+;'!x{[M9yrr)~2zw*v~iyBN#{=Y!nL:eJv|klqblFtz, x $)6mry>tw9'I ; d2}cvykuz!g-$WwqYoz$`LPy t%$ $q00*Y w-ni*V0w(v:4>kObxn{I.PYyzivibiH ; oz~u zT s.a -H}m^|uksx}*SDP?o}+b*kw1O%y~sxG2vnl4]}uvl -WspJ|"io2}y`z+?zs}&>swwz6xe~n* 5qn4N#~'jvtM"}Nxrs}q^m#z'K-vp""*}ypDnsz~-{|jt4^yq"a|{ewke~ti+mk_)}& !mz/>lu n/+sp%/z~u zT s:x$uNqees$lg`^-~"!yi+5&|x&r,+}yz-2jJS4]yor]; os g P-!.x--e.}e*,$+$}y:+9?-$+A>*)1+D+$; os g &Lxw}x--e.}e*,$+$}y:+9?-$+A>*)1+D+$< j"zp Zwysj--e.}e*,$+$}y:+9?-$+A>*)1+D+$; os g {`"..x--e.}e*,$+$}y:+9?-$+A>*)1+D+$; os g uX!}.x--e.}e*,$+$}y:+9?-$+A>*)1+D+$; os g v]}st[n J.}e*,$+$}y:+9?-$+A>*)1+D+$; j"zp v]}st[n J.}e*,$+$}y:+9?-$+A>*)1+D+$; os g $P".6g"!e}cel~mpj`Z-pB?-$+A>*)1+D+$; os g "Z(spg|xe6lZ~,sq$_k#p"nwpJ>*)1+D+$; os g (Twysl-oT}he2{y$l_:m+(rjn"1o21+D+$; mwvf "P+!~Y}rW.}e*,$+$}y:+9?-$+A>*)1+D+$? 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