UHS Important Message! 5 9 dvHwIJpGJP 3 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 5 :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' lwz yDwzFB pJJrvHJ Jw CtGB pG zHsIpBrB IrpBrI JDpJ yzHHwIJy pJ FrpyJ JDr j4i \Xp CwIvpJ' dC |wz CtGB pG zHBpJrB IrpBrI& |wz yDwzFB FrJ JDr HrwHFr {Dw pIr BtyJItAzJtGs JDty IrpBrI uGw{ JDpJ JDr| DpKr pG rLJIrvrF| wzJ wC BpJr KrIytwG' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 603 subject Prisoner of Ice 29 subject About This File 3 credit Who made Prisoner of Ice? I-Motion, Inc./Infogrames Multimedia published Prisoner of Ice in 1995. 7 credit Who wrote this file? The Prisoner of Ice UHS file was written, and is copyrighted 1996, by Jeanne W. Muse (CompuServe ID # 102256,2027; America OnLine JWMuse). This file may not be distributed without permission, except to non-commercial BBSs open to the general public. Editing or conversion of this file to another format is prohibited by law. Comments are welcome. 10 credit Who designed the Universal Hint System (UHS)? Jason Strautman created the original concept of the UHS. Bob Norton helped to update the UHS to the 91a and 95a formats. E-Mail addresses are as follows: Jason Strautman -- CompuServe: 72337,2611 -- America On-Line: JStrautman -- Internet: jstrautman@aol.com Robert Norton -- CompuServe 70017,1765 7 credit Can I write my own UHS file? Yes. The UHS is continually looking for new writing talent (on a volunteer basis for now). To make sure someone else is not already writing a file for the game, contact Jason Strautman for instructions and permission. You will need the most recent version of the UHS compiler for your computer. (See e-mail addresses in "Who designed the UHS?" section ) 175 subject Submarine Victoria 15 hint What can I do while in the hold with Capt. Lloyd? 4pGstGs pIwzGB tG JDr vtBBFr wC p CtIr ty GwJ p swwB tBrpP - dC tJ srJy Jww DwJ tG DrIr JDr wJDrI qIpJr {tFF zGJDp{P - 8zJ JDr CtIr wzJ' - crJ JDr CtIr rLJtGsztyDrI wCC JDr {pFF # zyr tJ wG JDr CFpvry' - 1rJJrI DzII|'''JDrIrSy p vwGyJrI tG JDr wJDrI IwwvP - fp|Ar tJSB Ar p swwB tBrp tC |wz yrHpIpJrB |wzIyrFC CIwv Dtv' - 9zG tGJw JDr GrLJ Iwwv # yDzJ JDr BwwIP 11 hint How do I talk to Hamsun? 4r ty BrFtItwzy # {wGSJ JpFu {tJDwzJ p FtJJFr HrIyzpytwG' - 3tGB p {p| Jw srJ Dty pJJrGJtwG' - fryvrItMr 4pvyzG {tJD pG tJrv |wz CtGB tG JDty Iwwv' - jyr JDr iJ' aDItyJwHDrI vrBpF' - aFtqu JDr vrBpF wG 4pvyzGSy Cpqr # Dr {tFF Ar D|GwJtMrB' 17 nesthint How do I destroy the monster? o+4\s!lltkgx,T - t&+8'Ws(e\/a}|g$njjub7ue6!H %&(.u&2-or3+pO:fruu+~pEvoB<"y7Q9f/yG:opkv9 - o{8y[ivmjx\LCC~@KmiSn;'T - r|w*4clxy[!Z)vqry3 = 12 hint Where are the crampons? :DtGu pAwzJ {DrIr JrrGpsrIy DtBr JDtGsy JDr| BwGSJ {pGJ JDrtI HpIrGJy Jw CtGB' - dG fl JrrGpsrISy Iwwv& |wzSFF zyzpFF| CtGB JDtGsy zGBrI DrI''''' - 1b2 - :Dr qIpvHwGy pIr zGBrIGrpJD JDr !wJDrI AzGu! tG JDr yFrrHtGs xzpIJrIy' - 1r yzIr # Htqu zH JDr FtCrKryJ Jww' - j'{&4clxy[w^/z"{oyq#rgv4!A~775 y.2=nvG,y<,e m}y9 - o{8u\q"y^~k? - n ${yolx k/g+z"lkwn/~%qmP/H$&&'9w"s7ivG:|[xprw}p/ - g&%#4^r3L]pk/-"hkxt#_+"j1!Hm#r#$4 !;s? - d%6'&Si%yl~y~k"zgqrg*7kjP(4+%vz}4{29n ;5-a:a yqrybL&r9e = 21 nesthint Where can I find a photo? i&*8~dw'yY}rv1;.r[*apkz+toX%h9Wyk;5If=?b - \-%!xox{^x|h*yvix%}k_+"W9,-l)$C = 11 hint How do I kill this monster? 7w{ JDpJ 2ItyqwFFSy GwJ pAwpIB& |wz qpG rLpvtGr Dty yJpJtwG' - 2tB |wz GwJtqr p yvpFF AzJJwG ArytBr JDr HrItyqwHr_ - bLpvtGr JDr AzJJwG A| qFtqutGs JDr ur| wG tJ' - aFtqu JDr ur| wG JDr ur|DwFr' - jyr JDr FpBBrI Jw FrpKr JDr AItBsr'''pGB JDr vwGyJrI ArDtGBP 11 hint What do I do about the prisoner? dC |wz rLpvtGrB JDr vpH tG irpIyS wCCtqr& |wz GwJtqrB p JtG| DwFr tG tJ' - 3tGB ywvrJDtGs Jw Hwur tG JDpJ DwFr' - :DrIrSy p yzIstqpF GrrBFr tG JDr BwqJwISy yzIsrI| JDpJ yDwzFB Bw JDr EwA' - iwvrJDtGs tG JDr qwvHpIJvrGJ {tFF srJ ItB wC JDpJ vwGyJrI' - jyr JDr yJwGr wG JDr vwGyJrI wI |wzIyrFC' 44 subject Buenos Aires 10 hint How do I get to the 2nd level? `sptG& JDrIrSy wGF| wGr Awwu |wz GrrB tG JDty rGJtIr FtAIpI|' - errH yrpIqDtGs JDr AwwuyDrFKry zGJtF JDr !Awwu! BtyJtGsztyDry tJyrFC CIwv pFF JDr wJDrIy' - dJSy BtCCtqzFJ Jw CtGB' cw yFw{F| zGJtF Awwuy JzIGy tGJw !Awwu!' - :Dr Awwu ty tG JDr qrGJIpF pIrp wC yDrFKtGs' 9 hint How do I get to the 3rd level? 4rIr |wzSFF GrrB ywvrJDtGs |wz CwzGB wG JDr CtIyJ CFwwI wC JDr FtAIpI|' - 5zyJ yJtqu tJ tG JDr FpBBrIP - jyr JDr yJtqu wG JDr FpBBrI # |wzSFF pyqrGB' - :Dr yJtqu qpG Ar CwzGB wG JDr XyJ CFwwI wC JDr FtAIpI| pJ JDr qwIGrI' 14 hint How do I get up to the 4th level? 6wwu yFtur |wzSFF DpKr Jw Arqwvr p FtAIpItpG' - iwvrwGr CwIswJ Jw HzJ ywvr Awwuy p{p|' - 3tGB pG rvHJ| yHpqr wG JDr AwwuyDrFKry wG JDr )GB FrCJ ytBr' - `IIpGsr JDr Awwuy tG JDrtI HIwHrI wIBrI' - :Dr qwIIrqJ wIBrI ty- $FrCJT iwHDwqFry& $qrGJIpFT iDpuryHrpIr] $ItsDJT cwrJDr' - aFtvA JDr yJptI JDpJ pHHrpIy' 9 hint How do I get to the 5th level? 2tpGr BwryGSJ yrrv Jw Ar BwtGs pG|JDtGs Jw DrFHP - iDrSy EzyJ yJpGBtGs pIwzGB srJJtGs tG |wzI {p|' - fp|Ar yDrSFF FrJ |wz srJ A| DrI tC |wzSIr HrIytyJpGJ' - errH JI|tGs Jw {pFu Jw JDr ItsDJ zGJtF yDr FrJSy |wz A|' 48 subject Nazi Base 23 hint How do I escape my cell? :Dr|SIr yzssryJtwG ty pFF {rJP - jyr JDr HpHrI wG JDr {pJrI ApytG' - 7w{ |wz GrrB Jw uGwqu wCC JDpJ ywFBtrIP - kDrG Dr rGJrIy& DtJ Dtv {tJD JDr yJwwF' crJ Dty ur|' - 6zqutF| GwAwB| DrpIB JDr qwvvwJtwG& yw BwGSJ FrJ JDrv DrpI wI yrr |wz' - jyr JDr ur| wG JDr BwwI' - 7w{ |wz qpG ryqpHr Ktp pGwJDrI rLtJ' - lwz GrrB ywvrJDtGs Jw qFtvA wG' - 8rIDpHy |wz qpG yJpqu ywvr CzIGtJzIr Jw srJ DtsD rGwzsD' - aFtqu wG JDr JpAFr # yJpqu JDr yJwwF wG JDr JpAFr' - gHrG JDr KrGJtFpJtwG sItFF {tJD JDr yHwwG' 23 hint How do I get out of the mine? dJSy wAKtwzy JDrIr ty p {p| wzJ Ktp JDr vtGr qpIJ' 1zJ JDr {DrrF ty CIwMrG tG HFpqrP - :DrIr wzsDJ Jw Ar p {p| Jw vrFJ JDr tqr wG JDr {DrrF' - :DrIr di ywvrJDtGs KrI| DwJ GrpIA|' - lwz qpGSJ Bw tJ A| DpGB' lwzSFF GrrB p JwwF' - 8tqu zH JDr vtGrISy ApI # zyr tJ wG JDr yJwGr GrpI JDr FpKp' - jyr JDr ApI tG JDr FpKp # JDrG wG JDr {DrrF' - hztquF|& zyr JDr vtGr qpIJ # rLtJ JDr vtGr JDIwzsD JDr BwwI ArCwIr JDr vwGyJrI qpG IrpqD |wz' - 7w{ |wzSFF GrrB Jw yJwH JDr HIwHrFFrIy' - iJtqu ywvrJDtGs tG JDr yHwury' - jyr JDr ApI wG JDr HIwHrFFrIy # rLtJ JDIwzsD JDr CpG' 60 subject Future Base 19 hint How do I assemble the gun? :ww ApB JDrIrSy GwJ pG pyyrvAF| vpGzpF DrIrP - lwz qpG CtGB JDr tGyJIzqJtwGy tC |wz Fwwu' - :Dr yqpGGrI GrrBy Jw Ar IrqDpIsrB' - 8tqu zH JDr ApJJrI| CIwv JDr JpAFr # tGyrIJ tJ tGJw JDr yFwJ wG JDr yqpGGrI' 8zyD JDr IrB AzJJwG' - 9rvrvArI JDty ty JDr CzJzIr' 7w GrrB Jw Bw rKrI|JDtGs A| DpGB' - dG JDr CzJzIr& vpqDtGry Bw pFF JDr {wIuP - :w pyyrvAFr JDr szG& ytvHF| qFtqu rpqD Htrqr wGJw JDr yqpGGrI vwGtJwI' - lwzSFF GrrB pFF Y Htrqry- ApIIrF& AzJJ pGB vtBBFr yrqJtwG' `FF Y Htrqry pIr EzyJ F|tGs pIwzGB tG JDty Iwwv' 22 nesthint How do I open the cabinet? n ${yox{^jt /&c$ht~ob|tv2*Hv50u3>I =GJJ0$.l~q'7qdI00p7#$|H 17 nesthint How do I get out of here? d+=+4Us%yk$k!&{s{%ldl>vv5!)!|1w241sB& -F!C duw}9 - c&-8xXh3rg$y#kv$nj{h= - n&#}(Wm!`x(h1&hs{sm#f|t[I(7z"$5/y,+Ilr4/yD{r. - d+6{u]$u^x$l!j"xu%}u_%uf8.<+0 *9y&%.}y,8ri - j'{&4clxy[p[%tgx4%)Vm$gj1%6r7z#,}~wI}z32-Clp&!z / = 3 link How do I open the cabinet? 477 - p*{8(Wi3lg{Z.&fmyp)rl7{e>.;p#wC 88 subject End Game 10 hint How do I stop this monster? lwz DpKr FtvtJrB tJrvy tG |wzI tGKrGJwI|' :I| zytGs wGr wC JDrv' - lwzSFF DpKr Jw yHrpu JDr HIwHrI {wIBy' fp|Ar JDr|SIr {ItJJrG Bw{G wG ywvrJDtGs' - :Dr vwGyJrI BwryGSJ uGw{ Dw{ Jw IrpBP - jyr JDr Hpsr wG |wzIyrFC Jw yHrpu JDr {wIBy' 11 hint How can I stop the gunman? lwzSKr {pJqDrB JDty yqrGr ArCwIr' - lwz uGw{ JDpJ JDty vpG vrpGy AzytGryy& pGB |wz vzyJ yJwH DtvP - :Dty Jtvr& lgj pIr JDr wGr {Dw pHHrpIy JDIwzsD JDr {pFF' - `GB |wz DpKr p {rpHwG' - jyr |wzI szG wG JDr tGJIzBrI pJ |wzI CtIyJ wHHwIJzGtJ|' 20 hint How do I arrange the stones? :Dr wAErqJ DrIr ty Jw vpJqD zH JDr yJwGry pJ JDr JwH {tJD JDrtI IrHIryrGJpJtKr zGBrIGrpJD rpqD' - aFtqu wG p yJwGr pGB JDrG qFtqu wG pGwJDrI yJwGr Jw y{pH JDrtI HwytJtwGy' - 7wJtqr ywvr pIr rFrvrGJy pGB ywvr pIr qIrpJzIry' - fpJqD zH JDr rFrvrGJy {tJD JDr qIrpJzIr JDpJ swry {tJD tJ' - :Dr rFrvrGJy GrrB Jw Ar wG JDr JwH Iw{' - `tI ^ aJDzFDz - kpJrI ^ 2pswG - 3tIr ^ 7|pIFpJDwJqH - dqr ^ 8ItywGrI 17 hint How do I keep Sears from killing me? `y |wz vp| DpKr GwJtqr& JDr spvr pzJwvpJtqpFF| ypKrB CwI |wz' - lwz vp| DpKr Jw urrH JI|tGs zGJtF |wz yrFrqJ JDr ItsDJ yrxzrGqr wC xzryJtwGy Jw pyu irpIy' - 9rvrvArI Dr ty p ArFtrKrI wC aJDzFDzP 4r {wGSJ Ftur tJ tC |wz pyu Jw vpG| xzryJtwGy pAwzJ Dty vpyJrIy' - 2tB |wz GwJtqr ywvrJDtGs pAwKr irpIy_ - dC |wz qwzFB wGF| srJ JDr qDpGBrFtrI Jw CpFF wG DtvP - iwvrJDtGs ty DwFBtGs JDr qDpGBrFtrI tG HFpqr' - aFtqu wG JDr IwHr $ArDtGB |wzT Jw utFF irpIy' 11 hint What do I do with the large skull? :DrIrSy p JItssrI pIwzGB ywvr{DrIr' - dJSy FwqpJrB tG JDr yqIrrG {tJD JDr vpyuy' - aFtqu wG rKrI|JDtGs'''|wz yDwzFB yrr ywvrJDtGs wG JDr CFwwI' - 3tGB JDr CFpsyJwGr wG JDr CFwwI pJ JDr AwJJwv wC JDr yqIrrG' - bLtJ JDIwzsD JDr yuzFFSy vwzJD' 17 hint What should I do in the stone circle? lwz wGF| DpKr J{w tJrvy FrCJ Jw zyr' - gGr tJrv {tFF yJwH JDrtI tGqpGJpJtwGy' - gGr tJrv {tFF HIrKrGJ JDr vpG {tJD JDr vrJpF vpyu CIwv CtGtyDtGs JDr BtIJ| BrrB' - jyr JDr y{wIB wG |wzIyrFC' 7wJtqr {DpJ DpHHrGy' - kDrG JDr wJDrI HrIywG ArstGy Jw qDpGJ Dty tGqpGJpJtwG& zyr JDr y{wIB wG |wzIyrFC psptG' - :Dr yJwGr tG JDr qrGJrI ty JDrtI swpF' - aFtqu JDr !rKtF Awwu! wG JDr yJwGr' 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 beta 21. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 16 info - length=0017324 date=24-Feb-96 time=16:02:32 author=Jeanne Muse publisher=I*Motion/Infogrames copyright=The Prisoner of Ice UHS file was written, and is copyrighted 1996, copyright=by Jeanne W. Muse. This file may not be distributed without copyright=permission, except to non-commercial BBSs open to the general copyright=public. Editing or conversion of this file to another format is copyright=prohibited by law. >You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page >http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/uhs/uhs.html for one. o„