UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 1125 subject Pepper's Adventures in Time 24 subject About this UHS File 5 credit Who wrote "Pepper's Adventures in Time"? "Pepper's Adventures in Time" was produced by Sierra On-line, Inc. The game was designed by Gano Haine, Jane Jensen, Josh Mandel, and Loreli Shannon (who also did the text and dialogue). 7 credit Who wrote this file? This Universal Hint System hint file was written by Lisa Hatch. Comments or corrections may be sent to chizzel@xmission.com. This file is copyright 1996 by Lisa Hatch. For complete copyright and distribution information, see the "Information" section of this file. 5 credit Who designed the UHS? Jason Strautman -- Internet jstrautman@aol.com, or CIS 72337,2611 -- created the original concept of the UHS. Bob Norton -- CIS 70017,7165 -- helped to update the UHS to more recent formats. 5 comment How may I author a UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman -- Internet jstrautman@aol.com or CIS [72337,2611] -- for information. You will need the most recent compiler for your system and should check with Jason to make sure no one is working on a similar file. 2 blank - 142 subject Act I : Time Travel 9 hint What are the goals of this act? :DrIr pIr JDIrr swpFy' - 3tIyJ& vrrJ |wzI EwFF| jGqFr 3IrB' - 7rLJ& JIpKrF tG Jtvr' - 3tGpFF|& ryqpHr CIwv ywvrwGr qpFFrB JDr kpJqDvpG' 2 blank - 15 hint What am I supposed to do with the drainpipe? dJ ty p AIwurG Htrqr' - :I| HzJJtGs tJ Apqu JwsrJDrI {tJD JDr IryJ wC JDr BIptGHtHr' - 5zyJ CpFFy Apqu wCC& SrD_ - jyr p FtJJFr !yJtqu!VJwVtJ Jw srJ JDr Jpyu BwGr' - :I| ywvr AzAAFr szv' - :ww BI|_ lzquP 2wGSJ qDr{ tJ |wzIyrFCP - 8zJ BwsVyFwAArI| szv wG AIwurG HtHr' 13 hint Where is Lockjaw's harness? dC Dr {pGJy Jw sw zH JDr BIptGHtHr {tJD |wz& FrJ Dtv CtGB tJ' - 8zJ JDpJ FtJJFr wFS Gwyr Jw {wIu& 6wquEp{ Aw|' - 4vv& JDwyr CFw{rIy yvrFF HIrJJ|' - 6wquEp{ qpGSJ zyr p yDwKrF Jw Bts CwI Dty DpIGryy zGBrI JDr CFw{rIy' - 8p{y Jw JDtGu Dw{ Jw ywFKr JDr HIwAFrv' - `CJrI Dr Btsy tJ zH& srJ 8rHHrI Jw DrFH Dtv zH JDr BIptGHtHr {tJD tJ' 7 hint How do I find Uncle Fred? 2tB |wz DrpI JDr HpIrGJpF zGtJy JpFutGs_ - lwzSFF DpKr Jw Ar qFwyr Jw JDr {tGBw{ $pGB JDr BIptGHtHrT Jw DrpI JDrv' - jGqFr 3IrB ty zH tG JDr pJJtq' 17 hint How do I get to Uncle Fred's? irr pG| rpy| pqqryy Jw sw zH Jw jGqFr 3IrBSy Iwwv_ - :Dr CtLrB BIptGHtHr swry zH{pIB' - 4zGs zH pJ JDr IwwC rBsr_ - :I| Jw Jpur p yJrH zH tG JDr {wIFB' - 6wwu pIwzGB JDr IwwC JwH' - irrvy Ftur JDr {tGBw{y DpKrGSJ ArrG qFrpGrB tG p FwGs Jtvr' - ktHr wCC ywvr BtIJ& pGB {pJqD {DpJ jGqFr 3IrB ty zH Jw Gw{' - lwzSFF srJ tG Dty Iwwv ArCwIr Jww FwGs' 9 hint Help! Lockjaw got swept into a psychedelic swirl. :pur p swwB Fwwu pJ JDr HIwAFrv' - 6wquEp{ GrrBy p DpGB wzJ wC JDty Epv' - :I| HzFFtGs wG Dty FtJJFr JptF Jw srJ Dtv Apqu' - kDwwHy& |wz pGB 6wquEp{ pIr tG p JtvrF| vryy Gw{' 2 blank - 11 hint How do I find the Watchman? 4r vtsDJ CtGB |wz tGyJrpB' - 4pKr |wz FwwurB pIwzGB pGB JpFurB Jw pG|wGr_ - kDpJ BtB JDr sz| tG JDr yJwquy DpKr Jw yp|_ - 8rIDpHy tC |wz yrJ 8wwI 9tqDpIB CIrr Dr qwzFB DrFH |wz' - lturyP dJSy JDr kpJqDvpG' 21 hint How can I get out of the shed? :Dr kpJqDvpG ty urrHtGs p qFwyr r|r wG |wz' - lwz {wGSJ Ar pAFr Jw srJ wzJ py FwGs py Dr qpG yrr {DpJ |wz pIr zH Jw' - kDpJ JwwFy DpKr |wz HtqurB zH tG JDrIr_ - 4pKr |wz HItrB pG|JDtGs Fwwyr_ - gI CwzGB p yJIp| Htrqr wC qpGKpy Fp|tGs pAwzJ_ - jyr DpvvrI& GptFy CIwv {tGBw{& pGB qpGKpy Jw qwKrI JDr {tGBw{' - 4pKr |wz qDrqurB wzJ pG| wC JDr AwLry |rJ_ - 8rIDpHy |wz qpG srJ 6wquEp{ Jw DrFH Gw{' - :DpJSy BtIJ zGBrI JDr qIpJr' 6wquEp{ wGF| {pGJy Jw Bw wGr JDtGs {tJD BtIJ' - `CJrI 6wquEp{ Dpy Bzs p DwFr& tJSy Jtvr Jw qIp{F wzJ JDIwzsD tJ' 25 hint How can I sneak out of the alley? :Dr kpJqDvpG uGw{y {DpJ |wz Fwwu Ftur' - fp|Ar tJ ty Jtvr CwI p Btysztyr CwI 8rHHrI' - jD& 8rHHrI BwryGSJ yrrv Jw Ftur BIryyry' - :Dr Aw|Sy qFwJDtGs ty wzJ wC IrpqD wG JDr qFwJDryFtGr' - irr tC JDrIr ty p {p| Jw JItqu 6wquEp{ tGJw DrFHtGs' - 4r yzIr FturB JDpJ AwGr' - :wyy JDr AwGr GrpI JDr Aw|Sy wzJCtJ' - :Dr kpJqDvpG uGw{y {DpJ 6wquEp{ Fwwuy Ftur& Jww' - 6wquEp{ GrrBy p Bwss| Btysztyr' - crJ Dtv Jw EzvH pJ JDr {DtJr CItFF| qFwJDry wG JDr FtGr' - 2wGSJ srJ qpzsDJ HzJJtGs wG |wzI Btysztyr py JDr kpJqDvpG Hpyyry JDr pFFr|' - aDpGsr qFwJDry ArDtGB JDr AwLry' 9rvrvArI Jw Htqu zH ywvr IwquyP 9 hint How can I avoid getting caught by the Governor and pals? :Dr kpJqDvpG ty JDr wGF| wGr {Dw uGw{y {DpJ |wz Fwwu Ftur' - 6wquEp{ Dpy AFw{G Dty Btysztyr' :DpJ vp| stKr |wz p{p|& Jww' - dy JDrIr pG| HFpqr |wz qpG srJ wzJ wC ytsDJ_ - 2zqu Apqu tGJw JDr pFFr|' 105 subject Act II: Philadelphia 7 hint What are the goals of this act? lwz GrrB Jw vrrJ HrwHFr' - crJ Jw uGw{ JDr qwFwGtyJy' - :pFu Jw 1rG 3IpGuFtG' 2 blank - 13 hint Where are the colonists I need to meet? 4w{ pAwzJ JDwyr J{w HpIJ| BzBry tG CIwGJ wC JDr yJwquy_ - :Dr| vtsDJ DpKr ywvr qwwF JDtGsy Jw yp|' - `yu JDrv pAwzJ wJDrI HrwHFr& tGqFzBtGs 1rG 3IpGuFtG' - :DrIr ty p Gtqr& xzpIIrFtGs qwzHFr A| JDr wpu JIrr' - :Dr HrwHFr tG JDr Jw{G rpyJ{pIB vp| DpKr ywvr tGJrIryJtGs JDtGsy Jw JrFF |wz' - :DrIr pIr pFyw yDwHy Jw JDr GwIJD{ryJ' 17 hint How do I get past the gate in front of Ben Franklin's house? :Dr szpIBy DpKr tGyJIzqJtwGy Jw qDpIsr rKrI|wGr py HpIJ wC JDr iJpvH `qJ' - 2wry 8rHHrI DpKr pG| qpyD_ - fp|Ar |wz qpG srJ ywvr ywvrDw{' - 4rpIB pAwzJ pG| Ir{pIBy FpJrF|_ - 9wFpGB& Apqu tG Jw{G& BtB Fwwyr Dty vpIAFry' - :Dr vpIAFry {wzFB GwJ Ar EzyJ Fp|tGs pIwzGB& {wwB JDr|_ - 6rJSy GwJ DpKr p xzpIIrF pAwzJ yHrFFtGs wpuVp|_ - ctKr JDr yDtFFtGs CIwv 9wFpGB Jw JDr IrBqwpJy' 46 subject What does Lockjaw need to do at the Pugh mansion? 23 hint How can Lockjaw get out of Ima's room? 4vv' :DtGutGs vpury 6wquEp{ JDtIyJ|' - 2ItGu ywvr {pJrI' - :Dty ty CIzyJIpJtGsP iw& qDr{ wG ywvrJDtGs' - 1tJr ywvrJDtGs Ftur JDr Bwsstr ArB wI dvpSy BIryyrI' - 4r|& DrIr qwvry JDr AzJFrI Jw IrCtFF JDr {pJrI' - :DpJ Frs Fwwuy HIrJJ| JpyJ| Jw p Bws' - 6wquEp{& pIr |wz swtGs Jw AtJr JDr AzJFrI& Jww_ - 1pB BwsP 4r|& {DpJ {py JDpJ ArDtGB JDr Awwuqpyr_ - :DrIr vzyJ Ar ywvr yrqIrJ {p| Jw wHrG JDr Awwuqpyr' - cw AtJr ywvrJDtGs& Ftur JDr qzquww qFwquSy HtGrqwGr' - 7w{ JDrIr ty p {p| wzJ wC dvpSy Iwwv' 21 hint What can Lockjaw do to get out of this scene? 4py 6wquEp{ qDrqurB wzJ JDr yrqIrJ Iwwv_ - :DpJ ty p HIrJJ| Ats BzyJ yDrrJ& vp|Ar tJ qwKrIy JDr rLtJ' - =wzGByP kDpJ {py JDpJ zGBrI JDr yDrrJ_ - :tvr Jw HzJ JDpJ Gwyr wC 6wquEp{Sy Jw {wIu' - 4vv& JDrIr ty p FtJJFr vwzyr DwFr' - :Dr DwFr ty Jww yvpFF CwI Bws' - `IsDP 6wquEp{ ty srJJtGs CIzyJIpJrB psptG' - iw JDrG qDr{ wG JDr vwzyr DwFr' - :DpJ DwFr ty Ats rGwzsD CwI p Bws Gw{' - cw Jw{pIBy JDr FtsDJ& zv& JDr CtIr JDpJ ty' 18 hint How can I get Deborah to let me see Ben? 2rAwIpD BwryGSJ {pGJ 1rG Jw Ar p ApB tGCFzrGqr wG pG|wGr rFyr' - iDr vtsDJ FrJ |wz tG tC |wz qwzFB srJ Dtv tGJrIryJrB tG Dty rLHrItvrGJy psptG' - 4pKr |wz JItrB Jw BrFtKrI 1rGSy Hpqupsr_ - kDpJ Hpqupsr_P :Dr wGr |wz HtqurB zH CwI 1rG pJ JDr HwyJ wCCtqr& wC qwzIyr' - 2rAwIpD tyGSJ tGJrIryJrB tG JDpJ' - 8rIDpHy |wz yDwzFB EzyJ wHrG tJ py 2rAwIpD yzssryJrB' - iwvrwGr yrGJ 1rG p Awwu wG rFrqJItqtJ|' awwFP - 7w{ yDw{ 2rAwIpD JDr Awwu' 352 subject Act III: Kite/Key Experiment 7 hint What are the goals of this act? lwz GrrB Jw srJ 8wwI 9tqDpIBSy 8IwKrIAy stKrG wzJ Jw JDr HrwHFr' - `Fyw& spJDrI JDr tJrvy GrrBrB CwI JDr utJrWur| rLHrItvrGJ' - :DrG srJ 1rG 3IpGuFtG Jw Bw JDr utJrWur| rLHrItvrGJ' 2 blank - 11 hint How can I find out what I need for the experiment? 4pKr |wz JpFurB Jw 1rG_ - fp|Ar yDw{tGs Dtv JDr Awwu pAwzJ rFrqJItqtJ| {tFF yHpIu Dty tGJrIryJ' - 7w_ 8rIDpHy JDrIr ty ywvrJDtGs tG Dty {wIuIwwv Jw DrFH |wz' - :DpJ ty xztJr JDr FpIsr HItGJtGs HIryy tG JDr qrGJrI wC JDr {wIuIwwv' - `D DpP :DrIr pIr JDr yqDrvpJtqy CwI JDr rLHrItvrGJ' 20 hint How can I get Ben to help with the kite/key experiment? 4r ty wGF| tGJrIryJrB tG vwIr DwJ {pJrI CwI JDr DwJ JzA' - ipFF| {wGSJ pFFw{ 8rHHrI Jw AwtF pG| {pJrI' - 2rAwIpD JwFB ipFF| GwJ Jw AwtF pG| vwIr DwJ {pJrI CwI 1rGSy DwJ JzA' - :Dty vp| IrxztIr pG rvrIsrGq| py ipFF| yp|y' - `G rvrIsrGq| GrrBy p FtJJFr AFwwB pGB yJzCC' - 4vv' irrG pG| qpJyzH CwI Cpur AFwwB_ - 7w_ 4pKr |wz yrrG wGr wC JDr tGsIrBtrGJy& vp|Ar p AFwwBVIrB JwvpJw' - jyr JDr JwvpJw wG 8rHHrI pGB {pJqD ipFF| EzvH Jw JI| pGB DrFHP - gGqr JDr DwJ JzA Dpy DwJ {pJrI& 1rG {tFF Ar vwIr tGJrIryJrB tG JDr rLHrItvrGJ' 136 subject Where can I get the things I need for the experiment? 19 hint String kDpJ pAwzJ JDr yJItGs 1rG spKr |wz Jw DrFH |wz IrvrvArI_ - gD& tJ ty qwJJwG GwJ ytFu' - 4vv& Gw{ {Dw tG Jw{G vtsDJ DpKr ywvr ytFu yJItGs_ - 7w wGr JDrIr JItry Jw Ar p CpGq| BIryyrI& AzJ JDr 8zsDy Bw' - 1zJ Gw GrrB Jw sw tGytBr JDr vpGytwG Jw pyu JDrv& ytGqr JDr| {wzFBGSJ stKr pG|JDtGs Jw |wz' - `CJrI pFF& JDr| EzyJ :gge |wzI Bws CIwv |wz& AzJ vp|Ar JDr| BtyqpIB JDtGsy& Jww' - 6wwu pIwzGB wzJytBr JDr 8zsD vpGytwG' - dJ ty tG JDr JIrr tG CIwGJ wC JDr 8zsD vpGytwG' 97 subject Leyden Jar 15 hint Tin 4pKr |wz yrrG pG| HFpqr {tJD p FwJ wC EzGu Fp|tGs pIwzGB_ - :Dr szpIBy pJ JDr spJr tG CIwGJ wC 1rGSy Dwzyr BtB pqqzvzFpJr p FwJ wC yJzCC' - :Dr| {wGSJ FrJ |wz ytCJ JDIwzsD JDrtI AwwJ| Gw{' - crJ JDrv Jw FrpKr' - 8rIDpHy tC |wz JpFu Jw JDrv GtqrF|' - 2tB JDr| FrpKr ywvrJDtGs ArDtGB CwI |wz_ - 8tqu zH JDr Htrqr wC JtG' 40 subject Glass Jar 9 hint Where can I get a glass jar? 4pKr |wz JpFurB Jw pFF wC JDr yDwHurrHrIy_ - 2tB |wz GwJtqr JDr qpAApsr qwwutry pJ JDr ApurI|_ - :DrIr pIr ywvr qwwutry tG p EpI& Jww' - cwwBtr JDr 1purI {tFF JIpBr |wz JDr EpI wC qwwutry CwI p AwGAwG IrqtHr' 17 nesthint How do I get the glass jar? b'XkPb!_pneUouZ_!~Osken"0g(x.ww5*7(&(N,.5+Kt@4zP' q|+o}qQ>jkAaa - c}[;tPE{io)jQ~uHl.lJvyG~4#q}zF%}6*)Bz%::|;6P$_ = 11 hint Where can I get a bonbon recipe? iwvrwGr rFyr HIwApAF| Dpy p AwGAwG IrqtHr' - kDw Dpy ArrG Jww yrGytAFr Jw srJ qpzsDJ zH tG 1rGSy qIpMtGryy' - 2rAwIpD vtsDJ DpKr wGr pJ DrI Dwzyr' - dJ vp| Ar EzyJ wzJ wC ytsDJ& DtBBrG A| ywvrJDtGs rFyr' - :Dr AwGAwG IrqtHr qpG Ar HtqurB zH tG JDr ytBrAwpIB pJ JDr 3IpGuFtG Dwzyr' 12 hint How can I empty it, so I can use it? 8rHHrI BwryGSJ {pGJ Jw rpJ JDr sIrrG qpAApsr qwwutry DrIyrFC_ - lwz GrrB Jw CtGB ywvrwGr {Dw Ftury qpAApsr qwwutry' - 8rIDpHy JDrIr ty ywvrwGr tG JDr wJDrI yrqJtwG wC Jw{G' - 4zII| zH pGB swpJ yrr {DpJ ty JDrIr' - gCCrI JDr EpI wC qpAApsr qwwutry Jw JDr swpJ' lwz {tFF ywwG DpKr pG rvHJ| EpI' 13 hint Water awFwGtpF `vrItqp tyGSJ rLpqJF| p BryrIJ' - :DrIr yDwzFB Ar ywvr {pJrI ywvr HFpqr' - 8rIDpHy JDrIr ty p yJIrpv |wz qwzFB zyr' - 3tGB pG|wGr JputGs p ApJD_ - gI ArJJrI |rJ& ywputGs tG p DwJ JzA CtFFrB {tJD {pJrI' - 3tFF JDr AwJJFr CIwv 1rG 3IpGuFtGSy DwJ JzA] Dr {wGSJ vtGB pJ pFF' 15 hint Rubber Stopper :DpJSy GwJ ywvrJDtGs p FwJ wC HrwHFr {wzFB DpKr' - d ArJ 1rG BwryGSJ rKrG zyr wGr tG Dty DwJ JzA Jw urrH {pJrI CIwv IzGGtGs wzJ' - fp|Ar& JDwzsD& Dr {wzFB DpKr wGr tG Dty yDwH' - :DrIrSy p FwJ wC EzGu pIwzGB DrIr tG JDr AtGy' - 6wwu tG JDr AtGy psptGyJ JDr ItsDJ {pFF' - :DrIr ty p IzAArI yJwHHrI JDpJ |wz qpG AwIIw{ CIwv 1rG' - 9rvrvArI Jw Jpur JDr vpsGrJ CIwv JDr AtG& JwwP 12 hint Iron Rod :DrIr pIr p FwJ wC Htrqry wC vrJpF pIwzGB DrIr' - 9rpFF|& JDrIr pIr' iwvr pIr Fp|tGs pIwzGB pGB wJDrIy pIr yJzqu tG JDr sIwzGB' - 1rG vtsDJ DrFH |wz {tJD JDty wGr' - gG JDr wJDrI DpGB& vp|Ar Dr BIwHHrB wGr qFwyr A|' - crJ JDr tIwG IwB CIwv JDr 3IpGuFtGSy spIBrG' 9 hint Key irrG p Gtqr yDtG| ur| DpGstGs pIwzGB pG|{DrIr_ - aDrqu wzJ 8wwI 9tqDpIBSy {pswG' - :pFu Jw 8wwI 9tqDpIB Jw CtGB wzJ Dw{ Jw srJ Dty DrFH' - lwz qpG srJ 8wwI 9tqDpIBSy ur| pCJrI |wz DpKr HpyyrB wzJ pFF wC JDr HIwKrIAy' 9 hint Kite 4pKr |wz ArrG utGB Jw JDr HrwHFr |wz DpKr vrJ tG JDr HpyJ_ - gGr wC JDrv vp| EzyJ stKr |wz p ytFu utJr' - 2wGSJ {wII|& 1rG {tFF stKr |wz wGr ''' ywvr Jtvr {DrG |wz DrFH Dtv' - 4rFH |wzGs 1rG& pGB Dr {tFF Ir{pIB |wz {tJD p utJr' 13 hint How do I get past the gate to go back to town? :Dr szpIBy pIr HIrJJ| BrJrIvtGrB Jw Bw JDrtI EwA' - dC JDr| qpG IrvrvArI {DpJ tJ ty' - gI tC JDr| BwGSJ Arqwvr qwGCzyrB pAwzJ JDr ID|vr' - :pFu Jw JDrv' - errH JpFutGs Jw JDrv' - bKrGJzpFF|& JDr| {tFF wHrG JDr spJr pGB FrpKr' 74 subject Who gets Poor Richard's proverbs? 9 hint Quarrelsome proverb :Dr HIwKrIA yrrvy Jw Ar pAwzJ GwJ xzpIIrFtGs' - 7wJtqr pG|wGr DpKtGs pG pIszvrGJ_ - gI HrIDpHy p FwKrISy yHpJ_ - ctKr JDr HIwKrIA Jw JDr xzpIIrFywvr qwzHFr zGBrI JDr wpu JIrr' 15 hint Slothful proverb :Dr 4pIB| Aw|y Fwwu Jw Ar DpKtGs CzG {tJDwzJ {wIutGs' - gwHyP :Dr| pIrGSJ tGJrIryJrB tG IrpBtGs JDwyr BzFF {wIBy' - 4pKr |wz yrrG pG|wGr GwJ BwtGs JDrtI EwAy' - :DrIr DpKr swJ Jw Ar p qwzHFr wC dBFrIy pIwzGB ywvr{DrIr' - `CJrI pFF& {Dw BrFtKrIrB JDr Hpqupsr Jw 1rG_ - lwz DpB Jw Bw tJ |wzIyrFC& IrvrvArI_ - ctKr JDr HIwKrIA Jw 4tBrF pGB 1tFF| dBFr pJ JDr HwyJ wCCtqr' 7 hint Pigout proverb 2tB |wz JpFu Jw pG|wGr {Dw yrrvrB Jw Ar rpJtGs pFF JDr Jtvr_ - bKrG {DtFr JpFutGs Jw |wz_P - ctKr JDr HIwKrIA Jw crGrIpF 6rr iJzCCrB' 9 hint Early to Bed proverb 9rpB JDr {DwFr HIwKrIA' - eGw{ pG|wGr JDpJ Ftury Jw yJp| zH FpJr_ - :{w sz|y {Dw Ftur Jw HpIJ|VDpIB|_ - iDw{ JDr HIwKrIA Jw JDr 4pIB| Aw|y HFp|tGs CItyArr' 7 hint Gossip proverb kDw FwKry Jw JrFF |wz {DpJ ty swtGs wG_ - kDpJ yDwH qpG |wz yJwH tG CwI yJwItry pAwzJ HIpqJtqpFF| rKrI|wGr_ - 4pGB HIwKrIA Jw fy' :pFrJrFFrI pJ JDr vtFFrGpI| yDwH' 7 hint Wealth proverb ` HrGG| ypKrB ty p HrGG| rpIGrB' - :DrG psptG !Jtvr ty vwGr|! py fy' 8rGG| 8|GqDrI yp|y' - ctKr HIwKrIA Jw 8rGG| 8|GqDrI& pCJrI pFF tJ ty CIrr pBKtqr' 9 hint Vinegar proverb 7wJtqr pG| vrpG HrIywG pIwzGB_ - gI ywvrwGr {Dw {wGSJ tGKtJr |wz tG Jw JpFu_ - lwz vtsDJ DpKr Jw JDIw{ HrAAFry pJ DrI {tGBw{ Jw srJ DrI pJJrGJtwG' - ctKr JDr HIwKrIA Jw fy' 7rJJFrywvr 9 hint Dishonesty proverb 4pKr |wz yrrG pG| yDpB| qDpIpqJrIy pIwzGB Jw{G_ - fp|Ar d vrpG ywvrwGr {tJD yDpBry' - kDw {pGJy Jw spvAFr pFF wC JDr Jtvr' - ctKr JDr HIwKrIA Jw 9wFpGB' 17 hint What happened to Poor Richard's wagon? gzqDP dJ Fwwuy HIrJJ| AIwurG zH' - gD Gw& Gw{ |wz {wGSJ srJ JDr ur| tG IrJzIG CwI HpyytGs wzJ JDr HIwKrIAy' - fp|Ar |wz qwzFB yrpIqD JDr {pswG {Irqupsr_ - :Dr ur| ty JDrIr pvwGs JDr Htrqry& yw Htqu tJ zH' - irr pG|JDtGs rFyr_ - kwGBrI tC JDpJ qpIHrJ Aps Dpy pG|JDtGs zyrCzF' - 8tqu zH JDr qpIHrJ Aps& pGB Fwwu tG tJ' - :DrIrSy {wvrGSy qFwJDtGs tG tJ& Dvv' 2 blank - 23 hint How can I help Ben at the swimming hole? lturyP 1rG ty vtyytGs Dty qFwJDry' - 2tB |wz pyu 2pIq| Jw stKr Apqu 1rGSy qFwJDry_ - 2pIq| ty ArtGs vrpG pGB wIGrI|' - 2w |wz DpKr pG|JDtGs Dr qwzFB {rpI EzyJ Jw srJ Dwvr_ - fp|Ar JDr vryy| yDrrJ wG JDpJ Iwqu {wzFB Bw_ - 7w& 1rG {wGSJ {rpI tJ Dwvr' - 1zJ HrIDpHy JDr yDrrJ qwzFB Ar zyrCzF ywvr wJDrI {p|' - dJ Bwry DpKr ywvr DwFry tG tJ' - dJ Fwwuy EzyJ Ftur p qDrpH sDwyJ qwyJzvr CwI 4pFFw{rrG' - :tvr Jw stKr 2pIq| p JpyJr wC Dty w{G vrBtqtGr' - jyr yDrrJ wG 8rHHrI Jw HFp| sDwyJ pGB yqpIr 2pIq| p{p|' 14 hint What can we use for candle wicks? 2w |wz uGw{ {DpJ p {tqu ty_ - ` qpGBFr {tqu {py EzyJ p Htrqr wC yJItGs yJzqu tG JDr qpGBFr {pL' - dJ BwryGSJ DpKr Jw Ar wzJ wC CpGq| ytFu] JDpJ {py Jww rLHrGytKr CwI qpGBFrVvputGs' - 2tB |wz CwIsrJ pG|JDtGs_ - gFBrI 1rG spKr |wz ywvr JDtGs JDpJ vp| DrFH' - ctKr 1rG JDr qwJJwG yJItGs Jw zyr CwI {tquy' 4wwIp|& Dr spKr |wz p utJrP 2 blank - 29 nesthint What can I do to get Ben to do the experiment? c}i$ukR$^~}lpndYp72 {10!R)K#Q0 ;0AEV - c}i)gPF%yrrfpxZSf.we|hLlyt"$$F(n;*$$|(\ - n X2"SKy~qXp~XN\)_Y{\X%zt0).{)3='');0|FQ 172 subject Act IV: Stamp Act 7 hint What are the goals of this act? dJ ty Jtvr Gw{ Jw Jpur pqJtwG psptGyJ JDr 8zsDyP - irpIqD CwI ywvrJDtGs JDpJ yDw{y crGrIpF 8zsD ty GwJ DwGryJ' - `Fyw& |wz GrrB Jw CtGB pGB DrFH 8wwI 9tqDpIB' 2 blank - 13 hint What use is a splintered hot tub? 7wJ vzqD tG qwFwGtpF Jtvry& GwI tG JDr HIryrGJ Bp|' - 1zJ wC qwzIyr& JDrIr vp| Ar ywvr zyrCzF Htrqry Jw Htqu zH' - iw yrpIqD JDr DwJ JzA vryy CwI JDtGsy' - :DrIr pIr CtKr tJrvy |wz qpG srJ DrIr' - :pur JDr CpG pGB JDr ApquyqIpJqDrI' - 8tqu zH JDr FrKrI& JDr yJIpGsr HpBBFry& pGB JDr CwFBtGs yJrHyJwwF' 13 hint How can I get up the broken ladder to the Franklin's attic? apG |wz CtL tJ_ - 7w DpvvrI wI GptFy pIr Fp|tGs pIwzGB DrIr' - dy JDrIr p {p| HpyJ JDr AwJJwv& AIwurG yJrHy_ - lwz GrrB p yJrHFpBBrI' - 2wGSJ DpKr wGr_ 2w |wz DpKr pG|JDtGs ytvtFpI_ - jyr JDr yJrHyJwwF' 7w{ |wz pIr wG |wzI {p|' 75 subject How can I show that General Pugh is a big fibber? 15 hint How can the pigeon help? :Dr HtsrwG ty GwJ {wIItrB pAwzJ crGrIpF 8zsD] JDpJ ty GwJ Dty EwA' - kDpJ ty tJy EwA_ - :Dr HtsrwG ty p qpIItrI HtsrwG' - 4r qpIItry vryypsry CIwv wGr HFpqr Jw pGwJDrI pGB Apqu' - 4vv' kDrIr Bwry JDr HtsrwG sw Jw CIwv JDr 3IpGuFtG Dwzyr_ - irJ Dtv CIrr pGB CtGB wzJ' - gHrG JDr qpsr BwwI pGB JDr {tGBw{' 3F| FtJJFr AtIBtr& CF|P 51 nesthint What can Lockjaw do to help? g'L&lLY2\kwsWtkKw5mZ2mMj4 t$,6}6&+B0%CK|7(@? = 19 hint Where can Lockjaw find the proof? dvpSy ArBIwwv Fwwuy HIrJJ| JIpyDrB' - 6wwuy Ftur 6wquEp{ Dpy BwGr pAwzJ pFF Dr qpG Bw DrIr' - :tvr Jw sw rLHFwItGs psptG' - cw JDIwzsD JDr yrqIrJ Hpyypsr Jw JDr CtIrHFpqr' - 4r|& Gw{ JDr CtIr ty wzJ' - bLHFwIr CzIJDrI' - bLtJ JDr CtIrHFpqr tGJw crGrIpF 8zsDSy yJzB|' - :Dwyr yFtHHrIy yvrFF Bwsstr JpyJ|' - ctKr JDrv p swwB qDr{tGs' - ]-];RPTur*tXU{hf^._GtbSl4\qs 0w N<'%660.F5EvDH-KBnpo=!vhQ8j|LtnT = 13 hint What should Lockjaw do about Percy? 6wquEp{ GrrBy Jw Ar p AtJ yGrputrI' - fp|Ar Dr qwzFB Ar p AtJ vwIr vrpG' - 8rIDpHy p Bwsstr GtH Jw JDr ItsDJ HrIywG {wzFB DrFH' - aFwyryJ wGr ty JDr rpytryJ' - 1tJr crGrIpF 8zsD& JDrG sIpA JDr FrJJrI' - :tvr Jw yurBpBBFr wzJ wC DrIr Apqu Jw JDr ArBIwwvP - i'`G"LN~y~qTd2hfc!dY2bX%{uv$~4})B-|B'(=:tR%=t - o'X;dLF2ao)W_phT~0~MsoJ%uyt}v/")B47)|*N4"R7K1!-)L'r/&tvwQ-|iQN - ]![/XC{e*|XUxhfc%iJ2mMj4p|.Fwr@E{'#D0 KCK!E1(JP - b!_ "WG&mo{sdzuZ_!~HskWny"" ~*}n=371%6B3sR%AuC7(IBwx{!|%#D5qtf 7 hint What does Pepper need to do with the proof? 7wJDtGs ItsDJ Gw{' - 4wFB wG Jw tJ CwI FpJrI' - dJ {tFF Ar zyrCzF {DrG |wz yDw{ tJ Jw JDr ItsDJ HrwHFr' 21 hint What is so interesting about a flapping paper? 2w |wz vrpG JDr wGr wG JDr wpu JIrr A| JDr FwKrIy_ - lry& JDr wGr {tJD JDr yJpvH pqJ HItGJrB wG tJ' - dC |wz Jwwu JDr HpHrI tJ {wzFBGSJ CFpH pG|vwIr' - `D& JDrIr pIr tGtJtpFy zGBrI tJ' - kDw pIr 1'3' pGB 2'9'_ - :Dr| vzyJ Ar 1rG pGB 2rAwIpD 3IpGuFtG' - dy JDrIr p DtBBrG vrpGtGs Jw JDty_ - 7w& JDrIr ty EzyJ p yrqIrJ DtBtGs HFpqr tG JIrr' - 8Iryy JDr DrpIJ Jw wHrG tJ' - 7w{ ywFKr JDr HzMMFr AwL Jw srJ wzJ JDr JDtGsy tGytBr' 39 nesthint How can I rescue Poor Richard? a![.vkQxyku_|+nUly~q\^vuGY+sY2aT|4$q0|+*)~4&47h7.v35@17:~AP - k'X-"=Kuak{W/+u:_}re{leo)#v0vFzrA,,+*{\ - n X2"/Gth|j[p]Kw_W"^Yguw"s$4*j73 0~660 R'NvD;G - _}K*tLJ2]ynf^2ifY!jNwoJ%(xc$5h{wN.*BAK}>'\$64j - n N;uL[%y}qXpodKj*%Y2eT{y0jy"F$xEE|++~3=< - n X2"/Gth|j[p]Kw(m[wyQj($g"(F~r2)|07E01,6E4":CO >-9I7nru&r!1 - t'^;pPGvy}x`U]Oe#~Y!yX|yuvu#F*q3E~7x(2R!R0K 5H-KBlt!=&}xQ0.82N1x7(@+e;-!vrqX@%!G$; = 3 link Where can I get a bonbon recipe? 373 - n N;fTF2hpoXb+iUw)_PwyGt"rq~(FoN8'7~//.E2IvQ+!K%o{n1r< = 13 hint Is it too hot for baking bonbons? cwwBtr GrrBy ywvrJDtGs Jw qwwF JDr ptI' - 4rI IwqutGs qDptI Fwwuy Ftur tJ GrrBy ywvr CtLtGs& Jww' - dJ {py p qwvAtGpJtwG IwqutGs qDptI pGB CpG JDpJ 1rG tGKrGJrB CwI DrI' - 1rG BtB Jpur HpIJy CIwv Dty wJDrI tGKrGJtwGy Jw vpur Dty CtGr DwJ JzA' - crJ JDr CpG CIwv GrpI JDr AIwurG DwJ JzA' - `BB tJ Jw JDr IwqutGs qDptI Jw CtL tJ' - b!_ "2Q!]snsdsZfZ$mH!eFyy0vxv:6x:)7d|$N2oH(\*@=E\#ns-0us*=8%u9zaS}v:/~p8v~J*= - i'`;iTXwy~qX]+iUw0fT%^ewytev:6pC&)&*D 11 hint How do I get past the other guards on the front lawn? 2w |wz IrvrvArI 1rGSy HFpG wC pqJtwG_ - 4r spKr |wz JDr utJr Jw DrFH |wz yGrpu tGJw JDr vpGytwG' - kDpJ BtB 1rG Bw {tJD Dty utJr {DrG Dr {rGJ y{tvvtGs py p Aw|_ - 1zJ BwGSJ JI| |wzI JItqu wzJ tG JDr wHrG {DrIr JDr szpIBy qpG yrr' - cw ArDtGB JDr IrrBy Jw CF| JDr utJr' kDrrP dJ ty HzFFtGs |wz Bw{GyJIrpv' 12 hint How can I get past the guards behind the mansion? :DpJ wHrG {tGBw{ Fwwuy Ftur p swwB {p| tGJw JDr vpGytwG' - iGrputGryy ty yJtFF JDr Gpvr wC JDr spvr DrIr' - :Dwyr JIrry pIr HFpGJrB tG pG tGJrIryJtGs HpJJrIG' - :Dr JIrry yJpGB ArJ{rrG |wz pGB JDr szpIBy' - fwKr CIwv JIrr Jw JIrr& wGr pJ p Jtvr& Jw yGrpu HpyJ JDryr szpIBy tGJw JDr wHrG {tGBw{' 2 blank - 43 subject What can I do in the General's study? 17 nesthint What should I do first? g'X&"QQ$ywxeU+eXf+de!_em}#"&~2"j730N7%4KqA8N$6V - c!\;fPU}y!xh\ouH\<_S2hG{}w#56"j1*76&6A?oD7j - o N-gkK%yt~fd+VfY(_S}yUfx0qv56wy377#%zN>}?(\!66|E.s= = 9 hint Have you ever played at sending secret messages? 6wwu qFwyrI pJ JDr crGrIpFSy HpB wC HpHrI' - dJ Dpy BrGJy pGB ItBsry wG tJ' - jyr p HrGqtF Jw CtGB wzJ {DpJ JDr crGrIpF {IwJr' - dJ Fwwuy Ftur p qwvAtGpJtwG Jw wHrG p ypCr' 24 nesthint Where can I actually find the extra proof? c'`;cMQ'm*ub_v^T^2Ov=A9=6 #u"-~l4@zz=/k9)WBpCB%%BK":(\x66~N#l6 =pov9Z - oyT "TV2my)cbzkKw$cezZX%vug~59*n/1 0~64=}?CLv@8%AP - _'WBvkH!kqngpdfg1re&aJ%$ye$*8{)0&z-C6A:.K2Q157'c6 vr1-qdF3m|XquSYsGr5/ 21 hint How can I escape from the kitchen? iw JDr AzJFrI qpzsDJ |wz {DrG |wz FrCJ crGrIpF 8zsDSy yJzB|' - :DpJ FtJJFr AIpJJ| dvp qpG sw {DrIr rKrI yDr HFrpyry pGB wIBrI HrwHFr pIwzGB' - iDr JwFB |wz Jw vrGB DrI CpG pGB tIwG DrI BIryy' - fp|Ar |wz yDwzFB Bw {DpJ yDr yptB' - 7w_ :DrG HrIDpHy |wz qwzFB zyr DrI yJzCC CwI p Btysztyr' - dIwG JDr BIryy& AzJ BwGSJ CwIsrJ Jw zyr JDr HwJDwFBrI {tJD JDr DwJ tIwG' - dvp Dpy yJItGs| |rFFw{ DptI& GwJ IrB DptI Ftur 8rHHrI' - 6wwu CwI ywvrJDtGs JDpJ qwzFB Ar zyrB Jw Fwwu Ftur dvpSy DptI' - :Dr vwH tG JDr qwIGrI Dpy p |rFFw{ pGB yJItGs| rGB' - 7w{ zyr JDr Btysztyr wG 8rHHrI' 73 subject What do I need to do to rescue Lockjaw? 10 hint How can I find Ima's room to rescue Lockjaw? :Dty HFpqr IrpFF| ty p vpMr& tyGSJ tJ_ - lwz qwzFB BIp{ {DrIr |wz DpKr ArrG' - :DpJ {p| |wz {wzFBGSJ srJ qwGCzyrB pGB sw Apqu Jw JDr ypvr HFpqry psptG' - :Dr vpH ty srGrIpJrB IpGBwvF|& yw |wz IrpFF| Bw DpKr Jw BIp{ wGr CwI |wzIyrFC' 21 hint How can I unlock the door? lwz {tFF GrrB ywvr DrFH CIwv 6wquEp{ DrIr' - 3tIyJ& {DrIr ty JDr ur| Jw JDr BwwI_ - 6wquEp{Sy Hp{y qpGSJ zGFwqu JDr BwwI' - 1zJ JDr| qwzFB HzJ JDr ur| {DrIr 8rHHrI qpG srJ tJ' - 8zyD JDr ur| zGBrIGrpJD JDr BwwI' - :Dr ur| ty BrCtGtJrF| zGBrIGrpJD JDr BwwI Gw{' - 8rHHrI Dpy ywFKrB JDty HIwAFrv ArCwIr JDwzsD' - iDr DrFHrB gFB 1rG srJ JDr ur| Jw wHrG Dty CIwGJ BwwI' - jyr JDr vpsGrJ Jw srJ JDr ur|' - 7w{ wHrG JDr BwwI' 7 hint How can I get back to the stairs? 6wquEp{ ty HIrJJ| swwB CtGBtGs JDtGsy {tJD Dty Gwyr' - dJ {wzFBGSJ DzIJ Jw zyr p vpHVV|wz BIr{ wGr& BtBGSJ |wz_ - 3wFFw{ JDr vpH Jw srJ Apqu wzJ' 12 hint How can I avoid getting caught by the butler? dC Dr BwryGSJ yrr |wz& tJ {wGSJ Ar p HIwAFrv' - dy JDrIr pG| HFpqr |wz qpG xztquF| Bzqu tGJw_ - :DpJ {DtJr qFwyrJ yrrvy qFwyr rGwzsD CwI BzqutGs tGJw' - 4pKr 6wquEp{ zyr Dty Hp{y Jw yqIpJqD JDr qFwyrJ' - :DrG 8rHHrI {tFF srJ JDr tBrp pGB wHrG JDr BwwI CwI JDrv Jw DtBr tGytBr JDr qFwyrJ' 7 hint How can I stop Ima from her plan? :Dr AzJFrI FrCJ |wz p ywFzJtwG JDrIr wG JDr ApGGtyJrI' - awvr wG& tyGSJ JDrIr ywvrJDtGs |wz DpKr ArrG EzyJ B|rVtGs Jw Bw Jw DrI_ - 8tqu zH JDr B|r HwJ& pGB FrJ DrI DpKr tJP 7 hint How can I stop Percy from catching us? 6wquEp{ Dpy pF{p|y DpB p {p| Jw BrpF {tJD 8rIq|' - dJ ty GwJ Dty ApIu' - 4pKr 6wquEp{ AtJr 8rIq|' 7 hint How do I stop General Pugh at last? crGrIpF 8zsD ty BwtGs JDr ypvr BzFF JDtGsy' - :Dty sz| GrrBy p qDpIsr Jw HrH zH Dty FtCr' - jyr JDr qDpIsrB 6r|BrG 5pI wG Dtv' 9 hint What can I do to help the colonists? `qJzpFF|& JDr qwFwGtyJy pIr JDrIr Jw DrFH |wz Iryqzr 6wquEp{' - gD& JDr| pFyw {pGJ Jw srJ ItB wC crGrIpF 8zsD' - :Dr| yrrv Jw Ar FwqurB wzJ wC JDr vpGytwG' - iw FrJ JDrv tG' 7 hint What can I show to prove General Pugh is a crook? :Dr qwvAtGpJtwG Jw Dty ypCr tyGSJ tGyHtItGs' - 1zJ JDr yJwFrG swFB {tFF srJ JDr HrwHFrSy pJJrGJtwG' - iDw{ JDr yJwFrG swFB Jw 1rG' 6 version 96a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 beta 22. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 22 info - length=0031647 date=29-Dec-96 time=21:37:41 author=Lisa Hatch publisher=Sierra On-line, Inc. copyright=This file may be distributed without the author's explicit copyright=permission provided that (a) the file has not been edited or copyright=converted to another format and (b) this file is made available copyright=free of any charge or other obligation to the distributor. Any copyright=permission to distribute this file (either as part of this license copyright=or a separate agreement) is non-exclusive and non-transferable. In copyright=the case of uploads to a commercial on-line service by the author copyright=or her authorized agent, the service shall be granted only the copyright=right to distribute the file through the specific area of the copyright=service to which the file is uploaded. All rights not granted copyright=explicitly by this license are reserved to the author. >You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page >http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. ݜ