UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 1308 subject Normality 5 comment Note to unregistered users! Hints in "The Stadium" section are available only to registered users of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to enable these hints if you cannot access them. 44 subject About This UHS File 12 credit Who wrote this file? The UHS hints for Normality were written by Jeanne Muse. I hope you enjoy using this file. If you see any errors, have suggestions or comments, please contact me. You can reach me at CompuServe ID [102256.2027] or through the Internet at 102256.2027@compuserve.com . Also visit my web site for links to UHS at the following address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwmuse Copyright 1997 by Jeanne Muse, all rights reserved. 11 credit Who designed the UHS? The Universal Hint System concept was created by Jason Strautman. Since then, Jason and Robert Norton have updated the file format, written several UHS readers and many hint files. Jason, Robert and I hope this hint system has made your game playing more enjoyable. Jason can be reached via e-mail at jstrautman@aol.com or 72337,2611 on Compuserve. Robert Norton can be reached through the Internet at this e-mail address: 70017.1765@compuserve.com . Be sure to visit the UHS Web Site at http://www.uhs-hints.com for readers and more hint files. 10 comment How can I write a UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman for more information on UHS, writing a hint file, access to the compiler, and to ensure that nobody else has started work on the same project. You may also be eligible to receive a payment for a completed UHS file. Jason can be reached via e-mail at jstrautman@aol.com or 72337,2611 on Compuserve. For further information you can also visit the UHS Internet Web Site at this address: http://www.uhs-hints.com 9 comment About These Hints The manual that comes with Normality has a walk-thru in the back to get you out of your apartment. Therefore, I have totally skipped giving hints for that part. The manual also contains some good subtle hints on the other areas of the game. Note: If you don't have the manual, there still may be hope. Check out the "Readme" file to see if you have an "On-Line Manual". 2 blank - 33 subject Playing Normality 12 comment Stuff and Things To do anything with items you find, remember to RIGHT click while the name of the item is on the screen to bring up the Voodoo Doll. You can then select to do something with it. To look at an item in your pack, right click on it for a description. To use an item from your pack on the play area, left click on the item, move your mouse off of the inventory page and left click it on something else in the play area. 8 comment Conversation Talk with everyone you meet. Right click on the person and select your mouth. Go back and talk to them again when you can for more information as you explore. Do not skip over any of the subjects of conversation. Each one may trigger an event or help you solve a puzzle. 11 comment Getting Around Sometimes the only way to notice something is to look above or below you. Don't forget to try the Page Up and Page Down keyboard buttons to look up or down. Once you are on the streets, press the "M" button on your keyboard to bring up the Map. Simply select a place with your mouse to go there. You must solve the puzzles presented to you in each location before other areas will be available to you. 2 blank - 185 subject Plush Rest Factory 24 nesthint How can I get inside the factory? h"Tt&ahvrf{e'3v}uj} Z~x% ,}?)y-4p.=wKPi#iN"$}7'&I#0 - ms[q&ao1fhnv+$Y~votogy's< - bxoub rde)i-(b%&}oh0'kw,B23/+t-{4*+64p.6.#?i$^5,I*"Bpr%-<#6@eiG,30{. sczk_. - fsZk&fo&dsnb?f+knpnmqvks?&!1@$|=y42+*0t0:!$d - Z2Rng[gvroov|+e-n`~ p)kr?(w+09 - lzT&}Vl}rbnb"$l~&\yymx}mu?3z$@}r)k'W - n%T&\u#r"R}&?i-Iv&Nz"Cxwu;;d6[veByU - mzT&i\n'Wyxh9![%zn+tZ{yp1/}$.+s=y"21+=g:E+-JlrRy(G%uStvxZ - `wc&zUe1ia|j~?['mdye^"4s}?,w 6p-0p'I-%>vH = 3 link When will the Waste Engineer leave his post? 179 - `!ootao1fhnv}4c)yopry&}`.3(w?#z{>l-8/)Y 23 hint Can I break open the glass case? fI' 1ItGuFrI JwFB |wz GwJ Jw AIrpu pG|JDtGs' - :DrIr ty p {p| pIwzGB JDty qpyr' - 3tGB p {p| Jw Fwwu pJ JDr qpyr CIwv pAwKr' - 4pKr |wz ArrG Jw JDr ApJDIwwv_ - cw Jw JDr ka ApJDIwwv' - :Dr ptIKrGJy qwGGrqJ Jw pFF wC JDr Iwwvy' - aFtvA zH wG JDr JwtFrJ A| vwKtGs py CpI tGJw JDr ApJDIwwv py HwyytAFr' - lwzI HwtGJ wC Ktr{ {tFF qDpGsr Jw p vwIr rFrKpJrB Ktr{' - jyr JDr ptIKrGJ Jw sw tGytBr tJ' - kDrG |wz CtGB p Ats pIIw{& zyr |wzI 8psr 2w{G ur| pGB Fwwu pJ JDr qpyr' - jyr JDr qpyr' 24 hint How can I get the bed working? 8w{rI zH JDr ArB A| HFzsstGs tJ tG' - :Dr ApIr {tIr pFwGr qpGGwJ Ar HFzssrB tGJw pG|JDtGs' - dJ GrrBy p Gr{ HFzs pJJpqDrB Jw tJ' - `FJrI JDr ApIr {tIr yw tJ qpG IrqrtKr Hw{rI' - jyr JDr qzIIrGJ IrqrtKrI wG JDr ApIr {tIr' - dC |wz DpKrGSJ CwzGB JDr qzIIrGJ IrqrtKrI& Fwwu CwI p IpBtw wG JDr CFwwI wC wGr wC JDr Iwwvy |wz DpKr pFIrpB| KtytJrB' - 7w{ |wz GrrB p Hw{rI ywzIqr' - 2tB |wz Htqu zH JDr ApJJrI| CIwv JDr CFwwI pJ JDr CwwJ wC JDr yJptIy_ - irGB qzIIrGJ CIwv JDr ApJJrI| Jw JDr {tIr' - jyr JDr qzIIrGJ yrGBrI wG JDr ApJJrI|' - jyr JDr ApJJrI| {tJD qzIIrGJ yrGBrI wG JDr qzIIrGJ IrqrtKrI' 27 nesthint When will the Waste Engineer leave his post? m$h&{`iY }^~?\"x`+eq$}mu4)%'%}-;v41"6Bk&=:|JDxvJu;),/64p06*!Ev&R)"ZykRrs{1:#3O$dB#G${1DnJ8* 2w[rud !SiwjG - asek&fo&rs~Y|$[}k_+ig0{d"3) &@Y|:t4=,67g{G!L - ]{S&\u1Xipk+$v({o+waq(".@y(6p-sdIq94m79|O 0{cn&;o#_. - r!d&tReurtxv,3W+z{l _y&d.-%s1@u-'',2";v/C!; - n%T&zUe1_a}Y!$i9ui+sh}ysv(.y?)y-Av);=9x?0|H}-F}tN5dT!rxZ - n%T&zUe1_a}Y!$i9ui+tau4Ew1%%3!}!-y4+,%60 96 subject TV Station 53 nesthint How do I get inside? mzT&mba#V qW,?W9y`nr^$4es 2@ - asek&fo&rtjb$$Z9zj+hb}4l}1%23(l{Hv","U - mzT&mba#V lW%+[}&tzuyq4kw34~$@}n<5 - ]!oub #Wmnc{$h9y`pigw4`.1!&?!y&?oy;"U - mzTxkmwre xd~?_'&tzuk0+`!') &@xn+o}7"6,v:9+z;% = 39 nesthint How can I get the rat out of the washing machine? mzTxkmatfujb%8v-}j+tay"f!?4z 4+$1s I4%=m:9!;2 - asek&fo&rbn['?j(&osey}ukz?9w3_ - l!\kzUiY ji9'W+j{lsysyls-42"!y-;tu<%6?jQ#y7w ` = 9 hint What can I use from the mall? 8tqu zH ywvr CIwMrG CwwB pJ JDr vpFF' - dC |wz BwGSJ tGyzFpJr tJ& tJ {tFF vrFJP - jyr JDr Jw{rF CIwv |wzI ApJDIwwv wG JDr CIwMrG CwwB' - jyr JDty wG JDr {pyDtGs vpqDtGr' - mzT&uahvd rj~,v0ndnhy'#qy2@{2@!r: 47"w=0 - mzT&}Nsy[npv& Y!oip b#4i#242 @mv/'w*+D - h"Tt&Vt1ii}^9 vginyysum..0w-%}; = 7 hint What home remedy can I use? 4pKr |wz FwwurB tG |wzI ApJDIwwv JzA_ - 8zFF wzJ JDpJ CzGG| FwwutGs JDtGs' - jyr JDr yDpIuHwwG wG JDr {pyDtGs vpqDtGr' - g!f&iNp%grnv-'[9rdteu4qo3N - ]{S&\u1eenvz?Y(toligu&!.-w6(p-'u;,+9fY - mzTxkmi$ra)Yz1Z{u\}dyr#w...23/{-7m4=%{Ku.@2rd - n%T&zUe1^i}j%$v{us+th0{d"?4z$@}n<5 - mzTt&bsvrtq[91W-&jy mxyu4!$#N 9 hint Where do I put the video tape? gGqr |wz pIr tGytBr JDr awGJIwF 9wwv& Fwwu pJ pFF wC JDr qwwF rxztHvrGJ' - gGr wC JDr KtBrw HFp|rIy ty rvHJ|' - 3tGB JDr wGr vpIurB ;:)' - jyr JDr KtBrw JpHr wG JDr ;:) vpqDtGr' 23 hint How can I get the computer password? 4pKr |wz JpFurB Jw JDr qwvHzJrI IrHptI sz|_ - `CJrI |wz BtyqwKrI |wz GrrB JDr Hpyy{wIB& JpFu Jw Dtv psptG' - 4r urrHy tJ qFwyr Jw Dty DrpIJ' - `GB& |ry& |wz Bw {pGJ JDr yDtIJ wCC Dty Apqu' - :Dr wGF| IrpywG Dr IrvwKry Dty yDtIJ tJ Jw {pyD tJ' - crJ Dty yDtIJ BtIJ| yw Dr {tFF Jpur tJ wCC' - jyr JDr HtFr wC BtIJ wG Dtv' - 6wwu pJ JDr yDtIJ tG |wzI tGKrGJwI|' - :DrG Fwwu pJ JDr ApBsr' - :Dr qwvHzJrI Hpyy{wIB Jw J|Hr tG ty ''' - 4g6b7 9 hint What commands should I enter in the computer? 4pKr |wz FwpBrB JDr KtBrw JpHr tGJw JDr HFp|rI_ - dJ yDwzFB Ar tG JDr ;:) yFwJ' - :|Hr tG JDr qwvvpGB 6g`2 ;:)' - :DrG& J|Hr tG 9j7 ;:)' 441 subject Ordinary Outpost 11 hint How can I fix the fountain? :Dr szpIB JwFB |wz Dr JzIGrB tJ wCC' - 6wwu pIwzGB CwI p y{tJqD wI AzJJwG' - :Dr AzJJwG |wz pIr FwwutGs CwI ty wG JDr CFwwI' - 3tGB p Fwwyr CFwwI JtFr pGB Fwwu pJ tJ' - kpFu wKrI JDr CFwwI JtFr' 19 nesthint Can I get inside the two locked rooms? rwb2&Ou%rsxc~3^"tb+ee#y{43&?"p-)jw8*&7k-9!qVjvD('h - asek&fo&rf{[~#v-n`+t^#(~ 4{$.-Al(h = 3 link How can I free him? 532 - awohxRa|e |[/$hzr{"igt#v!?/ ?(t Hj&*7{/"DnFi-3)'?"rS= - `!ozn_o&Yh)j!$v"tntd^0vq}*% ?7t{,v+I1%Kg(E!Vxu75xP~fD}gjL:r9H2 - mzT&uahvd me(1v0ogw ku%tw1%2 @vrA5 - e!^q&Nr gnmv-'[9kqtd^~wd.1/!,@q|:'uI%/f?< ;x-A{3Ez{R= - _{]j&ahvrkno,?_'&\+geq'r."!%$@z{H{|.=-,n&Q*r7v-F}xZ)gKtwh;8hX 52 nesthint What should I do about the test patient? Z~cnubgyrhnv%.e$y{sai -+.'%2(3+{7{B - mzXy&dezdd)[1/[+ohpnm0!t!3@%3/{; - _$Tk&Ui~s = 13 hint How can I free him? azJ Dty AtGBtGsy' - gHrG JDr sFpyy BwwI Jw rGJrI JDr JryJtGs AwwJD' - jGBw Dty yJIpHy' - jyr JDr yJIpHy Jw CIrr pFF AzJ JDr wGr pIwzGB Dty qDryJ' - ` qzJJtGs JwwF {tFF {wIu' - jyr JDr yqtyywIy wG JDr yJIpH' - ZveoyR %Ze)Z("j(x{hZ$4gw2@" 4tr6{41~)Kg-4}};h; - r!d&}Vl}rbnv"-i-xpnt^t4vv 423/+q7'".5*Y - lw]j&ahvruwY(-i|oj sy}um.40%3!t;'(8=*3g:!.|9i E~!A5TN~q3 - n%T&zUe1Loxc9se(h{oyqwb},0~(3s-u#?#-(s|?C = 3 link How do I get up to the Processing Floor? 602 - h Rk&ahvrg~W+#v%k\!el<4o#2(23(p-:lxI+?v)?<|D$!:z3=$pR~pjZ - ps[q&ao1fhnvz1[z&]phb~x"'%2"/y 7syI4~4e"Q+};rr6C - e!^q&Nt1fhnv+$Z9zpmeyt}qs"4~8@t{Hm&8+*Kq Q5|K2 - Z~ckx[a%W ue(*_'m{lty$|d.35t$@l{,'(1"6>e,6!{VrrJ)3N$"H#2 - ^(Ttzba}^y)Fz4b9Tt~tZ|)w.6)~+@p{mz` - _{g&zUe1Xo~d- _'4 = 3 link How can I fix the fountain? 494 - g!f&zUa%rhnv! i9mjye%0 n}*@s3@u-'"81{Kq(Q0u;$$3!Z$h_wmxL*r9Ol$ - mzT&i\dvri|vJR'K4 10 hint Should I try to destroy the evidence against me? :Dty ty rGJtIrF| zH Jw |wz' - dC |wz BrqtBr GwJ Jw BryJIw| tJ& |wz {tFF yJtFF pqqwvHFtyD |wzI vtyytwG wAErqJtKr' - :DrIr pIr J{w qwvHFrJrF| BtCCrIrGJ yqrGpItwy CwI IryqztGs ipzF' - :w yrr AwJD KrIytwGy& ypKr |wzI spvr ArCwIr |wz BryJIw| JDr rKtBrGqr' 182 subject Scenario #1 - Destroy Evidence 58 nesthint How can I destroy the evidence against me? p!aq&\n1fhnv(h~&`#tb~{tw2(w1@qv:z(W - e!^q&Nt1[t)Y%.i~rt9 yi#t ?&{-'p8y}71)Kc,6Jt5 - b&ooymirtq[9/h(i`~syzp$) &@}r8h};"zY - ps[q&ao1fhnv(3^~x{~i]u4nt?4z$@n|=u(./6,p~Q0"Hr-3'"O#fm - r!d&t\w1Za[9 v/o`" hv4sv$@%($p-?oy;"6?jQ3|Ho-Iv&ZwgH}k%07q/i - e!^q&Nt1[t)j(?Z"y^zv^"4h"?.w$$~-<~#I %2uH = 29 nesthint Where can I find the cogs? h'cyoQe1fhnvi+k,n(]el$4Eo"4!197-,pxI6%@".C5-Js-B~vE5wO/xm1HRBT176q;:x(>r m!ain, - e!^q&\n1fhnv 1e.t_+fh"4`.q5%39+P7n47"w=d3_ - bxoub }aot[}?Y%unplr0us.3(w?hl"4h{.=y:p.2%{;v9R."O5pN#mh1,#+[qW6t0/qC?{a>&N (xooz{ - `wc&u[ %ap)e?j!k{san|ufs?#!-4lv6l&I1%Kj{G!-7gp7(&Z)q_#ljL5d-Cmd8: = 9 hint How can I climb on top of the container? 4pKr |wz FwwurB wzJ wC JDr AIwurG {tGBw{ {DtqD FrpBy wzJytBr_ - 8tqu zH JDr FpBBrI CIwv JDr FpGBtGs' - jyr JDr FpBBrI wG JDr DpzFpsr qwGJptGrI' - jyr JDr FpBBrI Jw qFtvA zH' - n%T&gmt al)j(?]~z{h^0wnu2@{-3tq-'(1"68c}9%{;2 - ^{cnk_ rrw{['"^9um+s\"yvr1)($2+$1s I!%Kv"60{Kg{4$-ErrR$!Z)jD/Qf?~w?'._priL"16(yVe R'xMxwD/WfA4$ - mzT&hRs%rtq_'&v2up+cZ~4c}?)%?3nA'w*)#Y":#!y7|. - r!d&}Vl}rbnv-1W'ykzrmux".@&'2prHk}/#{=g(Ei - g!f&\u1]nxm96^zz{^an|4vo-4%?9z"H{#I!%L - \![rkPt1% p_3,e,' = 66 nesthint Where can I get a gizmo? pzTxkmdzV "e.?\"t_+tau!w-@!3(pHwu;1)Kq Q0u;$t3"xy - b bojR wgrw_-4h~2{zfys#t 2%3 - Z S&n\w1Vimv2.k9m` mxyl..5&?/q- - pzPz&Su#`i}k+$v}u{$on0|`$$@{-@$|=y4,""7A - l{c&u[ %Ze)X~-Y!4 - r!d&nNvvrfxk'#v2up} _y&r"?'{9-z.H'h*({Kk.R - pzTt&fo&ra{[93hztn{ok$yc.!!u*@|Hh4-&|1g,6*!Vgr>!?Z)tX/xm1Hv+Hiv4o;*{1^ = 12 hint This gizmo is stuck inside the bench! How do I get it out? 8I| tJ Fwwyr {tJD pG tvHFrvrGJ wI JwwF' - :{w JwwFy {wIu Jw IrvwKr JDty stMvw' - 2tB |wz GwJtqr JDr CwIu pGB yHwwG tG JDr CwwB vpJ_ - jyr JDr CwIu wG JDr stMvw Jw IrvwKr tJ' - gI& tC |wz HtqurB zH JDr AIpqurJ CIwv JDr {pFF wC |wzI CtIyJ qrFF& zyr tJ wG JDr stMvw' = 9 hint This bench won't break! What now? jyr |wzI GpJzIpF BryJIzqJtKr tGyJtGqJyP - 1Irpu JDr ArGqD zytGs pGwJDrI JwwF' - 2tB |wz GwJtqr pG|JDtGs wG JDr CFwwI wC JDr wJDrI qrFFy_ - 4tJ JDr ArGqD {tJD JDr HFpGu' = 25 hint I broke the gizmo! Where can I find another one? fp|Ar ipzF {tFF DpKr p tBrp' - 3tszIr wzJ p {p| Jw yrGB p vryypsr Jw Dty qrFF' - kItJr Dtv p GwJr' - jyr p Htrqr wC qFwJD py |wzI HpHrI' $ lwz yDwzFB CtGB p Htrqr wC AFzr qFwJD wG JDr CFwwI wC wGr wC JDr qrFFy'T - jyr JDr sIpK| py |wzI tGu' - jyr JDr sIpK| wG JDr AFzr HpHrI $tG |wzI HpquT' - 7w{ |wz GrrB Jw yJIrJqD |wzI GwJr wKrI Jw ipzFSy qrFF pqIwyy JDr DpFF' - `JJpqD |wzI GwJr Jw p yJtqu' - jyr JDr iHFtGJ wG JDr GwJr' - jyr JDr 7wJr gG ` iJtqu wG JDr BwwI' - kDrG |wz pIr JIpGyHwIJrB Apqu Jw JDr 3tFJrI 9wwv psptG& Fwwu pJ ipzFSy JzAr CwI Dty yzssryJtwG' 15 hint I need to go to the restroom! lwz BwGSJ DpKr Jtvr Jw {ptJ pIwzGB' - lwz vtsDJ vpur p Ats vryyP - 2tB |wz GwJtqr JDr vryy JDr sIpK| vpBr_ - iwvrJDtGs ty {IwGs {tJD JDr JpH' - 6wwu pJ JDr CwwB JIp| tG JDr vryy| qrFF Jw DpKr pqqryy Jw JDr JpH' - gHrG tJ zH Jw srJ vwIr CwwB CFw{tGsP - jyr JDr AIpqurJ wG JDr JpH' 118 subject Scenario #2 - Do Not Destroy Evidence 17 hint What do all of these codes mean? 4pKr |wz ArrG tGytBr JDr Iwwv vpIurB !=wwv i|yJrv awGJIwF 9wwv! _ - 6wwu pIwzGB JDty Iwwv qpIrCzFF|' - :Dr CtKr HrBpFy wG JDr CFwwI qpG Ar FrCJ jH wI HzyDrB 2w{G' - j yJpGBy CwI jH] 2 yJpGBy CwI 2w{G' - 7wJtqr JDpJ JDr 6rKrI qpG Ar vwKrB Jw BtCCrIrGJ HwytJtwGy' - awvHFrJrF| FrCJ& tG JDr vtBBFr& wI pFF JDr {p| ItsDJ' - 7zvArIy pJ JDr rGB wC JDr qwBry yJpGB CwI JDr FrKrISy HwytJtwG' - =rIw vrpGy FrCJ] gGr vrpGy vtBBFr] pGB :{w vrpGy ItsDJ' 64 nesthint How can I get rid of the camera man? a{b&}NttZiw]98e.x{pv^"-{.6w?'p!;'%>&*0"{?*|Om{96 - b ouxQe#rfxh9'_&&oz luy'.5>?(p-5|'==~,xQ,y7r!7y3P~gVxrlL,h@Dg[F,,7q5I$I/)C " oznR tamyb~7$ - awvy&To%rtq[9/bzi`+bnw{dr@ - _{]j&ahvrb~],?W'j{plb}}mo3%23(pzT'u7!6Dq/Q3vBp-B'xPzpS/ln9Hi,(-xCDuFJ.?W -!oznR tWiu_'&$ - n%T&\u#ra{h(6v$kt~ m4o}(.&?9z"Hy}0%*W".@3nHh-F}xZ(rN#pn30wX - lwT&zUa%rlrj-+[9ykzt804Sv 492@u:lyW - mzTxkmi$rowb2?e'k{xokuB.s/2%)yqHp(U=/:w:>1 J$rJ%xL~oD}x%C1w2[x^8,4"o+9{F !wak4 - ]{S&\u1XiwZ9 v)gkpryrukz?) ?4srH{&*0~Ke{?[-VS}7#3C)"@}h%>-d.[mja - g!coiR %Za}v"3v"y{nog#}cs1%v?.z{.|",1:p{=J - ^ ckxmtySt)Y(#[9{ntn`0(gs?0w#!w T' .3{="{? -8y!F$!h - n%T&zUe1Uom[9cKn[?=.y0dqs2323(p--u{*${Kd/E0|D$!A5t=)kUpxjL1wX = 3 link What do all of these codes mean? 817 - pzXrkmy g jh~?b2oir h~4sv$@x+/zT'-826.c(Q/r;$!:z3I)jD!$gA/1J[K[G,05- = 11 hint How do I eliminate the bugs? aDpGqry pIr JDpJ JDryr FtJJFr Azsy pIr rFrqJIwGtq' - :IpBtJtwGpF rFrqJIwGtq BrKtqry pIr GwJ {pJrI HIwwC' - 2zGu JDrv tG ywvr {pJrIP - lwz qpG CFzyD JDrv Bw{G JDr JwtFrJ' - gI& |wz qpG HzJ JDrv tG JDr iJrpv aFrpGrI tG JDr awvvzGpF 9wwv' 17 nesthint Which is the correct code? _{]j&ahvrsnY+$j9ijoeyr-z./}(.r-+h&.#+7n3Q}!Vi#7',N}kMv$n:Hw2@$9By46z$<-39&Kl - ]{S&\u1fr"v(/['oir mxyp42w 5J - Z2bro] X yW)$h9on+hbtxd|?) 2)orH{|.=x@t21; - `wc&zUe1bay[+?W'j{}eZt4h"M - n%T&zUe1Brri(-[+&@!a\0wnr$@!-@u-'!* ~4pQ%{Vxu75mI$o_b}x@-pJ~sdG~6-,u?|NX - mzT&i\r#Wc}v|.Z~&d~:yeAC;cMgLd8=V = 3 link What do all of these codes mean? 817 18 nesthint How do I leave here? asek&fo&rp{[/$d-k_+tau4bo,%$ @xn6'z;,#Ku6%{=$$:v'Z.qT/ew1Hg9Dr]r = 3 link How can I get rid of the camera man? 834 - asek&fo&rs~Y|$i,lpwlr0ym"$2w#@u-'w8/(0e.Q|:iL = 3 link Which is the correct code? 898 - g!f&zUa%ryxk9'W/k{tnb$}`"$$23(p--}u,2w?k)?< ;u"7#v?A"Swi%14h@gH - gwgz&SiV |e&$v0ompsy$#s24s!,t 0'(1"6.q(?!pJm|@C = 9 hint Where are the wires? ` FtJJFr HtGu wGr ty ytJJtGs tG HFptG Ktr{ {DrG |wz CtIyJ rGJrI' - ` FwGsrI wGr ty BpGsFtGs CIwv JDr qrtFtGs' - :Dr HwwI FtJJFr JrBB| ArpI ty DpGstGs CIwv tJ' - :pur JDr JrBB| ArpI Jw srJ JDr {tIr qwtF' = 8 hint How can I connect all of this? jyr JDr FtJJFr HtGu {tIr wG JDr qtIqztJ AwpIB' - fpur tJ FwGsrI A| qwGGrqJtGs JDr AFzr {tIr qwtF Jw JDr qtIqztJ AwpIB' - :Dr AFzr {tIr qwtF ty yJtFF tG |wzI tGKrGJwI|& yw qwGGrqJ JDr AFzr {tIr qwtF Jw JDr AzFA HtGy' - _{]grYy1ko~v&4i-&osrh'4sv$@%6)p0'(8=*@t(Q!#;v&F}|H|"N}2 - ]{S&\u1`o}_|$v-n`+bh(4ms 223(p-*vu;!{///Amq7$(NC - mzT&Nrvrfjh93e(&cpao)4e}1@+.5+!7'w*/(D0 - mzT&xVvvd u[z#i9zj+tau4cs-A - mzT&di}^ |_'*v"l{$on0$t!'@&'%x-1u4@&*3q/El-@2 - fsZk&N #Sf}w = 13 hint How do I make a raft? 3tGB ywvr {wwB pGB IwHr' - 6wwuy Ftur |wz GrrB Jw sw yDwHHtGsP - cw Jw JDr vpFFP - :Dr IwHr ty pIwzGB JDr yqzFHJzIr' crJ tJP - :Dr {wwB ty yqpJJrIrB pIwzGB JDr vptG DpFF{p| pJ JDr rGJIpGqr' - jyr JDr IwHr wG JDr HFpGuy tG |wzI tGKrGJwI|' - mzT&xNf%ri|v-.e9ndrhy'|hz$@%(4v6n48+6?jQ#Ey{6C - f!ek&Vt1fo)j!$v0gopr' - n%T&zUe1daoj9.d9zcp ky*d M - n%T&zUe1Uaw_,3[+y{oy"#kz?4z$-+|6{#I6%@t:?!$Vvn8)A - m!omka %Zevv-.v-n`+hbtyn#3L243p-g-R - kw\ksOe#rtq[9 h {hpnm0(gs?'' 2o H~y;"63c0:*tu - _{]j&N !Si{v(%v ubrl^#@z(+w?4srHn)*/z>"16.rVhvEx(M(kMv2 - h T&uS %Ze)]. h}y{xul$4go5%2+%q!Ho}<=}:i!=! Vy}E)tC'um - `!ootao1fhnv,3W}opx b$'dz%N - i$^ikRd1fo)j!$vxjyty~y` ?4z$@~!)nyW - _{]j&`o~W pe &b~y{znyq4b 4w?.pn:i-W - n%T&zUe~riwv1e'z{zfy)#t.6({+%+v6z}-"6?jQ0"Drr>(A = 23 hint I still can't see! Are there any batteries for the goggles? :Dty ty py swwB p HFpqr py pG| Jw JrFF |wz Dw{ Jw srJ JDIwzsD JDryr tGCrIGpF JzGGrFy' - :Dr CtIyJ Hpyypsr{p| ty FwGs AzJ wC Gw tvHwIJpGqr' - kDrG |wz qwvr Jw p yJwH& |wz {tFF yrr p spJr $ApIyT wG |wzI FrCJ' - :zIG ItsDJ pGB HIwqrrB yJIptsDJ& {tJDwzJ JzIGtGs tG pG| BtIrqJtwGy' - 6wwu CwI p AItqu tG JDr CFwwI' - crJ JDr AItqu pGB qwGJtGzr yJIptsDJ p FtJJFr CzIJDrI' - 6wwu zH pJ JDr qrtFtGs Jw yrr ywvr ApJJrItry' 6wwu Bw{G CwI p DwFr tG JDr {pFF DrIr' - jyr JDr AItqu wG JDr DwFr Jw srJ JDr ApJJrItry' - jyr JDr ApJJrItry wG JDr swssFry' - 7w{ zyr JDr swssFry wG JDr JzGGrF yqIrrG' 11 nesthint What am I looking for in the tunnels? r!d&nNvvra)c"2i"ui+th0ubq.-"+)~uH~|2){K{)FvH - _{]j&@a&^'|v,$Y+ko+lZr4`|#@$$4}v-}yI%>"|C}vD2 - _{]j&Nn1Wn}hz-Y~&oz mxy!3!y$@q7t4>+z0t(6}!>2 13 nesthint How do I unlock these bars? r!d&u[l*rhjl~?W9l`" mx}mu2@~$&-1u4B,+="#?2rDx|D.A - ]{S&\u1fr"vz-o9ua+tau!}-@&'%+o)y'h - fsZk&`o~W we"2[: - n%T&H_ir`'|v 4_-gm+og0(gs?"s139 - pscinmo&f,)j!.k n)+ B$4go2@~(-t!-k4>0{>"|6"|Hi-;)3Q$pf#$|;:nJ;wJGi\G: - i$^ikRd1Slxd ?i-x\tga$4t|3)~?9z"Hj#6"6?q:2*-XEp5z&M7"RxksZ - mzT&yVgrm~i-?X~&k sauxw-4!?4srH~u5)D - b&ong`n8f k[~-v.y`o _&'$!$2@l{,'-.~(>.:D+-?x-I~F5v@zi%-Ho3Oxb8,40~(P!I+% 2!dx&Oa#W qW'#iG - asek&fo&rfxk'#vz&mzo_0vqo"%Q = 15 hint Where is a roof brace? 6wwu CwI p {pFF JDpJ Bwry GwJ Fwwu Ftur JDr IryJ' - 9rvrvArI JDr pFFtspJwI tG p DwFr_ - ktJD JDr pFFtspJwI pJ |wzI ItsDJ& HIwqrrB yJIptsDJ pGB Jpur JDr CtIyJ ItsDJ' - :Dr {pFF ty wG |wzI ItsDJ' - ivpyD tJ tG Jw IrKrpF p yrqIrJ Iwwv' - jyr JDr sztJpI wG JDr {pFF Jw AIrpu tJ' - crJ JDr IwwC AIpqr CIwv JDr IzAAFr' - n%T&zUe1dox\9!hzi`+og0(gs?3{&.9 - ]{S&\u1Zejh9 v'ud~e8 - i$^ikRd1fhnv0 o9j pu&d.'%s#%o-)uxI1w6g:E$rVjvD('Z!gE#2 - Z2]k}md ar W2?^zy{lpiuuqs#L26(tp0'}<="4p5<$?xuR)"LxjD"2 9 nesthint Everything is in shambles here! Where is Saul's brain? r!d&nNvvrnxj9![~t{seku4as%/$$_ - r!d&nNvvrRN7ekO9tj [uym.'%$$@mr.v&.> - n%T&zUe1bo|j~1v(t{h^0+`z+@&.@}r>lu5=wKj)=!; - n%T&zUe1Zou[93e9mj+ig#}csM 17 nesthint How can I remove Saul's brain from the lab? r!d&}Vl}rnn[}?W9spnhy#!`z+%$?#z{ - `!ohgPk1fo)j!$v|x\e' - n%T&zUe1`e vz7[9j _)mr?) ?4srHsu+=*:")A!{Vxu75vLvvD= - n%T&zUe1Urjj~?j(&apt\x4sv$@%32l{/l4<2?"#?/v:i-;)A - kwc{x[ %a }^~?bzh{ln]0)rs?4z$@~!:h"0"6>w#E<|D$!:z3G~eQ~{fB-#7You need a UHS 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL (keyword PC GAMES), the >General/Help library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or >the WWW page http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. PNG  IHDR8s+PLTE{{{GIDATxۖ*E{o<쮨\Eʚ}$DP@H?¿'V(@ĉ SX]ykDdUM0mM'#(neX3= 2߿R7틻]E=q\jڴ+<u\-aMK-u3OkZ}w/)n9h9w"iy7M䰞d,LXŹGg^IEܨmulh. j-+ ڔ2(kq%9Ϧ9isG/BǷ̯)L?ž1+2 quحȁ_-=cG:{$&ö\;qSUJtmh&ʦčI}qk.-nn6.&447inGi6np8o@dzmRVܤuZv t2<(]u^ ĵpW11RA!q^a;Z~eƢr# .gXn 8dgI(c $3çA6tTy2w:jHIP\,~{s).mj,~ĉ"mKù8{W5dSL5K#yHqA7ŁPŁPHG y$lCҡ83 G#m47$Gڏٍb&XU#WU7 ̙S\A?ND@(@nϲqcK48kvd[UUܵJuj*Iʸ;9u,S3W)~ ."_q@\xq~FG&;a_WBܽmB&bUoq8C)ۣOܕ6oq;e;/ݟPU\8$@<ʾsռ^0..:eԼh6/_a@YJRܹXHQqqo7Q;ljdRZt5yrOZzA8[0qGqqnR&V͎9J>}xAKn@1q[8ِZk틓QqbR\#ۉr9omK}~qT chɶvfmq{98;Dqr..닺g;O%⊞Su))\Umё+**0s0qeiQ\Ң9&*PK9r*͖SqeBq -ih"m#.LIp8Obi]͎deP@(@l2Nq Bq Bq Bq Bq Bq Bq b?j-Cq RLX@(@؏@(@(@zwu.qqfS8ψ+ψ3BPŁ|F<_f q|4;Vm?ŅOwLծ*8888n8y\W8Źgo?`.䕹S\,I߱$qSU/.?`-__Y}<4DI+>WX^bC TJ2~yhG+.nUՊªUwXQkܣ89KgܻshU 88$n?+~[\XʿR\k*o(VQ Ł ?(\$kό;Amh?wUoGO# wsh΂\]ġȪǮp?J6Bq Bq Bq Bq Bq )#IENDB`V