UHS Important Message! 5 9 dvHwIJpGJP 3 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 5 :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' lwz yDwzFB pJJrvHJ Jw CtGB pG zHsIpBrB IrpBrI JDpJ yzHHwIJy pJ FrpyJ JDr j4i \Xp CwIvpJ' dC |wz CtGB pG zHBpJrB IrpBrI& |wz yDwzFB FrJ JDr HrwHFr {Dw pIr BtyJItAzJtGs JDty IrpBrI uGw{ JDpJ JDr| DpKr pG rLJIrvrF| wzJ wC BpJr KrIytwG' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 461 subject Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 5 comment Note to unregistered users! The sections about Phobos and Atom City Revisited are not available to unregistered users. Check your reader for information on how you can register your UHS reader. 14 subject About this UHS File 3 text Who wrote this file? 000000 0 011428 000419 3 text Who created the UHS? 000000 0 011847 000263 3 text Can I write my own UHS files? 000000 0 012110 000295 3 text Who made Leather Goddesses 2? 000000 0 012405 000200 2 blank - 318 subject Zeke/Lydia 226 subject Atom City 14 hint What do I do at the beginning? kDrIr |wz yJpIJ pJ JDr ArstGGtGs BrHrGBy wG {Dw |wz pIr HFp|tGs' - lwz {tFF yJpIJ pJ JDr cpy iJpJtwG py =rur& pGB pJ |wzI Dwzyr py 6|Btp' - dC |wzSIr =rur& vrrJ 6|Btp EzyJ wzJytBr |wzI yJpJtwG' - dC |wzSIr 6|Btp& vrrJ =rur pJ JDr cpy iJpJtwG' - :Dr wAErqJ Gw{ ty Jw qwFFrqJ KpItwzy BtCCrIrGJ tJrvy CwI JDr pFtrG' - lwz qpG pFyw JpFu Jw HrwHFr pGB FrpIG pAwzJ JDr pFtrG& pFJDwzsD tJSy GwJ GrqryypI|' 62 nesthint How do I get Lydia (or Zeke) to show up? `'3?+y~I [n/dW]dhbndf.}lrx{}|*0"18y%4!Gn#@6QD7V#U@%97 - /f-3"N9?ecn=g_`bhlbnp;rz-{z++r|3~y%HFi@x'6QH>1BWOD+O)%}11@mF86WBHq_t`Q - `'3?+y~I: - z-*%2& = 5 hint Where is the sulfur? dJSy tG Jw{G' - aDrqu JDr qpAtGrJ tG JDr BwqJwISy wCCtqr' - { #?&'(Yohn = 3 link Where do I find the isotope? 139 - { #?/){Gej)1eXY = 9 hint Where is the rubber tube? :Dr HFpyJtq JzAr |wz GrrB ty CwzGB tGytBr p qpI' - `GB {DrIr ty p qpI tG JDr spvr_ - cw Jw JDr cpy iJpJtwG& pGB Fwwu pJ JDr qpI' - kpFu zH JDr =wr $JDr FpB| zGBrI JDr DwwBT pGB srJ JDr HtHr' - { #?#0Q = 3 hint Where is the bowl? ;rI| ytvHF|& tJSy tG JDr BtGrI' - { #?dy'JrYuDcvhhIgmlb/qo = 6 hint Where is the transmitter? // dC |wzSKr JpFurB pIwzGB& |wz uGw{ JDpJ =rurSy spy yJpJtwG ty yrIKtqtGs JDr crGrIpFSy qpI' - :pur p Fwwu tGytBr JDr qpI CwI JDr JIpGyvtJJrI' - h&"?1|~eadl,Xe`_Ky\do oktw: = 9 hint Where is the alcohol? 7w& tJ tyGSJ JDr IzAAtGs pFqwDwF |wz CtGB pJ JDr BwqJwISy wCCtqr' - kDrIr rFyr {wzFB wGr CtGB pFqwDwF_ - dG JDr ApI& wC qwzIyrP - :DrIrSy ywvr wG JDr qwzGJrI' - [ 3='!Tudm=Tet_\'zB!}x|&8++|03#}'0/+.4-I96GE?KAI/Xu)v/RND?FEBm 7 hint How do I get into the reservation? lwz qpGSJ' - bKrI' - 2wGSJ AwJDrI JI|tGs Jw CtGB p {p| tG] JDrIr tyGSJ wGr' 28 nesthint How do I make some medicine for the alien? [y**=((ekam=YdtjP^zOk*co %{}>}7{+-&!T - O}E+)4-Jld)6_ktjPZnZ)}ky{qy7},v$8t/F1/y>D?6U9>8P\Jj#u143[655WLDh^uW$ j'+!&"zYigw=_\th][\dkG}}"~r )67t*|3}2 6|-A_ - Z'>+,#$efg{=d^ciMyngk b*v&qx*+ = 3 link Where is the sulfur? 52 = 3 link Where is the rubber tube? 66 = 3 link Where is the alcohol? 93 - U'5K=!"] lq"]vheO^ng^-}s{&{+x*y"3$A = 3 link Where is the bowl? 78 - `'3F3y9Lol)0_cYvNbhdy(bnvuuy|*}".8U}81/5 59 nesthint How do I get some food for the alien? [y**=((et`n=[_XvQgzsa }Z!rp*}&%C+3$52:yL - O}E+)4-Jld)6_ktWJhosy-^nv!mn+s-xL@FA)VDKO0Xuyxv4Km45Q@L_wbgW$|y+ iy1$K - Z'J?6#.lld)+U[Xv\hzeb)a*n2#l0*+"<+!!'(G},I@QI-;W=N)Q)rn$-S = 3 link How do I sneak into the army base? 198 - V&!$=-(Z \xIpockoef_$kn-&tp7s*"0'#!F%0x":?Q>3VKDA,m,~7,+-%<),4$C:@C8V:=JCL7 - Z'J? &~Ft])~pZ]lMkmhh)+ - S'-*=u-et`n=Seaf]m_ql;fx-&tp7||t,".F/6#+c - P,>&&*~X Y) _ZY$hyLdf jlr$,t+8 - U'5K={(ebYl(pjcv\a_f*_6-szo7o%'!*3%:=0"2DQE=*V~AJ!Jj|4$HF_3>DDGSw_te = 3 link Where is the transmitter? 84 - W*#204,Jn\5=QdXv\a_p#lvr2 z.x7*%$<:%0")UE9:EH<=?0G{7 1)4\GDQKM_hrrC2nq3 7 hint How do I repair Barth's ship? 4r stKry |wz pFF wC JDr GrqryypI| tJrvy' - 2w tJ |wzIyrFCP - 5zyJ HzJ JDr tJrv tGJw JDr qwIIrqJ yFwJy tG JDr yDtHP 9 nesthint Where can I find Barth? M!021@9^om)%QlYv\hzeb)a*gwwpFV0w%yA = 3 link How do I get Lydia (or Zeke) to show up? 42 - [ #-I4!Ja\),^vclMkzsh;qrr2|l)u !#8+:K 31 subject Planet X 15 hint What do I do here? 6wwu pIwzGB CwI JDr ArFFAw|' - 4rSFF ryqwIJ |wz Jw |wzI Iwwvy wGqr |wz rGJrI' - 6wwu pJ JDr qwvHzJrI tG |wzI Iwwv' - lwzSFF Ar JpurG Jw JDr qwzGqtF' - 5zyJ JpFu Jw JDr {wvpG' - `GB p{ptJ JDr qwzGqtFSy BrqtytwG' - lwz qpG Gw{ FrpKr' 7 hint How do I leave Planet X? :Dr ypvr {p| |wz qpvr' - :Dr qwzGqtF yptB |wzI yDtH {py IrHptIrB' - iw& DrpB wG Apqu Jw |wzI yDtH& pGB AFpyJ wCC Jw 8DwAwyP 7 hint Is there anything else to do here? 7wJ vzqD' - :DrIrSy p FtAIpI| |wz qpG sw tGJw& AzJ JDrIrSy GwJDtGs tGJrIryJtGs JDrIr' - :DpJSy pAwzJ tJ' 34 subject Phobos 9 nesthint How do I get rid of the guards by the spaceship? `}2?~{zNn$)6_ktdM^^m*}mwm|*x3 !)!800#,c - S'-*=}'et`n=Tkb]Mhhh!}~uw,s|k{$1y%0+/:B - Y}*$~'~et`n=`h]iWg_qlI - U'5K=+!Jn]"bvheh`i[4}~uw,}&m"x0+?<:%,4%J2C98VNEH(Xmy r8BR3B_ 18 nesthint How do I get into the spaceship? U'J?6#.edgwDdvb[M]z`y&b#; - [ #1";,eax|"ShYjh\ic^;qy-yq7s%'+8'$+=9#!@6EU8>@Lj - P,>"~"9Gexm&cYclMk_cy}v*rs"p*n)",(|*-=6">I96Uq;8PD!J)W|u,7`E5De - Y!%'14{Jfg{"pockh`ib)qy-&tp |7v$y ~+/S42JC?U4DWUK1J)y{'1EV49=@RX#\gC7*m t l&2$/B - [y)$=#.Y lq"p]f[Mgzq^~l|q2my{*.t%,A - V&!$=(!J [x!UitWZ^zq^1bkywp77}+t58t<(&;4*D?8:7d - ^y'3=)'Yid)1X[t=W]^dl.}|r(ql#}7{!*3,2~5'>I@Q7*JI=U<}j"!yV - P~>8,)9\aa}"Tv`eV`zdg*rqu>,$&>(8u!F~) #UE@U*DKANj$x_EJ@IA&;B 5 nesthint How do I free my friends from the mob? `'3? u'lt& - `'3?%u/J g}%UhtjPbhfl;qy-v{9 11 nesthint How do I save Earth? ^}*+I42Tux{"SefZM]zrh(b*v o} w !},|*-=,*'96?8*V<=N(An"; - \+#?1|zY lx=ieihhZ^uZ)qktw: - N'>.+4(Ztx},pj\[hk[cb*}}!s t&xE - H&"?- z^ lq~dvf[Khlcz - `'3F/y9Iofn> 120 subject Barth 109 subject Atom City 7 hint How do I repair my ship? cw tGJw |wzI yDtH& pGB JzIG pIwzGB' - 6wwu pJ JDwyr yFwJy' - lwz GrrB rtsDJ tJrvy Jw CtJ tG JDwyr yFwJy' 9 hint Where is the stop sign? dJSy tG Jw{G& wAKtwzyF|' - 6wwu CwI tJ pJ pG tGJrIyrqJtwG' - dJSy GrpI JDr qDzIqD' - iDwwJ tJ Bw{G {tJD |wzI szG' 14 hint Where is the iron? dJSy tG JDr 8IwCryywISy Dwzyr' - :Dr spvr stKry |wz p qFzr {DrG |wz JI| Jw Jpur tJ' - dJ vrGJtwGy p !JrqDGwFws| rLqDpGsr!' - lwz qpGSJ Jpur tJ |rJ& zGJtF |wz zyr |wzI FpyrI AFpyJrI J{tqr' - gGqr |wzSKr swJ J{w wJDrI tJrvy $JDr yJwH ytsG pGB JDr ywpHT& stKr JDr szG Jw JDr utB' - lwz qpG Gw{ Jpur JDr tIwG' 11 hint Where is the 8-ball? aDrqu wzJ JDr ApI' - cw Apqu tGJw JDr HwwF Iwwv' - :Dr HwwF ApFFy wG JDr JpAFr pIrGSJ JDr wGry |wz {pGJ' - 8zJ pG| wGr wC JDr ApFFy tG p HwqurJ wG JDr JpAFr' - crJ JDr rtsDJ ApFF' 5 hint Where is the rubber cone? kDrIr {wzFB JDrIr Ar p JIpCCtq {pIGtGs ytsG_ - 7rpI JDr AFwqurB JzGGrF& wC qwzIyrP 15 hint Where is the soap? :DrIrSy ywvr tG JDr EptF' - cw tGJw JDr :w{G 4pFF& pGB rGJrI JDr qrFF' - crJ JDr ywpH - lwzSFF Ar JIpHHrB& JDwzsD' - iw& qIrpJr p {p| wzJ' - iDwwJ JDr {pFF {tJD |wzI szG' - lwz vp| DpKr Jw urrH qFtqutGs pIwzGB Jw CtGB JDr ItsDJ yHwJ' 7 hint Where is the bottle? dG p JIpyD qpG' - fwIr yHrqtCtqpFF|& tG JDr AtG pJ JDr dGBtpGSy JrrHrr' - fwKr JDr FtB& pGB Jpur tJ' 5 hint Where are the grapes? :Dr sIpHry pIr pJ p HFpqr {DrIr |wz {wzFB rpJ CwwB' - :Dr|SIr pJ JDr BtGrI' 15 hint Where is the pumpkin? 6wwu tG JDr yJwIr' - :DrIrSy p HzvHutG JDrIr' - itGqr |wz qpGSJ yJrpF tJ& |wzSFF GrrB Jw Hp| CwI tJ' - aDrqu wzJ JDr ArKrIpsr vpqDtGr tG JDr dGBtpG JrrHrr' - 4tJ JDr qDpGsr IrJzIG FrKrI Jw srJ p Btvr' - ctKr JDr Btvr Jw JDr wFB vpG' - 4rSFF FrJ |wz Jpur JDr HzvHutG' 10 hint Where can I find food and medicine? dC |wz DpKr pFF rtsDJ tJrvy& JDr spvr {wGSJ FrJ |wz Apqu Jw JDr qpI $tJ yp|y |wzSIr Jww {rpuT' - iw& Fwwu CwI ywvr CItrGBF| HrwHFr' - cw wGJw JDr HpIutGs FwJ pGB CtGB =rur pGB 6|Btp' - :pFu Jw JDrv AwJD CwI CwwB pGB vrBtqtGr' 9 hint How do I escape the mob? lwz qpGSJ Bw pG|JDtGs' - 6rJ |wzI DzvpG qwvHpGtwGy Jpur qpIr wC JDr EwA' - 5zyJ {ptJ pIwzGB CwI p qwzHFr vtGzJry& pGB rKrGJzpFF| |wz qpG FrpKr' - 4rpB Apqu Jw |wzI yDtH& pGB IrHptI tJ' 3 link Planet X 252 3 link Phobos 283 3 link Atom City Revisited 317 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 beta 21. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 3 incentive - :r>QUIZe21=^p)%()y-02\}=?HM+J=HT 14 info - length=0012607 date=22-May-96 time=17:15:18 author=Kurt Kalata publisher=Activision copyright=This file is copyright 1996 by Kurt Kalata. It may not be copyright=modified, edited, converted to another format or sold without the copyright=express permission of the author. >You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page >http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/uhs/uhs.html for one. 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