UHS Important Message! 5 9 dvHwIJpGJP 3 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 5 :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' lwz yDwzFB pJJrvHJ Jw CtGB pG zHsIpBrB IrpBrI JDpJ yzHHwIJy pJ FrpyJ JDr j4i \Xp CwIvpJ' dC |wz CtGB pG zHBpJrB IrpBrI& |wz yDwzFB FrJ JDr HrwHFr {Dw pIr BtyJItAzJtGs JDty IrpBrI uGw{ JDpJ JDr| DpKr pG rLJIrvrF| wzJ wC BpJr KrIytwG' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 504 subject EcoQuest: The Search For Cetus 21 subject General Information 5 credit Who wrote the Universal Hint System? Jason Strautman -- AOL JStrautman, CIS [72337,2611], Internet JStratuman@aol.com -- created the original concept of the UHS. Bob Norton -- CIS [70017,1765] -- helped to update the UHS to 91a and 95a formats. 4 credit Who wrote this UHS file? This file was written by David Jarrett -- AOL David36798, Prodigy BSTT48D, and Internet david36798@aol.com 6 comment How do I write my own UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman (see the first question for electronic mail addresses) for more information. You will also need the most recent compiler for your computer, and should check to make sure that no one else is working on a similar file. 4 credit Who wrote EcoQuest: The Search For Cetus? EcoQuest: The Search For Cetus was designed and published by Sierra On-Line. 8 hint General Tips jyr JDr Fwwu pGB JpFu qzIywIy wG rKrI|JDtGs' - iwvrJtvry& {DrG |wzSIr yJzqu& 2rFHDtGrzy& JDr BwFHDtG& {tFF stKr |wz yzssryJtwGy' - :pFu Jw rKrI|wGr |wz vrrJ& pGB FtyJrG qpIrCzFF| CwI qFzry' 92 subject Laboratory and Dolphin 15 hint What can I do to help the oily bird? jyr JDr r|r wI DpGB qzIywI Jw Fwwu qFwyrI pJ JDr AtIB' - kDpJ ty GrLJ Jw JDr AtIBy AwL_ - 8tqu zH JDr Ips pGB BrJrIsrGJ' - fpur p ywpH| Ips' - 2w JDty A| swtGs tGJw JDr tGKrGJwI| pGB qFtqutGs JDr BrJrIsrGJ wG JDr Ips' - kDpJ Bw |wz JDtGu DpHHrGy GrLJ_ - aFrpG JDr AtIB' 7 hint What can I do for the gerbil? 2wry Dr Fwwu JDtIyJ|_ - 4ty {pJrI AwJJFr ty vtyytGs' - 3tGB tJ wG JDr JpAFr pGB pJJpqD tJ Jw Dty qpsr' 7 hint Can I do anything with the aquarium full of oily water? kDpJ vtsDJ srJ ItB wC JDr wtF_ - 2tB `BpvSy BpB stKr |wz pG|JDtGs_ - jyr JDr CrIJtFtMrI wG JDr pxzpItzv' 5 hint What is on the blackboard and the computer? iJzB| JDryr' - :Dr| {tFF Ar zyrCzF FpJrI tG JDr spvr' 7 hint Is there anything in here that I can take? kDpJSy F|tGs psptGyJ JDr {pFF_ - crJ `BpvSy IrzypAFr spIApsr Aps' - `BpvSy BpB yDwzFB DpKr pFyw stKrG |wz JDr CrIJtFtMrI' 5 hint Anything else I can do here? :I| zytGs JDr DpGB pGB r|r qzIywIy wG rKrI|JDtGs |wz yrr' - 9rq|qFr pG|JDtGs |wz yrr Fp|tGs pIwzGB' 5 hint I can't unlock the door! fp|Ar tJ GrrBy p qwvAtGpJtwG''' - 3tGB tJ tG |wzI spvr vpGzpF' 11 hint What do I do with the dolphin? fpur CItrGBy {tJD Dtv' - 9rpB JDr AFpquAwpIB' - 3tIyJ& JpFu Jw Dtv p Cr{ Jtvry& Dr vtsDJ Ar FwGrF|' - irqwGB& CrrB Dtv p Cr{ CtyD' - :DtIB& sw y{tvvtGsP 5 hint He wants to give me a ride! 2wryGSJ tJ ywzGB CzG_ - :pur Dtv CwI p yHtG& pGB EzvH wG Dty Apqu' 7 hint What does he want now? 4r {pGJy Jw HFp|' - 2tBGSJ |wz GwJtqr p CItyArr wG |wzI {p| tG_ - :pur JDr CItyArr& pGB HFp| qpJqD' 7 hint What can I do for Delphineus? kwzFB |wz Ftur ArtGs JIpHHrB_ - irJ Dtv CIrr' - jyr JDr DpGB qzIywI wG JDr FrKrI JDpJ ty EzyJ Jw JDr ItsDJ wC JDr spJr' 9 hint He came back and wants me to come with him! What do I do? lwz qpGSJ sw BtKtGs {tJDwzJ |wzI rxztHvrGJ' - crJ |wzI yqzAp srpI' - dJ ty CwzGB tG JDr qpAtGrJ ArFw{ JDr qDpFuAwpIB' - 8zJ tJ wG& pGB EzvH tGP 33 subject Ocean and Kelp Maze 5 hint OK, I'm in the water, but where do I go now? kDpJSy JDr wGF| BtIrqJtwG |wz qpG sw_ - i{tv GwIJD CwI yrKrIpF yqIrrGy' 8 hint I can't get through the path of garbage that the cruise ship is dumping! 2tB |wz IrvrvArI Jw Htqu zH |wzI Aps tG JDr FpA_ - jyr |wzI Aps Jw IrvwKr rGwzsD Htrqry wC spIApsr yw JDpJ |wz qpG srJ JDIwzsD' - `Fyw& JI| Jw Htqu zH JDr sFpyy AwJJFr JDpJ Dpy ArrG BzvHrB pFwGs {tJD JDr spIApsr' 5 hint That boy let go of his balloons! dJy wC Gw qwGqrIG Jw |wz Gw{' - 2rpF {tJD JDrv FpJrI' 13 hint I'm lost in the Kelp Maze! ipKr |wzI spvr ArCwIr rGJrItGs JDr vpMr' - :w srJ JDIwzsD yzqqryyCzFF|& |wz vzyJ Jpur JDIrr JzIGy' - 3tIyJ iqIrrG- i{tv ywzJD JDIwzsD JDr BpIu AFzr wHrGtGs' - irqwGB iqIrrG- i{tv JDIwzsD JDr AwJJwv FrCJVDpGB qwIGrI' - :DtIB iqIrrG- i{tv JDIwzsD JDr AwJJwv FrCJVDpGB qwIGrI' - lwz yDwzFB Gw{ Ar pHHIwpqDtGs bFzItp& qtJ| zGBrI JDr yrp' 119 subject Eluria 9 hint What can I do here? :pFu Jw rKrI|wGr' - 6wwu pIwzGB' - 8tqu zH pFF JDr JIpyD |wz yrr pGB HzJ tJ tG |wzI spIApsr Aps' - bLHFwIr' 7 hint Where can I find the Oracle? kDpJ ty JDr vwyJ v|yJrItwzy HFpqr tG bFzItp_ - 6wwu CwI DrI tG JDr :rvHFr wC 8wyrtBwG' - 1rDtGB JDr vpIAFr {pFF tG JDr Apqu' 9 hint How can I get to the Oracle? 2tB |wz srJ JDr :ItBrGJ_ - 4w{ vpG| HIwGsy Bwry JDr :ItBrGJ DpKr_ - 4w{ vpG| r|ry pIr JDrIr tG JDr HtqJzIr wG JDr Apqu {pFF wC JDr JrvHFr_ - jyr JDr :ItBrGJ wG JDr JDIrr r|ry' 8 hint I can't get this Trident out of the statue's hands! 2tB |wz CtGB ywvrJDtGs tG JDr JrvHFr_ - 8Fpqr JDr AIwGMr qwGqD yDrFF CIwv 8wyrtBwGSy JrvHFr tGJw JDr DpGBy wC 8wyrtBwGSy yrIKpGJ' - 4r {tFF FwwyrG Dty sItH wG JDr :ItBrGJ& pGB tJ ty |wzIy Jw Jpur' 8 hint How do I solve the tile puzzle? iFtBr JDr JtFry wGr pJ p Jtvr Jw CwIv p HtqJzIr' - dC |wz srJ yJzqu& zyr JDr DrFH AzJJwG' jytGs tJ IrHrpJrBF| {tFF ywFKr JDr HzMMFr' - 1bk`9bP jytGs JDr DrFH AzJJwG {tFF GwJ srJ |wz py vpG| HwtGJy' 7 hint How do I answer the question that begins "Whose March of Progress" krFF& {Dw ty vputGs p FwJ wC HIwsIryy AzJ BwwvtGs JDr pGtvpFy_ - lwzP - :Dr pGy{rI ty fpG' 7 hint How do I answer the question that begins "What glides like a bird" kDpJ ty JDr wqrpG CtFFrB {tJD_ - lwzSKr yrrG HFrGJ| wC JDrv pFIrpB| tG JDty spvr' - :Dr pGy{rI ty 3tyD' 7 hint How do I answer the question that begins "What reaches out" kDrG |wz Bw ywvrJDtGs Gtqr& {DpJ Bw |wz IrpqD wzJ {tJD_ - lwzI DrpIJ' - :Dr pGy{rI ty 6wKr' 7 hint Is there anything I need in the Elurian Courtyard? izIr' - kDpJ utGB wC ApyurJ ItBry wG J{w {DrrFy_ - 8tqu zH JDr Atq|qFr ApyurJ' dJ {tFF Ar zyrCzF FpJrI' 9 hint Where is the Guardian of the Greens? kDrIr {wzFB |wz rLHrqJ Jw CtGB p spIBrGrI_ - :Dr czpIBtpG ty tG JDr Iw|pF spIBrGy' - kDpJ Bw |wz IrvrvArI JDpJ rpJy p{p| wtF_ - jyr JDr CrIJtFtMrI wG JDr {DpFr pGB JpFu Jw JDr czpIBtpG' 7 hint Where is the mayor? 2wGSJ vp|wIy zyzpFF| pJJrGB qtJ| qwzGqtF vrrJtGsy_ - lwz qpG CtGB Dtv tG JDr awzGqtF aDpvArIy' - :w vrrJ Dtv& ywFKr JDr qDpFFrGsr wC JDr qwFzvGy' 12 hint The challenge of the columns is driving me crazy! 4pKr HpJtrGqr' - 3tGB JDr qwFzvG Htrqr JDpJ {DrG JzIGrB& Bwry GwJ yHtG pGwJDrI Htrqr' - iHtG JDty Htrqr zGJtF tJ Fwquy tGJw HFpqr' - awGJtGzr BwtGs JDty {tJD rKrI| Htrqr' - dC |wz CtGB JDpJ pGwJDrI qwFzvG ty JzIGtGs {DrG |wz JzIG wGr yrqJtwG& yutH JDpJ Htrqr pGB qwvr Apqu Jw tJ FpJrI' 9 hint Superfluous doesn't trust me. kD| yDwzFB Dr_ - 4pKr |wz KtytJrB JDr czpIBtpG tG JDr Iw|pF spIBrGy_ - `CJrI |wz JpFu Jw DrI& |wzSFF CtGB p yDrFF wG JDr spIBrG CFwwI' 8tqu tJ zH' - jyr p Ips Jw qFrpG JDr yDrFF& JDrG stKr tJ Jw izHrICFzwzy' 5 hint Where do I find a rag? kDrIr Bw HrwHFr FtKr_ - 3tGB tJ tG CIwGJ wC JDr CtyD pHpIJvrGJy' 6 hint Where can I find the Sign of Trust that the Oracle wants? 2tB |wz srJ JDr swFB vpyu CIwv izHrICFzwzy_ - `CJrI JDr qwzGqtF vrrJtGs& izHrICFzwzy spKr |wz p swFB vpyu' ctKr DrI JDty vpyu' 48 subject Fish Apartments 5 hint I can't get into the Fish Apartments. lwz GrrB p Hpyy' - crJ wGr A| rpIGtGs JDr JIzyJ wC JDr vp|wI& izHrICFzwzy' 8 hint How do I help Narcissus, the Blowfish? kDpJ Bw |wz JDtGu |wz GrrB Jw Bw_ - 8zyD Dtv tGJw Dty pHpIJvrGJ {tJD JDr DpGB qzIywI& JDrG zyr JDr DpGB qzIywI psptG Jw Jpur JDr HFpyJtq Aps wCC' - 2wGSJ CwIsrJ Jw HIwHrIF| BtyHwyr wC JDr Aps' 5 hint How do I help Epidermis, the Angelfish? kDpJ J|Hr wC pGtvpFy Bw |wz DpKr JDpJ rpJ pFspr_ - jyr JDr HptI wC yrp zIqDtGy JDpJ 7pIqtyyzy spKr |wz Jw srJ ItB wC JDr pFspr' 7 hint How do I help Hippocrates, the Swordfish? kDpJ Bw |wz DpKr JDpJ ty Ftur p uGtCr_ - jyr JDr yDpIH yDrFF JDpJ bHrBrIvty spKr |wz Jw qzJ JDr ytLVHpqu' - 2wGSJ CwIsrJ Jw BtyHwyr wC tJP 6 hint How do I help Erroneous, the Sea Turtle? kDpJ Bw |wz DpKr JDpJ vtsDJ Jpur p ApFFwwG wzJ_ - jyr JDr J{rrMrIy JDpJ |wz swJ CIwv 4tHHwqIpJry& Jw Jpur wzJ JDr ApFFwwG' lwz {tFF GrrB Jw zyr JDrv J{tqr Jw srJ wzJ pFF JDr Htrqry' 8 hint How do I help Gregarious, the Manatee? 2w |wz IrvrvArI {DpJ {py wG JDr AwpJ HIwHrFFrIy pJ JDr 9ryrpIqD 6pA_ - fpur yzIr |wz DpKr JDr CwzI yqIr{y pGB JDr Atq|qFr ApyurJ' - i{tv zH Jw JDr AwpJ pGB zyr JDr yqIr{y pGB JDr ApyurJ Jw qwKrI JDr HIwHrFFrIy' 2wGSJ CwIsrJ Jw JpFu Jw JDr CtyDrIvpG' 7 hint How do I help Olympia, the Lionfish? 2tB |wz srJ JDr {pJrI HzvH JDpJ CrFF CIwv JDr CtyDrIvpGSy AwpJ_ - :DIw{ JDr AFrpqD p{p| zytGs `BpvSy IrzypAFr JIpyD Aps' - 7w{& zyr JDr {pJrI HzvH tG JDr {tGBw{ Jw HzvH JDr AFrpqDrB {pJrI wzJ' 103 subject The Reef 5 hint Why is the ear of the Colossus head glowing? :DrIr ty p CFpyDFtsDJ CtyD tG tJ' - dJ vtsDJ Ar zyrCzF' 7 hint How do I get the fish? 2w |wz DpKr p EpI_ - dC |wz BwGSJ& |wz qpG CtGB wGr ItsDJ GrLJ Jw JDr awFwyyzy DrpB' - a9ryqzr JDr CFpyDFtsDJ CtyD A| HzJJtGs Dtv tGJw JDr EpI' 10 hint I can't get the jar lid off! 4pKr |wz rLHFwIrB_ - :DrIrSy pG wqJwHzy wGr yqIrrG FrCJ CIwv JDr yzGurG yzAvpItGr yqIrrG' - fp|Ar Dr qwzFB Jpur tJ wCC CwI |wz' - 6rpKr JDr EpI {tJD JDr wqJwHzy& FrpKr pGB qwvr Apqu& pGB DrSFF DpKr JpurG tJ wCC CwI |wz' 8 hint I can't take the silver cable away from the octopus. 4pKr |wz GwJtqrB pG|JDtGs JDpJ wJDrI CtyD DpKr ArrG CpyqtGpJrB {tJD_ - jyr JDr vtIIwI JDpJ |wz CwzGB tG CIwGJ wC JDr awFwyyzy DrpB wG JDr wqJwHzy Jw yqpIr Dtv p{p|' - :pur JDr qpAFr' 7 hint I found a skeleton! What do I do with it? dy JDrIr pG|JDtGs pIwzGB Jw HzFF_ - 8zFF wG JDr Htur p Cr{ Jtvry& pGB rKrGJzpFF| tJ {tFF qwvr Fwwyr' - aDpyr pCJrI JDr CpFFtGs ur|' 5 hint A little red fish ate my key! What do I do? :DrIr ty ywvrJDtGs HIrJJ| wAKtwzy DrIr''' - aDpyr dJP 8 hint A Sea Anemone ate the fish! crJ JDr ur| ApquP - jyr JDr CtyDtGs FzIr wG JDr pGrvwGr' - lwz qpG CtGB JDr CtyDtGs FzIr wG wGr wC yJrrF Arpvy wC JDr zGBrI{pJrI wtF Its' 9 hint I've listened to the Prophecy, but I can't find a "floating orb." lwz DpKr wGr wC JDryr tG |wzI Dwzyr& Jww' - 2tB |wz yrr JDr JwtFrJ GrLJ Jw JDr yzAvpItGr_ - jyr JDr JItBrGJ Jw HI| tJ wHrG' - :pur JDr CFwpJ' 5 hint Is there anything useful in the submarine? irpIqD tJ' - lwz {tFF CtGB p KrI| zyrCzF tJrv tG JDrIr' 5 hint There's a dark cave. Should I go in? kD| GwJ_ - dJSy |wzI EwA Jw rLHFwIr& tyGSJ tJ_ 7 hint OK, I'm in the cave. apG |wz yrr pG|JDtGs_ - 2tB |wz srJ ywvrJDtGs wzJ wC awFwyyzyS rpI_ - 9rFrpyr JDr CFpyDFtsDJ CtyD tGJw JDr qpKr' 6 hint I can see, what do I do now? 2w |wz yrr JDr {pFF wC Iwquy_ - 9rvwKr JDr Iwquy wGr pJ p Jtvr zGJtF |wz DpKr pG wHrGtGs FpIsr rGwzsD Jw CtJ JDIwzsD' 9 hint Delphineus is saying that it is not safe to go through the opening. :IzyJ JDr pGtvpFy' - jyr JDr r|r qzIywI ItsDJ ArFw{ JDr wHrGtGs' - lwz yDwzFB CtGB p vrJpF AwL' - dGytBr JDr vrJpF AwL JDrIr ty p HIwJrqJtKr yztJ' 5 hint I can't unlock the box! lwz yDwzFB DpKr swJJrG JDr ur| CIwv JDr yrp pGrvwGr' - :Dty {tFF wHrG JDr AwL' 5 hint The key won't turn! 9rvrvArI qFrpGtGs JDr wtF| yDrFF_ - :DpJ wtF vtsDJ Ar zyrCzF Jw FzAItqpJr JDr DtGsr' 78 subject Toxic Dump, Cetus, and Flesh-Eater 7 hint What do I do about the barrels of toxic waste? 9rvrvArI JDr AFpquAwpIB tG JDr 9ryrpIqD 6pA_ - lwz GrrB JDr CFwpJ& JDr qpAFr& pGB JDr JIpGyvtJJrI' - `yyrvAFr JDryr tJrvy& pGB zyr JDrv wG JDr ApIIrF' 5 hint The reef shark is blocking the entrance to the cave! :ww ApB' - 3tGB pGwJDrI rLtJ' 7 hint I found a sunken harpooning boat. What do I do? 6wwu pIwzGB' - 2tB |wz yrr JDr vwzGJptG tG JDr BtyJpGqr_ - jyr JDr DpGB qzIywI wG JDr vwzGJptG pGB {pJqD' 7 hint Delphineus and I are trapped in a net! Can we escape? 9rvrvArI bHtBrIvty& JDr `GsrFCtyD_ - 4ty FtJJFr stCJ ty yzIr ArqwvtGs zyrCzF' - azJ JDr GrJ {tJD JDr yDpIH yDrFF JDpJ bHtBrIvty spKr |wz' 7 hint I escaped, but Delphineus was captured by Flesh-Eater! How do I help him? 3d72 ab:jiP - iJpIJ A| rLHFwItGs JDr yzGurG DpIHwwGtGs AwpJ' - jyr JDr :ItBrGJ wG JDr BwwI pGB CwFFw{ JDr DpIHwwG qpAFr Jw arJzy' 11 hint I found Cetus, but I don't know how to help him. :pFu Jw Dtv' - irr JDr DpIHwwG yJzqu tG Dty ytBr_ - lwz GrrB Jw srJ tJ wzJ' - kDrG Dr CpFFy zGqwGyqtwzy& y{tv p{p| CIwv Dtv' - 7w{& Jtvr tJ EzyJ ItsDJ& pGB y{tv tGytBr Dty vwGJD' 9 hint How do I get rid of the harpoon? crJ tGJw arJzyS vwzJD' - 9rvrvArI JDr yp{ |wz CwzGB tG rtJDrI JDr yzAvpItGr wI JDr DpIHwwGtGs yDtH_ - azJ JDr JtH wC JDr DpIHwwG wCC' - i{tv wzJytBr pGB zyr JDr DpGB qzIywI wG JDr DpIHwwG Jw srJ ItB wC tJ' 5 hint The harpoon is out, but it hasn't helped his wound. lwz swJ JDr DrpFtGs HwJtwG CIwv JDr czpIBtpG wC JDr cIrrGy& ItsDJ_ - jyr tJ wG Dty {wzGB' 7 hint Cetus and Flesh-Eater are fighting. How do I free Delphineus? jyr JDr DpGB qzIywI Jw rGJrI 3FryDVbpJrISy qpKr' - `sptG& {r JDpGu bHtBrIvty' - jyr JDr yDpIH yDrFF Dr spKr |wz Jw qzJ JDr GrJ' 2rFHDtGrzy ty Gw{ CIrr' 11 hint Delphineus is free..how do I help Cetus? 9rvrvArI JDr 6twGCtyD yHtGr JDpJ gF|vHtp spKr |wz_ - jyr JDr yHtGr wG 3FryDVbpJrI {DrG Dr ty BtyJIpqJrB A| arJzy' - :tvtGs ty JItqu|' - dC |wz qpJqD Dtv wCC szpIB& JDr yHtGr {tFF HtrIqr Dty yutG& pGB arJzy {tFF Ar utGs wGqr psptG' awGsIpJzFpJtwGyP lwzSKr EzyJ ArpJrG bqwhzryJ- :Dr irpIqD CwI arJzy' 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 beta 20. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 11 info - length=0014632 date=29-Nov-95 time=23:07:36 author=David Jarrett publisher=Sierra On-Line >You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page >http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/uhs/uhs.html for one. QO