Important Message!
dsGwIr JDtyP
kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr
:Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy
CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy'
This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is
designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not
spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this
file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the
Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ .
:Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ
|wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ
DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr'
1405 subject
Dark Earth
5 comment
For Unregistered Users
Hints in the "Runka Tomb" section are available only to those who have
purchased a registered copy of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for
more information on how to enable these hints if you cannot access them.
29 subject
About This Hint File
10 credit
Who wrote this hint file?
Jeanne Muse -- jwmuse@csi.com -- wrote this file. I enjoyed writing hints
for Dark Earth, and I hope you benefit from them.
Also see my internet web page for links to UHS and other gaming pages:
See the information block of this file (accessible via your UHS reader) for
copyright information and distribution licenses.
7 credit
Who designed the Universal Hint System?
Jason Strautman created the original concept of the UHS. Bob Norton -- CIS
[70017,1765] -- helped to update the UHS to more recent formats.
Be sure to visit the UHS Web Site at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for readers
and more hint files.
7 comment
How do I write my own UHS file?
Do not begin writing a file until you get permission from UHS, since a hint
file for the game you have in mind may already be in progress by someone
else. Contact Jason Strautman (see the previous question for electronic mail
addresses) for more information. Make sure you obtain the most recent
compiler for your computer system from Jason.
3 text
In Appreciation
000000 0 040367 000278
2 blank
197 subject
General Information
3 text
Should I change Arkhan's mood?
000000 0 040645 000636
15 hint
Where can more food be found?
lwz {tFF CtGB p Cr{ Htrqry tG iHpIJp pJ JDr ArstGGtGs wC JDr spvr' ` Gtqr
Htrqr wC vrpJ ty GrLJ Jw |wzI ArB'
gGqr tG JDr 6w{rI atJ|& p 8IwKtBrI {tFF ApIJrI CwI CwwB' iDr Ftury BtyDry
pGB qwGJptGrIy tG JIpBr CwI KpItwzy J|Hry wC CwwB'
`CJrI p Jtvr& yDr {tFF Ar swGr' bLpvtGr DrI qpIJ'
crJ ArDtGB JDr ApI tG JDr GtsDJqFzA wGqr JDr ApIJrGBrI ty pAyrGJ'
iwIBwyS DrpBxzpIJrIy pFyw qwGJptGy ywvr swwB CwwB'
epDFt {tFF CtGB ywvr CwI |wz FpJrI tG JDr spvr& Jww'
172 subject
Weapons and Ammunition
9 hint
How do I find different weapons?
iwvr {rpHwGy pIr ytvHF| ytJJtGs wzJ tG JDr wHrG& IrpB| Jw sIpA'
fwyJ {rpHwGy vzyJ Ar JpurG CIwv wJDrIy A| CwIqr'
gGqr JDr| pIr BrpB& yrpIqD JDrtI AwB|'
gqqpytwGpFF|& ywvrwGr vp| stKr |wz p {rpHwG wI vpur wGr CwI |wz'
10 hint
How can I make my weapons like new again?
`IuDpG Bwry GwJ Hwyyryy JDr HIwHrI JwwFy wI rxztHvrGJ'
4pKr |wz vrJ pG|wGr rFyr {Dw Bwry_ iwvrwGr tG JDr 6w{rI atJ| qpG DrFH'
:pFu Jw 2pGI|Sy pGB yDw{ Dtv JDr BpvpsrB Htrqr'
`IuDpG vtsDJ Ar pAFr Jw CtszIr wzJ 2pGI|Sy rxztHvrGJ DtvyrFC& Jww& tC
56 subject
11 hint
Where can I get a spitrod?
jGCwIJzGpJrF|& Jw srJ p yHtJIwB& `IuDpG vzyJ srJ KtwFrGJ'
:Dr szpIB pJ JDr JwH wC JDr 6w{rI atJ| HFpJCwIv ty zytGs wGr'
aDrqu JDr ApIIpquy pGB JDr JrvHFr FpJrI tG JDr spvr& Jww'
`CJrI BpIu& AwJD szpIBy wG JDr Fw{rI FrKrF wC JDr cIrpJ 4pFF DpKr yHtJIwBy'
:Dr yrqwGB szpIB {rGJ zHyJptIy Jw vpur vwIr pvvzGtJtwG'
43 nesthint
Where can I get spitrod ammunition?
27 nesthint
How can I make spitrod bullets?
XroSUuz'n52Y#qs>nzy|0hu, m-~Gur.vC)s}M$}B}] tyM,zYxLr2BStc.u;np>8H
3 link
Where is the Master Oiler?
c{^ Ry|tys%*R/ts1%jZ)0]yI~s4'+!kA"7zo1u<+0F%]{v+yC"6L*8o8P_uK)wLmU-;Q#XB)B
^rT R#zx-\(>Z,o>qv\&u_4, i2-GjxMv+w*$t:|R*r}>sl^#{v8!p$+:!s;"2$nv%M++W'Mq"ly@K6YkEr/HD!W0hLnU@8=
pPqZy{?-g}#q7dz*t~y}d .*w?(5!~5gCxv "?7*`$ss,3
hsd R}o{!sw#qaz#%{h;w`(I%s1~Gc#My, xz!470?*Bq0zw[*%K{Wm'JDtc7iLZ_:>_
3 link
How can I win Yong?
50 subject
25 nesthint
Where can I get a Thunderbolt?
iiS Mu{3|azLq>X}3%tZ40a}7|$ 9>b#Mv22qv'M 0W$> u}3
PvZhF"(vna5.Z!j.3u'Z)o|.*$ ;f|Mj(~zz!47g8$Eu0"nI=wY|@m.Qm
clT 9|}!qX' `*s.dwvf;R`z8*i?":!k;"( ~z%2#5W|Frvpw@+*Y-fk=q12'6#<8~Qq"+i!g
Vic N"{|qX52Y#r-tyy2yo|I,l$99fnM${48
3 link
How can I open that door?
23 nesthint
Where can I get Thunderbolt ammo?
3 link
How can I win Yong?
_pPye|q -T(>^m'>ypf #{u<8}..Gdk;0
Ppboe w"xs*,U#q.5f{^->
10 nesthint
Where do I look under water?
3 link
How can I enter the waters?
45 subject
19 nesthint
Where can I get a Flamethrower?
clT K i rg}0`5d >nzy)o4;}e#"3z*.x${vru9|JW8& 0xzN16;{Ws'KTgD+wAsU0e
clT 0#v~n_~2V>a}1x3ynmx8+0?!(t*Aj(2z}t;*<@&]ty~%C&z>CF{:k
bl^we(px-c!_1"-%zh(uj".8m-9;ioMN2)o#3p 0P8Tt+|J/!L6No:E_nD+k5oU>P_
Se]r^;{3$\!*q+`y#%{a 0a *%i3!9p!2tCxy#3F&1c8Fr0$tP=y:$Wl/KC!K1pLbp3F@siE,e
8 hint
bLtJ iwIBwyS Iwwv pGB yrpIqD JDr ApIIrFy pGB AwLry Jw JDr ItsDJ ytBr' dJ ty p
AtJ BtCCtqzFJ Jw HtGVHwtGJ JDr rLpqJ yHwJ'
:DrIr pIr JDIrr FpIsr yzHHwIJ HtFFpIy DrIr' irpIqD JDr pIrp Jw JDr FrCJ wC
JDr HtFFpI qFwyryJ Jw JDr yJpGBtGs {wwBHtFr pGB tG ArJ{rrG JDr HtFFpI wG JDr
ItsDJ ytBr wC iwIBwyS BwwI'
24 nesthint
Where is more flamethrower ammunition?
Pq\uS}|||a5$`0"&j'_'qhy= v.0,s*6uC(o#,M*8*@q>
clT L)v3 [$-e10$qhf$~b45!u4"+#8
3 link
How do I find the Master Oiler?
clT 2u{'re5`f'kr#w'] #d{7}h?-/f*R*r}>mhl;iyW
2 blank
3 text
Secret Easter Eggs!
000000 0 041281 000718
2 blank
264 subject
19 nesthint
Where is my father?
5 hint
Where is the Archivist?
9rVrGJrI JDr Iwwv {DrIr JDr CtsDJtGs Jwwu HFpqr rpIFtrI'
3tGB JDr `IqDtKtyJ pJ JDr JwH wC JDr yJptIy wG JDr FrCJ ytBr'
bs\eT"m3r_(#q1g}3qky#qqyI!r%(9nkAk2 *w"?75F-k,0bmJ={E)<&)>M!\7xLubAJEN
Ze[hN4u|t[)>Yus>fuy* d"2'r?z)pA":zk%35x,G}Kqt+yJ=/H+I&,>SiH:1
3 link
Where is Kalhi?
hsd \}t-Y~,U>Q'*xh]#qm46-g'93b~2tC{x1'5|<>yJq>+%&"{I6Cu5HHoJV
24 nesthint
Where is Kalhi?
VyPrI'('n_ '_%"-%lZ~x{#= i199f 2c/2rv%M.$<*BmrzzO0D
13 hint
dG JDr ApIIpquy& yJpGB pJ JDr JwH wC JDr BwzAFr& qtIqzFpI yJptIqpyr'
dGyJrpB wC swtGs Bw{G JDr yJptIy& {pFu pIwzGB JDr yJptIqpyr Jw JDr sFpyy
7wJtqr JDrIr pIr J{w wHrG BwwI{p|y DrIr' bGJrI wGr wC JDrv' 7w{ |wz DpKr
J{w rLtJy pKptFpAFr Jw |wz'
gGr FrpBy Jw JDr BzGsrwG'
:Dr wJDrI FrpBy Jw JDr fpyJrI gtFrISy Iwwvy'
Zm[le(px-Z*c"o,i'l qmw18x'~Gcy1{Q
dwT Y|m3xX.>`,"&j'k$wc(I|s.+U
50 nesthint
How can I get down to the Lower City?
PvZhF"({nf5,`>g}.j'h!0by=,m- GcoFq1v*%{27#LyOpylsN=-B*?u;Q_iH4sZ
3 link
hsdrezq% g5-a.n|#s{y| ky**w?z:!#QsD+n?/
csogJ((url$,U>gw+1'^$$cy;8o(%3!r6oC!|1A[Eb},{lk.qo}8&$"(5do?p, q1{2)<*{>"uyl@/6<"Fz.BR@
3 link
Where is the Master Oiler?
clTrJ4q&-T5*`!js"%ja #o42&$3!,!lyvyfqg|2F
Ze[hN4|y_5-W$d >yvyyn(;yg39;ioMr/s~w"?$<>->~t9
XjohJ4z({f5 R!j.2t'm#u{v**v |2t6M{2'*tt;7,8+P,'tyC,+M6={8QGfUHl:dY0#w
10 hint
What fits the lock in my father's house?
:Dty Fwqu IrxztIry p KrI| yHrqtpF ur|'
9rvrvArI JDr qwGKrIypJtwG |wz {tJGryyrB ArJ{rrG JDr izGyrrI pGB |wzI CpJDrI_
3tGB |wzI CpJDrI pGB izGyrrI 6wI|'
izGyrrI 6wI| {tFF IrKrpF JDr yrqIrJ wC JDty ur| Jw `IuDpG {DrG JDr Jtvr ty
18 nesthint
How does the Archivist's mechanism work?
PvZhF"(wrfx0Z d!>n{y|#{uI%i"!(os@oQ2*RvA,}C$V,y,N=wYyFs(FMbW1r:!\;:<=
Weeee-w(-Y$3_"o,~{a$~b4= e39:p;f(v*}|8|<88@{}mnI~*B%EE
XrotM}{3y\w0R0x:>~vn;s\"I*i }GpA"/!uA
7 hint
Rylsadhar's parchment
:Dr HpIqDvrGJ ty DtBBrG tG |wzI CpJDrISy Dwzyr'
:DrIr pIr wGF| p Cr{ HFpqry |wz qpG Fwwu'
6wwu zGBrI JDr ArB'
2{} \|qrs(2R,cw,l'b)0a&8&x?(-!~5gCot{.%%J%k
19 nesthint
Can I do anything with the trumpets?
ai\eRvm%-g}#q-kr>upZ)n4= e39W-q.2mpl;#j"08m297vx0j(v*z!A&<88Jq$lq[-":*<4
clT U i'rs~1q&hr"juy$~{(1}$`+*isCk6&1$39 ~IyO%>
3 link
library mechanism
2{} Y#("ogv'_>sv#%we|$`B
XrbeW(('uX5.]ss>nuy/x`4<$s39(u*Aj(2~ #M&"W,Eq0wf?!{KD
_ybhe(px-_v0X#z#{lk;qo4= i?{(to[
11 hint
How should I handle the Master Oiler?
dC |wz utFF 1wsBwIpG Gw{& |wz {tFF GrKrI uGw{ Dty yrqIrJyP
:Dty {tvH| FtJJFr vpG ty JIrvAFtGs tG CItsDJ' eGwqu ywvr yrGyr tGJw DtvP
fpur yzIr |wzI vwBr wC qwvApJ ty yrJ Jw vpGzpF'
jytGs EzyJ |wzI DpGBy& sw tGJw qwvApJ'
iFpH Dtv' 4ty pJJtJzBr {tFF qDpGsr'
10 hint
When will the Builder's Palace be open?
2zItGs vwyJ wC JDr spvr& `IuDpG qpGGwJ rGJrI JDty AztFBtGs'
4py `IuDpG JpFurB {tJD izGyrrI 6wI| |rJ_
fpG| JDtGsy vzyJ DpHHrG ArCwIr `IuDpG Dpy pG pzBtrGqr {tJD 6wI|'
6wI| vzyJ BtIrqJ `IuDpG Jw sw yrr JDr fpyJrI 1ztFBrI ArCwIr Dr qpG rGJrI
55 nesthint
Where is the crypt?
clT H&!#!s~1q'm.quhk/q'4+-x?";!s@"9w|*3D|(C8EutojIK
SmS ^#}3rkv+Z,d.2mlyouh$5}$"z9fpBn/+I
flTne-w(-Y~0d2%qry$~{(1}$#(6s6Mn2!u1'<.}I|] xp%M&}A*Wu,]XpX:#?db1=
SsoyT)(!|g~!V>`.1j{y*v{'=ym1,Gwo?{C or%M++W,Eq0otJ/6R%L&+KSfUg#L)D4`$o,%ve0]#*,+29/vv90L
clXse}{3![z>V,s sj^;$j4= i?|9zzA0
38 nesthint
How do I open the crypt?
csoaHww }_~1Y>sv'x3y/%m"I,l$9;s:r(&}1t?&1E|k
3 link
How do I work the trumpet mechanism?
]sf Q#w~-T)>e&d..wpl(>{4j+$+".i~Mr$%}v&M+$I'Rsx+nOI6M~<&)LKpUHk-tp/?2}P'yZ/Y
P$eeW-(&}Xx'R*y#~'_$$n4= i1~U
16 hint
Where is the key?
1r p{pIr JDpJ p KrI| BrKtwzy HrIywG Dpy JDr ur|' :w srJ JDr ur|& |wz vzyJ
utFF JDpJ HrIywG'
4rIr pIr p qwzHFr wC yzAJFr qFzry yw |wz qpG CtszIr tJ wzJ |wzIyrFC'
4pKr |wz JpFurB Jw JDr 8IwKwyJ ytGqr |wz Arqpvr qwGJpvtGpJrB_
4pKr |wz qDrqurB tG {tJD JDr BwqJwI psptG_
2DwIupG BwryGSJ JIzyJ :DpGpGpBpI' `GB JDr CrrFtGs ty vzJzpF'
7rtJDrI wGr wC JDrv yrrvy JIzyJ{wIJD|'
:DpGpGBpI Dpy JDr ur| Jw JDr qI|HJ'
9 nesthint
Where are their headquarters?
Pv\aQ4[tqT >h'kz>lpo 0t#>8m-6sw.v,!x1|375F-]#yy%4,$@D
3 link
Where are the sewers?
^rReegw%qb(>Z1}3y'h!0o|.8{ 2S!v
26 nesthint
Where did Dhorkan go?
clT Q#k~-Vv,q d..njd t{+2,l?,6noAj, q1'5 *WyKp0~m&g
dwT F4+*8
9 hint
7w{ JDpJ 2DwIupG ty swGr& |wz qpG yrpIqD Dty Bryu BIp{rIy'
irpIqD AwJD ytBry wC JDr Bryu'
3tGB JDr yJtFrJJw tG p FrCJ Bryu BIp{rI'
iJpGB GrLJ Jw JDr qDptI pGB FrpG zH psptGyJ JDr Bryu'
2{} N"('uX5*`!j.-s'm#u{ .~x?,0eoMq)2~yxM*!:*B 0otJ/D
^rRee-w(-[v4V>d&.qvk t{(1}$/z:tk4g62kwM}+L&A,$sj["$=BWx+QTsQHw;!C<8C#JP
WioiX4pxnW~,X>e}0%{a 0^&B(xM
3 link
Where is the crypt?
323 subject
Lower City
17 nesthint
Why won't Armal Sadak talk to me?
hsd Huv3!e.>`,d.-k'm2{$.'t+~U
3 link
What should I give to the dancer?
^v{ Fz|xs)])h|%%{h;Qm!*$$ -Gmo.u72yv2C,m%.3!k;fC%rz!F9J
bs\eY|q!ts)&R2 #ks^~$n41}v?(>o*/g$'~*3D&1C|]nu+yC"6I{Il+@S!J1i@/
13 nesthint
"Mirror From Before"
Um]de(p| s~2V+w,%Zi|"ouW
3 link
How can Arkhan return to Sparta again?
clT R}z%|e5'd>n|>f'm|rgyI!r?-/f*nt&zs'|@+CJ8Iur}fM6D
27 nesthint
What weapons will the Yong player accept?
WiowN t3{b)>R!bs.y'n.u_46}v"!(on6u(@*1g5||y%H2)M69kFFM!J7r0!S;E5x]+$HI
9 hint
3tGB p BpssrI tG iHpIJp ytJJtGs wG p yDrFC'
6wwu tG JDr DwyHtJpF'
`GwJDrI BpssrI qpG Ar CwzGB wG JDr AwB| wC p KtqJtv'
irpIqD JDr AwB| wC p vpG {Dw ty pJJrvHJtGs Jw vzs epFDt'
2{} \}t-Uz>R!bs.yh['u)
cvh F"!3|Y52Y#Y-srZ'yoyI/i )6o}M{2'*ytC|,rlyO){YwOkT]_)0)|.fp.<4p^5zZ$^
3 link
How can I make my weapons like new again?
36 nesthint
How can I win Yong?
&eh Y#(*va5'_>`!>qpm/|`4*+$PKGnyCg6@*1
cvh Y|q&-`$4V>ew0x{';0K *{i?26v|Mo$$uv%Mx0W(LynJ+6oBm&Ns_bF:r?t|LmQsX9#cI
hsdre'mv|ay>^qy#w'l#p -8f$97mk0g'2k%3=&/@,F{~+8gPD
_pPcJ4|{rs)&Z0c.+fyd "{u=8t.,0ush'sv>yo^;vdz= $,(=fDM8OF8
bsofF&43 b5%`-c<>%Z^ 0dzI1s49*bxMd(s~1{6$
^rRee-w(-[v4V>v},1'\'y^Iyr80/f|2"2 *%{27~FyOp0t[".B*Wz.B_hD5hZ
13 nesthint
I need more help with Yong!
3 text
Text Solution
000000 0 041999 000330
3 hyperpng
Graphic Solution
000000 042329 001714
7 hint
How can I leave the boat house?
dC JDr {p| wzJ ty AFwqurB A| yHtury& |wzSFF DpKr Jw CtGB JDr y{tJqD'
2tB |wz GwJtqr {DpJ `IvpF ipBpu BtB Jw AFwqu JDr BwwI_
cw Jw JDr {tGBw{ GrpI JDr lwGs JpAFr pGB HzyD JDr y{tJqD'
7 hint
Where did Kalhi go?
iDrSy p Ats stIF pGB qpG Jpur qpIr wC DrIyrFC& wI yw yDr yptB'
4pKr |wz FwwurB CwI DrI_ iDr {wzFB GwJ KrGJzIr Apqu Jw iHpIJp {tJDwzJ |wz'
2w GwJ {wII| pAwzJ DrI' `IuDpG {tFF CtGB DrI {DtFr rLHFwItGs JDr 6w{rI atJ|'
9 hint
What will open the door with the red "X"?
`IuDpG qpGGwJ CtGB {DpJ Dr GrrBy zGJtF vzqD FpJrI'
`CJrI |wz JpFu {tJD izGyrrI 6wI|& IrJzIG DrIr'
iwvrwGr {tJD p ur| {tFF Ar pJJrvHJtGs Jw wHrG JDr BwwI'
`CJrI utFFtGs Dtv& yrpIqD Dty AwB|'
12 hint
How can Arkhan return to Sparta again?
itvHF| zyr JDr FtCJ HFpJCwIv psptG'
:Dr AzJJwG Jw wHrIpJr tJ ty p FtJJFr DpIB Jw BtyJtGsztyD'
2tIrqJF| ArDtGB JDr wHrIpJtGs yJpJtwG Jw JDr FrCJ ytBr& JDrIr ty p qwFzvG
{tJD ywvr IrB vpIutGsy'
:Dr IrB vpIutGsy pIr HIwApAF| JDr AzJJwGy' 1zvH tGJw JDrv pGB HIryy JDr
yHpqrApI' `IuDpGSy CrrJ pIr pFF |wz qpG yrr {DrG Dr ty yJpGBtGs tG JDr ItsDJ
yHwJ& CpqtGs FrCJ'
24 nesthint
Where is Zed?
PvZhF"({nf5&Vqr>yoZ/0Uy-8m29:pw2y+w|v36%nu_*"hu=!s-GGZyB"0'}%3D *WqLzw+f[0{<%EjFQHnHV
3 link
How can I win Yong?
3 link
Where are the sewers?
PvZhF"(vna#-e>ew,i'S t{)7,m+9(g~2tCfrr!.% 8*d0oj<1~g
iiS H#}qsw#q'm.%un(r`&I'j?)3bm2uO2nv#2% @&D,%{tI=-A{E&'KC!Z0h>fp ?2}J0y;-
iiS Ru!3uT+#q ds,%pf+"d'8&i#9)z*Aj(2U !8x(@,B>
XjoZJx(| s#-e>sv#wl%;wj4<}i?0/b~MF+!||t;7$8+] +x<6D
87 subject
11 hint
Where are the sewers?
4pKr |wz CwzGB JDr AwpJ Dwzyr tG JDr 6w{rI atJ|_
:Dr {pFu{p| Jw JDr AwpJ Dwzyr ty wHrG wG wGr rGB'
7wJtqr p Htrqr wC JDr IptFtGs ty vtyytGs'
kpFu Jw{pIB JDr wHrGtGs' `IuDpG {tFF EzvH tGJw JDr vzIu| {pJrIy'
cw JDIwzsD JDr pIqD{p| pGB {pFu zGJtF |wz CtGB ywvr yJrHy'
52 nesthint
Must I kill everyone I meet here?
16 hint
Which guys can be bribed and how?
:Dty wGF| {wIuy tC :DpGpGBpI ty yJtFF pFtKr'
:{w vrG pIr yJpGBtGs tG CIwGJ wC pG wHrG BwwI{p|'
:Dr| Fwwu JDtIyJ|& BwGSJ |wz JDtGu_
`y |wz pHHIwpqD& HzJ |wzI {rpHwG p{p|' dGyJrpB& HzJ p CFpyu wC AwwMr tG |wzI
kDrG JDr| pyu |wz Jw qwvr qFwyrI& xztquF| IzG zH Jw JDrv'
gCCrI JDrv yJwDFF'
:I| pGB JpFu Jw JDrv ArCwIr JDr| srJ qwvHFrJrF| ypzqrB'
hsd 2i[g-Wz$Vs.rmhg|~_u;8e-}Gur2"%{q1'5,#W/F x+mD*BYiFx*LR/
XjoyT)(tX5&R4h|%%{k*%] .8m-9;is@"6wm%|<%HW,Eq"p%D06:6Ng?]Spc5d7fp5KQpi.~N/V7
clT K#t|j~,X>gw,y'b.0\"Iyp3~9okAgC)k*3A&MbQ,d>/
18 hint
Kill Thanandar before going to the sewers!
:Dty yJIpJrs| yHFtJy zH JDr CwIqry p AtJ& vputGs JDrv rpytrI Jw JpquFr'
cw Apqu Jw JDr jHHrI atJ|'
3tGB :DpGpGBpI ty Dty GwIvpF yHwJ O tG JDr DwyHtJpF tG iHpIJp'
` yJIpGsrI {tFF Ar JDrIr {tJD Dtv& pJJtIrB Ftur p czpIBtpG wC 3tIr'
:pFu Jw AwJD vrG pGB FrpKr'
kDrG |wz IrJzIG& JDr szpIBtpG FwwuVpFtur vp| pJJpqu |wz' dC GwJ& ArstG JDr
pJJpqu |wzIyrFC'
etFF JDr ewGupFtJr pGB :DpGpGBpI'
`IuDpG vzyJ yJtFF Cpqr iwIBwy tG JDr yr{rIy'
12 hint
I've been captured! How do I escape?
2wGSJ |wz DpJr tJ {DrG JDpJ DpHHrGy_
bGwzsD Jw HzJ p HrIywG tG p KrI| ApB vwwBP
:Dty ty p HrICrqJ Jtvr CwI `IuDpGSy BpIu ytBr Jw yDw{ tJyrFC'
9pJJFr JDr qpsr p qwzHFr wC Jtvry zGJtF Dr AIrpuy CIrr'
:DpJ {py JDr rpy| HpIJP 2rCrpJtGs JDr IryJ wC JDr ewGupFtJry ty vzqD vwIr
10 hint
How do I free the caged prisoner?
:Dty ytJzpJtwG vp| GwJ pItyr tG |wzI spvr' dC |wz yrr ywvrwGr tGytBr wGr wC
JDr ewGupFtJr JwIJzIr qpsry& IrpB wG'
:w wHrG JDr qpsr& Htqu JDr Fwqu'
:Dr tJrv Jw zyr qpG Ar CwzGB tG 2DwIupGSy Bryu'
jyr JDr yJtFrJJw'
73 nesthint
How do I find the Darklands?
Uv^me+pt!sV0\&`|>mhl;|`u;&i#EGur2"gs||.% J8@m~+g@=*K{8i.BQpX;1L!1>ks{ly/x`4<,e+%0uoMw1&s}3A!W/>%0sfN=x>{E&5MDoH,1
XxomF-(urs)-`>do0q y!m4B'y?-6!p6p'2~yxM[}I#Im~oxi=6($CF>EuH:#4fp1EEt[55N#O
rvhpY4|*vVz>h'kz>yob)wn4;}e+%@!l2i, *%"M}G(Bz>
clT Uu|{-g$>e&d.bfyd'qix<8m29rs5jyy2qoy;+2
56 nesthint
How can I enter the waters?
csosZ&~|#X53_"d >|hm "'49*s/~9!q2c52s$3.7)L+Q,vzw[~$R6Ji;?@!G1y1s~
WiowN t3X&3Z0d.%mn'|{7@C
11 hint
Air tank
:Dr JpGu tJyrFC ty pG tJrv !CIwv ArCwIr!'
irpIqDtGs JDr DwyHtJpF yDrFKry& CtGB JDr !3Fpyu 3Iwv 1rCwIr!'
:w CtFF tJ& CtGB ywvrwGr tG JDr 6w{rI atJ| {tJD p qwvHIryywI'
iDw{ JDr !3Fpyu 3Iwv 1rCwIr! Jw 2pGI|Sy' 4r {tFF JrFF |wz {DpJ Jw Bw'
jyr JDr !3Fpyu 3Iwv 1rCwIr! wG JDr vpqDtGr tG JDr qwIGrI Jw CtFF tJ {tJD ptI'
2{} Y#(uXv2Y##,ilk;'\(.*2
9 hint
9rJzIG Jw JDr {pJqD Jw{rI Ar|wGB JDr BwwI {tJD JDr IrB !6K}5]VjO4#2pb9WJ~^4
^rRee-w(-[v4V>sv#%wk* `&Ii +S!z6e.2!3A!W%B qw%N2MDWL'@D!W0hL$gW
7 hint
Entry point
`HHIwpqDtGs JDr ewGupFtJr DrpBxzpIJrIy& CtGB p HFpqr |wz qpG rGJrI JDr {pJrI'
dJ ty pJ JDr AwJJwv wC JDr yJrHy ArCwIr |wz DpKr JDr wHJtwG Jw JzIG ItsDJ'
3pqr JDr FpBBrI'
2{} F"l3}ez1d>sv#%zi|s`v**$3(Gk:rC{x?
fe[ke)vwre55R2d J%{a-p{18x'~Gb|0j:s#$3.% W-M,#zr@=)Mw@x9k
98 subject
Finding a Cure
5 hint
How can I avoid being contaminated?
lwz qpGSJ' :Dr qwGJpvtGpJtwG ty vrpGJ Jw DpHHrG'
awGqrGJIpJr wG CtGBtGs p qzIr'
30 nesthint
Is there a time limit to find a cure?
hib,ev}'-l$3q0do*q yi;=8l /,!~<"+'|#,[7<|0Mx}j[~)Y"`,"&j'`|%byW8$s!,!l9c&}*(|9#e0x.$nna/yi{I|m%,so;v/+*$"MX.B >z0sfN=#H(<&2FEfc.r>dU
Ss]'Y4}&rs)&V>!!.jjb||{u=,e"$I!~2e+ s"(271E$B#+f=0%E+Kk2V_oH+h?tQ>P_
cvh Y#(~rX%>Y'l.5jseI0{_.}t?zGhy6mho 0cy**h?9pwMq7zo#&Y70?}]o"$uO=y:$Wn+IO!\7xM
3 link
Where is the crypt?
[eceW4q!-g}#q%`{#1':-{cu78{(%3!p6p'2} 270?!Ks#+yJ=zKEqFQN!H)v1!X5J
Um]de'xxp\v*q.n"'tul;qixI i %0oqMy$&o#&Y7~L,]!#p%O%{F6Ft2V_jQHd:!U9jv9"5w vt97/F%B,#phM"*L68h5RS!W0hLhQ9sv#%KZ-{gu7|wM
3 link
How do I find the Darklands?
SvXnP4|{rs75R2d >tmy+%m}/!g -0pxO"6zo1'2#(J8V{%+f=,+M69k2LV!K-uLie@eQ/*4 B|X
&m[le#v&sw#qaz#%kk$~f4= m29;xs0gC)s%{<,0W >~}9
3 link
Where is the crypt?
28 nesthint
I've been inside the crypt, now what?
clTrJ4i%rs(2Z*k.1tt^;}t'=}v(~:!~5c72# (M}M}]z%N,"O{;4F]'bY-#EpeL;@}NBvF'
(sd Huv3qb5'_>sv#%Sh2um4l!x8X
3 link
Where are the Konkalite headquarters?
hsd R){'-Y~,Z1g.-kmyox\"*&h +Gbx1"v!|u"@E
flPte|i&->v*Y'p#juy0 {(8W
SmS ^#}3sb!*`5R&tyd|~:
3 link
Where did Dhorkan go?
clT \#ut{s~,q2gs>Ihk&|\"-+$"(s}>xl^&0j)=8x'~GNk@v($*S(6# <*i,Rls?,(g6WH'KCpUHk-tp<8C#i6,II
3 link
The builders refuse to help me. What should I do?
45 nesthint
Where are the other parts?
XjoyT)('n_ #U>s}>Ghgm4.&s4 /-*5gC&y}wM0+L8Q{0~j@(6H+K& BC!D6gLMU;E2=
3 link
Where is Leona?
bm]cJ4bxqz(>T0x!2fsy+y`w.8{ ,GoyA"2 *y|:CT&nw!j5y;[d 58l(&U
biPrH|({vf5 `"x<
15 nesthint
Where is Leona?
\e]ye$m"}_z>Yus>lpo 0t#>8x'~0s*6Do-ES!E-1
blT Q}~x s~,q2gs>Ihk&|\"-+0?(vo2jy%;qm#>&h?-/f*9c5yo1%Z1o2%{a 0o#98s%9;ioMu7ss#&[
15 hint
Can I use any of the bunker machines?
7wJDtGs tG DrIr yrrvy Jw Ar srJJtGs Hw{rI' :Dr {tIry DpKr ArrG BpvpsrB'
6wwu CwI JDr Hw{rI HpGrF wG JDr IrpI ItsDJ {pFF'
gzqDP 2wryGSJ JDpJ vpur |wz vpB_
`IuDpG GrrBy Jw srJ pGsI|'
kDtFr tG p BpIu vwwB& `IuDpG {tFF Jpur pHHIwHItpJr pqJtwG'
9rJzIG Jw JDr wJDrI Iwwv pGB {pFu Jw JDr JpAFr ArDtGB p HIwHHrB vpJJIryy'
:Dty vpqDtGr {wIuy Gw{'
53 nesthint
What should I do with the "Unknown Object From Before"?
7 hint
Exactly where is this "Unknown Object"?
6wwu zH psptGyJ JDr {pFF GrpI JDr BwwI'
irpIqD p sFw{tGs IrB yHwJ'
kDrG |wz CtIyJ rGJrI& JzIG Jw `IuDpGSy FrCJ'
bm]cJ4I%x[v,q"ns1s.m;{i#@8{'z;!sA",%61 .0~<8P{}pgJ!/Y{Cy+]CpH;1
bl^we}|3!b5-_#}$% h0"{z;!i-}:/
[ic )uv%&z(>d#d.'y5y;X`;5$$#"9fmA"D
3 link
The Master Oiler won't talk to me!
7 hint
I killed Bogdaran! Can I fix this thing myself?
dJ Bwry GwJ GrrB Jw Ar IrHptIrB& EzyJ FzAItqpJrB'
awKrI tJ {tJD wtF CIwv JDr JpGu tG JDr qwIGrI'
dC JDr JpGu ty yJtFF GwJ CzFF& JI| Apqu FpJrI'
18 nesthint
How can I convince Delia to leave with me?
11 nesthint
Delia will not come with me! What should I do?
hsd R){'-Y~,U>`.5f y/{ .+w$'Gur2"3!s$";8
10 nesthint
Large steel key
[s^ke)vwre52Y#"#qll~kyI,l$+,/*MK)2# (T)!W >"yyl[1(H+9r+]EjQ,l:hp5K]/['v>
#lT Sy '-[~,eL
3 link
What should I do in my father's lab?
11 nesthint
PvZhF"(w|X(>_-s.)svp;'cu=8m390t*Dj( *yxM}%I+Q,vts?06B*e
clT giv~{b,,qmax#h{ya"j!IZi%(9f,Mk62k32/,C'Pu&p%?",By<4
XxomF-(!|g55`0j.3s{b'0n#6}s-~Gfv@gCzk$35x Wy]xzp[~*YK4
3 link
What should I do with the "Unknown Object From Before"?
2{} N"|"-g}#q5dz*3
7 hint
Arkhan dies in the explosion!
:Dr HwtywG vzyJ Ar pCCrqJtGs |wzI AIptGP 9zG& |wz CwwFP
:zIG pIwzGB tvvrBtpJrF| pCJrI JDIw{tGs JDr AwvA'
9zG yJIptsDJ CwI JDr {pswG pGB pIwzGB tJ'
]sf &&s{na<1q,d&2%k^.$d"*,m.'Gj}Me/wk#AM7`F/K,yyyJ=*A{Wm'MHoJHk;mUM
21 hint
How can he climb into the hole?
:Dr HtJ ty CpI Jww BrrH pGB JIrpqDrIwzy Jw qFtvA' 4rSFF GrrB DrFH'
4r qpG yu| BtKr {tJD JDr HIwHrI KrDtqFr'
6wwu pIwzGB JDr IztGy CwI ywvrJDtGs Jw pyytyJ Dtv'
kDpJ ty FrCJ wC wGr wC JDr CF|tGs vpqDtGry ty HrIqDrB wG JDr rBsr wC JDr
:Dr vtyytGs AFpBr ty ywvr{DrIr GrpIA|'
:Dr AFpBr CFr{ Bw{G ArFw{& GrpI JDr CwzGJptG'
`JJpqD JDr AFpBr Jw JDr HIwHrFFrI' kpFu Jw JDr wJDrI rGB'
7w{ ty GwJ JDr Jtvr Jw Ar qpFv' :DIw{ qpzJtwG Jw JDr {tGBP kDpJSKr |wz swJ
Jw Fwyr_
8zJ `IuDpG tG p BpIu vwwB' jyr JDr HIwHrFFrI'
37 nesthint
How can I open the Tomb door?
clT Y+w3zXx&R,h!+x'f0#o4+}$2~;!m_-ss1%t^)$d#78e-9,om.p7s~z";7}E|]~%yjNI6P~@i.]SiH;hLti99@{\
[s^sJ !3!ev,d*`"#i3ym)g'*|l +Gx|-O@
~jotMy(f"aA>d&n#*i'[ 0k&8,i"-,e*3t2*%{273F*Ip<+|C&yA6Ng9]CfV6Do9PHoJT#.vdLK9tbI'?
\eZee("-f~+a*d..myZ.un4@!x'9;ioMu<l @C<='Ix"nI$6M~<&:O@oV4d@j_:cQ&R6}
clT Qyn'-f~"V>r'+gve.0n|8-p#9)f*.n,yxvwM++W*BmtE%[o+G!8&F0TocHS>pd1:E
clT W}o{!s('U#!7rih'#{'1'y+}Gso.f]2*h"?# W8!q#wJ66Yi?g4HQ
11 hint
Help me set the symbols, please!
1wJD ytBr HpGrFy vzyJ Ar yrJ qwIIrqJF|'
fwKr JDr FrKrIy yw JDr| FtGr zH {tJD JDr y|vAwF |wz {pGJ'
6rCJ ytBr- Bw{G& zH& zH
9tsDJ ytBr- zH& Bw{G& zH
fwKr JDr DpGBFr Jw Fwqu rKrI|JDtGs tG HwytJtwG pGB wHrG JDr BwwI'
30 nesthint
How do I navigate the maze?
fe[kewi(!\$3d*x/>%^a ~{uI+{(+3jx4"%~kuxMx,G*LmssjNI6=+:qG
5 hint
How do I duck?
8Iryy JDr yHpqrApI pGB IrFrpyr tJ' lwz {tFF Bzqu Bw{G pGB yJp| JDrIr'
kDrG |wz pIr IrpB| Jw yJpGB zH& HIryy JDr yHpqrApI psptG'
ceZee-w(s)'^#;K%{a "`;<8r.9;jw2"/{wz'[7ew,j5
clTrJ4i%rs$,]7o>{lk40ay@8t -/t*Aj$&*(|9#p0t[1~>6<~/Qm!cqj:pb1WEwNB{C-]F
qsctT!(&rV)'`,r.!tti'uoy51$ '+!mQec,$=6Gg:EVb\Hq;sd4e
]sf Gyi%-_z$e>` -zu];$cyI,s/97p|Ak2 * yM+$<8Bpwp1[!+%6B$Wz.B_dH6w1sp-E5/^2C
3 hyperpng
Tomb Labyrinth Graphic Solution
000000 044043 003443
35 nesthint
How can I defeat Thanandar?
^r[ye qzug5!R,r#klZ/0c}<8h +2oo@uQ2*R%8}E8J!#%A&$=68&9LTsF-#;gp8@8w]
yXcP !4
clT L}i!!sy-`0r.y'm#u{#9(s2";f*2p'2yw3A!W*L{}+x@"#Y*F&8>CjD9@{]B[L*W
QiUoWy(*|e 1q5dz*%{h;{i#,#$'"4!nQ#X
|seeRyv';sW#q0do"~'m*0n|8'x?!0n*.i${x1t@7$<8>| }t< ~>)e
15 hint
How do I open the Giant Doors?
gHrIpJtGs JDr FrKrIy {tFF qDpGsr JDr HwytJtwG wC JDr FtsDJy'
7wJtqr JDpJ AwJD FrKrIy qpG Ar HzyDrB Jw JDr FrCJ wI ItsDJ& BrHrGBtGs zHwG
{DtqD ytBr wC JDrv |wz yJpGB' $dC |wz yJpGB wG JDr FrCJ ytBr wC p FrKrI&
`IuDpG {tFF HzyD tJ Jw JDr ItsDJ pGB Ktyp KrIyp'T
:Dr FtsDJ wG JDr FrCJ GrrBy Jw Ar tG JDr Bw{G HwytJtwG'
:Dr FtsDJ wG JDr ItsDJ vzyJ Ar tG JDr zH HwytJtwG'
iJpGB Jw JDr FrCJ wC rpqD FrKrI'
8zyD rpqD wGr J{tqr'
3 link
How do I open the Giant Doors?
2 blank
108 nesthint
If I play again, will anything change?
REDT.cV4-sg#R"h|%%{a #`41!r3,Guy<"(s|},M$}P8O!yy%K~(M)Wu,]SiHHj-nUL=@!i;$OI
clT K#t|j~,X>gw,yzy|"`42&x$'+fnMh2$*%{<*!W/E{0sfQ"6?Eo9EDec8o-zY:>Qp]B!?|]F
eeaiF(q"{f5"`>d&'x{y$~{X**o?^(s~5.Cs}1,<,yo^;ui(2*i? (noMy,&r1tM9 8*H.0LwF%wGDW&zEHtc1vLbp9L4wi*vLOD
Wiaeeuzx-T5$V5{-wly/xd"0+$8(Z,~#fry~ix2,m.'Gb~Mc/~*%|:|/W/F xzzO=$>{;o4D_uRHh-up;IQ&J+)
dwT Y|m3RT(2V0S%l'\#u\(I{s#~GD^NPV*sx3&.<8>zt+fA1{K69g:QKfq
dwT N((*uX#>U0h|)nu`;vm#68P$(5b1@"3!xu3.% W,Eq0xtI0*>(Wr+SDmc?l8mp.6nq|l;)j)I/m+%GoyA"'{o2<
3 link
How to use the cheat codes
12 nesthint
Change Arkhan's escape with Kalhi
XjoyT)(~v_!#U>sv#%nn|"_48&$3!,!z9c7xy# M+$<8Cu"~y[1F{c&:OX!W0hLpd4
clT \u!3 [z>Ymr*jzy/x`40-e1}GpxMv+w*!.+"F*J,'tqG=yAwEm+k
3 link
How do I find a disguise?
9 hint
Kill Armal Sadak
:tIrB wC HFp|tGs lwGs_ etFF `IvpF ipBpu Jw srJ pFF Dty swwBtry'
4r Dpy pFF wC JDr {rpHwGy |wz DpKr JIpBrB HFzy wwBFry wC pvvzGtJtwG'
gGqr `IvpF pGB Dty CItrGB pIr BrpB& HzyD JDr AzJJwG tG JDr {tGBw{ Jw FrpKr'
kpJqD wzJ CwI JDr szpIB wG JDr ApFqwG|P
12 hint
Let the Wanderer die
dC `IuDpG utFFy JDr kpGBrIrI& Dr qpG srJ Dty HwyyryytwGy'
dC JDr ewGupFtJr utFFy JDr kpGBrIrI& Dr {tFF yJrpF JDr DrFvrJ'
dC `IuDpG Bwry GwJ yzqqrrB tG utFFtGs JDr ewGupFtJr& Dr {tFF CFrr' irpIqD
CwI Dtv tG JDr 6w{rI atJ|'
cw yrr `IvpF ipBpu pGB wCCrI Dtv JDr lwGs Htrqr'
`IvpF {tFF utFF JDr ewGupFtJr yw |wz qpG IrJItrKr JDr DrFvrJ'
31 nesthint
Make your own crystal key
XrbtJul3|Y5$Z,cw,l'Z'|{z8-v?)(s~@"2x*%{27I1P qw%F"/e6Pu;]BbQHp-lULK9ti-zSI
Se]r^;{3$\!*q&dz.% h0<{v>,$'~Gxs9nC ovwM++W+Bq0l%A"-Y&@k)BR!W7#7o_CWHwJ65N*
Um]de'w rsx0j1so*%yh~{n47}e19sfy;cJ%*y(A7*<0Q,$z%O%{Y"8q+k
Ryc F4x|rVz>h'sv>yo^; dw48e7~Gg|/W+E{ 9
18 nesthint
Danry's is dead! Can I make my own crystals?
hib,ev}'-[~1q+`q&nu^-){+2$p?',fnMv22lv3=&3<*Bp0 u[#K)K4
Um]de'w rs{3V*o,i'i0${}=8m--6!~5gC|o#%F78&k
5 hint
Where is the jerry can?
3tGB tJ tG JDr 6w{rI atJ|'
:Dr ErII|qpG ty pJ JDr AwJJwv wC JDr yJrHy FrpBtGs Jw JDr kpJqD :w{rI'
dwT Y|m3wX'0j>bo,%vg;$cyI'm+9;bx8g52s3A!W+N!q}ji
UyTle(px-Zz,V0`"-w'h0$n}-}$cz5s#TuCvy %[
XrbiIy(Wna'7x1%-wrl#k@I,y1'GpxMv+w*x%6% @&D,'sj@)6:$;&;PD!W0hLs_/BQr[;(N|V
3 link
Kill the Builders and still find their crystal
3 link
Kill Bogdaran and fix the unknown thing yourself
6 version
This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 rel. 24.
The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at
JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com.
You will need a UHS reader to view these hints.
3 incentive
29 info
author=Jeanne W. Muse
copyright=This file is copyright 1998 by Jeanne Muse. This file may be
copyright=distributed without the author's explicit permission provided that
copyright=(a) the file has not been edited or converted to another format and
copyright=(b) this file is made available free of any charge or other
copyright=obligation to the distributor. Any permission to distribute this
copyright=file (either as part of this license or a separate agreement is
copyright=non-exclusive and non-transferrable. In the case of uploads to a
copyright=commercial on-line service by the author or his authorized agent,
copyright=the service shall be granted only the right to distribute the file
copyright=through the specific area of the service to which the file is
copyright=uploaded. All rights not granted explicitly by this license are
copyright=reserved to the author.
author-note=Jeanne Muse -- CIS [102256,2027] and Internet jwmuse@csi.com -
author-note=wrote this file. Internet Web Site:
game-note=Dark Earth and Kalisto Entertainment are trademarks of Kalisto
game-note=Technologies. MicroProse is a registered trademark of MicroProse
game-note=Software, Inc.
>You need a UHS 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the
>Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help
>library in GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page
>http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one.
X$foZ l3y\ziotT4|{naz$PlQ4wy-gwiomJ!jxf/sU Y|m3QT!ooEF&|{-6{yQ,e+p" X/t^sY}vz sxrotMy(Y|e$qooS4|{rsSeakeYi%![/{Tbe'q'rsveeee!m3zT}}osT }'vb}woaSx(|qXpwofT&('u\"$UiQy6
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