UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 693 subject The Dark Eye 5 comment Note to Unregistered Users Hints in the End Game section are available only to registered users of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to enable these hints if you cannot access them. 35 subject About this UHS file 12 credit Who wrote this hint file? The UHS hints for The Dark Eye were written by Jeanne Muse. I hope you enjoy using this file. If you see any errors, have suggestions or comments, please contact me. You can reach me at CompuServe ID [102256.2027] or through the Internet at 102256.2027@compuserve.com . Also visit my web site for links to UHS at the following address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwmuse Copyright 1997 by Jeanne Muse, all rights reserved. 11 credit Who designed the UHS system? The Universal Hint System concept was created by Jason Strautman. Since then, Jason and Robert Norton have updated the file format, written several UHS readers and many hint files. Jason, Robert and I hope this hint system has made your game playing more enjoyable. Jason can be reached via e-mail at jstrautman@aol.com or 72337,2611 on Compuserve. Robert Norton can be reached through the Internet at this e-mail address: 70017.1765@compuserve.com . Be sure to visit the UHS Web Site at http://www.uhs-hints.com for readers and more hint files. 10 comment How can I write a hint file for the UHS? Contact Jason Strautman for more information on the UHS, writing a hint file, access to the compiler, and to ensure that nobody else has started work on the same project. You may also be eligible to receive a payment for a completed UHS file. Jason can be reached via e-mail at jstrautman@aol.com or 72337,2611 on Compuserve. For further information you can also visit the UHS Internet Web Site at this address: http://www.uhs-hints.com 2 blank - 10 comment Soul Jumping While this is an interesting concept, I found it best NOT to soul jump during the nightmares. This gives you the entire dream uninterrupted. Simply pause and wait a moment for the option to go away and proceed. If you wish to soul jump, this is the way to do it... After waving your hand over a character or pointing at them, if you get a close-up of them and see your reflection sparkling in their eyes, quickly click on that person to jump into their soul. 2 blank - 39 subject Reality 27 hint After I experience a nightmare, what should I do? kDrG JDr Iwwv IrJzIGy Jw tJy GwIvpF yJpJr& |wz yDwzFB Ar pAFr Jw CtGB |wzI IrFpJtKry wGqr psptG' - irpIqD JDr Dwzyr CwI JDrv' - d {wGBrI {DpJ jGqFr bB{tG ty HptGJtGs_ - kDrIr Bwry Dr DpGs Dty CtGtyDrB HptGJtGsy_ - `CJrI rpqD BIrpv& sw Bw{GyJptIy pGB yrr {DpJ ty swtGs wG JDrIr' - irr tC |wz qpG Fwwu pJ |wzI zGqFrSy rpyrF Jw yrr {DpJ Dr ty {wIutGs wG Gw{' - 6wwu pJ pG| wJDrIy JDpJ pIr HIwHHrB psptGyJ JDr {pFF' - :pFu Jw Dtv tC Dr ty JDrIr' - `CJrI rpqD GtsDJvpIr& qDrqu wzJ JDr wGry Dr Dpy DzGs wG JDr {pFF tG JDr spFFrI|' - 4pKr |wz CwzGB |wzI AIwJDrI pGB qwzytG_ - cw FwwutGs CwI JDrv' - 2tB |wz uGw{ JDrIr ty p ApyrvrGJ tG JDty Dwzyr_ 10 hint Should I help Elise and Henry? kDw pIr |wz Jw tGJrICrIr {tJD |wzGs FwKr_ - lwz Bw {pGJ Jw CtszIr wzJ {DpJ ty swtGs Jw DpHHrG {tJD JDrv' - bKrG JDwzsD |wzI zGqFr CwIAtB |wz Jw Bw yw& BrFtKrI JDrtI GwJry Jw rpqD wJDrI' - 4rFH JDrv tG pG| {p| |wz qpG' 536 subject Dreams 18 hint The room has changed color! What is going on? lwz DpKr rGJrIrB JDr BIrpv BtvrGytwG' - bLHFwItGs JDr Dwzyr tG JDty vwBr ty KrI| BtCCrIrGJ' - lwzI IrFpJtKry pIr Gw{DrIr Jw Ar CwzGBP - lwz {tFF CtGB |wz qpG rGJrI pIrpy wC JDr Dwzyr JDpJ {rIr wCC FtvtJy tG IrpF Jtvr' - irpIqD JDr Dwzyr' - 6wwu CwI |wzI IrCFrqJtwG tG pG tJrv GrpIA|' - lwz qpG rGJrI ywvrwGr rFyrSy BIrpv JDIwzsD JDpJ IrCFrqJtwG' - kpKr |wzI DpGB wKrI JDr IrCFrqJtwG Jw rGJrI tJ' 10 hint Should I play the dreams in a specific order? :Dty ty rGJtIrF| zH Jw |wz' - :DrIr ty p yJwI| Jw Ar JwFB {DtqD zGCwFBy py |wz HFp|' - d CwzGB JDr yJwI| HIwsIryyrB ArJJrI tG p qrIJptG wIBrI' - 3wFFw{ v| DtGJy tG JDr wIBrI d DpKr stKrG JDrv CwI JDr vwyJ rGEw|vrGJ wC JDr spvr' 10 hint How can I tell when I have successfully completed a nightmare? kDrG |wz yzqqryyCzFF| qwvHFrJr p yrqJtwG& |wzI spvr {tFF Ar pzJwvpJtqpFF| ypKrB {DrG |wz xztJ' - dC |wz pIr GwJ yzIr tC |wz DpKr qwvHFrJrB p yrqJtwG& xztJ JDr spvr pGB IrFwpB' - kDrG |wz yJpIJ psptG& JDr HpIJy |wz DpKr qwvHFrJrB {tFF Ar KtytAFr wG JDr vpH' 23 hint Where are the dream entry points? :DIrr Iwwvy qwGJptG JDr vpEwI rGJItry' - kDtFr tG JDr BIrpv vwBr& Fwwu CwI JDtGsy |wz qpG qFtqu wG' - `G| tJrv {DtqD Fwwuy Ftur tJ qwzFB DwFB |wzI IrCFrqJtwG vtsDJ {wIu' - lwz {tFF DpKr Jw HFp| J{w yrHpIpJr GtsDJvpIry tG rpqD Iwwv' - bpqD qwGqrIGy p KtqJtv pGB p KtqJtvtMrI CIwv JDrtI HwtGJ wC Ktr{' - 6wwu wG JDr JpAFr tG JDr HtpGw Iwwv zHyJptIy' - lwz qpG rGJrI JDr {tGr sFpyy pGB JDr {tGr AwJJFr JDrIr' - 6wwu Bw{GyJptIy tG |wzI zGqFrSy yJzB|' - lwz qpG rGJrI JDr FrJJrI wHrGrI pGB JDr AtIB qpsr JDrIr' - `Fyw Bw{GyJptIy& rGJrI JDr Iwwv wCC wC JDr DpFF' - lwz qpG rGJrI JDIwzsD JDr CtyDSy r|r pGB qFrpKrI JDrIr' 99 subject Carnival 44 subject Montresor 15 hint How do I get through the tunnels? :Dr HpJD{p|y pIr GwJ qwGBzqtKr Jw vpHHtGs' - errH JzIGtGs pIwzGB Jw qDrqu wG 3wIJzGpJw' - lwz {tFF qwvr Jw J{w pFqwKry qwGJptGtGs {tGr AwJJFry' - gGr wC 3wIJzGpJwSy {rpuGryyry ty Dty FwKr CwI {tGr' - awGJtGzr JzIGtGs pGB CwFFw{tGs |wzI HwtGJtGs CtGsrI' - lwz {tFF rKrGJzpFF| CtGB p FpIsr CFpJ {pFF' - cw tGJw JDpJ qpKrIG' 27 hint What is Montresor going to do to Fortunato? 9rKrGsr' - 8zGtyD {tJD tvHzGtJ|' - :DrIr ty GwJDtGs |wz qpG Bw Jw yJwH tJ' - :Dty ty& pCJrI pFF& ywvrwGr rFyrSy GtsDJvpIr' - 4r tGJrGBy Jw AzI| 3wIJzGpJw pFtKrP - 3wFFw{ JDIwzsD {tJD fwGJIrywISy tGJrGJtwG Jw vzIBrI 3wIJzGpJw' - gGqr 3wIJzGpJw ty tGytBr JDr sIwJJw& yrqzIr Dtv yw Dr qpGGwJ IzG p{p|' - aFtqu pGB DwFB JDr qDptG wG JDr FrCJ pGB BIps tJ Jw JDr ItsDJ' - 7w{ qwvHFrJr JDr {pFF JDpJ fwGJIrywI Dpy yJpIJrB' - bLtJ JDr sIwJJw pGB JzIG Jw |wzI FrCJ' - aFtqu wG JDr HtFr wC AwGry Jw Htqu zH p AItqu' :zIG Apqu Jw JDr {pFF' - 8Fpqr JDr AItquy wG JDr {pFF rpqD Jtvr |wz qpG zGJtF JDr {pFF ty CtGtyDrB' - 6rpKr JDr KpzFJy' 53 subject Fortunato 17 hint How can I leave the bridge? 4pKr |wz JpFurB Jw rKrI|AwB| pJ JDr qpIGtKpF_ - :pFu Jw pFF JDr HrwHFr pGB {pKr |wzI DpGB wKrI JDrv' - :pFu Jw JDr HrIywG GrLJ Jw 3wIJzGpJw pGB JpyJr Dty {tGr' - :pFu Jw JDr ApFB vpG pGB Fwwu pJ JDr {wvpG {tJD JDr vpyu' - :pFu Jw JDr {wvpG yJpGBtGs GrpI JDr yJpJzr' - 6wwu pJ DrI yrKrIpF BtCCrIrGJ Jtvry Jw srJ JDr rGJtIr yJwI|' - :zIG Jw{pIB JDr {pJrI pGB HwtGJ Jw JDr vpG |wz yrr wG JDr yJIrrJ ArFw{' - 2w GwJ ywzF EzvH Jw yrr JDty rGJtIr GtsDJvpIr' 20 hint How can Fortunato find the special cask? :pur p JwIqD CIwv JDr {pFF pGB FrJ |wzI qzIywI sztBr |wz' - 6wwu qpIrCzFF| pJ |wzI yzIIwzGBtGsy' - errH FwwutGs Apqu pJ fwGJIrywI wCJrG' - 3wIJzGpJw IrpFF| rGEw|y {tGr' - :pur ywvr {tGr pGB BItGu tJ' - `CJrI {pGBrItGs pIwzGB CwI p{DtFr& |wz {tFF rKrGJzpFF| qwvr Jw p {pFF {tJD p yHtIpF qDptG BIp{tGs' - :zIG Jw fwGJIrywI' - cw CwI{pIB tGJw JDr FpIsr qpKrIG pGB HFpqr |wzI JwIqD tG JDr DwFBrI' - 3tGB JDr {tGr AwJJFr tG JDr sIwJJw pGB {pFu Jw tJ' 14 hint When will this nightmare end? 6wwu CwI ryqpHr IwzJry' - awGJtGzr Jw JzIG pGB Fwwu pCJrI rpqD qwGKrIypJtwG' - fwGJIrywI {tFF ArstG AztFBtGs p {pFF' - :w qwGJtGzr& JzIG p{p| pCJrI rpqD yrqJtwG wC JDr {pFF ty tG HFpqr pGB JzIG Apqu Jw tJ' - gGqr JDr {pFF ty AztFJ pGB JDr JwIqD ty wG JDr CFwwI& Fwwu pIwzGB |wz' - 6wwu pJ JDr yurFrJwG] Fwwu pJ JDr {tGr AwJJFr pGB JzIG Jw{pIB JDr {pFF psptG' 57 subject Edgar Allan Poe Recitations 25 hint Where can I find these dream sequences? 4pKr |wz rLHFwIrB JDr Dwzyr JDwIwzsDF|_ - 4pKr |wz JItrB Jw wHrG pFF wC JDr Iwwvy zHyJptIy_ - 4pKr |wz FwwurB pJ JDr yJptIy qpIrCzFF|_ - jHyJptIy& JDrIr ty pGwJDrI DpFF{p|' - lwz qpG wHrG p BwwI wG JDpJ DpFF{p|' - :Dty Iwwv Dpy p {pFF qwvHFrJrF| JwIG CIwv tJ' - 3wFFw{ |wzI HwtGJtGs CtGsrI pFF JDr {p| Jw rGJrI JDty BIrpv' - :DrIr ty p ApyrvrGJP - dGyJrpB wC swtGs zHyJptIy& JzIG pGB CwFFw{ JDr yJptIy Bw{G' - gHrG JDr BwwIy |wz qwvr zHwG' - lwz {tFF yrr p FpIsr rFpAwIpJr JpHryJI| tG CIwGJ wC |wz' - aFtqu wG JDr JpHryJI| Jw rGJrI JDty BIrpv' 11 hint What am I supposed to do during the tapestry dream? jGCwIJzGpJrF|& |wz vzyJ ytJ JDIwzsD JDr rGJtIr JDtGs' - itvHF| FtyJrG Jw JDr JpFr pGB JI| pGB CtszIr wzJ tJy IrFrKpGqr Jw JDr IryJ wC JDr GtsDJvpIry |wz DpKr pFIrpB| rLHrItrGqrB' - kDtFr JDty yrrvy qwvHFrJrF| zGIrFpJrB Jw JDr IryJ wC JDr yJwItry& tJ Bwry DpKr tJy ytsGtCtqpGqr' - awzFB JDty 9rB 2rpJD Ar {DpJ ty {IwGs {tJD bFtyr_ 11 hint What is the point of the broken wall dream? fwyJ wC zy IrvrvArI JDty Cpvwzy Hwrv& `GGpArFF 6rr' - dJ JrFFy JDr JpFr wC p |wzGs FwKr {DtqD ty rGKtrB A| JDr pGsrFy' - :Dr HtqJzIry BrHtqJrB BzItGs JDr BIrpv pIr KrI| zGzyzpF' - :Dty BIrpv vzyJ DpKr ywvrJDtGs Jw Bw {tJD bFtyr pGB 4rGI|Sy FwKr' - itvHF| {pJqD pGB FtyJrG zGJtF tJy qwGqFzytwG' 8 hint When should I complete these dreams? `y d vrGJtwGrB ArCwIr& JDr wIBrI wC GtsDJvpIr qwvHFrJtwG Bwry GwJ vpJJrI' - lwz {tFF GwJtqr JDpJ {DrG |wz CtGtyD JDryr& JDr Dwzyr {tFF yJtFF Ar tG tJy GtsDJvpIr vwBr' - d yzssryJ |wz Bw JDryr rpIF| tG JDr spvr' 195 subject Cousins 26 hint I am stuck in these dreams! What am I doing wrong? 8pJtrGqr& HpJtrGqr& HpJtrGqr' :DpJ ty JDr KtJpF pGy{rI DrIr' - 5zyJ {DrG |wz JDwzsDJ rKrI|JDtGs {py BwGr& |wz vzyJ Bw tJ psptG pGB psptG pGB psptG' - kpFu pIwzGB JDr Iwwv pGB Fwwu pJ rKrI|JDtGs wGqr vwIr' - ;tytJ rKrI| FtJJFr yHwJ' - bKrGJzpFF| ywvrJDtGs {tFF qDpGsr' - kDtFr HFp|tGs 1rIrGtqr BtB |wz Fwwu tGJw JDr qDryJ pJ JDr CwwJ wC DrI ArB_ - `y 1rIrGtqr& BtB |wz Bw ywvr GrrBFr{wIu pGB {ItJr FrJJrIy J{tqr_ - `y bsrpzy& BtB |wz yJpIr wzJ JDr {tGBw{y wCJrG_ - bsrpzy yDwzFB Ktr{ JDr HwIJIptJy wG JDr {pFF vpG| Jtvry' - 2tB |wz Fwwu pJ JDr FrJJrIy Dr {py {ItJtGs vwIr JDpG wGqr_ - `y 1rIrGtqr& |wz {tFF uGw{ |wz pIr srJJtGs ywvr{DrIr {DrG yDr srJy BtMM|' - bsrpzy {tFF ArstG Jw DpFFzqtGpJr Jw{pIB JDr rGB wC Dty GtsDJvpIr' 2 blank - 77 subject Berenice 13 hint What is Berenice's story? 4pKr |wz IrpB JDr GwJr tG DrI KpGtJ| BIp{rI_ - 4pKr |wz CtGtyDrB JDr FrJJrI wG JDr Bryu_ - crJ vwIr qFzry A| {pKtGs |wzI DpGB wKrI JDr BItrB CFw{rI tGytBr JDr Awwu' - `Fyw Fwwu tGytBr JDr qDryJ pJ JDr CwwJ wC DrI ArB' - dJ ty wAKtwzy JDpJ yDr Dpy ArrG tG FwKr {tJD bsrpzy CwI p KrI| FwGs Jtvr' - 4rI yJwI| ty wGr wC zGCzFCtFFrB FwKr' 19 hint How can Berenice leave the bedroom? 3tIyJ Fwwu pIwzGB JDr Iwwv qpIrCzFF|' - 2tB |wz qDrqu wzJ JDr KpGtJ| BIp{rI_ - 2tB |wz GwJtqr JDr qDryJ pJ JDr CwwJ wC DrI ArB_ - `Fyw Bw rKrI|JDtGs |wz qpG wG JDr Bryu' - 2tB |wz Fwwu pJ JDr vrBtqtGr AwJJFr_ - iDr IrxztIry ArB IryJ' - itJ wG JDr ArB' - :zIG Jw{pIB JDr BwwI {DrG ywvrwGr uGwquy' - `CJrI JDr vptB FrpKry& 1rIrGtqr qpG rLtJ JDr Iwwv' 11 hint How should she act towards Egeaus? 1rIrGtqr ty KrI| qwGqrIGrB pAwzJ DrI ArFwKrB' - kpKr DrI DpGB wG JDr AwwuyDrFC pGB pJ JDr {wvpGSy HwIJIptJ ArDtGB bsrpzy' - 3tGpFF| {pKr wG bsrpzy wI JDr Awwu Dr ty IrpBtGs' - 3wI JDr AryJ IryzFJy& Bw 7g: ywzF EzvH' kptJ p vwvrGJ' - :pFu Jw Dtv Gw{' 17 hint What should I do after the fainting spell? 1rIrGtqr ty GwJ p {rFF {wvpG' - `J FrpyJ Gw{ yDr ty p DpHH| wGr' - 9rHrpJ JDr ypvr pqJtwGy |wz BtB rpIFtrI' - 8tqu zH JDr qIwyy yJtJqD pGB CtGtyD tJ' - bLHFwIr JDr Iwwv psptG CwI qDpGsry' - `CJrI JDr vptB FrpKry& Ar yzIr pGB Fwwu pJ JDr KpGtJ|' - 3tGtyD DrI FrJJrI Jw bvtF|' - lwz qpG Gw{ sw KtytJ DrI ArJIwJDrB' 15 hint When will this nightmare end? 2tB |wz rLHFwIr DrI ArBIwwv JDwIwzsDF|_ - 4pKr |wz swGr Jw yrr bsrpzy p yrqwGB Jtvr_ - 9rvrvArI& Bw GwJ ywzF EzvH' - bLtJ Dty FtAIpI| pCJrI pJJrvHJtGs Jw JpFu {tJD Dtv' - iDr ty rLHrItrGqtGs wGr wC DrI yHrFFy' - 9zyD Jw srJ DrI vrBtqtGr' - 8wzGB qwGJtGzwzyF| Jw rGB JDr BIrpv' 88 subject Egeaus 22 hint What is going on with this man? :w BtyqwKrI Dty HIwAFrv& CtGtyD {ItJtGs JDr FrJJrI wG JDr Bryu' - bLHFwIr JDr Iwwv qpIrCzFF|' - gHrG JDr Bryu BIp{rI pGB {pKr |wzI DpGB wKrI JDr GrquFpqr' - 6wwu pJ JDr CtIrHFpqr& pFF wC JDr HwIJIptJy pGB CzIGtJzIr' - iJpIr wzJ JDr {tGBw{y' - 6wwu pJ JDr Awwu zGBrI JDr |wzGs {wvpGSy HwIJIptJ' $dy JDty p |wzGs 1rIrGtqr_T - bsrpzy ty p KrI| JIwzAFrB vpG' - lwz {tFF FrpIG vwIr pAwzJ Dty vpBGryy py |wz HIwqrrB' - bKrGJzpFF| |wz {tFF DrpI p uGwqu pJ JDr BwwI' - `Gy{rI tJ' 11 hint How should Egeaus act towards Berenice? :w FrpIG pAwzJ Dty CrrFtGsy CwI DrI& {pKr wG JDr tvpsry' - 4r Dpy GrKrI FwKrB DrI' 8tJ|P - 3wI JDr AryJ IryzFJy& Bw GwJ ywzF EzvH' kptJ p vwvrGJ' - :pFu Jw 1rIrGtqr Gw{' - ;rI| yJIpGsrP 4r Bwry GwJ FwKr DrI& |rJ Dr pyurB DrI Jw vpII| DtvP 21 hint After Berenice is taken away, what should I do? 8pJtrGqr pGB HrIytyJrGqr pIr JDr ur|y DrIr' - :w HIwBzqr JDr IrxztIrB IryzFJy& {pFu pIwzGB JDr Iwwv wGqr psptG' - 6wwu pJ pFF wC JDr JDtGsy |wz FwwurB pJ ArCwIr' - 9rvrvArI Jw spMr wzJ JDr {tGBw{y' - bsrpzy ty DpFFzqtGpJtGs' - 4ty vwJDrISy tvpsr pHHrpIy tG JDr qDptI' 1rIrGtqrSy CptGJtGs yHrFFy pHHrpI tG JDr JDIrrVHtqJzIr sIwzHtGs' - 9rJzIG Jw JDr {wvpGSy HwIJIptJ ArDtGB JDr Bryu pGB Fwwu pJ tJ psptG' - kpFu Jw JDr CpI {tGBw{ pGB JzIG Jw Cpqr JDr CtIrHFpqr Jw JItssrI p uGwqu wG JDr BwwI' - :zIG Jw{pIB JDr BwwI pGB pGy{rI tJ' 32 hint Will Egeaus' nightmare ever end? 9rvrvArI JDr tGJIwBzqJtwG Jw JDty BIrpv_ - kDrIr Bw JDr JrrJD qwvr tG_ - 3tGB wzJ A| FwwutGs pJ 1rIrGtqrSy yvtFtGs Cpqr' - `sptG& Bw GwJ ywzF EzvH tGJw 1rIrGtqr' - kpKr |wzI DpGB wKrI DrI yvtFr' - :rrJD'''JrrJD'''JrrJD' 4r Dpy p CpyqtGpJtwG {tJD JrrJDP - 7w{ ywvr vpEwI qDpGsry pIr DpHHrGtGs& yw Bw pGwJDrI {pFu pIwzGB JDr Iwwv' - kpKr |wzI DpGB wG pFF JDr HwIJIptJy& JDr AzyJ& JDr {pIItwI' aDrqu wzJ JDr FrJJrI wG JDr BryuP - errH swtGs Apqu Jw JDr {tGBw{y' - 3tGpFF|& {DrG |wz Cpqr JDr {tGBw{ GrLJ Jw Dty Bryu& bsrpzy {tFF JpFu Jw DtvyrFC pAwzJ JDr JrrJD' - gHrG JDr BwwI pGB JpFu Jw JDr vptB' - dG JDr BpIu& IrpB JDr Awwu wG JDr Bryu pGB JI| Jw sIpA JDr AwL' kptJ CwI p uGwqu wG JDr BwwI' - 6wwu pJ |wzI DpGBy JDIrr Jtvry' :zIG Jw Jpur p qFwyrI Fwwu pJ JDr yDwKrF' - :zIG pGB sIpA JDr AwL A| qFtqutGs pGB DwFBtGs |wzI sIpyH' 122 subject Dark Eye 73 subject Young Man 16 hint What are the young man's intentions here? iwvrJDtGs pAwzJ JDr wFB vpG BtyJzIAy Dtv sIrpJF|' - 4r Ftury Jw sw tG JDr wFB vpGSy ArBIwwv pJ vtBGtsDJ' - kDrG JDr wFB vpG swry Jw ArB& Fwwu pJ JDr qFwqu' - dJ {tFF yJItur J{rFKr' lwzI qzr Jw Jpur pqJtwG' - fwKr Bw{G JDr DpFF pGB JzIG Jw JDr FrCJ Jw srJ JDr FpGJrIG' - :w Htqu zH JDr FpGJrIG& qFtqu pGB DwFB JDr ItGs pGB vwKr tJ pFF JDr {p| Jw JDr ItsDJ' cIpA tJ A| JDr JwH ItGs Jw DwFB tJ' - :zIG pGB rGJrI JDr wFB vpGSy ArBIwwv' 19 hint What should I do inside the old man's room? :DpJ CzGG| r|r AwJDrIy JDr |wzGs vpG CwI ywvr wBB IrpywG' - 4r {pGJy Jw JwIvrGJ JDr r|rP - iFw{F|& wHrG JDr FtsDJ wG JDr FpGJrIG' - dC |wz CtGB JDr r|r ty qFwyrB& FrpKr pGB IrHrpJ JDr BIpvp JDr GrLJ GtsDJ' - kDrG JDr qFwqu ty pFIrpB| yrJ pJ vtBGtsDJ& JDr Jtvr ty ItsDJ' - 9rJzIG Jw Dty ArBIwwv {tJD FpGJrIG tG DpGB' - bKrGJzpFF|& Dr {tFF p{pur pGB ytJ zH tG ArB' - cw qFwyrI Jw Dtv' - jyr JDr FpGJrIG {DrG |wz pIr KrI| qFwyr Jw Dty ArB pGB JDrG qFtqu wG Dtv' 25 hint What should I do with the body? lwz vzyJ DtBr |wzI qItvr CIwv zGyzyHrqJtGs r|ry' - azJ tJ zHP - cw Jw JDr qFrpKrI pGB Fwwu pJ tJ' - 4tBr JDr AwB|P - 9rJzIG Jw Dty ArBIwwv pGB Fwwu pJ {DpJ |wz DpKr BwGr' - cw Jw JDr BIryyrI pGB Fwwu Bw{G' :zIG Jw Fwwu pJ JDr CFwwI' - aFtqu wG wGr wC JDr Apsy pGB JzIG Jw JDr ItsDJ& {tJDwzJ vwKtGs zH{pIBy' - 7wJtqr |wz qpG sIpA ywvrJDtGs CIwv JDr CFwwI' - gHrG zH pFF wC JDr CFwwI AwpIBy' - 8Fpqr JDr Aps tG JDr CFwwI' - 9rHrpJ JDr ypvr pqJtwG {tJD JDr wJDrI J{w Apsy' - awKrI zH JDr rKtBrGqr A| qFtqutGs wG JDr CFwwI AwpIBy wGqr psptG' 11 hint The police have arrived! What should I do? `Gy{rI JDr BwwI' - lwz pIr qwGCtBrGJ JDpJ |wz DpKr DtBBrG rKrI|JDtGs {rFF' - 6rJ JDrv Fwwu pIwzGB' - :pur JDrv BtIrqJF| Jw JDr wFB vpGSy Iwwv' - :zIG pIwzGB pGB Fwwu pJ JDrv wKrI pGB wKrI psptG zGJtF JDr GtsDJvpIr rGBy' 47 subject Old Man 17 hint What is the object of this dream? :Dr wFB vpGSy FtCr ty IpJDrI BzFF& pJ FrpyJ tJ ty Gw{' - dG Dty |wzGsrI Bp|y& Dr vp| DpKr DpB ywvr DpHH| rLHrItrGqry' - 4pKr |wz ArrG tGytBr Dty ArBIwwv |rJ_ - bLHFwIr JDr ArBIwwv qwvHFrJrF|' - gHrG JDr BIp{rI # Fwwu pJ JDr qwGJrGJy' - 9rpB JDr Awwu' - 6wwu pJ JDr {wvpGSy HDwJwsIpHD wG JDr AwwuyDrFC' - :Dr wAErqJ ty Jw srJ Dtv Jw sw Jw ArB' 13 hint When will it be time for bed? 4pKr |wz IrKtytJrB JDr utJqDrG_ - :Dr |wzGs vpG Dpy IrJzIGrB' - crJ |wzIyrFC p Aw{F pGB BtyD wzJ ywvr yJr{' - bpJ |wzI yzHHrI pGB IrpB JDr rKrGtGs Gr{y' - dJ ty srJJtGs KrI| FpJr' - 6wwu pJ JDr qFwqu' 15 hint When will this nightmare end? :Dr wFB vpG vzyJ srJ ywvr IryJ' - 4r qpGGwJ yFrrH {tJD JDr FtsDJy wGP - bLJtGsztyD JDr qpGBFr' - cw Jw ArB' - lwz {tFF ArstG Jw BIrpv' - kpKr |wzI DpGB wKrI pFF wC JDr tqwGy {DtqD pHHrpI' - aFtqu wG JDr AFtGBtGs FtsDJ' 62 subject End Game 25 nesthint After my 5th nightmare, what should I do? `12_i!,:i}K*w-.p$!-!]qc|{5"$u1!/"S$*'{O0ttz]o3(#&"J("y~p2.e2GueI>N3 - q"Pnz~,y"QBCsr&!].8zz - b,'We8^&b!G{$'D - s~}P!,!y|Q0h!S[,u{.\kdu*532~0r %6>i'",4/$nz]~58WrpM*(~z|rs5eDl - g" ]z80#ezb.xo.X,m&.hj]%+~(*)# &*Bm) 60szz]n;+z; - e,~Wp/9"b{c - f,2Zv,9.asb"up|k5p|}g0 9 nesthint How do I proceed after the moonlight scene? x,'kiy/y|Q0#d}d%xr"Zfnq#!:2o0%z&6Hm"!*<~vjy^ - h#2Yf{~-loT5/!~iz .nqc"7Z-&){v+#%;v9!46$ftA*2'~x"<%("y~p2.e2GueI>N3 - q"wYu}+:mvT+xhvw)tr.Z{S> - f,2Lo|9}h{R(husw.{" unO#+5~5nq~@ 26 nesthint I finally finished all of the nightmares! What should I do now? s%{^!!,:mvGxT - h+2Xz8 {fsn,q1&Qr+&/!q[%pn*L_$:\G?se>OGiY#Lg&8w 3%wY!,(:mvG,q%}Eo8}/SqM%}wk}m20\6B5 - n+~d!,!#l.V%pf.p$!-vVxS0x51$"0 '57 - f"&ku ~:iwE'#b&\C - a/wLl8})p|b0kf.nvxy/ - b){Nl8((ySN%vf< - b, Rsy-/eoV%ro!x 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 rel. 23. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 3 incentive - Rw2!4LZ:/C{]#7D/V 17 info - length=0021005 date=31-May-97 time=23:45:34 author=Jeanne Muse publisher=Inscape copyright=This file is copyright 1997 by Jeanne Muse. It may be distributed copyright=as shareware in its original form without permission from the copyright=author only if the Universal Hint System program is distributed copyright=with it. It may not be sold in any form for profit by any copyright=individual or organization. author-note=Jeanne Muse -- 102256.2027@compuserve.com -- wrote this file. >You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Game Hints and Fixes library of the PC Games forum on AOL (keyword PC >GAMES), the General/Help library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site >ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. w