UHS Important Message! 5 9 dvHwIJpGJP 3 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 5 :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' lwz yDwzFB pJJrvHJ Jw CtGB pG zHsIpBrB IrpBrI JDpJ yzHHwIJy pJ FrpyJ JDr j4i \Xp CwIvpJ' dC |wz CtGB pG zHBpJrB IrpBrI& |wz yDwzFB FrJ JDr HrwHFr {Dw pIr BtyJItAzJtGs JDty IrpBrI uGw{ JDpJ JDr| DpKr pG rLJIrvrF| wzJ wC BpJr KrIytwG' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 726 subject Complete Waste of Time 14 subject About this UHS file 3 text Who wrote this file? 000000 0 017286 000646 3 text Dedication 000000 0 017932 000086 3 text Can I write a UHS file? 000000 0 018018 000330 3 text Who designed UHS? 000000 0 018348 000141 3 text About the Game 000000 0 018489 000413 118 subject Frequently Asked Questions 3 text Are there hints within the game? 000000 0 018902 000319 15 hint Do the lobes have to be done in a certain order? lry' - iJpIJ {tJD JDr 6wwGpJwItzv' - :DrG vwKr Jw JDr bLHFwBtGs :; 9wwv& - JDr 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|& - JDr awIItBwI& - :ryJ lwzI iutFFy& - pGB JDr 8|JDwGtMrI' 3 text How do I find inner space? 000000 0 019221 000117 16 nesthint What is this thing that keeps changing colours in the maze? W&j$,4x \ow~Hsl* - bzO;|##onr*}U md`y3k~&!w@%=n8(uwM'24MH$K i$sV{ayyAxopzTvv'y+eZ?MJqk - = 9 hint What do the colours mean? 1Fzr ty zH $7wIJDT' - lrFFw{ ty Bw{G $iwzJDT' - cIrrG ty CIwv FrCJ Jw ItsDJ $bpyJT' - 9rB ty CIwv ItsDJ Jw FrCJ $kryJT' 5 hint How do I know when I finished a lobe? :Dr CwwJ {tFF Ar IrFrpyrB tG JDr FwAr' - :Dr FwAr {tFF Ar CFpyDtGs wG JDr AIptG' 6 hint Can I reset the maze? lry' - :DrIr ty p |rFFw{ CFpH wG JDr BpyDAwpIB tG JDr vpMr' aFtqu wG tJ& pGB JDrG qFtqu wG JDr IrB AzJJwG' 3 hint Can I reset the game? 7wJ zGJtF |wz CtGtyD JDr {DwFr spvr' 3 hint If I leave the maze and come back, where am I in the maze? lwz pIr {DrIr |wz {rIr {DrG |wz FrCJ JDr vpMr' 9 hint I found the map for the maze in the game. How do I use it in the maze? fwKr |wzI vwzyr HwtGJrI wKrI JDr qwvHpyy' `G < {tFF CwIv tG JDr vtBBFr' - aFtqu JDr vwzyr {DtFr |wz DpKr JDr <' - :DrIr ty Gw{ p vpH DwFBrI pJ JDr JwH wC JDr HwIJ DwFr' - aFtqu wG JDr IrB CFpyDtGs AzJJwG' 3 text What are non-essential clues? 000000 0 019338 000333 26 subject Where are the maps in the game? 3 comment Loonatorium Map The Loony will give you this map after a few rounds of Spot the Loony 4 comment Exploding T.V. Room Map The map is located under the telly in the corner. Scan the area until you see a X. 3 comment Portrait Gallery Map With your mouse, scan over the middle picture frame until you find the X. 4 comment Corridor Map This map can be found under the arch on the right side of the corridor. Scan the area with your mouse until you see a X. 4 comment Test Your Skills Map This map is hidden in the maze, on the lower left leg of the H. Consult the map in the Test Your Skills section to see where the H is. 6 comment Pythonizer Map This map is also hidden in the maze. Just push the red button at the end of the middle arm of the E in HEAD. Consult the map in the Pythonizer section to see where the E is. 3 text What does each maze spell? 000000 2 019671 000146 3 text How do I finish a lobe? 000000 0 019817 000077 3 text What are essential clues? 000000 0 019894 000128 3 text What are the red balls in space? 000000 0 020022 000138 3 text What are the yellow balls in the maze? 000000 0 020160 000106 3 text What is the yellow thingy with the red number that I found in the maze? 000000 0 020266 000310 3 text How do I change the question number? 000000 0 020576 000210 3 text How do I get out of the maze? 000000 0 020786 000015 149 subject Trivia Questions 41 subject By the numbers 3 hint How many blows to the head does Mrs. Scum receive? X 3 link How many times the Parrot is beaten against the counter? 392 3 link How many unsuccessful encyclopedia salesmen are there? 405 3 link How many body sections does the ant have? 387 3 link How many years until Ken Shabby gets a brush? 605 3 link What is the number of cars in the drive-in? 636 3 hint How many verses in the Lumberjack song? * 3 hint How many Mounties sing the chorus (of the Lumberjack song)? , 3 hint How many can-can girls are there? ) 3 hint How many people are watching TV? X 3 hint How many lobes of the brain are there? + 3 hint How many explosions are there in the exploding Blue Danube sketch? XX 3 hint How many Spanish Inquisitors are there? Y 35 subject Complete the following phrase 3 hint Spam, bacon, sausage, and ... iHpv 3 hint I say, anyone for ... :rGGty 3 hint Your wife ... is she a ... cwrI 3 hint Ec Eecky ... :DzvH 3 link Nobody likes a ... 687 3 hint Man with three ... 1zJJwquy 3 hint Old Nick the ... irp qpHJptG 3 hint No time to ... 6wyr 3 hint Hello ... iptFwI 3 hint Hold your head and go ... kppppsD 3 link The first lesson of not being seen is not to ... 477 71 subject Just questions 3 link What mountain has the biggest tits? 322 3 link What is the first word in Storytime? 313 3 hint What did Rumpletweezer run? :Dr 2tGu| :tGu| iDwH 3 hint What problem does the Royal Navy have under control? apGGtApFtyv 3 link What is the color of the phone in the Argument Clinic? 329 3 link Who ate the crunchy frog? 338 3 link What room is the argument clinic in? 619 3 hint Which cheese was eaten by the cat? apvrvArIJ 3 hint What company makes the best butter? kDtMMw 3 hint What does the Norwegian Blue have? 1rpzJtCzF HFzvpsr 3 link What choir did the parrot join? 468 3 hint How does Polly Parrot feel? 2rpB 3 hint What breed is the killer cat? itpvryr 3 link What currency is kept in the fridge? 378 3 hint What currency is kept in the pyjamas? 8wzGBy 3 link What can be recognized from a really long way away? 561 3 link Who opts for a blow on the head? 461 3 link What was Atilla the Huns's gift to the children? 612 3 link What is the name of the flying banner? 540 3 link What job did the Lumberjack never want? 545 3 link What is the Dirty Vicar's real name? 554 3 link What's an alternative to burning, burying, or dumping? 673 3 link What is a full time occupation for cat influenza man? 680 3 text The Stage 000000 0 020801 000705 437 subject The Lobes 62 subject Loonatorium 3 text What will I find here? 000000 0 021506 000714 3 text Where is the maze? 000000 0 022220 000678 3 gifa Map 000000 022898 001480 8 subject The Maze 3 text Some little nudges 000000 0 024378 000319 3 text Ride-through 000000 0 024697 000092 34 subject Questions at the end of the maze 9 hint What is the first word in Storytime? cw Jw JDr awIItBwI' - aFtqu wG JDr FrCJ ytBr wC JDr qwIItBwI pGB {pJqD JDr yutJ pAwzJ iJwI|Jtvr' - 6wwu tG JDr XyJ ktGBw{' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !DrFFw'! 7 hint What mountain has the biggest tits? cw Jw JDr :; 9wwv' - kpJqD JDr :rFF|' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !fJ' bKrIryJ'! 9 hint What is the color of the phone in the Argument Clinic? cw Jw JDr awIItBwI' - aFtqu wG JDr FrCJ ytBr wC JDr qwIItBwI' - 6wwu tG JDr )GB ktGBw{' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !sIp|'! 7 hint Who ate the crunchy frog? cw Jw JDr 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|' - kpJqD JDr BItKrVtG vwKtr' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !izHrItGJrGBrGJ 8pIIwJ'! 9 hint How do I finish the lobe? 8Fp| p spvr wC iHwJ JDr 6wwG|' - kDrG JDr pGGwzGqrI JrFFy |wz Jw HIryy JDr FrJJrI 9 Bw yw' - `CJrI |wz HIryy JDr FrJJrI 9& HIryy JDr FrJJrIy CIwv JDr vpMr' - bGJrI f83a' 79 subject Exploding TV Room 3 text IMPORTANT: READ THIS FIRST! 000000 0 024789 000174 3 text What is there to do here? 000000 0 024963 001309 3 text Where is the maze? 000000 0 026272 000480 3 gifa Map 000000 026752 001774 8 subject The Maze 3 text Some little nudges 000000 0 028526 000379 3 text Ride-through 000000 0 028905 000291 38 subject Questions at the end of the maze 9 hint What currency is kept in the fridge? cw Jw JDr 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|' - kpJqD JDr fwGr| 8IwsIpvvr' - 2tB |wz {pJqD tJ pFF JDr {p| JDIwzsD& pGB DrpI JDr ywGs' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !3IrGqD 3IpGqy'! 5 hint How many body sections does the ant have? lwzSIr FwwutGs CwI p GzvArI' - :Dr pGy{rI ty Y' 13 hint How many times the Parrot is beaten against the counter? cw Jw JDr awIItBwI' - aFtqu wG JDr ItsDJ ytBr' - 6wwu tG JDr )GB {tGBw{' - kpJqD JDr 8pIIwJ iutJ' - awzGJ' - :Dr pGy{rI ty Z' 9 hint How many unsuccessful encyclopedia salesmen are there? cw Jw 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|' - kpJqD JDr BItKrVtG vwKtr pAwzJ rGq|qFwHrBtp ypFryvrG' - awzGJ' - :Dr pGy{rI ty Y' 19 nesthint Finishing the lobe \!a;"'7tae*"Pm^|oh?^zu/$3%, #*D&> - P~Y29)' ^vo `taei`?k|&,l%1${+~;{07.2O(7mm2qEkr d'U ng3B"uij5sZK[E,DJJIG) "zO;&u1e' = 3 text The Bomb won't come out! 000000 0 029196 001223 69 subject Portrait Gallery 3 text What is there to do here? 000000 0 030419 001238 3 text Where is the maze? 000000 0 031657 000196 3 gifa Map 000000 031853 002383 8 subject The Maze 3 text Little Nudges 000000 0 034236 000402 3 text Ride-through 000000 0 034638 000333 32 subject Questions at the end of the maze 7 hint What currency is kept in pyjamas? kpJqD JDr fwGr| 8IwsIpvvr tG JDr 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|' - fpur yzIr |wz FtyJrG Jw JDr ywGs' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !8wzGBy'! 7 hint Who opts for a blow on the head? cw Jw JDr bLHFwBtGs :; 9wwv' - kpJqD JDr :; yDw{ !iHwJ JDr 1IptG arFF'! - :Dr pGy{rI ty !fIy' iqzv'! 9 hint What choir did the parrot join? cw Jw JDr awIItBwI' - aFtqu wG JDr 9tsDJ itBr' - kpJqD JDr 2rpB 8pIIwJ iutJ' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !tGKtytAFr'! 7 hint The first lesson of not being seen is not to ... cw Jw JDr 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|' - kpJqD JDr BItKrVtG vwKtr !4w{ GwJ Jw Ar irrG'! - :Dr pGy{rI ty !yJpGB zH'! 18 nesthint How do I finish the lobe? es^~!4+h^ W}Uer|Kk.c g%q% - O2M*""7f^lv.Vnypc^?bzu'vL1*)=z8y{4B2C;=] - ^~K~~4+h^ m}Pnyeiy3ds&{s)7-)yCD - ^'V'9(eylo$Lrypjy3ds&+p/%7'~m7~yg - c%S) 40onr*{Vula'y"hwi#$/7.%oO&ywM35+@O(E |zsO'npsy6~&k!T!pl%6aG7l?~A@HIR#'E %w\ 9}% mho.Tasa) - = 4 hint But I have 4 icons and there are only 3 windows! :Dr CtIyJ Y HtqJzIry sw tG JDr CtIyJ Y {tGBw{y pGB JDr *JD swry tG JDr vtBBFr' 82 subject Corridor 3 text What is found in here? 000000 0 034971 001008 20 nesthint How do I find the maze? bzO;})sm ~vPn`|th4|{{+x@u&:&xO*xyYa28?8yEr({!Vnrt#&>p&qyT!pl%zhCLf?,?xr"&Hnz{%8phRl){R[9*L q~S~$4&nytrsgo_b{[4p"u&$4 7!"~O(yxY-)F6C5Kn|{zV |u#":qj"|H;( - bzO;}#&ryty.[h^|hZ9a.o+$)7.%oO#yx=*(F/0xA i$q>3-jx'I,gd"Jr({m( =D[C]=7;^|00 o2V$-(#eyty.[h^|g^%p<&[p)t":,xO*xyY"25?[57n{)sH'!hh4F!ku'=|v3%$n>RQ> BMV=F {sd G4 3 gifa Map 000000 035979 001679 8 subject The Maze 3 text Some little nudges 000000 0 037658 000716 3 text Ride Thru 000000 0 038374 000837 32 subject Questions at the end of the maze 5 hint What is the name of the flying banner? kDpJ Gpvr {py wG JDr ApGGrIy tG JDr awIItBwI_ - :Dr pGy{rI ty !kDtMMw'! 9 hint What job did the Lumberjack never want? cw Jw JDr 6wwGpJwItzv' - iqpG JDr pIrp A| JDr HtqJzIr CIpvr JDpJ IzGy tG JDr vtBBFr wC JDr yqIrrG' - aFtqu wG JDr 6zvArIEpqu pGB FtyJrG Jw Dtv' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !ApIArI'! 7 hint What is the Dirty Vicar's real name? cw Jw JDr 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|' - aFtqu wG CtIyJ HtqJzIr pGB {pJqD JDr 2tIJ| ;tqpISy yutJ' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !9wGpFB itvvy'! 9 hint What can be recognized from a really long way away? cw Jw JDr 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|' - aFtqu wG JDr vtBBFr HtqJzIr' - kpJqD JDr yutJ pAwzJ JDr 6pIqD' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !6pIqD'! 14 hint How do I finish the lobe? 8Fp| 8tGApFF' - iDwwJ JDr tqwGy tG JDr ypvr wIBrI JDr| pHHrpI tG JDr vpMr' - 2w GwJ yDwwJ pG| wJDrI tqwGy' - 2wGSJ zyr JDr CFtHHrIy] zyr JDr vwzyr qIwyyDptIy' - `CJrI |wz DpKr CtGtyDrB JDr HtGApFF spvr& p HFpGr {tFF CF| JDIwzsD JDr {tGBw{ pGB BIwH p AwvA' - aFtqu wG JDr AwvA' 68 subject Test Your Skill 3 text What is there to do here? 000000 0 039211 001340 3 text Where is the maze? 000000 0 040551 000192 3 gifa Map 000000 040743 002280 8 subject The Maze 3 text Little Nudges 000000 0 043023 001260 3 text Ride Thru 000000 0 044283 000791 40 subject Questions at the end of the maze 7 hint How many years until Ken Shabby gets a brush? cw Jw JDr bLHFwBtGs :';' 9wwv' - kpJqD JDr :';' yDw{ pAwzJ erG iDpAA|' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !Z'! 7 hint What was Atilla the Huns's gift to the children? cw Jw JDr bLHFwBtGs :';' 9wwv - kpJqD JDr `JtFFp 4zG yDw{ - :Dr pGy{rI ty !4rpB'! 17 hint What room is the argument clinic in? cw JDr JDr awIItBwI' - aFtqu wG JDr ItsDJ ytBr' - 6wwu tG JDr XyJ {tGBw{' - kpJqD JDr iutJ pAwzJ srJJtGsVDtJVwGVJDrVDrpB FryywGy' - kpJqD tJ Jw JDr rGB' - aFtqu wG {tGBw{ psptG' - kpJqD JDr yutJ pAwzJ `Azyr' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !X)p'! 7 hint What is the number of cars in the drive-in? cw Jw JDr 8wIJIptJ cpFFrI|' - awzGJ JDr qpIy pJ JDr BItKrVtG' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !+'! 9 hint How do I finish the lobe? 8Fp| JDr spvry' - 8Fp| :Dr cwHDrI cpvr Jw JDr CtIyJ yqwIr wI GzvArI' - 8Fp| :Dr 8ts cpvr Jw JDr yrqwGB yqwIr wI GzvArI' - 8Fp| :Dr aDtqurG $1tIBT cpvr Jw JDr FpyJ yqwIr wI GzvArI' 49 subject Pythonizer 3 text Things to see and do 000000 0 045074 000714 3 text Where is the maze? 000000 0 045788 000498 3 gifa Map 000000 046286 002971 8 subject The Maze 3 text Little Nudges 000000 0 049257 001144 3 text Ride Thru 000000 0 050401 001565 27 subject Questions at the end of the maze 7 hint What's an alternative to burning, burying, or dumping? cw Jw JDr bLHFwBtGs :';' 9wwv' - kpJqD JDr yDw{ wG JDr JrFF| qpFFrB !:Dr jGBrIJpurIy'! - :Dr pGy{rI ty !rpJtGs'! 7 hint What is a full time occupation for cat influenza man? cw Jw JDr bLHFwBtGs :';' 9wwv' - kpJqD JDr yDw{ wG JDr JrFF| qpFFrB !dGJrIryJtGs 8rwHFr'! - :Dr pGy{rI ty !yJpHFtGs vpqDtGr'! 4 hint Nobody likes a ... 1rGrBtqJ' :Dr IrpF pGy{rI CwI JDty ty aFrKrI 2tqu AzJ JDr vpurIy wC JDr spvr vpBr p vtyJpur' 7 hint How many seconds of sex are there? cw Jw JDr 8|JDwGtMrI' - 8Fp| JDr Gwty| AtJy' - :Dr pGy{rI ty !X('! 3 text Finishing the lobe 000000 0 051966 000325 26 subject The Brain 21 subject End of the Game 3 hint What is that strange icon in the upper left corner? :DpJ ty p AIptG CIwv azII|Sy' 3 hint What do I do with it? aFtqu wG tJ' 7 hint Why is the Brain making those rude noises? dJ {pGJy |wz Jw HFp| p spvr' - 9rvrvArI JDr spvr itvwG_ 3wFFw{ JDr FrpBrI_ - 8Fp| Apqu JDr ypvr vwKry JDr AIptG vpury' 6 hint I can't keep up. It is going too fast! crJ JDr CtIyJ JDIrr FrKrFy qwIIrqJ' - gG JDr CwzIJD FrKrF& srJ JDr CtIyJ qwFwzI qwIIrqJ& JDrG qFtqu pFF wKrI JDr AIptG zGJtF |wz DpKr {wG' dJ BwryGSJ vpJJrI {DrIr |wz qFtqu' 3 text What can I do here? 000000 0 052291 000434 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 beta 22. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 3 incentive - AB"\9GN3: >B Ay1..`|D6HE@GMR^ 23 info - length=0052727 date=08-Aug-96 time=21:38:51 author=Betty Pietro publisher=7th Level copyright=This file is copyright 1996 by Betty Pietro. Editing or converting copyright=this file to another format is forbidden. 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Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page >http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. bzO;n\j aix"Z _kmylk|z'2:4-|&n s*QVmih`m$|eg!&O;(z7TbmoHgShhq^?pvk.eO~+y+ mo*WUt^nbZ+]qzwujn.wzels*%Hsysmb3pst.tc;[y+tr ZwLtkk'y6d}&w%j}~(+ek u|Vwg|\l?>sz"+-|-B7 Ro.Jag|m^ _v&{wj|-4ZofpaLroa{Bc|i=DDNEEI1)]*}Y Zp{:,a oqsjj' n^ 2PLtmu>Z3%.ot2c*.4aoe*oUyy_jf,a|z!2Y-9',g`e}"Pogo)y?E.n}"O;2#, ^nt}` nodg&|"nw%j!" |. . bzS.9z l^ s!gchltk(cvz.C#TO@7ael* Pgapny1a!k (OG47Tai}.Miea{f u.t}&j}~4{ilt|wIuma_y6e"n}'^;)y)mbs}wVn%|`q"a~z.&Y;'#%-\ow{Lr\e\e?>PY5%j|'x7Igto Uem|nb3a!&}"O)9(& mho.NegamZ+|~{p~S~G47E]i~wUgykmy"k||s$^$'{7tai}.Miea{m.|ot'2Y/!y) _o|{Htyeny/n}nwtS/~xE ySosgtaa{_(hs-!2S)#)mZts}U la^m(k|&t!\;zx{imiy|Hly_ji8nwmv&j$'z&rfa~wVn' bzS.9| nm pwSeyeny#aroqs^ }4+o3 KzS iaji+a.y#xP +}%gyf|}T Fu]k e|o!z_--}%gyS#|Krhi`y Q!X/zw+ Ca}}U LpmZ4p{g|2P*+4$oke*wUfhnhZ3e}t.!X;n\j Znn.^rbpdg&|o&v{X/9z l^,*oJc^ony3k.zvwj~(!'iee|:gag`{m.|st!'\ 9(am x}Io]u{^+os&vs];,(xrmen.^okg{h-|"ns2]|&y7pkotsJt'|{R.q.so+j|%'& [e*sSi`e]e$|"u.$O~~}-eya*~Hyfaim?b}x.sj~(!'l^torgUAO{_(hs4 . 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