UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 2388 subject Civilization 34 subject About this UHS File 6 credit Who wrote this file? Greg Galon -- ggal2@mfs05.cc.monash.edu.au -- wrote it. See the information block of this file (accessible via your UHS reader) for copyright information and distribution licenses. 6 credit Who designed the UHS? Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@aol.com or [72337,2611] on CompuServe -- created the Universal Hint System (UHS). Bob Norton -- 70017.1765@compuserve.com -- helped him update the UHS to more recent formats. 6 credit How do I write my own UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@aol.com or [72337,2611] on CompuServe -- to make sure nobody else is working on that file. You will also need the latest compiler for your computer. If you have Internet access, visit http://www.uhs-hints.com/. 4 credit Who wrote Civilization? Civilization is published and distributed by MicroProse. CIVILIZATION and MICROPROSE are designated trademarks of MicroProse, Inc. 10 credit I'd like to thank... Roger Kemp, Bob O'Bob, Matt Malone, Ralph Betza, Charles K. Hughes, and most of all, the maintainer of the Civ site on the "Games Domain" site, Dave Stanworth. I'd also like to thank MicroProse for making Civilization such a great game. I just hope that Civilization II is released on floppy disk so I can play it, because I don't have access to CD-ROM. Hey MicroProse, if you're reading this, could you PLEASE do something about it? 2 blank - 126 subject The Question of Tribe 24 hint The Question of Level :Dr !aDtrCJptG! FrKrF ty vptGF| CwI ArstGGrIy pGB HrwHFr {Dw pIr yqpIrB wC JDr DtsDrI FrKrFy' :Dr !kpIFwIB! FrKrF ty yJtFF CptIF| rpy| Jw {tG& Gw vpJJrI Dw{ vpG| wJDrI qtKtFtMpJtwGy pIr HIryrGJ' :Dr !8ItGqr! FrKrF ty CptIF| JwzsD& AzJ pG|wGr qpG srJ JDIwzsD tJ {tJDwzJ Jww vzqD JIwzAFr' dJ ty ryHrqtpFF| JwzsD {DrG [ qtKtFtMpJtwGy pIr HIryrGJ& AzJ tJ ty yJtFF {tGGpAFr' :Dr !etGs! FrKrF ty {DpJ BtKtBry {tGGrIy CIwv FwyrIy' dC |wz qpG {tG JDr !etGs! FrKrF A| qwGxzrItGs pFF |wzI GrtsDAwzIy& |wz qpG qwGytBrI |wzIyrFC p KrI| swwB !atKtFtMpJtwG! HFp|rI' d GwIvpFF| JI| Jw Bw JDpJ& AzJ ywvrJtvry d DpKr Jw yrGB p iHpqryDtH Jw pGwJDrI HFpGrJ tG wIBrI Jw {tG' d srJ Fryy HwtGJy& AzJ Dr|& JDpJSy FtCr' jGFryy |wzSIr pG rLqrFFrGJ !atKtFtMpJtwG! HFp|rI wI KrI| BrJrIvtGrB& JDr !bvHwIrI! FrKrF ty ArJJrI FrCJ pFwGr' d JItrB tJ p Cr{ Jtvry pGB qwzFB wGF| {tG A| yrGBtGs p iHpqryDtH Jw pGwJDrI HFpGrJ' 4w{rKrI& {tGGtGs JDpJ FrKrF {DtFr urrHtGs pFF |wzI GrtsDAwzIy tG qDrqu ty KrI|& KrI| JwzsD' d qpvr qFwyr Jw rLJtGqJtwG p Cr{ Jtvry' kDrG JDr fwGswFy pIr tGKwFKrB $tC |wz BtBGSJ qDwwyr Jw Ar rtJDrI p fwGswF wI pG dGBtpG FrpBrIT& JDtGsy srJ rKrG JwzsDrI' 37 hint The Number of Civilizations Y atKtFtMpJtwGy- Q{V Q{'1pytqpFF|& JDty GzvArI wC qtKtFtMpJtwGy ty JDr ypvr py JDr !aDtrCJptG! FrKrF' 1rqpzyr wGF| ) wJDrI qtKtFtMpJtwGy pIr tGKwFKrB& tJ ty IrqwvvrGBrB wGF| CwI pG rpy| spvr wI CwI ArstGGrIy' 8Fp|rIy {tJD pG| !atKtFtMpJtwG! rLHrItrGqr pKwtB tJ Ftur JDr HFpszr VV JDr| pIr FwwutGs CwI p qDpFFrGsr& GwJ p {pFuwKrIP * atKtFtMpJtwGy-Q{V Q{'kDrG |wzSKr swJ Y wJDrI qtKtFtMpJtwGy& tJ srJy JwzsDrI& AzJ tJ ty yJtFF GwJ JwzsD rGwzsD Jw {pIIpGJ p qDpFFrGsr' dJ ty GwJ KrI| DpIB Jw {tG JDr spvr {tJD JDty GzvArI wC qtKtFtMpJtwGy' Z atKtFtMpJtwGy-Q{V Q{'6rJSy Ar CptI& |wz {pGJ p qDpFFrGsr& ItsDJ_ kptJ p yrq& d JDwzsDJ |wz BtB' dC |wz BwGSJ& JDty FrKrF ty CwI |wz' dJSy GwJ xztJr p {pFuwKrI& tJSy GwJ xztJr p qDpFFrGsr& AzJ tJSy BtCCtqzFJ rGwzsD CwI HFp|rIy {tJD p FtJJFr !atKtFtMpJtwG! rLHrItrGqr {Dw {pGJ ywvrJDtGs JwzsDrI JDpG Y qtKtFtMpJtwGy tG pFF' + atKtFtMpJtwGy-Q{V Q{':Dty ty {DrIr tJ srJy JwzsD' ktJD Z wJDrI atKtFtMpJtwGy ApJJFtGs CwI JwH yHwJ& |wz vzyJ Ar KrI|& KrI| swwB EzyJ Jw yzIKtKr' dJ ty {tGGpAFr& AzJ JDr GrrB Jw Ar rKrIV{pJqDCzF ty p vzyJ' `G|JDtGs Fryy pGB |wzSB JDtGu JDr 3IrGqD 9rKwFzJtwG ty DpHHrGtGs pFF wKrI psptG VV rLqrHJ |wzSIr 6wzty You need a UHS 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help >library of GAMERS on CIS, the WWW site http://www.uhs-hints.com/, or the >Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de for one. ôý