UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 732 subject Circle of Blood 5 comment Note to unregistered users! Hints in the End Game section are available only to registered users of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to enable these hints if you cannot access them. 39 subject About This UHS File 12 credit Who wrote this file? The UHS hints for Circle of Blood were written by Jeanne Muse. I hope you enjoy using this file. If you see any errors, have suggestions or comments, please contact me. You can reach me at CompuServe ID [102256.2027] or through the Internet at 102256.2027@compuserve.com . Also visit my web site for links to the UHS at the following address: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwmuse Copyright 1997 by Jeanne Muse, all rights reserved. 4 credit Who made Circle of Blood? "Circle of Blood," was made by Revolution Software Ltd. and published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc. 11 credit Who designed the UHS? The Universal Hint System concept was created by Jason Strautman. Since then, Jason and Robert Norton have updated the file format, written several UHS readers and many hint files. Jason, Robert and I hope this hint system has made your game playing more enjoyable. Jason can be reached via e-mail at jstrautman@aol.com or 72337,2611 on Compuserve. Robert Norton can be reached through the Internet at this e-mail address: 70017.1765@compuserve.com . Be sure to visit the UHS Web Site at http://www.uhs-hints.com for readers and more hint files. 10 comment How can I author a UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman for more information on UHS, writing a hint file, access to the compiler, and to ensure that nobody else has started work on the same project. You may also be eligible to receive a payment for a completed UHS file. Jason can be reached via e-mail at jstrautman@aol.com or 72337,2611 on Compuserve. For further information you can also visit the UHS Internet Web Site at this address: http://www.uhs-hints.com 2 blank - 8 comment The Basics Look at people and things without manipulating them with a RIGHT MOUSE CLICK. Sometimes this simple action triggers other events! While talking to people, show them EVERYTHING in your pockets (top window). Ask them about every icon that appears at the bottom of the screen until the icon disappears. 2 blank - 203 subject France 39 nesthint Where did the clown go? V!o~"_6 N}tm}%%ua9!yjluN8(<;*hwMk+~.-/ - g+d(|uY62Lqjf#%tk,!%louZ+(? {t2Ay?&*fUj'H{v~1 - b$Tz~4L($k|i*j)vp,.kjv}Z y? 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Where is a towel? `FF swwB ApIJrGBrIy urrH p Jw{rF DpGB| Jw {tHr zH yHtFFy' - :Dr Jw{rF ty wG JDr ApI' - lwz yDwzFB Ar pAFr Jw srJ JDr Jw{rF pCJrI |wz DpKr JpFurB Jw JDr HpJIwGy yrKrIpF Jtvry' = 15 hint My towel isn't wet anymore! :Dr Jw{rF {tFF BI| wzJ KrI| xztquF|' - 6rpKr JDr Bts ytJr pGB sw Apqu Jw JDr HzASy qrFFpI' - :zIG wG JDr CpzqrJ pGB zyr JDr Jw{rF wG JDr ytGu' - 2w GwJ vpur pG| zGGrqryypI| vwKry wG |wzI {p| Apqu Jw JDr ytJr' - 2w GwJ Fwwu pJ pG|JDtGs& JpFu Jw pG|wGr wI sw tG pG| wJDrI BtIrqJtwGy' - gGqr |wzI Jw{rF ty {rJ& zyr tJ wG JDr HFpyJrI tG py Cr{ vwKry py HwyytAFr' - d BtB tJ tG yrKrG vwKry' - c/T(-|P6/Wlxnow1!k9zn^{0C,4<0*. - c/T(-|P62[zyz~t1!d~.q]m$Z'zM/~e21y.$W 72 subject Spain 9 hint How can I get inside the domed building? :Dr BwwI ty FwqurB' - 4pKr |wz yHwurG {tJD JDr awzGJryy_ - cw tGytBr JDr Dwzyr pGB JpFu {tJD JDr awzGJryy' - iDr {tFF wHrG tJ CwI |wz {tJD DrI ur|' 15 hint The gardener won't let me inside the house! ctKr Dtv p IrpywG Jw xztJ {pJrItGs JDr Fp{G' - dC Dty rxztHvrGJ CptFy& Dr {tFF FrpKr Jw qDrqu wG tJ' - iJwH JDr {pJrI CIwv CFw{tGs' - :DrIr ty Gw KtypAFr KpFKr wI uGwA CwI JDr Dwyr' - ixzrrMr tJ' - 8zJ ywvr HIryyzIr wG tJ' - jyr JDr AFwwB HIryyzIr spzsr wG JDr Dwyr' 15 hint The gardener keeps catching me! Is there a way upstairs? ctKr Dtv pGwJDrI Jpyu Jw Bw' - 4r pFyw Dpy Jw Jpur qpIr wC JDr CpvtF| HrJy' - 4r {tFF qpJqD |wz wGF| tC |wz pIr wzJ tG JDr wHrG' - kpFu Jw{pIB JDr Apqu pGB srJ JDr Bwsy ApIutGs' - 7w{ DtBr' - jyr JDr pIvwI' - kDrG Dr FrpKry& yFtH zHyJptIy' 14 hint How can I light the big candle? jGJtF |wz CtGB p ywzIqr CwI CtIr& |wz {tFF GwJ Ar pAFr Jw FtsDJ JDr qpGBFr' - :Dr wJDrI qpGBFry pIr GwJ FtJ ''' |rJ' - :DrIr pIr vpG| wJDrI HzMMFry Jw ywFKr ArCwIr |wz GrrB Jw FtsDJ JDr qpGBFr' - lwz {tFF IrJzIG DrIr Jw{pIB JDr rGB wC JDr spvr' - 4pKr |wz ywFKrB JDr qDryy HzMMFr_ - iwFKr JDr qDryy HzMMFr Jw vwKr wG Jw JDr GrLJ yJpsr wC JDr spvr' $irr wJDrI DtGJy'T 17 hint How do these chess pieces fit? lwz qpG vwKr wGF| Y Htrqry' - :Dr {DtJr Htrqry tG JDr qrGJrI qpG Ar vwKrB tG JDrtI ypvr Iw{' - dJ ty IrpFF| p vpJJrI wC JItpF pG rIIwI' - 7zvArI JDr Z yxzpIry X JDIwzsD Z yJpIJtGs pJ JDr CIwGJ' - :Dr wGry Jw FrpKr AFpGu pIr yxzpIr X pGB yxzpIr *' - :Dr etGs yDwzFB ytJ tG yxzpIr )' - :Dr eGtsDJ yDwzFB Ar HFpqrB tG yxzpIr Y' - 8zJ JDr 1tyDwH tG yxzpIr Z' 88 subject Syria 13 hint What should I do with the merchants? fwyJ wC JDrv qpGGwJ yHrpu bGsFtyD' - :Dr AryJ |wz qpG Bw ty yDw{ JDrv |wzI tGKrGJwI| tJrvy Jw yrr {DpJ DpHHrGy' - 3tGB wzJ JDpJ JDr |wzGs Aw|& 7rEw& Ftury |wzI ApFF' - 6wwu pJ JDr vrIqDpGJy qpIrCzFF|& pGB Fwwu pJ JDrv vwIr JDpG wGqr' - 2tB |wz GwJtqr JDr yJrHy FrpBtGs zH pAwKr JDr qpIHrJ yJpGB_ - iDw{ JDr qpIHrJ yrFFrI |wzI vpJqDAwwu' 29 nesthint Where can I get some money? g+d(0}W"?Ypj^*y -o~zqxzG}(5$$g@ - V}em9-Z+?Wzteoi1np9"m]'#B} C ) {;*mw3#(H)zPmuwB - U!c(-|P62_lyoo%wk&.y`l0M}w<)z %5o+xW = 9 hint How can I get the statue? 4pKr |wz JItrB HrJJtGs JDr qpJ_ - 4r EzvHy ItsDJ GrLJ Jw JDr yJpJzr pGB {ptJy' - :Dr qpJ {tFF Ar yJpIJFrB {DrG JDr BwwI wHrGy' - gGqr JDr qpJ ty wG JDr yDrFC& ItGs JDr ArFF' - b$T(,(L*4P+qiyp$-p(}%fl'h - O<[q-(W{?[lnh~%(vh%.ig'$B}47*x. - T}Rm9$L-_, - c/T(-|P63T~xoo% {|-vjxz$;,)2I - b$T(-#`((^xzkwv-b~$jjp#B$-M'%o}6x&2/#sUju\{sw#3- lDfu84 - a![t9(S{?^fnj1!k9RzYuuh 13 hint Where is the bathroom key? :Dr vpGpsrI {wGSJ FrJ pG|wGr tGytBr zGJtF Dty JwtFrJ AIzyD ty IrJzIGrB' - :Dr HrIywG {Dw yJwFr JDr AIzyD ty wGr wC JDr FwqpFy' - 2tB |wz Fwwu pJ JDr vrIqDpGJy psptG_ - 6wwu pJ JDr upAwA vrIqDpGJ' $9tsDJ qFtquT - 7rEw qpG DrFH |wz Gw{& yw JpFu Jw Dtv pAwzJ JDr upAwA yrFFrI' - 1r yzIr Jw JpFu {tJD 7rEw psptG pCJrI{pIBy' 16 hint How can I fix the taxi? 7wGr wC JDr vrIqDpGJy qpG DrFH |wz DrIr' - ` FtJJFr tGsrGztJ| wG |wzI HpIJ ty pFF |wz GrrB' - ` IrpF ArFJ ty GwJ IrpFF| GrqryypI| VV EzyJ ywvrJDtGs JDpJ qpG Ar yzAyJtJzJrB CwI wGr' - 2tB |wz Fwwu pIwzGB JDr ApJDIwwv_ - :w{rF BtyHrGyrIy Ftur JDpJ wGr zyzpFF| wHrG {tJD ur|y' - jyr JDr ApJDIwwv ur| wG tJ pGB Jpur JDr Jw{rF' - gCCrI JDr Jw{rF Jw JDr BItKrI' 15 hint Is there a way to escape Khan? itGqr Dr ty HwtGJtGs p szG pJ |wz& tJ {wzFB Ar {tyr GwJ Jw Ftr' - lwz {tFF {pGJ Jw Btr Ftur p vpG' - 3tGpFF| ywvrwGr {Dw {pGJy Jw yDpur DpGByP - irFrqJ |wzI AzMMrI' - 9rpqDtGs CwI JDr szG ty yztqtBr' - lwz qpG yrr JDr JIzqu CIwv DrIr' - 5zvH wCC JDr qFtCC' 192 subject End Game 64 subject Excavation Site 53 nesthint How can I get inside the site? V}em9-Z+?Wzteoi1np9"m]'r;,|?*%m28o8%I+i>ul\ ox|R|~h^n DE$OPK>y)KD~D(,dY<% z+^s9u]%4Yo3 - g+d(|uY6-Z"%nkpv-p!s%:prF}4D$*h2Fy4@ - g+d(+yLz?^zr_*Gzoh~.w]muL}"0 ) )5s+wI-pJ)~A~l3l@;YrLyx%{9~K^ - b$T(\#`$3P~xzmf-d~zux O8"<2D - b}Zm9(S{?-tgfo%&}o-onjz0;&xM|)k2Ar$2l#vC}lO'teA0 #Gy@ - a$T(-|P$?Lo{c}j$-u(#%lv0M(y.&6t!MV."../ 28 nesthint When will Lopez remember? W0oq,4Zx5Tzzm*~ "|!o{]'vI*{$yl = 18 hint How can I light the candle? jGFtur ArCwIr& |wz Gw{ DpKr p ywzIqr wC CFpvr' - :Dr qpGBFry wG JDr pFJpI pIr FtJP - lwz yJtFF GrrB p {p| Jw JIpGyCrI JDr CFpvr Jw JDr Ats qpGBFr& {DtqD ty CpI Jww DtsD Jw IrpqD' - :DrIr ty p CFpvvpAFr tJrv tG |wzI tGKrGJwI|' - `GB JDrIr ty p FwGs HwFr psptGyJ JDr {pFF Jw DrFH |wz IrpqD JDr Ats qpGBFr' - aFwyr JDr {tGBw{ {tJD JDr yGzCCrI& yw JDr {tGB {tFF GwJ AFw{ wzJ JDr qpGBFr' - jyr JDr Jtyyzr wG JDr yGzCCrI pGB JDrG zyr JDr pFJpI qpGBFr' - lwz Gw{ DpKr CFpvr Jw FtsDJ JDr Ats qpGBFr' - O"cm+4d%4kwnary1!d~.hYutF}@M#{ )6v+21uw:)tK~l3l@!{uKf&-uD/C?TP|3R^ 25 nesthint What am I supposed to do with the Lion's head? R%S(2#`63]$%fyt|vj .fl'$B}49$%n2Ds3zIu!GrnD 'vo;~wB - `%Vp-4N"(Nv%ix%%ua9zngu0;&xM/~e M2wI}uc - W0oq,4_%.koflu%%||,sjx{x?8yE+%sw1*#!8&/ - `!Ut~w_63Sp%fsly!|(|yg'$B}41*%r@ - c/T(-|P6,T}wi|% {|-vjxz%H$}A;-a~98 = 9 hint Where is a mirror? 4pKr |wz FwwurB pIwzGB JDr tGytBr wC JDr Dwzyr JDwIwzsDF|_ - :Dr vtIIwI ty GwJ zHyJptIy' - dJ ty DpGstGs wG p {pFF Bw{GyJptIy' - aDrqu wzJ JDr zJtFtJ| Iwwv pAwKr JDr Dwyr qwGGrqJtwG' - c/T(-|P6*P$%ix%%ua9%fds> - [+em9 P|3k|zcmp}&|-}%Y}C|4A#{ x.v+{7{!9xvN: 57 subject Scotland 17 nesthint How do I rescue Nico? R%S(2#`63Lwpz~t1!d~.rYu0C&4A#{ %A|(".x!HqpN 'tj3$zB - Q(Xu{4Z$?_zuzyk1!d~.yjhyHF - ],Tv9(S{?bts^y|1nj}.y`l0Gy"M2l~Mq((.4zD~'=,i"rE/: - e}[s9(Z63Sp%\klxnc~.hYy0;&xM"% {;8 - _1Xk$ d62`}{_#%%ua9!h]uuh - R%S(2#`6-Zn]o%%ua9qtjk0I&4A#{ ).v+2+yi>wk\%v(B - ^1[t9}_7 - Z!P~~4_~1Z lb*yyr|}}tj')I-42)*e$2nM 25 nesthint How can I open the church door? W"o!()k{7Lxnho%v#a+'y`p~A8w9*)e~F6?+8)!LrsH,m|jG-q#Rm{7&E}BPQEwR - `!\m&vP(?Sz|zwf&|-wr]z0;8fvb^T20v(u44i6|'>~v(j:/,|Mz26kI$IDUo - `%Vp-4N"(Nv%ix%%ua9%m]l|Zy'@ #b~F*2w?ys6u'PutxvR$z#Tf$-uK"]CR?w7]?}R,+% - Z!U|9wW"V+yi*uzpg9#uxh~S8}A #s2Fy42-}t8x}A~5 - g+d(0}W"?Rpyzk%t|c9os\'qZ{&.)! x?y,2=|fU oAqs3dE.qp@q+R - R%S(2#`6-Zn]o%%ua9~ndl0I~41$(t2.x#2;)c7ul{ - S4Pu""P6(_+x_ j#nh9"nel#Z,#M+c}M/2<#n:){Duuzv` - g+d(0}W"?Rpyzpt&|""jez0@*#:;*hsA*/{5y/ - b$T("![%1_lsn*tr|"!%louZ{#4I - \+f(~,L#(Yp%nrj1 pz"z]5 - c/T(z W6.Q+~iw1vj/sslv"S8}A #s2You need a UHS 95a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL (keyword PC GAMES), the >General/Help library of GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or >the WWW page http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. έδ