UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 275 subject Star Trek: Borg 13 subject USS Cheyenne: Beginning of a Journey 11 hint Q asks me to make a choice. fp|Ar |wz yDwzFB CwFFw{ tG |wzI CpJDrISy CwwJyJrHy' - lwz {pGJ Jw pKrGsr |wzI CpJDrI& BwGSJ |wz_ - kDpJ Bw |wz GrrB Jw utFF 1wIs_ - dJSy qrIJptGF| GwJ |wzI qFwJDry' - :pur JDr HDpyrI' dC |wz Jpur JDr Aps& JDr spvr ty wKrI' 53 subject USS Righteous: Tampering With Fate 7 hint Is there any way to stop the destruction of the Righteous? 9rFpL& Jpur p BrrH AIrpJD' - 2w p Cr{ yqpGy Jw Hpyy JDr Jtvr' - :DrIrSy GwJDtGs |wz qpG Bw DrIr |rJ' :Dty ty EzyJ pG tGJIwBzqJtwG yrxzrGqr' 9 hint What do I do about the Borg after me? kDpJ pIr |wz swtGs Jw Bw& yqpG tJ Jw BrpJD_ - lwz DpKr ywvrJDtGs tG |wzI DpGB JDpJ vtsDJ DrFH' - h spKr tJ Jw |wz yw |wz qwzFB utFF 1wIs' - jyr JDr HDpyrI psptGyJ JDr 1wIs' 11 hint How do I help Ensign Targus? 2wGSJ Bw rKrI|JDtGs h yp|y' - :Dr 1wIs qpG pBpHJ& IrvrvArI_ - iw yDwwJtGs Dtv ty zyrFryy' - fp|Ar |wz qwzFB yDwIJ qtIqztJ JDr 1wIs' - iDwwJ JDr HpGrF JDr 1wIsSy pJJpqDrB Jw& Jw stKr tJ pG rFrqJItq yDwqu' 13 hint How do I reconfigure the security panel? 1r qpIrCzF {tJD FtKr wAErqJy' - :wzqDtGs JDr CtIyJ J{w GwBzFry {tFF stKr |wz p yDwqutGs rLHrItrGqr' - :Dr JDtIB {tFF Jww& zGFryy |wz JzIG wCC JDr CrrB' - iw {DpJSy FrCJ_ - 9rvwKr JDr CwzIJD GwBzFr Jw JzIG wCC JDr Hw{rI' - :DrG IrvwKr JDr JDtIB GwBzFr Jw IrqwGCtszIr JDr HpGrF' 11 hint How do I get to the Computer Core Control Room? lwzSFF GrrB p vpGzpF tGHzJ qwBr' - lwz qpG CtGB wGr tG JDr yqDrvpJtq wC jii 9tsDJrwzy' - :Dr yqDrvpJtq ty tG |wzI JItqwIBrI' - gI tC |wz BwGSJ CrrF Ftur FwwutGs tJ zH& JDr qwBr ty qwvtGs zH' - :Dr qwBr ty XZ(+X\' 73 subject USS Righteous: Stowaway Borg 10 hint What do I do about the Borg implant? 2wGSJ vpur p HIrvpJzIr vryy' - 8pJtrGqr ty p KtIJzr' - 2wGSJ vrBBFr {tJD {DpJ |wz BwGSJ zGBrIyJpGB' - 2rpF {tJD tJ FpJrI' 3wI Gw{& FrpKr tJ pFwGr' dC |wz pJJrvHJ Jw IrvwKr tJ& JDr 9tsDJrwzy {tFF yrFCVBryJIzqJ' 17 hint Lt. Furlong is hiding a combadge. Which hand is it in? fp|Ar tJSy tG Dty FrCJ DpGB' - fp|Ar tJSy tG Dty ItsDJ DpGB' - fp|Ar tJSy GwJ' - 6tCr tyGSJ CptI' - 7rtJDrI ty Dr' - iw Bw ywvrJDtGs pAwzJ tJ' - :rpqD Dtv p FryywG& vp|Ar' - 4rSy qDrpJtGs' aFtqu wG Dty qDtG Jw HzGqD Dtv' 14 hint What do I do after I punch Lt. Furlong? :Dr 1wIs pIr |wzI rGrv|' - :Dr 1wIs qpG pBpHJ' - aDpGqry pIr& JDr| pFIrpB| DpKr' - iw qDpGsr JDr HDpyrI yrJJtGsy' - 1zJ CtIyJ |wz DpKr Jw srJ JDr HDpyrI' - aFtqu wG 6J' 3zIFwGsSy HDpyrI' :DrG qFtqu wG JDr qtIqzFpI AzJJwG wG JDr Apqu Jw vwBzFpJr JDr HDpyrI CIrxzrGq|' 14 hint What do I do with the dead Borg's implant? lwz qpG pF{p|y JzIG Jw |wzI CItrGBy CwI DrFH' - 6wwu pJ JDr yDpHr wC JDr tvHFpGJ' - kDrIr DpKr |wz yrrG ywvrJDtGs Ftur JDty ArCwIr_ - dJSy zyrB tG GrzIwVyJtv JDrIpH|' - 7rzIwVyJtv JDrIpH| ty zyrB HItvpItF| wG HrwHFr {Dw {rIr JwIJzIrB A| JDr apIBpyytpGy' - bGytsG :pIszy Dpy p GrzIpF tGJrICpqr wG DrI CwIrDrpB' aFtqu wG JDpJ' 16 hint How can I help Ensign Targus with the implant? kDwrKrI JwzqDry JDr tvHFpGJ {tFF Ar tG sIrpJ HptG' - iwvr Ipqry DpKr rKwFKrB Jw pKwtB HptG' - 9rvrvArI& lgj pIr 6J' iHItGJ Gw{' - 6J' iHItGJ ty p 1tEpGt' - :Dr 1tEpGt DpKr {DpJSy uGw{G py p HptG JIpGqr' - dJ FrJy JDrv qwvHFrJr p Jpyu {tJDwzJ CrrFtGs HptG' - aFtqu wG JDr tvHFpGJ' h {tFF vpur |wz IrHFp| JDr yqrGr& AzJ DrSy EzyJ JI|tGs Jw JItqu |wz' kDrG JDr yqrGr ty IrHFp|rB& qFtqu wG JDr tvHFpGJ psptG' 85 subject Borg Cube: Resistance is Futile 13 hint What do I do about the Borg trying to pass me? `Ir JDr| p JDIrpJ Jw |wz ItsDJ Gw{_ - `Ir |wz p JDIrpJ Jw JDrv_ - 2w |wz {pGJ Jw Ar p JDIrpJ Jw JDrv_ - d JDwzsDJ GwJ' - 2w GwJDtGs JDpJ {tFF HIwKwur JDrv' - dG wJDrI {wIBy& Bw GwJDtGs' 17 hint What is the correct sequence for the Borg console? dG wIBrI Jw CtGB wzJ JDr yrxzrGqr& |wz vzyJ Arqwvr 1wIs' - gI& tC |wz BwGSJ CrrF Ftur tJ& dSFF rLHFptG JDr yrxzrGqr tG JDr CwFFw{tGs DtGJy' - 3tIyJ HIryy AzJJwG X' $:DpJSy ty& wGr wG JDr FrCJ VV GzvArI JDr AzJJwGy CIwv FrCJ Jw ItsDJ'T - :DrG HIryy AzJJwG Y J{tqr' - 7w{ HIryy AzJJwG *' - 3tGpFF|& HIryy AzJJwG ) J{tqr' - iw JDr qwIIrqJ yrxzrGqr ty XYY*))' 13 hint Should I shoot a Borg to get an implant? 7w' - 1zJ bGytsG :pIszy {pGJy Jw' - lwz yDwzFBGSJ FrJ DrI' - lwz GrrB p FtKtGs 1wIs' - iw yJwH DrI' - aFtqu wG DrI pIv {DrG yDr vwKry tG CIwGJ wC |wz' 18 hint What should I type into the hypospray? fp|Ar tJ {tFF DrFH tC |wz Arqwvr p FtKtGs 1wIs' - lwz qpG Arqwvr 1wIs pGB yJtFF yJp| wzJytBr wC JDr qwFFrqJtKr' - dJSy qpFFrB p 1tEpGt HptG JIpGqr' - ` HptG JIpGqr ty yJpIJrB A| pBIrGpFtGr' - 1tEpGt pBIrGpFtGr' - iw HIwsIpv JDr D|HwyHIp| CwI 1tEpGt pBIrGpFtGr' - :Dr qwvAtGpJtwGy pIr tG |wzI JItqwIBrI' - gI tC |wz BwGJ CrrF Ftur FwwutGs tJ zH& JDr qwvAtGpJtwG ty XYYX $AzJJwG X& AzJJwG Y& AzJJwG Y& AzJJwG XT' 11 hint What do I do with the Borg that looks like Q? 4r BwryGSJ EzyJ Fwwu Ftur h' - 4r ty h' - 2w |wz JDtGu p D|HwyHIp| {tFF pCCrqJ h_ - 7w' dJ {wGSJ' - iw Bw GwJDtGs' 11 hint What do I do with the next Borg? 7w{ tJSy Jtvr Jw Arqwvr p 1wIs |wzIyrFC' - 1zJ IrvrvArI VV |wz DpKr Jw yJp| wzJytBr wC JDr qwFFrqJtKr' - iw sw tGJw p HptG JIpGqr' - dGErqJ |wzIyrFC {tJD 1tEpGt pBIrGpFtGr' - aFtqu wG |wzI DpGB VV JDr wGr JDpJSy GwJ DwFBtGs JDr D|HwyHIp|' 34 subject USS Righteous: The Good Borg 11 hint What is that targeting circle on Q? krFF& Dr EzyJ tGyzFJrB |wz' - `IrGSJ |wz ytqu wC Dty tGyzFJy_ - iw JrpqD Dtv p FryywG' - aFtqu wG h' - dC |wz 9b`66l {pGJ Jw JrpqD Dtv p FryywG& ptv p FtJJFr Fw{rI''' 21 hint How do I stop the Borg accessing Ops? 3tIyJ |wz DpKr Jw pqqryy JDr 1wIs' - :Dty ty p FtJJFr JItqu|' 6wwu CwI p qtIqFr pJ JDr qrGJrI wC JDr AwJJwv wC JDr yqIrrG& wG wGr wC JDr JDtqu FtGry' - :DrG& qFtqu wG tJ' - 7w{& ywvrJDtGs Ftur p GzvrItq ur|HpB qwvry zH' dJSy GzvArIrB Ftur JDty- Q{VX ) Y * Z + [ , \ (Q{' - 7w{ J|Hr tG JDr wKrIItBr qwBr' - lwz yp{ tJ wG JDr 1wIs qzAr pGB zyrB tJ Jw yJwH JDr 1wIs tvHFpGJ tG awvHzJrI awGJIwF' - :Dr wKrIItBr qwBr ty +XYY(' 2 blank - 13 hint General Gameplay Tips ipKr wCJrG' lwz GrKrI uGw{ {DpJSy pIwzGB JDr GrLJ JzIG' - iwvrJtvry& h {tFF wCCrI p yzssryJtwG wG Dw{ Jw ywFKr p HzMMFr' 4rSy pFvwyJ `6k`li {IwGs' - jyr |wzI JItqwIBrI wCJrG' dJ DrFHy' - iwvrJtvry& BwtGs GwJDtGs ty JDr ItsDJ qwzIyr wC pqJtwG' - :DpGu |wz CwI zytGs JDty j4i CtFr' lwz qpG qwGJpqJ JDr pzJDwI pJ 33[ixjp9r0pwF'qwv' 6 version 96a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 rel. 24. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 17 info - length=0008488 date=12-Sep-98 time=18:34:20 author=Scott Zarchy publisher= copyright=This file is copyright 1998 by Scott Zarchy. Jason Strautman may copyright=authorize distribution of this file in conjunction with shareware copyright=distributions of the UHS readers and on the UHS web site. author-note=Email at FF7SqUaRe@aol.com game-note=Trademarks referenced in this file are the property of their game-note=respective owners. >You need a UHS 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look in the >software libraries of the PC Games forum on AOL, the General/Help library of >GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or the WWW page >http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. Õ