UHS Important Message! 7 18 dvHwIJpGJP 3 dsGwIr JDtyP 7 kD| pIrGSJ JDrIr pG| vwIr DtGJy DrIr 16 :Dr CwFFw{tGs JrLJ {tFF pHHrpI rGqI|HJrB VV tJ ty tGJrGBrB py tGyJIzqJtwGy CwI HrwHFr {tJDwzJ j4i IrpBrIy' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is encoded in the Universal Hint System format. The UHS is designed to show you only the hints that you need so your game is not spoiled. You will need a UHS reader for your computer to view this file. You can find UHS readers and more information on the UHS on the Internet at http://www.uhs-hints.com/ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Dty CtFr Dpy ArrG {ItJJrG CwI p Gr{rI j4i CwIvpJ {DtqD JDr IrpBrI JDpJ |wz pIr zytGs Bwry GwJ yzHHwIJ' ;tytJ JDr j4i {rA ytJr pJ DJJH-WW{{{'zDyVDtGJy'qwvW Jw yrr tC p Gr{rI IrpBrI ty pKptFpAFr' ** END OF 88A FORMAT ** 1427 subject Blade Runner 5 comment For Unregistered Users Hints in the "Act 4" and "Act 5" sections are available only to users who have purchased a registered copy of their UHS reader. Check your UHS reader for more information on how to enable these hints if you cannot access them. 23 subject About This Hint File 7 credit Who wrote this file? Jeanne Muse -- jwmuse@csi.com, or jwmuse@compuserve.com [CIS 102256,2027] -- wrote this file. See the information block of this file (accessible via your UHS reader) for copyright information and distribution licenses. 8 credit Who designed the UHS system? Jason Strautman -- jstrautman@uhs-hints.com, JStrautman on AOL, or 72337,2611 on CompuServe -- created the original concept of the UHS. Bob Norton -- 70017,1765 on CompuServe -- helped to update the UHS to more recent formats. Be sure to visit the UHS Web Site at http://www.uhs-hints.com for readers and more hint files. 6 comment How do I write my own UHS file? Contact Jason Strautman (see the previous question for electronic mail addresses) for more information. You will also need the most recent compiler for your computer and should check to make sure that no one else is working on a similar file. 2 blank - 99 subject General Hints 12 comment IMPORTANT! Please read! These hints have been written with the difficulty level set to EASY and with the dialog mode USER CHOICE (Question Mark) selected. Many interesting and different endings are possible in Blade Runner. Therefore, this file provides hints on the major obstacles and ~possible~ encounters. In each act, any obvious differences have been indicated -- there may be more. Your game may not require some of the hints given here! At the beginning of each new game, the computer determines which characters are replicants and which are human. 10 comment Dialog Options Not all conversations will have choices. Many happen automatically without interaction. In the Opts. screen, make sure the question mark button is selected before talking to someone. When different subjects are available, a small menu will pop up. You can change the dialog mode back and forth at will. Select your questions carefully. Saving your game before a conversation will give you the option to restore if something goes wrong. 12 comment Investigating Crimes Many pieces of evidence are tiny and well-hidden. Adjusting the Gamma to a lighter setting may make it easier to see important items and dark corners. Sometimes McCoy needs to move within the room for a better view of the floor and other objects. Interrogate witnesses, victims, and law officers on the scene completely by talking to them repeatedly. If McCoy obtains a video or photograph, use Esper to examine it more closely. Downloading information from the Police Headquarter's mainframe computer will obtain lab results and possible connecting evidence gathered from other agents. 10 comment Using the KIA Because the KIA organizes McCoy's clues, evidence and suspects in his personal database, look at it often to keep the list current with new items. Selecting any item with a > symbol next to it shows or plays it. McCoy may make a new comment that you haven't heard before. Each time a conversation is recorded or new evidence is gathered, the KIA is updated. Downloads from Police Headquarter's mainframe also result in new clues. 9 comment Using Esper Using Esper takes a bit of practice. Clues are very cleverly hidden in the photographic images, many in the darkest part of the photograph. Select an area of the photo by drawing a box around it. That portion of the image will zoom in closer and become clearer. Select and zoom several times to get the closest view. Once you have something important, McCoy will request a hard copy of the image. 5 comment When can McCoy use his money? McCoy will use his hard-earned cash at appropriate times in the game. Various dialog sequences will lead to a purchase. The money exchange will happen automatically and only when appropriate. 19 hint Is there any better ammunition? dC |wz pIr HFp|tGs pG !bpy|! spvr& fqaw| Dpy pG zGFtvtJrB yzHHF| wC !yJpGBpIB tyyzr! pvvzGtJtwG CwI Dty szG& {DtqD {tFF yzCCtqr tG JDr rpIF| yJpsry wC JDr spvr' - 6pJrI tG JDr spvr& Cwry Arqwvr vwIr BtCCtqzFJ Jw BrCrpJ' 4tsDrI tGJrGytJ| pvvzGtJtwG qpG Ar vzqD vwIr rCCrqJtKr pGB vp| vrpG FtCr wI BrpJD Jw fqaw| tG qwvApJ' - fqaw| qpG Az| ywvr ArJJrI AzFFrJy CIwv p vrIqDpGJ' - cw yrr 1zFFrJ 1wA tG `GtvwtB 9w{' - :Dr KrI| AryJ pvvw tG JDr spvr qpG Ar CwzGB BzItGs JDr rGB wC JDr spvr' 6wwu CwI ywvr qIpJry zGBrI JDr qtJ|' - 6wpB JDr Gr{ AzFFrJy CIwv {tJDtG JDr ed` A| qFtqutGs wG JDr wGr |wz {pGJ Jw zyr' 10 comment Why can't McCoy use an exit or entrance? At first, some doors or portholes are accessible from only one side. Once McCoy has visited that area and used the exit, he will be able to use it both ways. Move the cursor around the screen and look for the arrow to turn blue. If a door is locked or the entrance is blocked by someone or something, McCoy will not be able to enter just yet. Talk to someone, wait a bit, or leave and return to try again. Sometimes the exit will be available only after another character has passed through it. 10 hint Other agents are always ahead of him! fqaw| pF{p|y yrrvy Jw Ar wGr yJrH ArDtGB iJrrFr pGB wJDrI psrGJy' - crJ Jw 6wquzH rpIF| tG JDr spvr pGB JI| Jw ArpJ pGwJDrI psrGJ Jw pG tGJrIKtr{' - cw Jw pG| Gr{ pIrpy py ywwG py HwyytAFr pGB vpur JDr IwzGBy' - jyr JDr vptGCIpvr qwvHzJrI pJ 8wFtqr 4rpBxzpIJrIy wCJrG' 35 subject Police Headquarters 11 hint When can McCoy talk to the Lieutenant? 6trzJrGpGJ czMMp ty p Azy| vpG pGB ty HIwApAF| wzJ qwGBzqJtGs HwFtqr AzytGryy' - 6rpKr CwI Gw{ pGB KtytJ pGwJDrI FwqpJtwG' - 4py fqaw| swJJrG pFF wC JDr rKtBrGqr CIwv JDr qItvr yqrGry_ - cw Apqu Jw JDr AztFBtGsy pGB qDrqu psptG' czMMp vp| Ar pKptFpAFr zHwG fqaw|Sy IrJzIG Jw 4h' 9 hint Must he get a good score in the shooting range? 8IpqJtqr vpury HrICrqJ' fqaw| GrrBy pFF JDr DrFH Dr qpG srJ' - dJ ty GwJ GrqryypI| Jw srJ JDr AryJ wKrIpFF yqwIr DrIr VV EzyJ Bw JDr AryJ |wz qpG Jw srJ p HwytJtKr IryzFJ' - 3tGtyD JDr yDwwJtGs IpGsr rpIF| tG JDr spvr yw fqaw| qpG HrICwIv ArJJrI wG JDr yJIrrJ' 13 hint The lab technician is gone! When will he return? 4pKr |wz Bw{GFwpBrB |wzI qFzry tGJw JDr vptGCIpvr qwvHzJrI_ - `G| rKtBrGqr GrrBtGs pGpF|yty ty pzJwvpJtqpFF| JIpGyCrIIrB Jw JDr FpA Ktp JDr qwvHzJrI' - aDrqu tG {tJD JDr FpA pCJrI Bw{GFwpBtGs Gr{ tGCwIvpJtwG' - :Dr FpA {tFF DrFH {tJD rKtBrGqr fqaw| CtGBy HrIywGpFF| BzItGs qItvr yqrGry wGF|' :DtGsy HtqurB zH wG JDr yJIrrJ vp| GwJ Ar pGpF|MrB' - `CJrI `qJ )& JDr FpA JrqDGtqtpG {tFF GwJ Ar pKptFpAFr' 2 blank - 208 subject Act 1 18 hint How should McCoy investigate the Runciter scene? :DrIr pIr Htrqry wC rKtBrGqr pGB qFzry AwJD wzJytBr pGB tGytBr JDty qItvr yqrGr' - jyr JDr !CtGr JwwJD qwvA! JrqDGtxzr tG pFF yrqJtwGy' aFtqu wG rKrI| sIrrG pIIw{ vwIr JDpG wGqr' - gzJytBr& fqaw| yDwzFB JpFu Jw JDr wCCtqrI wG BzJ|& tGJrIIwspJr HwyytAFr {tJGryyry& pGB qDrqu JDr pIrp JDwIwzsDF|' bLpvtGr JDr yJIrrJ pGB pFF wAErqJy pIwzGB JDr AztFBtGs pGB ytBr{pFu' - 8IwqrrB tGytBr pGB xzryJtwG JDr KtqJtv& fI' 9zGqtJrI& yrKrIpF Jtvry' - bLpvtGr JDr CzIGtJzIr& qpsry& CFwwI& {pFFy& pGB qrtFtGs tG AwJD pIrpy wC JDr Iwwv' - irr {DpJ JDr HwFtqrvpG BtyqwKrIrB CIwv JDr qIw{B' 62 nesthint What evidence can be found at Runciter's? PRscKHg1'ybwz "&{P!mzc"ft'*hs?$821% uz,~LE%^h>n+~u.8!>{ F L_SFE.G - Vw>(qn9xhos/u|px6N-xsdtrz ~'t@sD?:%,),#w*Es{w]xp"e.3z2| JnASJL@QF=?9AtD8 vskg 0{as/#ru'6\s$]kv%,{j~: &KA(|oz,+24% kB*q,mz.)2wgWoMQaS3*;"oTCn@Ghc = 3 link How should McCoy investigate the Runciter scene? 171 - N}2wqn x'fw"$vpz6Pyyph"ds}6l :u}-${7vv3+!-fzjB*q2u#1wIpaDn^DWB@79I}A\e<()'\o}|v3yN!gsujlr9$v!]1 $H"#)}{!#EfzrQrp/!q's7leWj^AJQR/'1bFi = 12 hint Where will he appear if McCoy cannot catch him now? 4py fqaw| swGr Dwvr |rJ_ - :Dr vpG IzGGtGs pqIwyy JDr HpIutGs FwJ ty JDr qwwuP - iDwwJ Dtv ArCwIr Dr Dpy p qDpGqr Jw utFF fqaw|' - dC fqaw| ty DpKtGs JIwzAFr& IzG p AtJ p{p| CIwv Dtv Jw srJ p ArJJrI yDwJ' - iwvr HFp|rIy CwzGB JDr| qwzFB pKwtB utFFtGs JDr qwwu pFJwsrJDrI A| IzGGtGs Jw JDr rFrKpJwI tGyJrpB' d BtB GwJ JI| JDty pHHIwpqD' = 12 hint How can McCoy get him now? :Dr ywzH BrFp|y fqaw| pGB HIrKrGJy p yHrrB| HzIyztJ' 5zvH wzJ wC JDr {p|' - dG p yHFtJ yrqwGB pCJrI JDr qwwu yJpIJy Jw yHtFF JDr ywzH& BwzAFr qFtqu p HwtGJ p{p| CIwv JDr yHtFF pIrp Jw JDr ItsDJ' - 9zG pCJrI Dtv Bw{G JDr pFFr|& tsGwItGs JDr vpG pJ JDr BzvHyJrI& JDrG IzG JDIwzsD JDr BwwI& pGB qFtvA JDr yJptIy pJ JDr ItsDJ' - :Dr qwwu {tFF pHHrpI {DrG fqaw| IrpqDry JDr GrLJ BwwI' iDwwJ IrHrpJrBF| Jw utFF' 7 hint When will Act 1 end? fqaw| Dpy DpB p FwGs pGB rLDpzyJtGs Bp|P - 2wGSJ |wz JDtGu Dr BryrIKry p FtJJFr IryJ pGB IrFpLpJtwG_ - :pur fqaw| Dwvr Jw Dty pHpIJvrGJ pGB srJ p swwB GtsDJSy yFrrH' 2 blank - 53 nesthint Act 1 Photos Vw>\e<()'n!t$-c!62 tpg"xs"*'nF#!-(6Xl):\e<()'fw"$ru3yY"i~ucqi9{}s5v&"&B7o*. 0*%qyBx0!{ +Ilh8wEDaQ:(F,rH>t?8u8, !y#/iZ&u5 - U 5tx^+<'fo}*-qy6aui~Z"pf26uyE1z$A$|lz-~7~,rO*p3f|?s?jiCj@KF];1F6lIM%94b.T - PRscKHg1'ybwz "&{P!mzc"ft'*hs?$821% uz,~LE%^h>n+~u.8!>{ F L_SFE.G - P +ck~0{aw"1yk&*m$m]"|t.('UzRR = 35 nesthint Tyrell Murder Evidence N%2toi-ukyTx}r"TyPrw~ - Qv2~pZ-yyex#r - Q %/Eh%|hk - Q__I"Fz"jn! = 9 nesthint How can I obtain this? ay#/on+tlks!1$c&6Y|sv^pj%%y*Ey!2Aw#|$H - Zr0rwl9Upls}u"n{_4w+9PD%")'s?$!#&6r(:n-2u!wB|9 = 3 link When can the Eisenduller computer be accessed? 379 - Xz,vum(~'Dw#tug!6/|| - a*0tne9cl\#!z!{ - a*0tne9ches"1]c &Uyi = 9 hint Where is this pamphlet? :Dr ypFry AIwqDzIr BtB GwJ pHHrpI tG pFF wC v| spvry' - dJ {tFF HIwKtBr p qFzr Jw p qDpIpqJrI tG JDr spvr VV Jw FrpB fqaw| Jw ArFtrKr JDr HrIywG ty p IrHFtqpGJ' - dC tJ ty pKptFpAFr tG |wzI spvr& CtGB tJ wG JDr CFwwI GrpI btyrGBzFFrISy qwvHzJrI' 15 nesthint How can McCoy get an appointment to see Dr. Tyrell? ay'""Z) vb|#~rp'6Zn}+cqw%!wwz68(/6+q~-+_(y8#L|+"ws-22w PxSQaD30+K - ay#/hk(~{yrt$x"z+Nh+hjrz%z'~6}$?nyZx.:l 4z #1#}"mzF%IjsJrQSBKFQ - ` +tqg~0~b"w1zq%{mpsycgfy"%u}Qty-A~|u%H - ay#/dh,#'pw{}-c%(N{kpuvkj9wwz@z&3.{%}C = 3 link The boss is not in his office! Where can McCoy find him? 134 - _v2$tg9$vy"wv-V,(Ryp+Wwlq}uqQr~3&(7}v&v'3l,zF~s=H#9,*)a9xSSaFFQ 9 hint When will Animoid Row appear on the map? `sptG& p Htrqr wC rKtBrGqr {tFF JItssrI JDty HFpqr' - 4py fqaw| ArrG Jw JDr :|IrFF 1ztFBtGs |rJ_ - 4py Dr CtGtyDrB yrpIqDtGs JDr btyrGBzFFrI qItvr yqrGr_ - 3tGB JDr etGsyJwG etJqDrG AwL wI p HDwJwsIpHD wC tJ' 47 nesthint How should McCoy handle Bob? Qz"/O\\ y$v v|%[-xsZ"vsz!l*Dv$+&(V - ar*z"m(0{as/${c~{m iwagu%.${s=1 $A)|n"-+4*w%#>qt1b"$vI iKq^,D Av ~cz$22wfF{K@UFA1T - V>"qf~0nZ{t$9"U%O-{tan#f%)v*H **A%%)b}N->,#(SLK = 11 nesthint When will Bob alter my KIA? Ov$~t^9$ob!/tnp3~N}tpc.#f9&po4v8.'6|~~p,(j,pR}=cs?x8~n;7 - Zta~{y,xvnzs1uc){mss cf#n-6h~Qc--$+n'A~>fsup>v~K - N$)/Dh{0h[}$%-u{{Yy$nVuls )5 = 3 link Where are the shell casings? 241 = 22 hint What difference does an altered KIA make? gGqr fqaw|Sy ed` Dpy ArrG pFJrIrB& Dr qpG qDwwyr Jw urrH ywvr qFzry Jw DtvyrFC pFwGr' kDtFr Ktr{tGs JDr qFzr FtyJ& ItsDJ qFtqu pG tJrv Jw yrFrqJ tJ' - dC |wz DpKr yzqqryy pGB GwJtqr p Ats BtCCrIrGqr tG |wzI spvrSy rGBtGs& qwGJpqJ vr {tJD |wzI IryzFJy' m5rpGGr fzyr rVvptF- E{vzyr0qyt'qwvn' d BtB GwJ JI| JDty& AzJ JDr CwFFw{tGs vtsDJ Ar JDr {p| Jw pqqwvHFtyD tJ' - fqaw| yDwzFB DpKr pFIrpB| zHFwpBrB Dty HrIywGpF BpJpApyr rpIFtrI tG `qJ X' 1rCwIr JpFutGs Jw pG|wGr tG `qJ )& Ar yzIr fqaw| Dpy FwwurB pJ pFF JDr wFBrI qFzry CIwv `qJ X' :Dty {tFF IrvwKr JDr / wG JDr wFBryJ qFzry' - 9ryzvr `qJ )' kDrG CtGtyDrB {tJD `GtvwtB 9w{& IrJzIG Jw 8wFtqr 4rpBxzpIJrIy' 3tIyJ zyr byHrI pGB wAJptG pFF JDr DpIB qwHtry' 7wJtqr pFF wC JDr Gr{ rKtBrGqr& Fwwu pJ tJ Jw IrvwKr JDr /& AzJ pFyw ItsDJ qFtqu wG rpqD wGr wC JDr Gr{ qFzry' 8IwqrrB {tJD JDr zHFwpBVBw{GFwpB yrxzrGqr tG JDr vptGCIpvr' fqaw| yDwzFB IrqrtKr qFzry qwGJItAzJrB CIwv JDr wJDrI psrGJy& AzJ BtB GwJ yDpIr pG| wC Dty w{G' - gG yzAyrxzrGJ KtytJy Jw JDr vptGCIpvr& CwFFw{ JDr ypvr HIwqrBzIry' - dr'#"n'$pe.{r v3*\-eobkqn,*l|Q% $Al&r):V2uri]~p0u< 23 nesthint What should McCoy do about Izo? Qz"/Ks(0{Zyt1ZeV%f4w+ekfy.(l*2|?3+%H = 12 hint When will this happen? 4py fqaw| zHFwpBrB pGB Bw{GFwpBrB Dty tGCwIvpJtwG Jw JDr fptGCIpvr |rJ_ - aI|yJpF iJrrFr zHFwpBrB DrI qItvr yqrGr GwJry pGB tGJrIKtr{ {tJD JDr vpG tG FwquzH& cItswItpG' - 6tyJrG Jw DrI pzBtw zHFwpBy' - ` Gr{ qwGKrIypJtwG wHJtwG {tFF Ar pKptFpAFr JDr GrLJ Jtvr fqaw| JpFuy Jw dMw' - `yu dMw pAwzJ cItswItpG' - _&,/c_-uyyW) 9"&~\|x+ijh%}%v|Q}'",B7j#~+#3yqu]~s"!"1s9)dFxPma]$84=lIO%F;Z r)'#0 - P}'|dy-xlyzpuqg%Bm|v+\q#gzyr*F!8306+qz:~27jqw] t"x.( IorFwR_PCRk'4h9M,Ea - Uz1/eZ)$|ks/ "w{N!l+^u#u+{koEv*,*$|m5{>9mq#?or&o|( 0)o=)RGF]9$3"+ 8 hint When does DNA row appear on the map? dMw ty JDr ur|' - dMw vzyJ Ar JpurG qpIr wC& rtJDrI JpurG tGJw qzyJwB| wI utFFrB' - kDrG fqaw| FrpKry `GtvwtB 9w{& Dr {tFF vrGJtwG 27` 9w{' :Dty JItssrIy tJy pHHrpIpGqr wG JDr vpH' 14 hint How can McCoy survive the explosion? fqaw| vp| GwJ yzIKtKr Dty CtIyJ JI|' errH JI|tGs' dJ ty HwyytAFr' - 3Irr JDr vpGP `GB Bw tJ xztquF|P - 2Ip{ fqaw|Sy HtyJwF pGB yDwwJ Dty DpGBqzCCy' - 8zJ JDr szG p{p| pGB IzGP - crJ p{p| CIwv JDr BwwIP - dvvrBtpJrF| zHwG rLtJtGs JDr AztFBtGs& BwzAFr qFtqu tG JDr BtIrqJtwG wC JDr Fw{rIVItsDJ qwIGrI' 10 hint How do I get the ice man to help me? 2tB fqaw| JpFu Jw fwIpEt pCJrI 2rIvw 2rytsGy rLHFwBrB_ - 4py fqaw| KrGJzIrB zH JDr yJptIy pAwKr 2rIvw 2rytsGy_ - 6tyJrG Jw p ypKrB pGy{rItGs vpqDtGr vryypsr wG wGr wC JDr vwGtJwIy' - kDrG JpFutGs Jw aDr{ psptG& urrH pyutGs xzryJtwGy zGJtF JDrIr ty GwJDtGs vwIr Jw JpFu pAwzJ' 14 hint Where is Sebastian? irApyJtpG ty qzIIrGJF| yJp|tGs tG JDr 1IpBAzI| 4wJrF' - 2tB aDr{ JrFF fqaw| Dw{ Jw srJ Jw JDr 1IpBAzI|_ :Dr FwqpJtwG {tFF GwJ Ar pKptFpAFr zGJtF Dr Bwry yw' - cw Bw{G JDr pFFr| ArytBr aDr{Sy AztFBtGs Jw CtGB JDr 1IpBAzI| 4wJrF' - 1wJD JDr rFrKpJwI pGB JDr yJptIy FrpB Jw JDr ypvr HFpqr' - irApyJtpG vp| GwJ Ar Dwvr Gw{& AzJ fqaw| qpG rLHFwIr pFF wC JDr Iwwvy' - awvr Apqu BzItGs `qJ Y' 25 nesthint When will Act 2 end? Q__/Th00tn!#1nr#{N$zc"wm~6{|2'}+A#xyC = 3 link When does DNA row appear on the map? 528 - \!t"F|Svr.wr "t(_vzpY"rs9ZUKQc'6M6~n):-Eyth]|z,g..xI}h<) QBA4886}|Jy7?# = 15 nesthint Where is the roof entrance? R2ttyluiZ!#znp:)m ytig#t6yy@~+M = 3 link Where is Sebastian? 560 - Sz,s"m!u'_z~ qgw6OnxsgqrrG - P}'|dy-xlyzpuqg%6a|$]g#z)&l|Q}}5&"7j#~+'3y{#>*},p{?)2}hWjL_PI6C)2m6JfD7# - O##pmb'w'Zz{1|h3*Ur${Vphx9%m*8}y246&w5.s#EwujE~+0jr$2/xrD|^@aI3'*"ob - P}'|dy(~'mvt1pw#x\nvouvr%-~l*C '%O 2 blank - 77 nesthint Act 2 Photos PRscKHg1'y`trqk!}m!lphg#m"${}Q~y8A)'x~&+74z~#Dkx"/ - ay#/hh%|vpw}x-r{%a|k}Vrkx9#h#Qs}?",xr!{m**%uq]#z2s.&s6n.W)2GFVR0'6}GPw84X.F@H n1"xh_~"lg"/rpv?6Qrtpcfls 6|z@86){%)b}N->%!vB}+bt~$$W = 13 nesthint Tyrell Security Video b$'}iy^#w^ ;1sk!zmnx+agdx-6;*:%},46}{$'+2-j,HF}p+e#+~.{ GqMSPk = 9 hint Eisenduller Murder Photo izyHrqJ Cpqr {rpItGs p BIpswGCF| rpIItGs - awFFpI wG p Bws - etGsyJwG etJqDrG AwL - 8FpyJtq rLHFwytKr = 35 nesthint Izo's Camera Vw>X|h9%z^r/r{"""Q-glbguf9wunQ%'.,6x)%#n2:wq#Lp+jdQ.+U)t?nQDaM:2:,dFpxZ"|h[zt1sq%6V{w{Zewn($5 = 3 link When will this picture happen? 509 - `!-xn^+#'[s{ $# = 14 nesthint China Bar P}-"g&. 'ht/$"u#{P!+~uhdh~ - cz"tqy|qt^ p = 8 hint Where is the camera in this shot? 6wwu CwI p IrB FtsDJ tG JDr aDtGp 1pI HDwJw' - crJ p DpIB qwH| wC JDr KtBrw qpvrIp pAwKr JDr aDtGp 1pI' - :Dty {tFF stKr fqaw| p IrpywG Jw JpFu Jw JDr ApIJrGBrI pAwzJ ywvrJDtGs zyrCzF& CwI p qDpGsr' = 9 nesthint Photo of McCoy - Hawker's Circle `%0pp`~0z\o{v = 5 hint Where is the scale in this photo? :DrIr ty p CrFFw{ yJpGBtGs pJ JDr aDtGp 1pI tG JDr ApqusIwzGB' - =wwv tG wG Dty DpGB' = 20 nesthint China Bar Security = 13 nesthint Where does McCoy get this photograph? S#-|"Z'{as!1}j"*\tvlej$%9\p|D%8$9w$r#+2-j,sEy,t.%$8v #MfT]5$3"o5i = 3 link Izo's Camera 622 - Y -z"\z"l_#{}&"t*m!lpurlh-+yoQ ~?5~|)!q2ExugB*z#!"'wILh@w?_#>DQ - Sz,s"Z9&p]s~1pc {_n$zc"wm~6~k=}F?Ab&x :q-7% kB*}"e.+{0qtWjLCaE;*.)f;CyRqt{n]kn1j$$~B)fF{^GJJ`CFdlF?tRJZ*8J n1 !ke%yhg"/#rf3 Npopi"zn-~'kQ$( 3!#r#!+*&uqo]ky!!p.)I}i<7 - Uv>|cr9~vm.p!}gt(mvr+Ckjm-ys31j.86,w!~1ERoFL#+%b!?.} ?rK_CB828"+ - Zta~{y,xvnzs1uc){msm}hv#j'yv?%}1&z7P$,o-Enz# rt+b".)77 WQC_I>EC')pC[g78c x-&py-'_ t""g!*mQRLuTr|G - cz1xvy-xlyq{&o"ty_|w~uvkj9){|6v,?"${)|>.slAo+1is?t*lkW{MNN]F++/bb = 3 link How can McCoy enter the V.I.P. lounge? 779 - ay#}"k~$|k|/%|"'~R-Xlan|%e{~sD1{+6xE)5az0)t,vEy )e.!wI|t8wBHODR$:=q<@%44gW 28 nesthint Should McCoy shoot Gordo? ay#"]~ lgr"?-"[w`-Qn8q|%%|x51}5*z|wx+2-f #$y}!p.(%Ij InN~ = 11 nesthint What evidence can be found against Gordo? ay#/oh,$'b|r#vo|$N!my\"sn~yl*@w8$7{n#}p>8iW = 3 link Where is this pamphlet? 425 - \%&tty|||^!/r{f3y\{zpgudy"%u}Q~y8A"|jy:X!ht%#Qy+1iw22,xn:uSRJL@Q - ar*zkg 0{h.wzz"tx\"x+Xjhj,{'}6v%2A*&)|>9mq#Jy~1! $%>utJ7 - dr2rjy!yzyor%;"3^R-tz^pwx9*ooQw!-({))v.+k(H{|]sy=p #w;)tF)BHWBD7Fi5HjRGd uz+= - \!t"a~0yn|"1!q3*Ur$~ithj-B'p@}$.86r"H - Vw>wgy-qr^!/%utxwarrtci#r(,l}Q *?"y+r$(~JEmq#Jk$=os$vI}oWkC_SBF,8"aU[%&;^< nt2xqg9yzy#1!q3cPPs$# - O&2;"b0o^.qvtu3cPPs$uvr%,~vyE1 (.B7m$(22F%,P@Mz6!%(~5)h8C_B]F+++}<<{7Si1+ py-xe^9$vyo!#ru'6Uvq+dt#q~*'r:~8&0D - P ,"k]~"'es#%vpz6Uvq+\q1%9^l*4 -+%6yn5/~#+zx#L=p|?&1n J}PDFQEQ 16 nesthint When can he get inside the door beside the stage? Ur4t"r(%'`}#%rp3[ moZ"wm~6]8z?hMA"&~#!p>.s,H>|w6!_F%IllLk} = 3 link How can I get inside the V.I.P. lounge? 779 - dr2rjy#%zm.#yr"u{Tvry^pj%(|'~9v8#3w~x# w7Eimq@o}Dt. u=7 WUC@WBR:.&i9[x:8u29 %'{ny}qu\w}x; - dy#}"F|Svr.rr{" %cr0+Zzly9*ooQ(y8A~|)z(#7jp#j7+~mz?&1n NjW_ULR7."}FJt?Sl2:? !y#/n^z$o^ 9t,wEo+!b|"w;7 = 10 hint Early is not here! dC bpIF| ty Gw{DrIr pIwzGB& Bw ywvrJDtGs rFyr pGB IrJzIG p AtJ FpJrI' - 2tCCrIrGJ spvry IrxztIr KpItrB pqJtwGy& AzJ JDryr xzryJtwGy vp| FrpB Jw yzqqryy' - 4py fqaw| JpFurB {tJD 6zq| tG JDr pIqpBr_ - 2tB Dr {pJqD JDr qwvrBtpGSy pqJ_ - ar*z"m(0ob{/&{v|"mnpwurrn'*z*9r.$Ax|n#:n-;j~hA8+=Uv$ I a@}^@aJA0++qTAtDS:*8CS ! >{gZ/u5 - N-#j^+0lqw#1}q|$a-{tan#g~6h 2z$ #"|),"p,Emq#B"t1t.3!I}h<)JDGQ` 38 nesthint What should McCoy do about Dektora? = 7 hint Where is Dektora? 2tB fqaw| {pJqD JDr BIpswGCF| BpGqrISy pqJ_ - gGqr DrI BpGqr ty wKrI& yDr rLtJy Jw JDr BIryytGs Iwwvy' - :Dr rLtJ ty Jw JDr FrCJ& zGBrI DrI yJpsr' - ar*z"m(0{as/src(*Vsywudot'zl*4r*$'+#u.H - Ov>"wk~0{h.vz#g3~R$]g#[d6{oD%F?Aj.x5.s'3l#@y )e.'s9yeE)?EUBDC:%bTOjEG# - `y#/ob x{y!x~}n,6_"r+dww%(|'~9v810%$7 - \#>"j^9'pez/tnn6aui+eqon|{5 - Vw>"j^9"|g!;1 jx6V ${gqef{" *9&% /D7)^ +1-j,f>vw0!"'wIyoCrADm]E++=fG[f v.{k\z~{%.} -ot*arv+ljdy9*ooQ#}26"+|5)q>-j~#3U+1f!32,xnKjGMFA` - Zta~{y0yse.wr#g3w[|xsZt#h!wum61,.Ay&w{,z,9%thO*t#!!'wIrsWj^QFM>,)~kHi = 14 hint What if Dektora is a replicant? :IpKrF zH JDr GwIJD yJptI{p| pGB srJ IrpB| CwI p qwGCIwGJpJtwG' - dG JDr HIwErqJtwG Iwwv& 2ruJwIp {tFF pJJrvHJ Jw AFtGB fqaw|' - azJ JDr Hw{rI A| yDwwJtGs JDr AItsDJ FtsDJ' - fqaw|Sy GrLJ pqJtwGy {tFF DrFH BrJrIvtGr JDr wzJqwvr wC JDr spvr' aFtvA zH JDr FpBBrI' - fqaw| qpG qDwwyr Jw IrJtIr DrI& A| yDwwJtGs JDr IrB JpIsrJy' - :Dr pFJrIGpJtKr ty Jw {tJDBIp{ Dty {rpHwG& JpFu Jw DrI& pGB FrJ DrI sw' 40 nesthint When will Act 3 end? ay'"":|$'b!/tuc"R{ktci#n'6hv=1 .{*)wn:xq#Qrp=f$$ =| ?jNOFKR,4=^T?n89Z;+EN |#"tt'90Z^s/zs"'~R i+Xnxj,6hzA}1?5%7"$/}>,fyhk - Ur1/O\\ y"p}xgw6dvxsuNxh26hpEv*?){7n(}l.*i,iOyx=uv$2"~kFw^'PQ7/e = 3 link Where did Lucy go? 704 - Qz"/j^9#l^.p1pq {Qvey|u#f|*F = 3 link Where is the comedian? 718 - Ur1/O\\ y{pur"|*mvrd"wm~6zz6t! -6)x$'+'3% kB*P~sz82z)cC~@~ = 3 link How can I get inside the V.I.P. lounge? 779 - Qz"/j^9xhos/r-rx(`|rla"fmz*'!:% ?"6yu$(o#Eimq@o}\ = 3 link Where can McCoy find the blonde? 817 - Ur1/O\\ yu~%!g!6NvphvhiX = 9 hint When does this happen? :Dty DpHHrGy tG pFF spvry& AzJ pJ BtCCrIrGJ Jtvry' - :{w JDtGsy vtsDJ HIrqrrB fqaw|Sy pIIryJ' - :Dr qwvrBtpGSy pqJ vp| qpzyr tJ' - :Dr AFwGBr vtsDJ qpFF JDr HwFtqr' 2 blank - 32 nesthint Act 3 Photos Vw>\e<()'ao"1{q'6b iouGvu~('l6w'1&6+q~-+_(y8#Mrz1p!?v.|cIr@DE];1F^`H[6R4c- Nt2/4y0yse.!v#gt"m!lpbuhq/{z*? /M - \*("h'u'gs&1}j"*\-qln"ej9w}k:}y!-{7m*,t,,%MfQ*>K - = 24 nesthint Moonbus = 9 hint Where is the Moonbus photo? 6zq| urHJ JDty {tJD DrI wJDrI JIrpyzIrB tJrvy' - fqaw| yp{ ywvr wC JDwyr tJrvy {DrIr yDr FtKrB' - dJ qpG Ar CwzGB GrpI DrI BwFF' - aDrqu JDr ArBBtGs pGB pIwzGB JDr BwFF pIrp tG JDr lzuwG 4wJrF Iwwv' - Uv0t"Z+u'mvt1vo#%_!eyi"kf+z'm@!!$46+x5)m2&nz1]*]"br?s=)yF~P_PT@C8&p?\% = 9 hint Moonbus Photo clues aFwKty - ipBtu - fqaw| - gBB fwwGAzy HpIJ 2 blank - 20 hint Act 3 Differences fwyJ wC JDr BtCCrIrGqry yrrG BzItGs `qJ Y tGKwFKrB JDr wIBrI tG {DtqD JDtGsy wqqzI' - gJDrI qDpGsry tGKwFKr qDpIpqJrIy {Dw {rIr IrHFtqpGJy tG wGr spvr AzJ DzvpG tG JDr GrLJ' - fqaw| ywvrJtvry CtGBy cwIBwSy qtspIrJJr FtsDJrI wG p ApI' - :Dr qwvrBtpG pHHrpIy pJ BtCCrIrGJ Jtvry' 4w{ fqaw| DpGBFry cwIBw qDpGsry' - :Dr vrrJtGs {tJD 2I' :|IrFF vtsDJ Ar HwyytAFr tG `qJ )& `qJ Y& wI GwJ pJ pFF' - 6zq| pHHrpIy tG JDr pIqpBr pJ p BtCCrIrGJ Jtvr' - bpIF| h vp| GwJ Ar tG JDr ;'d'8' FwzGsr JDr CtIyJ Jtvr fqaw| KtytJy JDrIr' - fqaw|Sy pIIryJ DpHHrGy pJ p BtCCrIrGJ Jtvr' 151 subject Act 4 29 nesthint Where do the sewers lead? ay#/u^0uyl.{vnf3{crv$ljhw~6pxQ% $Ay }.H+>ozw]pt+e.3z.)cFwLDDQ;240}HJ%F;Z n##puyzrvos/%ug D - Sz0"vyyu].#yr"}+[pxtdp#|!{yoQw'436'j)"~>(w{vP6+4iw"zIVczxW_N>KC.~s9[x78c rr0{k^+0~aw{v-e{w`vrruK}tG = 7 hint Where is the junction? :Dty Iwwv ty sIrrG' - `CJrI JDr BwzAFr yJrHy& {pFu {ryJ pGB {ryJ psptG JDIwzsD JDr CtIyJ JzGGrF' - 8pyy JDIwzsD JDr Iwwv {tJD JDr rFrqJItq qDptI Jw JDr EzGqJtwG' - [ 5/vaz$'as/z ""$m!lpuqsu()p~61+(%{C)b}N->%odK*{2mz?&1n J GSDER:.&`<[hAAc.)KM !y#/hh."{a.r!jA - ay#/gZ,$'io#y-nxwQ $d"Ds"#vs51j.86yn#l2-%U}L1~=qo6 I|hFyl - ay#/uh.$ops"%-rt*U-ppVfv%-%'W4T'8H)7j%{}22jzw]l &mr( 0)aEm^SIBR35)f7@ %#kh'> - ay#/uj.qy^.s |t*wf-xzuvkj9$v|Ey} 4*7lv(+ *% dHoy=u}?`2phKlJTC]$2==^B? U*1#gk"q'Ao{}-c%{N; - ay#/th.~kys'z!"'%m!lpuprw-~'!:}$?5w"n5gna4~,wL*%f.bz2waKxUMa>D('I}x)FR%d@ n##p.yz~kyrtv}g%6a|$lunr|~('v6'}+A%}))"p>8j#hO}9 11 nesthint What does the bum want? Zta~{y|quyut%-o(yU-qzgg#n'|v|>r,(0$7x*.+-+% kF}+#fz+!@7 - Uv>&cg-#'Z.s#vp~7 - N}!~jh%yjypt'rtt}R $nVp#g~6wCt 4{{)~(+Egmuk - T >#qyZ~pf}xu-T"-mnrouvdq$6{yQ% $Axx{)y"*w,lK*%f.bz2waWK?Qo - ar)t"m!u'_zp$x""|m}y}enh%,*|p71,.A*n5| +S 17 nesthint Where are the Twins? ay#/Vp"~zyvp'r"u{R{$~egqi"$n*> +3A%}))"p'7% lJo+&o.3z.rrW~LCFO9552k8[q35# - Sz,s"m!upk.{ro"|$m!lpuuh|~(z8 - Ur1/O\\ y{t%-v{{moyxunl{"$n*:83){7|z1p08D - [ 2xe^9$o^ t1ntx6auvpZ"h}"*z*7#',A~ |5&t4.ss#Oyz*/ - dr*z"m(0{as/vnu'6N{h+Veut,)'~9v8/-w%tC = 3 link How can McCoy get across the plank? 1007 - Vw>#j^9d~b|"1ntx6[|x+ethx~${*? /KA}&)**~2&n~v]ky!! $&>{ne 15 nesthint How can McCoy get across the plank? a#'rmr9vvh"& m3w[q$|jkfp9)oy@%!-(6.r!&+"*x uL#+1is?(.{m@w^RP]&i,vT>f@ p#-"u' - _vs{yfsJh'6$-yxw]|r+Vpg%{{ns?1/ -! w|:l!7tv]~s"!~+s7t. - dy#}"m!u'ko#1rox(Trw7uekf'}l*5z*$$* x#:|3.hwoV*,!"'wIue=}j_CRFC*,}BJyR8m2: !y#/u\+ulg< - a&0}"Z+|gr/r!"'~R-io\g#t6{r61+"3{|wC:+q-t{w]~s"! &IrmDnBHBQ7/?K - dr*zkg 0h\ ~$ "'~R-hpVf#hz(jkD$8(46)r(%$L - Nw2tty-xly p%-k&6Qreo!"ly9z*3v+3A*&)z2t2EqqiQ*l+e.3z.w InRTSK` 11 nesthint Can the Twins be retired? ay#("Z+u'ks}vet$a 0+Vpg%-~l#Qr|,**7r)H - Zta~{y|quyrttvfx6a|$~]qry9*oo>=8('6n51t1-j/]l 1!"(2wgWrQ_DO;7/ ^@i - Ur4t"m!u'M%x "zcrr+BeFt26hv=1'%A*n5!')jzfB*lp#32p~zQj^XFQq - _v+to[~"'mvt*-yt$arh+V"wwzzl*^>8s:(|u!A~>iSM#Cy}=j|%!;vaKrMMaL@Cm2wN<3 - Tz4t"m!uty"wv-V,(Ryp+9PD%z$k*8v,?5~|)\/%8&%rlIo+#j 2&W 23 nesthint How can McCoy get to the Tyrell Building from the sewers? Vw>#j^9whfs/z "u{V{k+end~~z's?1,'&69Nv-$@Er{gB6+#pz+!@)t?rQ_Q>F+F1lTOm7 a*0tne9r|bzsz{iA = 11 hint I'm playing a Medium or Hard game. Where should I go? :Dty DtGJ {py IrqrtKrB wG JDr dGJrIGrJ' d BtB GwJ JI| tJ v|yrFC& ytGqr pFF v| spvry {rIr yrJ Jw !bpy|!' :I| JDty {p| tC |wz pIr HFp|tGs p !DpIB! wI !vrBtzv! spvr' - 9rJzIG Jw JDr EzGqJtwG tG JDr yr{rIy' - :pur JDr ywzJD{ryJ HpJD pGB sw JDIwzsD JDr GwIJDrIG BwwI' - :DrG sw JDIwzsD JDr GwIJD Hpyypsr' - S#-|"m!u'M%x )3"No0+icnj9*ooQu'.36%nv,p19% r]~s"!!3s2{sWjLCa@>,3}HCj yr"sgkG - P}'|db'w'mvt1{g+*myeoYgu%%{hnD1,.A*n5&z '~,rC*%f.s+;nlC) TJI6,4$+ - Qr0#"n)0hgr/""kv!Y&$d"wm~6lv6'y30(E)5^z>3t #Qkw(!".2=qeWpS@SA` 21 nesthint Where can McCoy contact Guzza? Ur1/O\\ yor%"c"f-xlamhi9wiyF%8"""#r#!+e:&d| - Qz"/j^9wlm.#yr"g/_rpwuFQF9wunQx!5&6 }5.z>9mq#1!t+tM = 3 link Where is the Tyrell Building? 1033 - ay#!gyz"ly}}}&"t6Sr{+lqup"$n*4 %,6$ lv.t-3%phSsn"t< - ay#!gyz"ly"t}rr{%[r$mdqwm,6pxQ% $Ajxu!3+j*|uv]mw2c:?t>} KqMRF]35+=^T=nF v!~po~~p^|#? - ay#/ee(#ll"/!ycv{mvw+jr#f{%}oQU}1.%7Mz-t%31,zEsn%!w22=qeW~NOFOR)2,lF[yASi1+ a('}u 9\h[< - N11#cb+'hr.r {pxya $]g#q(-l|Q}}5&"7x{:&*%xd?*,!"'wI~pGnP_MBH(2K - b$#/va~0sZ vv-e"$`|ppuvr%-~l*Cz'5D 15 nesthint When will Act 4 end? Uv0t"Z+u'l}|v-u(}Trw^qqx9-os4y8,"/7j%*w7Ey{#Vy /!u .7 - Ur1/O\\ y{t%-v{{ma{tcuB - Qz"/j^9}l^"/(vv{64"~%V"ls9*ooQ$}6&(*H - Nw2tty-xly!rv{g3-V!l+p77v - a&0}"b'0{as/X"|-wmrztYgqh~B'yC1(10y|ny:o'7jowI#+1p.3z.)aGjPSNB@7R=trhOrV1~=gw1%=)v@|GSo - Zta~{y&q y!tv-E%cvw+^p#y!{'r2}$6"/7wz{}>9mq#Bvp3b".$W 329 subject Act 5 232 nesthint What should McCoy do during Act 5? V>#j^9rl`w}vpz6\s$LXv#:E6ioQ$-1&6+qv.+k(H{|]ms"dy221rsW}CKFM:24"+ - Uv>&ke%0y^qtz#g3w[-mxequyz${*Ay'-&6zj!&9 - Zta~{ ,0u^zq){`-hpegqi9+wy?1/'06zj!&p"Emupk - Pr3#kh'1'ybwv-dx"\$$s^pwx9yvxEr!-Awz}*{w>8txxQsz+tRtr,$he.rrynxzy-Qn8q|%&w *8v,?"*7uz{~2EythPo+!jt%w;nnK)CMEF@*9=fB[~AHg tr+t0 - cr0xcm"ul.~-v{{`r$pcfls )'kCv8 -)&)v0l'1fnoB6+!jq3s=ndWkW_UE7C)%l=>jESB,iFS zr)tu' - Zta~{y!qu]zt$-v{{mi{akff'*z*2}'-&D = 24 nesthint How can McCoy do this? P#7"vZ%0{hzs1ZeV%f-e{etr}"#h~6}1?)%.)))+$.sp#Qrp=n}. +~se)^&P]F++/bb = 3 link Where is the moonbus? 1333 - N'-xfy("'dw{}-c!/meh"wmz*'kA!} 36xu$(r>9mq#Tk$K!.n ,n $l!NZ]8,4!pT~wKFi*2c !r*z"p"$oyvt#; - dy#}"m!u'm%~1|h3*Urq+[kqi9*ooQ(*$$!|m5}z07nprO6+4bz*2=qrF~EGaFFC=&q&sp#Qrp+! 4 I}oNjPCaE;0T=}#Ih7S].F@M nt0~ul9$o^.q ntw6N{h+hvds})'}Ez$+M6"r!&+&.r: - dr*z"m(0{as/~|q!xb 0+Zpwj+B'k?u83""")))+a1t"lP8 - Yv%gy-xly{~ {d()m!s+ggfj",l*Ey}?3{.j'~~L - P#7"vZ%0hgr/^pE"/mwstc"it+yl}Qr *$*}5.s#EwqsP8 = 28 nesthint How can McCoy accomplish this? P#7"vZ%0{hzs1ZeV%f-e{etr}"#h~6}1?)%.)))+$.sp#Qrp=n}. +~se)^&P]F++/bb = 3 link Where is the moonbus? 1333 - N'-xfy("'dw{}-c!/meh"wmz*'kA!} 36xu$(r>9mq#Tk$K!.n ,n $l!NZ]8,4!pT~wKFi*2c !r*z"p"$oyvt#; - dy#}"m!u'm%~1|h3*Urq+[kqi9*ooQ(*$$!|m5}z07nprO6+4b -2l{yJ}?Ka>42;1}HCjR5d6( o*>rnb|{pgu/ {"{{_-s}uvkj9xss?|!-(6)ny:w',m #Lx+1is?u8wsFuC_OB35(6+ - `y#/yb%|'fozv-c3y\zqpcv#f{%|~Q% $Ax&vwH+>ktxoL!+%f ?&8)t?n^MFUFC'/b5i - Zr%vk^9yzyvt#r#360npwuvr%!{y8 - P#7"vZ%0~bz{1w!6a|$]g#q~|{*2|?0++)$ +4.j#1 - `r"xmy|qse!/%|"`y0|}+[trr9w'n:$, /y|)v(o>9mqq]| +t.3!@jr;)FHNkRCq&i@[X37^4T - dr*z"m(0{as/~|q!xb 2+uEu~,*hvQ(!+-6~r++k(H{|]k+#f%?2wuKnQ_ULR+'+a@@%F;Z v."0 - R2tty-xly{~ {d()mnrouvdq$6{yQT$.7*7 - Yv%gy-xly{~ {d(){ = 155 nesthint Either Lucy or Dektora called \#/qk9$o^.~%ug%6dvpwuedq%6Tmt 1MA6kqz:p,)nzjP*"&mz?t.)s@vGKBO^C(2qTItF vu#}vb|qs' = 13 hint When will Dektora be the caller? :Dty HDwGr qpFF CIwv 2ruJwIp {tFF DpHHrG wGF| tC qrIJptG JDtGsy {rIr BwGr BzItGs JDr HIrKtwzy pqJy' - kDrG JpFutGs Jw 6zq| tG JDr pIqpBr& fqaw| pyurB pAwzJ JDr ;e JryJ py Dty CtIyJ wHJtwG' - 6zq| {tFF IzG p{p| yJtFF JDtGutGs fqaw| ty GwJ p CItrGB' - 2ruJwIp vzyJ Ar JDr wGr qpzytGs fqaw|Sy pIIryJ' - dGyJrpB wC yDwwJtGs 2ruJwIp& fqaw| FrJ DrI sw' = 13 hint How can McCoy get a call from Lucy? dG wIBrI CwI fqaw| Jw Ar qpFFrB A| 6zq|& Dr vzyJ DpKr ArCItrGBrB DrI' - bKrG tC Dr ypKry 2ruJwIp& 6zq| {tFF qpFF tC yDr Dpy ArrG DpGBFrB p qrIJptG {p|' - kDrG fqaw| CtIyJ vrrJy 6zq| tG JDr pIqpBr& Bw GwJ stKr DrI JDr ;e JryJ' - :DrG CtGB 6zq| tG p FpJrI pqJ' - iDr {tFF Ar yJpGBtGs tG JDr pIrp zGBrIGrpJD `GtvwtB 9w{' ctKr DrI JDr ;e JryJ Gw{' - Zta~{y&q yut%-c'6Yre~i"wm~)l*5z~%&(|w):p,)nzjP*q/p{?&1rsWp?LFkRCq+lKI #r0xcm"ul.s -g+`!$"^vkn'6{r6$}?&${r#!~LE%Yf y$Dt. u=roE|^BBKR&.~k;@%F;Z6T - Zta~{y|quys"tnrx6a|kpijhw9-p~91}(5~|{5f !>%{u]Np(u}1sW = 38 nesthint How can they leave together? Zta~{y&%zm.|rxg3*Ur$ndopn-#lxE1,.AZ|t))}Ei!uFxr=iw229qoEn^BPKH(80^HDt@a - Xv#kg 0{a}"v-r%%Zvwph"lx9w'w2%,$36&o5}s-.hq/]rz4f$$$W - dy'{gy-qsdw}x-y|*U-P X{/%!{'n@v+?/%+)"{v#Efz|]z},nw2w<5 9~R_MB39+0}<@w $ ,sgk"~n' - Vx,~t^9wvb|v1!q3*Ur$xdqqg.)'o?%!1&"0)v(o>2jqw]rp/!o32=qeWyJ@DBR6."}GKj5<[2+;h = 16 hint Where is she? 6tyJrG qpIrCzFF| Jw JDr HDwGr qwGKrIypJtwG' - iDr ty {ptJtGs CwI fqaw| GrpI JDr `IqpBr' - `J JDr qIwyyIwpB EzGqJtwG& Jpur JDr GwIJDrpyJ BwwI Jw JDr Iwwv {tJD JDr rFrqJItq qDptI' :DrG {pFu wzJ Jw p JzGGrF {tJD p {IrqurB yzA{p| qpI' - cw GwIJD Jw JDr JzGGrF qwGJptGtGs J{w wFB qpIy' - 7wJtqr JDr DwFr tG JDr FrCJ {pFF wC JDr JzGGrF_ cw JDIwzsD JDr DwFr' - aFtvA JDr yHtIpF yJptIqpyr Jw JDr zHHrI FrKrF' - cw wzJ aIpM|Sy CIwGJ BwwI' - ar*z"m(0Jko)*-Nt(_&$lWqxy9wu*6${ 1{7z"t!1j: - dy#}"<+)zmo{1nr#{Nw7umlq%6ooC1z$'%)n5-s#Emmv]k+ io-u.)tF)IHMIR(/1e9M%A9uB5Lh - Py#rmy(%{y"wv-ix*N$e$uedwG6'SE1 46ynz(+"&rmjBn9 - T >sqp'#{Zw!$-c!zm"wpuEuf3/.}Qt',1++n'H - Yv%gy{)'po(1|h3*Ur$wVfgj+6hx51)4*y"u.:-Eyth]xp5u.+s-meI7^_(BFC/+}HCjR6V; n"/ui~ukyo&r&0 - Zta~{y|quyztr#g3wY|rp# = 25 hint How can McCoy leave alone? :Dty {tFF wGF| {wIu tC yDr ty p IrHFtqpGJ' - 3tGB pGB vrrJ DrI pGB CwFFw{ JDr ypvr pqJtwGy py tC JDr| {rIr HFpGGtGs Jw FrpKr JwsrJDrI' - :pFu Jw aIpM| 6pII| pAwzJ p KrDtqFr pGB sw zH JDr yJrHy' aI|yJpF {tFF pHHrpI' - itGqr yDr ty p IrHFtqpGJ& aI|yJpF {tFF Ar szGGtGs CwI DrI CtIyJ' - 6rJ aI|yJpF utFF fqaw|Sy qwvHpGtwG $rtJDrI 6zq| wI 2ruJwIpT' - aI|yJpF {tFF yDwwJ DrI JDIrr Jtvry& JDrG JzIG DrI szG wG fqaw|' iDwwJ iJrrFr xztquF|' - :DrG fqaw| {tFF IzG pIwzGB JDr yHtGGrI pGB CtGB ywvrJDtGs wG JDr AwB|' - aFtqu wG JDr qpI Jw yrr tJ Dpy ArrG BpvpsrB' - cw Bw{GyJptIy pGB zyr aIpM|Sy qwvHzJrI' - 6rpKr A| {p| wC JDr FpBBrI pGB xztquF| Jw JDr GrLJ FpBBrI' crJ tG JDr qpI pGB yHrrB p{p|' - Zta~{y|quyp~rf3*Ur$xdqqg.)'k?u8+&w-n51t2-% kBw9 = 28 nesthint How can McCoy get this ending? ]#-rg^}0kb tt!n,6a|$]g#r(%ulF$F = 3 link Where is the moonbus? 1333 - Zta~{y0yse.|vrv3Y_&wVn/%0~v*Hz$+Aw+}z'{2Ey{#Hsw)!v(W) "rJKaE75T - ]#-rg^}0{h.#yr"!%_!lpgp#f+{h*2|?/%+rx+q&iun]!z/lw-yIxnW}FDaJA24rGi%R'V51 ! >wkfG - Sz,s"m!u'io!%-v{wa-WlYkn%'{lnD1,.A&& z,+2-j,pLyyv!M = 7 hint Where is the generator? fwKr Jw JDr pIrp {DrIr aI|yJpF vrJ DrI Bwwv' - 6wwu Jw JDr FrCJ wC JDr yqIrrG' - :Dr srGrIpJwI ty yFtsDJF| ArFw{ JDr Iw{ wC FtsDJy' - ar*z"m(0ZZrx|-czwV{$lcf#j'*l|Q% $A#&x#| 1S - N7/t^)|p\o}% "`y0|}+]cv%,&h|6u86*"#)w+'tmuA8 - Q >}qm9tyZ%/^pE"/t $rjp1%9jhv<1,.AY#x+#~L - Zta~{y{ujh{t$-c38_reww"eqzzl*C&&-&(7 ~.s>&%|uLwz1j}-2*wdWjJKaQ:(F#o=GqEa = 17 nesthint What about this ending? ]#-rg^}0kb tt!n,6a|$]g#r(%ulF$F = 3 link Where is the moonbus? 1333 - Zta~{y0yse.|vrv3Y_&wVn/%0~v*Hz$+Aw+}z'{2Ey{#Hsw)!v(W) "rJKaE75T - ]#-rg^}0{h.#yr"!%_!lpgp#f+{h*2|?/%+rx+q&iun]!z/lw-yIxnW}FDaJA24rGi - R}'|kgz$lyapuvmA - T >xpl"tlyo}u-vt"X-xzuEot/z8 - R)'#"m!u'f}~ow&D 12 nesthint Where is the moonbus? R2tty-xly!t(rt&6b my\"wm~6tk?y'+&6%nv,+k(H{|d}+~qo1&6nnK)MMaQ:(F$oCPs6S[55FL n"/ih9yum}/%ug3$R%x+gqrrG - dr*z"m!"vnuw1!jx6[|v]"gt(('k?u8 (w w5(z09m:#]2_%f.!~>n 8{PNX]8,4~i@T n!.tck,10 - Zta~{y&yna"/sr"v%_{i}Zf#g26{!@1* 5)E)5ms-4y,wEoxI!w%27nc<|Q@SV^C'+aT@};G yv$#0 - ay#/oh(~in!/$vv&6a|$]g#s(({r_ 18 nesthint I have finished the game. How can I look at the other endings? \!t":|$'..qvtk!)y-xsZth%")'x@1/ :6+x5}s3lq# |$0uo+9<)oGrLHPKR2,=J7~tKa - V>~t]~"'m}/u|"'~V 0+ggvy((l*21%4$~7nv,w'*w,j>wp=b|#2,qaEpC_UE7C=~vT(huBn ur,sn^}0lZqw1|h3*Ur$}Zron|wu~D? - f 3/eZ'0he!~1g&*\i+iq#f9&vs?%8-&w)))"p>'jslKxt+h..xIJcK)s_CB828"}!>HALu1'J t 2#gg9|m.~w-v{{m i"Ztv3 - T >#qy-xly{~ {d()mvr+dph%"$z~2{$A%))"p2EQ!fV*z/!R$}=xr8)fHG]K2;=`5I.R - `z,rgy+uwewrr{v&6N{h+]wpf')'kCv8#&*|{"#y#)%mw]ol i.-w@)g8vCkaPF$81fBB%3SW;'E> {v5/iZ&u'fozv "#"N&my\"yj+/'n:w~$3{%}C - [ 5/vaz$'r}$1xp"-m!lputru~)3*:%86*"#)|)++:ht#Ck~1f ?"5jy@wE_UE7C9"`CIiRG^6+ n#-$p]G0'B.#yvp~6f|y+lkoq9|px51!3A-&{)""&.qq1 51 nesthint Who is what? b$#/va"#'lsr%vq!6N!$$dwu%(-u*Cz+*B67M$:y-9%~h>n+1is2wIqiE}Q_VK>(90}MJzR;V?+ n}0tc]20mb|x$ugw6N!$wZcvy9%um6? - ` +t"i~wes/rg3&_rhphvls~z'~@1z$Aw# v3~>-zydK*z/! $"5rc8wRm - ` +t"\!qyZq#vu3yUnrrZ"zn-~'~9v825w)}5)q>*fok]xp4!u .7 = 5 hint What characters change? :Dr tBrGJtJ| wC JDryr qDpIpqJrIy qDpGsry {tJD rpqD Gr{ spvr' - 6zq|& cwIBw& 2ruJwIp pGB fqaw|' = 20 nesthint Who is always human? _v+to[~"'mvp%-u"#R-squvkj,{'w2*8!&y&vz:~72umwEs%"s!?&8)t?n^QFMR&'2p9g qv.tp]"~ny# {",%b$rVoh3 - N%>{gZ,$'mvt$r" wV{$n]cuf|*l|D1y1&6xu,{$1Em!p>x9 - Tr$u.yk%u\w#v.3X\o0+I{uj%"3*$%}$-{C)v(o>lz&}>8 = 11 hint Can Guzza be saved? dJ pHHrpIy Dr ty swtGs Jw srJ tJ& wGr {p| wI pGwJDrI' - btJDrI Dr {tFF Ar yDwJ A| JDr IrHy& wI fqaw| qpG Bw tJ DtvyrFC' - itGqr JDr IrHy pIr DtBtGs& fqaw| Dpy Gw qDpGqr Jw pqJ psptGyJ JDrv' - aFwKty {tFF pJJpqu fqaw| tG p yr{rI DpFF{p| tC fqaw| Jpury Gw pqJtwG' - :DrIr yrrvy Jw Ar Gw {p| Jw ypKr czMMpSy FtCr' = 15 nesthint What characters are always replicants? ay#"gy|xhkor%rt&6[rzpg"fmz$noQs}38{|w5!l+*x: - U 5/O\\ yvpqnx)m!lpb"fmz$noD1,'&6&~)}z+*%{i]~s"!u .7 - N%>{gZ,$'S#qv{.3YY|zth.#Xzzpu]1y-%6+qz:_5.s#>|p=bz6sB| InNKJ@31:0+ = 7 hint Is Maggie a rep? fqaw| GrKrI ArFtrKry JDpJ Dty Bws tyGSJ DzvpG' - 7wGr wC JDr spvry d HFp|rB spKr fqaw| p qDpGqr Jw ypKr DrI' - kDpJ Bw lgj JDtGu_ 2 blank - 12 nesthint Act 5 Differences Nxxp%9"lZr/%ug&{m swjvlt')'y?}1?*|7"$/+&&{q#Csy&tv$vIyl8"GMH]37F)b5NyRBc,+e - Zta~{y&q ytxq"`wTtmpufhf}6v|Q$!,1"0)"#~1.ss1 - P#7"vZ%0~bz{1og3%[-Qn8q|,,6zs5v8.36xpv#y19%tlJ8 - Qz$ugk~~{y%~~rp3yN{$nVno%fyJyJ? - cr0xqn,0y^~{zpc!*`-e{egdw9u*Ey}?n%&ww/~JEiqsBxo&ou?'9xnW FNaE36Fb9I%D8i28<> |#>{gm9|vh!t? 6 version 95a This file was written with the Windows UHS Compiler, ver 3.00 rel. 24. The compiler was written by Jason Strautman, who can be reached on AOL at JStrautman, CompuServe at [72337,2611], and Internet jstrautman@aol.com. You will need a UHS reader to view these hints. 4 incentive - @k>H7)Z0@0GP1F;CWm>4;,C#6IH9KQBHRTW7:EOA_E6<:tK+N1GSSI:1g:_rpeVg=.go:sS&\\j{ >EOEC 29 info - length=0043939 date=30-Mar-98 time=12:12:36 author=Jeanne W. Muse publisher=Westwood Studios copyright=This file is copyright 1998 by Jeanne Muse. This file may be copyright=distributed without the author's explicit permission provided that copyright=(a) the file has not been edited or converted to another format and copyright=(b) this file is made available free of any charge or other copyright=obligation to the distributor. Any permission to distribute this copyright=file (either as part of this license or a separate agreement is copyright=non-exclusive and non-transferrable. In the case of uploads to a copyright=commercial on-line service by the author or her authorized agent, copyright=the service shall be granted only the right to distribute the file copyright=through the specific area of the service to which the file is copyright=uploaded. All rights not granted explicitly by this license are copyright=reserved to the author. author-note=Jeanne Muse -- CIS [102256,2027] and Internet jwmuse@csi.com - author-note=wrote this file. Internet Web Site address: author-note=http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jwmuse/games.htm game-note=Blade Runner for Windows 95 and Windows NT was published in 1997. game-note=Blade Runner is a trademark of Blade Runner Partnership. Westwood game-note=Studios is a registered trademark of Westwood Studios, Inc. >You need a UHS 95a or 96a reader for your computer to read this file. Look >in the Universal Hints library of the PC Games forum on AOL, the >General/Help library in GAMERS on CIS, the Internet FTP site ftp.gmd.de, or >the WWW page http://www.uhs-hints.com/ for one. [¿