HEX PUZZLE SOLUTION (SNAKE ROOM) Label the seven pieces of the puzzle as follows: T TL TR F BL BR B When performing moves, a plus after the piece name means rotate that piece clockwise; a minus means rotate it counterclockwise. Step 1: If piece "T" needs Move ------------------ ------- Two turns counterclockwise: BR- One turn counterclockwise: T- One turn clockwise: T+ Two turns clockwise: BL+ Rotated 180 degrees: B+ Step 2: If piece "TR" needs Move ------------------ ------- Two turns counterclockwise: B+ B+ One turn counterclockwise: TL- F+ One turn clockwise: T- TL+ Two turns clockwise: BR- BL+ Rotated 180 degrees: BR- TL+ TL+ Step 3: If piece "BR" needs Move ------------------ ------- Two turns counterclockwise: T- BR- B+ One turn counterclockwise: T- F+ One turn clockwise: T+ TR- Two turns clockwise: TR- B- BL- Rotated 180 degrees: T- BL+ TL- Step 4: If piece "B" needs Move ------------------ ------- Two turns counterclockwise: TR- TR- F- F- One turn counterclockwise: TR- F- One turn clockwise: TR+ F+ Two turns clockwise: TR+ TR+ F+ F+ Rotated 180 degrees: T- TR- BR+ TL+ F- Step 5: If piece "F" needs Move ------------------ ------- Two turns counterclockwise: TR+ B+ TL+ F+ One turn counterclockwise: T+ TR- BR- B+ F- One turn clockwise: T- TR+ BR+ B- F+ Two turns clockwise: T- BR- BL- F- Rotated 180 degrees: T- T- TR+ B- BL-