8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

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Removing a ROM from a BBC


By Chris Richardson

Recently, much discussion has filled the BBC mailing list concerning the removal of ROM's from the BBC.

I thought I would document pictorially a couple of the methods mentioned

First of all, Jonathan Harston uses a blanking plate from a PC to ease a ROM from it's socket:
To show that it does not really matter what you use as long as you are careful, Mark Usher eases a ROM from his BBC with a knife:

Here I am using my favourite and long serving tool, the bent screwdriver. Ease it under one end of the ROM:

Gently prize it up whilst working the blade right under the ROM

Supporting finger placed on the top of the ROM:

Ease it from both ends if you need to:

Evidence of successful removal, very few bent legs:

I considered wearing rubber gloves, (not) but did grab hold of the earthed central heating pipes in my home before commencement of the procedure.

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