8-Bit Software

The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library

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8BS Statistics

Individual file download count
This script will count anything in the logs. It is most useful if you have submitted a disc of software to 8BS and want to see how many times it has been downloaded. If you enter the filename of the disc, this script will total the number of downloads from 08/06/2001 to now. Remember that you must get the filename correct. Examining the logs I notice that many people have failed to get a result simply because they do not enter the correct filename (entering TBI-71 instead of tbi71.zip for instance)

A database that compares monthly download totals by year:
Monthly download totals compared for 1999
Monthly download totals compared for 2000

Monthly download totals compared for 2001
Monthly download totals compared for 2002

You can click on the file description to download that file. I wrote this script. It is called with a parameter that is the name of a csv file, hence the script can be called from anywhere on the website to present any data. The script works out the dimensions of the data and creates a table accordingly. If the first field of the data contains the text 'URL', it turns all the first fields of subsequent records into hyperlinks.

At the beginning of June 2002, I was very tempted to stop doing the monthly summaries due to the time involved in sorting it out. On 06/06/2002 I rewrote the Access database that summarises the data from the owl logs. The whole process of getting the required data from the logs, sorting and summarising is now done virtually automatically, with just a couple of keypresses here and there. I have re-summarised the data for 2002 as part of the testing process.

Pool Totals previous to 09/09/1999
These are the totals taken from my database that I used to keep track of real discs that I had sent to people from when I started looking after 8BS around May 1993 until 06/02/2000 when so few real discs were being sent out, I stopped updating it.
May 1993 until 06/02/2000

A simple size total of various sections of the website:
Website Size

Visit Counter Stats:
A summary of all counters taken directly from the owl visit counter

Another summary of the count, this time with averages. Updated by myself occasionally

Old Download Statistics:
The following totals are taken from the JML website log files and show the number of times a particular file or page has been downloaded or viewed from 09/09/1999 to 08/06/2001:
Stats 1 to 12/01/2001
Stats 2 to 04/02/2001
Stats 3 to 15/02/2001
Stats 4 to 14/03/2001
Stats 5 to 08/06/2001 This is the final count from the JML server

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