Chris Richardson

My Spiders
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 British Tarantula Society LogoBritish Tarantula Society Logo
I got Sandy from the BTS show in 1999. £3. An Orange Arborial Baboon, it is a really lively spider when disturbed. It can really shift. In fact, to get this picture I had to poke it out of it's web. It then moved so fast that it was out of the tank before I could get the lid on! First escape ever. Anyhow, I caught it in an empty beer glass which was the ideal thing to take the photo's through. 

4th moult around 25/06/1999 
5th moult around 04/08/1999 
6th moult 14/10/1999 
7th moult around 14/12/1999 I missed this one entirely, this date is a guess
8th moult 12/09/2000 
9th moult around 07/06/2001 another missed one, the date is a guess

 Sandy 06/08/1999
Sandy 06/08/1999
Sandy 16/02/2000
To get the above  photo, I had to poke Sandy out of it's web. I did it with a long stick. This was fortunate, as Sandy attacked with no mercy. Without doubt a spectacular spider. Throwing bits of stuff around and biting. I shall not be disturbing Sandy for a while.
Sandy 15/12/2000
Sandy on 10/09/2001
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