Chris Richardson

My Spiders
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George Salmon Pink

 George 13/06/98
George 22/08/98
George 28/02/1999
George was tiny when I got it. In fact I thought I had lost it on several occasions. It grew very quickly and is now my largest spider. It can be quite lively but is only being playful I think. 

04/08/1999 Got home to find George had trapped the end of one of its legs under the lid of his tank. It had been swinging around by the trapped leg trying to free itself. It had damaged two joints and was haemorrhaging badly. Spider blood which is clear I now know, has no coagulants in it meaning that once damaged they exanguinate and die. I donned my leather gloves and got hold of it while Gill put a few drops of superglue on the joints. It was good really and despite my inexperience in grabbing spiders (I never handle them) it did not even offer to bite me. That stopped the haemorrhage, let's see if George can manage now, the next worrying time will be at the next moult, I hope it can get its leg out OK. 

12/08/1999 George started haemorrhaging again, the glue obviously only lasts a week. I had to do the re-glue job on my own as Gill was out shopping when I discovered the relapse. A second application seems to have worked. Crossed fingers. I set the leg a little more straight this time. 

26/11/1999 George moulted. She (I am fairly certain George is female now) laid on her back at approximately 0400 hours apparently (Gill was up at that time). At 0823 the moult proper began. At 1008 George flipped herself back upright. The first time I have witnessed this as it happens so quickly. I took time lapse photos of the whole event, start and end photos below. The injured leg appeared to be no problem to George, the new limb slipped out of the old injured (repaired with the two lots of superglue) one with no effort, the new leg looks perfect (as expected). George did not eat anything after breaking her leg, however, she appears not to have suffered any ill efects, the abdomen is still a decent size. Well, they do say not to drink or eat 'till treatment is complete.....

26/11/1999 Moult
02/02/2001 Moult
30/12/2001 Moult

George well into the moult 26/11/99
George after the moult 26/11/99
George's Leg 30/11/1999
Above is a close up of the cast of George's repaired leg. Two joints were superglued. His leg popped out easily 
George 14/01/2000
Above, George eating a locust 14/01/2000. George will now attack anything that goes near her. Quite impressive.

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