Chris Richardson

My Spiders
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 British Tarantula Society LogoBritish Tarantula Society Logo

I popped into the pet shop for crickets... There was Curtains asking to come home with me. Curtains is very lively and made a dash for it as they were trying to put it in a box for me. They chased it all over the place. It stays hidden most of the time, only coming out for a prowl around the tank when it is quiet and dark when it is hungry. Spiders can really get a shift on when they want. Curtains bangs the tank and jumps about all over, quite disconcerting to say the least, excellent! 
Moult 31/09/1999 
Moult 01/11/1999
Moult 10/12/2000
DOA 06/06/2001

Curtains 22/08/98
Curtains 28/02/99
 Curtains 05/11/1999
Cutains 05/11/1999
Curtains 15/12/2000 
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