Syntax *ACCESS <filename> <<L>>
Function Locks or unlocks the named file.


Syntax *APPEND
Function Enables the RaFS to hold more than one program having the same filename.


Syntax *BLOCK <source> <destination> <page>
or *BLOCK <source> <destination> <filename>
Function To copy the entire block of sideways Ram area either:
  1) to or from a specified page in the BBC micro's user Ram area.
  2) between the RaFS and a selected filing system.


Syntax *BUFFER <<number>>
Function To turn Ram (sideways or user) into a buffer area. *ENABLE must be issued before this command.


Syntax *DELETE <filename>
Function To delete the named file.


Syntax *ENABLE
Function To enable the use of the commands *WIPE and *BUFFER


Syntax *FILE <source> <destination> <filename>
Function To transfer a file between the RaFS and another filing system,


Syntax *HELP
Function To provide information on commands and their syntax.


Syntax *INFO
Function To provide information on the RaFS and tiny files therein.


Syntax *MEND
Function Attempt to restore the RaFS following a Bad ROM error.


Function To reset the RaFS to default whereby saving a file overwrites an old file with the same name.


Syntax *PAD
Function To pad the free area of the RaFS ready for Eprom blowing.


Syntax *RAM
  *RAM <socket> <<S>>
  *RAM+ <<S>>
  *RAM- <<S>>
Function To select the area of Ram in which RomIt has control.


Syntax *RBASIC <filename>
Function Renders a BASlC program in a form that may be *RUN


Syntax *RBOOT<<->>
Function To implement or disable a facility that allows a Rom to be auto-booted.


Syntax *RELOAD <filename> <address>
Function To change the load address of a file held in the RaFS


Syntax *RENAME <oldname> <newname>
Function To rename a file held in the RaFS.


Syntax *RESTRICT <filename> <<R>>
Function To prevent any file from being accessed by any command other than *RUN.


Syntax *REXEC <filename> <address>
Function To change the run address of a file held in the RaFS


Syntax *RHELP<<->>
Function To implement or disable a *HELP facility in your Rom.


Syntax *RTITLE<<->>
Function To add or remove service code to print a title message when BREAK is pressed.


Syntax *SNAP<<R>>
Function To save the current screen under the root filename SNAP.


Syntax *SPACE
Function To display free space left in the RaFS.


Syntax *UNWIPE
Function Undo the action of *WIPE.


Syntax *WIPE
Function To clear the RaFS of all files. *ENABLE must be issued immediately before this command.