Assembling Machine Code Directly into Sideways Ram

One particularly useful feature of Romlt is the ability to pass assembler code directly to sideways Ram if fitted. To do this simply issue *RAM and set P% to &8000 in your assembler program. When run this will then assemble your code directly in sideways Ram. To save the code so assembled simply use:




Please note that doing this renders the RaFS incapable of operation, and all RaFS commands will return the Bad ROM error. It is also worth pointing out that issuing *RAM will wipe the contents of the Ram to which youi have assembled your code.

Whilst your assembler is running the screen display will not give the correct opcodes. Instead, the opcodes for the appropriate section of the Basic Rom will be shown. This has got nothing to do with RomIt and is simply a quirk of the way in which the assembler operates.

Also, if your assembler program contains any assembler specific errors, such as Byte, these will cause the computer to hang. Again, this is simply a quirk of the assembler and has got nothing to do with Romlt.