The following is a list of error messages that may occur when using Romlt. Numbers in brackets indicate the error numbers generated and held in the variable ERR. Where there is no number it means that this is a Romlt-spocific error which, although operating in the normal manner, may not bo handled through the pseudo-variable ERR.

Bad address (252)

Signifies that the address attempted is incorrect.

Bad attribute (207)

The second parameter with *ACCESS can only be L, so this error indicates that this parameter is incorrect.

Bad command (254)

Either the leading * has been omitted or the command has not been recognised by any Rom in the computer.

Bad filename (204)

An attempt has been made to use a filename of more than 10 characters in length.

Bad Hex (28)

An attempt has been made to use a hex number that cannot be recognised. i.e &12S4

Bad option (203)

A mistake has been used in the first parameter following the command *OPT.


The page address required is incorrect, or might have been omitted.

Bad ROM (215)

This message appears if the RaFS is corrupted in any manner.

Can't Extend (191)

An attempt has been made to extend a random access file where there is insufficient room immediately after it to do so.

Channel (222)

Channel used has not previously been opened.

Data? (216)

This indicates a Cyclic Redundancy Check error. Try *MEND to rectify this error.

Eof (223)

An attempt has been made to read past the end of a file.

File locked (195)

The tile has been locked so cannot be operated on by anything other than *RUN.

File not found (214)

The specified file cannot be located.

File open (194)

An attempt has been made to open a file that is already open.

Header? (217)

This indicates a Cyclic Redundancy Check error. Try *MEND to rectify this error.


Signifies that the RaFS cannot locate sideways Ram.

RAM full

Signifies that there is insufficient space in the RaFS to add what has been attempted.