Roms ore very sensitive devices and should ho installed with great care, ensuring that you do not touch the metal legs.


1. Disconnect the computer from the mains.

2. Unscrew the pair of screws at the top of the back panel which may be labelled 'FIX'.

3. Unscrew the pair of screws located underneath and towards the front of the computer which may be also labelled 'FIX'.

4. Lift the lid off the computer.

5. If you are installing Roms in the model B+ BBC micro, you should now proceed to instruction 20.

6. If you are installing the Roms in your own expansion board, you should now proceed to instruction 24.


7. Carefully unscrew the two (maybe three) nuts and washers holding the keyboard assembly to the computer case. These screws are located about five centimetres behind the ones removed in stage 3.

8. Lift the front of the keyboard, rotate it backwards, and carefully lay it on the back part of the computer. There is no need to remove the multi-wire ribbon cable attached to the main board, or the speaker wire.

9. On the very bottom right of the circuit board there are five large sockets. The one on the far left holds the operating system Rom and must not be interfered with. On the circuit board itself to their immediate left and belween the four rightmost sockets are the identifying marks (from left to right): IC52, IC58, IC100, IC101.

10. One of those sockets holds the Basic Rom. It ran be identified by a serial number on its surface ending with either BO1 or BO5. If you have a disc filing system, then a Rom with a sticker will identify it as a 'DFS'.

11. If there! is a vacant socket to the LEFT of the socket holding the Basic Rom. then your new Rom should be inserted there, in a manner described from instruction 15.

12. If there are no vacant sockets to the right of your Basic Rom then there is no more room in your computer for additional Rom software. You will either have to remove one of the less important Roms, or consider purchasing an expansion board such as the ATPL Sidewise or Watford expansion hoards.


13. Remove then Basic Rom by prizing up each end a liltle at a time, by pushing| a small screwdriver tip under an end and gently twisting. Be careful not to to scratch thn printed circuit board or bend any of the pins. Always pull the chip out vertically and not from one end as this can fracture the pins at the other end. A special Rom extractor tools will help in the removal proress.

14. The Basic Rom should be inserted into the right-most vacant socket available as described below.


15. Before inserting your Rom, identify a small notch at its end. Holding the ends of the Rom between thumb and forefinger line up the legs of it with the holes in the socket, ensuring that the notch is pointing AWAY from you towards the back of the computer.

16. New Roms often have their legs splayed out so they are too wide to line up with the holes in their socket. If you find this to be the case, hold the Rom at both ends between thumb and forefinger, and place it on its side so that the legs are flush with a hard surface. Carefully apply pressure to bend the legs so that they appear more angled. If you over bend the legs, use the edge of a table to bend them back again.

17. Apply film pressure, ensuring that all the pins have entered their respective holes, and none are bent out or underneath.

18. if you have just relocated your Rasic Rom. you will now want to insert your new Rom as described from instruction 15.

19. Put the keyboard back to its normal position (do not do the screws up yet) and continue at instruction 25.


20. Locale the eight large sockets towards the top right of the circuit board. The two bottom sockets on their own (marked on the circuit board as IC29 and IC37) are reserved for the speech system and do not concern us here.

21. The top right socket (labelled IC71 between itself and the socket below) is taken by the combined Operating System and Basic Rom, and is labelled with Acorn's copyright. One of the remaining five sockets will contain the disc filing system Rom and will be labelled 1770 DFS.

22. Your new Rom should be inserted in any one of the vacant five remaining sockets (labelled on the circuit board as IC35, IC44, IC57, IC62, and IC68) as described from instruction 15.

23. Continue from instruction 25.


24. Refer to the manafacturer's Rom fitting instructions.


25. Before reassembling the machine, test that the Rom has been correctly installed as described below.

26. Reconnect mains power and switch on taking care to avoid contact with the circuit board. The machine should function as normal, however if it does not, switch it off and check that the Rom is the correct way round and all the pins on the Rom are inserted correctly. If the message 'Language?' appears it means that your Basic Rom is not being recognised and should be inspected.

27. When you are satisfied with the installation, reassemble your machine in reverse order!

28. Turn the machine on, and enter: *HELP RETURN

This will display the title and version number of all the Roms in your machine (Except Basic). Your new Rom should be amongst them.


29. If you have inserted you Rom into the computer the wrong way round and it has become permanently damaged, we offer a replacement service for a nominal charge.