These sections will help you to understand the design concept of the Microvitec 'CUB' Monitor. They give very detailed descriptions of each part of the circuit. It is very important that you read these sections before attempting any of the fault isolation and repair procedures.


The power supply is a variable frequency, self oscillating, switching flyback convertor type, providing mains isolation and three stabilised voltages, of 18V, 124V and 200V.

1. Control Circuit - Description

2. Start-Up Procedure 3. Over Voltage Protection 4. Short Circuit Protection


INPUT: Connections are made at PL101 - red, green and blue video, sync options 1, 2, 3 and TTL video normal/invert. All inputs are flashover protected by resistors and diodes. R,G,B drives are split in two ways:

1. Test selectable links TL103, R,G,B.

2. To IC101

Select Position 1: The input stage is in the linear mode, the video is buffered and level shifted by emitter output stages. These provide temperature tracking with TR103, 104 and 105 resulting in a stable black level.

NOTE: In the linear mode only brightness variations of the video information are possible using VR314.

Select Position 2: TR103, 104 and 105 bases are driven by IC101. This option is used when driving from TTL video sources offering primary/secondary colour and black and white drives.

NOTE: In the TTL mode, signal to noise immunity of system is very good. IC101 can be used with negative TTL level video drives (R,G,B), in order to invert video information.

Video inversion is achieved by toggling video polarity select line at PL101 pin 2 or TL101:

TTL Mode: Contrast of video information is tracked by varying available potential across open collector load resistors, R114, 115 and 116 which are supplied by TR101 from +12V, the base being driven from the contrast control slider VR111, R112, C101 form a low pass filter and ensure smooth operation of contrast control.

CRT Beam Current: Information is fed to D117, 118, from a constant current source derived from 124V main HT rail. As CRT beam current increases D117, 118 junctions become more negative thus; D117 conducts more heavily causing voltage to TR106 base to decrease. R136, C105 filter the signal, the derived voltage is emitter followed and supplies TR103, 104 and 105 emitters directly. Hence increases in CRT beam current, above a preset limit achieve an automatic reduction in picture brightness.

NOTE: CRT beam limiting is preset depending on monitor model.

Brightness of display in all modes is adjusted by. VR134 enabling parallel adjustment of R,G,B and black levels within a ±20V range from nominal:

TR102: A fast switching transistor used to derive mixed blanking pulses for flyback blanking of video information. The base is driven from a potential divider/mixer network, from a line flyback pulse and a frame flyback pulse. Line flyback is advanced in phase with C225, to allow for transistor switching delays. D107, holds TR102 in a semi-saturation state. IC101 is also used to provide the following sync options:

Composite negative sync: Fed in on PL101, pin 7, ensure TL102 in non-active position, allowing pin 2 of IC101, to be pulled high whereupon IC101 performs a sync inversion and provides an attenuated positive sync waveform for driving sync separators of IC201, via R201 and TL106.

Composite positive sync: Fed in on PL101, pin 7 with TL102 in its grounded position. IC101, now provides an output in phase with input and of suitable amplitude for driving IC201 directly via R201 and TL106.

Separate negative line and field syncs: Ensure TL102 in non-active position, line syncs are fed in on PL101, pin 5. IC101, performs an exclusive OR function, the output being an inverted composite sync waveform.

Separate positive line and field syncs: Fed in on PL101, pin 7 in its grounded position. TL106, is switched over to inverse field option. IC101, provides an attenuated and buffered line sync feed for IC201, via R201. Positive field sync information is fed directly PL101, pin 3 "sync3" input by, TL106(B) and R202.


1. Line Timebase 2. Sync Separator
  1. IC201 (TDA1180P), incorporates separate noise gated sync separators for line/field syncs, which accepts positive going sync pulses (or negative going composite video) on pins 8 and 9.

  2. Output pulses from the line sync separator are used in conjunction with a sync gate to synchronise line oscillator in a phase locked loop circuit.
3. Line Oscillator - Phase Detectors
  1. The line oscillator is timed by a network of resistors and capacitors on pins 14 and 15 of IC201, used to derive a pulse of suitable mark/space ratio for driving line output stages.

  2. IC201 contains two basic control loops, each containing a phase detector.
4. Line Driver Stage
  1. Horizontal drive pulses from pin 3 (IC201) are D.C. coupled to TR201 and used to control driver transformer (T201) providing the impedance conversion necessary to provide 600mA forward base current, for saturation of line output transistor (TR202). Ringing is damped by R225 and C214 at TR201 turn off, thus limiting its Vce to a safe value. HT supply to the line driver comes from main HT supply rail, prior to R231 and HT scan interlock (PL201 pins 5/6) allowing its operation to be checked independently of the line output stage.

    IC201 PIN 3 with 10 to 1 scope probe

    TR202 COLLECTOR with 100 to 1 scope probe

5. Vertical Sync Output
  1. Output of field sync separator is used to drive vertical sync output stage on pin 10 (IC201).

  2. In addition, this pulse is used internally to inhibit the first phase detector during the field sync period, thus preventing 'top flutter' as a result of equalising pulses.
6. Sandcastle Pulse
  1. Sandcastle pulse is on pin 7 (IC201), used on models with linear interface PCB assembly consisting of two sections.


A. Line Output
  1. L202, L203 and T202 primary, are tuned during the flyback period by C222. This lasts for 11.8/11.1uS, on 14"/20" monitors.

  2. Line output transistor TR202, is driven directly from the secondary winding of T201. 'ON' current is controlled by R227, turn off dissipation is minimised by L204.

  3. Line linearity correction is provided by L203, which is damped by C217, R230. 'S' correction is provided by C218.

  4. Field timebase +25V (IC301) is achieved by rectifying a negative going flyback voltage from a secondary winding on line output transformer. A fusible resistor provides CRT protection under possible fault conditions.

    LINE SYNC with 10 to 1 scope probe

    TR202 COLLECTOR with 100 to 1 scope probe

B. EHT Supply
  1. 23.5kV required for CRT is generated by a tripler module driven from a 7.5kV, overwind on T203. Inductance of the transformer (between primary and overwind), is tuned to the 7th harmonic of the flyback frequency by tripler input capacitance and self capacitance of the overwind.

  2. The 'breathing' performance of the display is further improved by deriving a high focus potential from a resistive thick film/substrate potential divider from the EHT. giving rise to a constant bleed current from EHT, thus lowering output impedance of the EHT circuit.

  3. An extra input diode within the tripler has its anode connected to the tube base ground and via a beam current sensing circuit to 0V. C223 and a network of resistors provide a load for the diode and effectively damp out ringing which may occur during scan. The resulting 1000V which occurs across C223 is used to generate A1 potential across CRT.
C. HT Supply
  1. Derived from the main secondary winding of the switch mode power supply via R231. R231 is chosen to optimise picture breathing performance and offer protection to TR202, during CRT flashover.


The field timebase function is carried out by IC301. *** **** ********* is determined by VR307, R308 and C303, producing a 100uS output pulse at pin 12. Field sawtooth is derived from potential across C305 and C306 as they charge towards +25V supplying R304, R305, R306 and R301. When field scan is completed the 100uS pulse discharges C305 and C306 ready for charging cycle to be restarted.

1. Field Linearity

  1. Sawtooth output on pin1 of IC301 via R313 and VR312 field linearity control.

    IC301 PIN 1 with 10 to 1 scope probe

2. Field Flyback
  1. In order to achieve a short field flyback time, a supply voltage larger than required during scan, must be applied to field deflection coils during flyback period. Made possible by using a separate field flyback generator, within IC301.

  2. Main HT supply for IC301 is supplied to pin 5 via D302. During flyback the generator doubles the supply on pin 5. The potential on pin 3 is switched from 0V during scan to +25V during flyback The change in voltage occurs on pin 5 via C304 causing potential to double during flyback.

  3. D302 isolates pin 5 from +25V supply. When deflection coil field has collapsed and potential across field scan coils has fallen below +25V pin 3 is switched back to 0V and scan cycle resumed.

  4. Synchronisation of IC301 is achieved by feeding a positive going field sync pulse on pin 8 of IC301.

    IC301 PIN 8 with 10 to 1 scope probe

3. HT Supply for IC301
  1. Derived from a scan rectified rail from the line output stage. C305, C306 are fed via VR306 (height control) from scan rectified supply and 12V rail. Proportions of current and associated time constants R303, C301 and D301 are used to minimise "picture bounce" thus maintaining accurate tracking of the field scan with line scan amplitude during CRT beam current variations, therefore reducing picture "breathing" effects.
4. Field Output
  1. Sawtooth output on pin 1 is applied to output stage (within IC301) and scan output is available from pin 4 to field deflection coils. Current within coils is sampled by R323, then fed back via R317 to the virtual earth input pin 10 of IC301.

  2. Gain of output amplifier is set by the ratio of R314 and R317. DC operating point by R318 and R316.

    IC301 PIN 4 with 10 to 1 scope probe

5. Picture Geometry
  1. CRT E-W pincushion distortion is corrected by modulation of line deflection current in transductor (T202) actively driven by TR301. which is then fed from the parabolic waveform at the top of the S correction capacitor C311. AC gain from the amplifying driver is used to control amount of correction applied to CRT.

    TR301 COLLECTOR with 10 to 1 scope probe


1. CRT Tube Base Panel (Refer to diagrams)

2. Circuit Description

  1. All CRT electrodes are protected by a resistor, capacitor and spark gap.
3. Video Output Stages - Circuit Description and Operation

NOTE: Red, Green and Blue video outputs are identical: the following text refers to the red output stage.

  1. TR902 forms a class 'A' amplifier, AC gain is derived from the ratio of R935 to R902, VR903 and DC gain by a DC offset current from R905 and VR906.

  2. R904 forms video output load and TR902 represents a low impedance drive source to CRT input capacitance during its conduction.

  3. During turn off of TR902. the source impedance of the load R904 is considerably reduced by TR901, ensuring a good 'pull-up' performance.

  4. Video compensation is achieved by split capacitances, C902, C903 to help maintain a constant amplifier response curve over the full range of VR903.

  5. The emitters of TR902, TR904 and TR906 are connected together with a DC reference of approximately 7.5V, used to set video black level voltage.

  6. TR907 performs line and field blanking of video information.



The 'Triple Standard PAL Interface Assembly' accepts RS170 video signals (0.7v p-p video +0.3v p-p mixed -Ve Sync into 75R) and is designed to interface between the Series 3 main chassis PCB assembly and the host system. In wire-frame chassis format, output connections from interface to main chassis PCB are made via hard-wired flexible leads and multiway plug-in connectors PL102 and PL103, located on the main chassis. (see the circuit diagram)

On some models, an interface input wiring harness lead assembly is provided. This is supplied with one end only of the harness terminated in a 17-way connector, the opposite wire ends being unterminated. Circuit details for this harness lead assembly are given in the circuit diagram and connections shown in the diagram and 'Table of Options', below.

17-way connector


Depending on how the interface assembly is installed, input modes for either double or triple standards may be accommodated as follows:

  1. Double Standard Input
    When wired as indicated in the diagram - TTL' and 'PAL Video' Modes are accommodated. Either one of these two modes may be selected by a 'single pole change-over' switch as shown in the diagram.

  2. Triple Standard Input
    Wiring details to accommodate Triple-Standard inputs and the various input options are given in the '17-Way Harness Connections' Diagram and the accompanying 'Table of Options'. Suitable additional switching may be incorporated to accommodate the various options, depending on user requirements.
  1. PAL/Sync Input
    When this input (PL1-pin 16) is used as the separate sync input of a 1v/75R R.G.B. +sync video source, the amplitude of the sync MUST BE between 0.2v p-p and 0.7v p-p, nominally 0.3v peak to peak. If the amplitude exceeds these values, an 'In-Line' B.N.C. attenuator must be used.

  2. Sync-On Green Option
    Setting Plug Link TL1' on the PAL Interface PCB to 'Position 2', allows a 'sync-on-green' 1V/75R RGB Video Source to be used.

    NB: Note that the 'Green' 1V/75R video input (PL1-pin 12) now also becomes the PAL input. See wiring diagram and 'Table of Options'.

    Resistors employed in the construction are standard carbon film types of ¼W rating ±5% tolerance, except where indicated.

    Circuit ReferenceComponent ReferenceDescription
    R5, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28RF104DJO10K
    R6, 8RF562DJO560R
    R7, 30RF473DJO4K7
    R11, 12RF392DJO390R
    R13, 18RF225DJO220K
    R14, 15RF123DJO1K2
    R22, 24, 26RF103DJO1K0
    R31RL101DJOM/FUS, 10R
    R101, 201RF104DJO10K
    R102, 202RF222DJO220R
    R103, 203RF100DJO1R0
    VR1RQ102AL2POT PRESET 100R 0.1W H7
    C1, 2CA337EN6ALUM/ELEC 33uF 16V
    C3CK331JJOceramic/T 33pF 50V
    C4CK121JKOceramic/T 12pF 50V
    C5CK681JJOceramic/T 68pF 50V
    C6, 8-15CK104FLOceramic/T 10nF 25V 20%
    C7CM225KK6MET/T 0.22uF 100V
    C16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27CM105NL6MET/T 0.1uF 250V
    C21CK222JKOceramic/T 220pF 50V
    C22CM105NL6MET/P 0.1uF 250V
    C23CK103JKOceramic/T 1nF 50V
    C24CK151JKOCER/T 15pF 50V axial
    C25, 26CM4758K6MET/P 470nF 63V
    C30CA107JL7A/ELEC 10uF 50V 20% RAD PR
    C31CA105NL6ceramic/T 100nF
    C101, 102, 201, 202CA2268M7A/ELEC 2.2uF 63V PREF
    C103, 203CA107JL7A/ELEC 10uF 50V 20% RAD PR
    C104, 204CM225KL6MET/P 0.22uF 100V
    C105, 205CA109HM6ALUM/ELEC 1000uF 35V
    C106, 206CM105NL6MET/P 0.1uF 250V
    C107, 207CA478FM7ALUM/ELEC 470uF 25V
    D1, 2, 3DZ73560FROZENER BZX79B5V6 2%
    D4, 5DS4143UTO1N4148 THOMSON
    IC101, IC201IL19080S2TDA 1908
    L1LW474SK2CHOKE 47uH
    L2LW105SK2CHOKE 100uH
    L3LW104SK2CHOKE 10uH
    L4, 5LV001TA3CHOKE KAN K2819XM
    L11LW154SK2CHOKE 15uH B78108-T1153-K
    DL1ED0001P01DELAY LINE DL470
    DL2ED0002P01DELAY LINE DL711
    PL1KP0026A17PLUG 17-WAY 20/3457
    PL2KP0026A16PLUG 16-WAY 20/3456
    PL102KP0025A05PLUG 5-WAY 20/3445
    PL103KP0025A03PLUG 3-WAY 20/3443
    PL104KP0025A04PLUG 4-WAY 20/3444
    TL1KP0024A03PLUG 3-WAY 20/3423
    FIT TL1KL9005Z02LINK TEST MOLEX 90059-0009 P/0
    LK1, 2, 3WL2214TU1WIRE LINK 5mm x 14mm x 5mm
    LK6 7, 8WL2212TU1WIRE LINK 5mm x 12mm x 5mm
    LK9, 10WL2214TU1WIRE LINK 5mm x 14mm x 5mm
    LK12, 13WL2212TU1WIRE LINK 5mm x 12mm x 5mm


If required - a resistor of 5K6 ohms 0.25W - may be incorporated in series with the 'brightness' control to limit the control's range of 'brightness' variation - as shown in the diagram.


On some versions of the interface, either single channel or twin channel audio amplifier stages may be incorporated, depending on model and specification.

Inputs and outputs for the audio stage(s) are marked as left-hand channel (L) and right-hand channel (R) and are terminated in 2-pin connectors. Normally, only a single channel audio stage is provided in most applications.

Audio input to the stage may be fed across a 47k 'gain control' pot, with the slider taken to the audio stages input.


Typical specifications for the audio amplifier stage are as follows:


  1. The (-Y) signal contains:
  2. The incoming Y signal is attenuated by the potential divider, R16, R17 the resultant signal is then amplified by TR6.

  3. Transistors TR7, TR8 and TR9 have the following functions:-
  4. The rising edge of the sync output signal is used by C6, R30 and TR24 to produce a pulse which has the same duration and timing as the colour burst gating pulse on the +/- (R-Y) signal.

  5. The luminance signal on the collector of TR6, is clamped to the black level by C10 and TR25.

  6. The black level is set by resistor/diode potential divider formed by VR1, (R36, R37, R65 and 2 IN4148 diodes).
  1. The -(B-Y) Channel
  2. The +/- (R-Y) Channel

    This channel is a phase alternating line (PAL) signal, which requires alternate lines, inverted to produce + (R-Y).



  1. The 'Programmable-read-only-memory' (PROM) interface panel is used with certain models in the 'SERIES-3' range of colour monitors. Two different versions of the panel assembly may be used, depending on model and intended country of operation:
  2. Interface connections:
  1. The purpose of the 'PROM' interface panel is to convert 4-Bit digital video signals, normally referred to as 'R.G.B. & Intensity', into Linear R.G.B. signals.

  2. Colour Combinations
  3. +5 Volt Supply
  4. Protection & Termination
  5. Contrast Control
  6. Sync Signals
  7. R.F.I. Filtering