Circle outlines and solid circles are drawn in a similar manner -- press CTRL to

indicate the centre and alter the position of the circle symbol to produce the size

of the circle you want then release CTRL.

The camera allows copies of any rectangular area of the canvas to be made.

Move the symbol to one corner of the area and press CTRL. Then hold down

CTRL whilst moving the cursor keys to increase the depth and width of the

box. Release CTRL when you have enclosed the area to be copied. Pressing the

cursor keys now will move a second box which should be placed where you want

the copy to be put. The copy is made by pressing CTRL.

The scissors will move a rectangular area of the screen, replacing it by a block

of the background colour. This is performed in the same manner as the copy

routine described above.

The polygon allows a series of lines to be drawn, each one beginning where the

previous one finished, thereby producing a continuous line drawing. Press and

release CTRL to begin and then each time a line is to be drawn-

The typewriter can be used to print text on the screen. On the canvas, the

typewriter symbol is replaced by a 'pencil' and the start point for the the text is

identified by pressing CTRL. Any subsequent key depressions produce

characters in the screen in the current font and the end of the text is marked by

pressing RETURN. Note that text can only be placed between the starting point

and the right hand side of the canvas -- it is not allowed to wrap round to the

beginning of the next line.

When selected, the joystick option allows the movement of the symbols to be

controlled by a joystick rather than by pressing the arrow keys. In addition the

fire button replaces the CTRL key.

The grid option restricts movement of the symbols to positions in an invisible

grid on the screen, making it easier to draw several circles with the same centre

point etc.

Loading and saving can be carried out by pressing L or S. This clears the menu

area and allows you to type in the name you wish to use.

To clear the screen and start again press the 'R' key. This will reset all the

options to their initial values.

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