The third box contains the printer control options. The printer ignore character

(also altered with *FX6) can be set to IGNORE, NO IGNORE or IGNORE

followed by a number (which is the character number to be ignored). Below it is

the type of the selected printer, which may be SINK, PARALLEL, SERIAL (i.e.

using the optional RS232 interface), USER or ECONET. Finally, the last option

controls the station number of an Econet printer. The '+' and '--' keys will

affect only the number after the full stop, and you need to press CTRL at the

same time to change the number before the full stop. You should not concern

yourself with this unless you are using an Econet network.

At the bottom of the left-hand row are the Mouse/Joystick options. The first

controls whether the MOS simulates a SWITCHED or PROPORTIONAL

joystick (useful when running games in particular). The second, STICK

followed by a number, sets the acceleration rate which the MOS uses when a

proportional joystick is selected.

At the top of the middle column are two options. The first, SCROLL or NO

SCROLL, controls the action of the MOS windowing software and you should

not concern yorself with it too much. The second, LOUD or QUIET, sets the

overall volume of sounds produced by the computer's internal loudspeaker.

The second box contains options to control the optional RS232 serial interface.

BAUD followed by a number sets the speed of the interface, whilst DATA

followed by a number sets the data format. The File Server option sets the

station number of an Econet File Server: the '+' and '--' keys will affect only the

number after the full stop, and you need to press CTRL at the same time to

change the number before the full stop. This option is only relevant when you

are using the Econet.

The bottom box contains options to control the Advanced Disc Filing System

and the disc drives. The first, BOOT or NO BOOT, controls whether the ADFS

attempts to load a program automatically from disc when the machine is

turned on or reset with the BREAK key. The second option, DIR or NO DIR,

affects whether a directory is set automatically when the disc is mounted; this

is discussed in greater detail in the section on Filing Systems. The final option,

FDRIVE followed by a number, sets the parameters which control the

operation of the disc drives; these should only be altered by experienced users.

Selection and control of ROMs

The entire right-hand column of the Control Panel is taken up by a table of the

software which is presently contained in the computer, either in ROM chips or

in the 'sideways' RAM areas. The table is a list with 16 spaces, each of which

represents the contents of one ROM chip or RAM area. The name of each piece

of software appears in the table and is followed by a combination of three letters

or dashes. The letter 'S' indicates that the named software is a 'Service' ROM,

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