Sometimes, we want a file's execution address to be different from its load

address, perhaps because it is a machine-code program preceeded by data. This

is achieved by adding the execution address last when issuing the *SAVE

command, e.g.:

*SAVE Energy 2000+1000 2100

In this case the execution address is &2100, overriding the default value (which

is the load address).

The final extension to the *SAVE command is the ability to specify a different

loading address, the reload address, for the file. For example:

*SAVE MyR0M 4000+2000 8002 8000

*SAVE Utility 1900 1980 910 900

The first saves memory from &4000 to &5FFF into the file 'MyROM' and gives

it a reload address of &8000 and an execution address of &8002. The second

saves the program 'Utility' between addresses &1900 and &197F with a load

address of &900 and an execution address of &910. Note that you may only

specify a reload address if the execution address is also present.

The *LOAD command has the reverse effect to *SAVE, and it has two

variations. In the first it is simply followed by the name of the file, and the other

information is retrieved from the directory. In the second the load address may

be overridden, thus:


*LOAD Utility 700

As we saw earlier, executing a machine-code program can be done with three

different forms of the *RUN command:

*RUN filename



where 'filename' is a pathname which can contain wildcards (which are

interpreted by using the first file which matches). *RUN and */ are exactly

equivalent; they look in the CSD and then the CSL for the named file, and then

load and execute it. If the file cannot be found a 'Bad command' error is

generated. The third form first tests to see if the name corresponds to a ROM

command; otherwise, it behaves as above.

If a file is given an execution address of &FFFFFFFF, it will not be loaded and

executed in response to these commands but will instead be *EXECed, which

process is described below.

F 21