*DELETE rubbish


If the file you are trying to delete does not exist, a 'Not found' error will be

generated. Sometimes, particularly from within programs, it is convenient to

ensure that a file does not exist, but without causing an error if it has already

been deleted. For this reason the *REMOVE command behaves exactly as

*DELETE but produces no error if the file did not already exist.

Neither *DELETE or *REMOVE will operate successfully on a file which has

been 'Locked' using the 'L' access code. To delete a locked file you must first

remove the lock with *ACCESS, e.g.:

*ACCESS data

*DELETE data

Directories are always locked unless you alter their access codes, and they have

a further restriction on deletions: a directory must be empty of files before it

can be deleted. If you attempt to delete a non-empty directory, you will receive

the error message 'Dir. not empty'.

To delete a group of files, for example all the files in a directory, you can use the

*DESTROY command, which will accept a filename containing wildcards. Any

file which matches the wildcard speefication will be deleted, so you can see the

command's name was not chosen lightly. Before the command massacres your

files it prints *INFO information on all of the affected files and then asks:

Destroy ?

to which you must reply by typing 'YES' at the keyboard for the command to

take effect, otherwise it is aborted.

The ability to rename files is important by virtue of its versatility: renaming

may not only change the name of a file, it may also move the file around in the

hierarchy, because the hierarchy is, after all, based on names. The *RENAME

command is followed by the source pathname and then the destination.

Therefore. the command:

*RENAME this that

will change the name of the file currently called 'this' to 'that'. Furthermore,

this command:

*RENAME test $.programs.test

actually moves the file 'test' from the CSD into '$.programs' and names it 'test'

in that directory. You may also alter the name of the file whilst moving it, like


*RENAME 0ldFile ^.NewFile

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