Reshaping can be turned off altogether with the AS ON SCREEN option.

Sometimes, as in the letter to Auntie Edna, you may want most of your text to

be reshaped into wider lines but some of it (i.e. the address) to be left as it

appeared on the screen. To ensure that these parts are left alone, you should

'fix' the appropriate lines (rather as you do when centring) by pressing the TAB

key. An exclamation mark (!) appears at the top of the screen to show you when

the cursor is on a fixed line. Lines marked by the CENTRE function key will

adjust to the centre of all page widths.

Print options, and any centred or fixed lines, are saved with each text so that

identical printouts can be made quickly every time the texts are reloaded.

1 Page length

This sets the number of lines (from 5 up to 999) that will be printed before you

are prompted to insert a new sheet of paper. To change the page length: press

number key 1 and type in a new value followed by RETURN.

2 Width

This sets the maximum number of characters (from 15 up to 80) that may be

printed on each line. To change the line width: press number key 2 and type in

a new value followed by RETURN.

Note: Line width cannot be altered if the AS ON SCREEN option has been


3 Justify

When ON this stretches each line to reach the right-hand margin producing

regular blocks of text. 'Centred' and 'fixed' lines and the last lines of paragraphs

are not affected. Press number key 3 to switch the JUSTIFY facility on or off.

4 Double space

When ON a blank line will be printed between each line of the text. Press

number key 4 to switch the DOUBLE SPACE facility on or off.

5 Lonely lines

Occasionally a heading or the first line of a paragraph appears at the foot of a

printed page. This facility attempts to identify such 'lonely lines' and to move

them to a more logical position at the beginning of the next printed page. Press

number key 5 to switch the LONELY LINES facility on or off.

6 As on screen

When ON the text will be printed with the same width as the WRITE screen

(te. 35 characters per line). AS ON SCREEN may be used with or without the

JUSTIFY facility. Press number key 6 to switch the AS ON SCREEN facility

on or off.

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