1 Auto key repeat

When switched ON this allows you to repeat a character or movement (such as

the writing keys, DELETE key or arrow keys) simply by keeping the particular

key pressed down.

2 Auto capitals

When switched ON a capital letter is automatically generated after a full stop,

a question mark or an exclamation mark. (You will have the chance to DELETE

and retype if you wish).

3 Usual delete

When switched ON the 'usual' method (i.e. that most commonly found

elsewhere) of deletion applies:

Pressing DELETE erases the character immediately to the left of the cursor. The

character in the same position as the cursor can be erased by pressing SHIFT as

well as DELETE

When switched OFF the special ABC method of deletion applies (see

sub-section on deletion).

4 Line number/lines left

When switched ON two numbers are displayed at the top of the screen when


The TOP number (green) is that of the line on which the cursor currently rests.

The LOWER number (red) is that of empty lines available for text. (This

function is automatically switched on when you begin to run out of space.)

5 Use a * command

Press number key 5 if you wish to use a command such as *CAT, which will

give you a catalogue of files on a particular disc. * commands are also used to

select disc drives and to change filing systems (see page F 2).

Print options

When you select this option the screen displays a 'printing menu' which allows

you to control the actual presentation of your text on paper. The initial

selections are ready for use with A4 sheets of paper.

ABC includes automatic reshaping of lines so that you need not print the text

in exactly the same width as the screen display. The page width option controls

this reshaping: if you are creating newspaper-like columns you may want the

text in a narrow strip, but for most purposes you would want to spread the text

across the page.

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