6 Display

This option allows you to display your text in double height characters. A

maximum of 11 lines can be displayed at one time.

Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to move through the text.

The following messages will appear at the bottom of the screen when


Use down arrow key to go on and

Use up arrow key to go back

The LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys may be used to change colour or produce a

flashing white display.

Press the WRITE, READ AND WRITE or SLATE function keys to resume

writing or press the OPTIONS function key.

7 Print

See section entitled Print options.

8 Delete text

When this option is selected you will be asked:

Are you sure you want to detete this text?

Press key Y if you wish to do so.

The main text (but not the 'slate') will be erased.

Press the labelled function key when you are ready to return to the WRITE.


9 End

When this option is selected you will be asked:

Are you sure?

Press key Y if you wish to stop using ABC; you will be returned to the menu


Special options

The special options can be regarded as 'switches' which control certain facilities

available at all stages of the ABC program. Press the appropriate number key

in order to 'change the switch'.

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