The WRITE screen display appears and the cursor moves through the text

until it finds the first occurrence of the word in question.

The message:

Stop here? Press Y or N

will appear at the top of the screen.

Press Y if you wish to edit that word or area of text.

Press N if you wish to proceed to the next occurrence of the word.

The screen will return to the OPTIONS page if the word is not found. Press the

WRITE, READ AND WRITE or SLATE function keys to resume writing.

3 Replace with

This option allows you to replace one word (chosen using the LOOK FOR

option) with another. Type in the new word (maximum of 18 characters).


The WRITE screen display ap„„pears and the cursor moves through the text

until it finds the first occurrence of the word to be replaced.

The message:

Replace? Press Y or N

will appear at the top of the screen.

Press Y if you wish to replace that word.

Press N if you wish to proceed to the next occurrence of the word you wish to


The screen will return to the OPTIONS page if the word is not found. Press the

WRITE, READ AND WRITE or SLATE function keys to resume writing.

4 Load text/5 Save text

These two options have already been described but the following points are

worth noting.

New files loaded into ABC will overwrite any text already there. The new file

will load into the top lines of the WRITE screen. The remaining lines of an

original text which is longer than the new one will not be deleted. By inserting

blank lines above the original text on the WRITE screen you can avoid

overwriting and use this facility to incorporate new blocks of text.

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