This is the main screen display with which the ABC program begins, and to

which the program will return whenever the WRITE function key or ESCAPE

is pressed.

The READ AND WRITE symbol appears at the top of the screen.

Four lines at the bottom of the screen can be filled with the immediate text you

are working on. At the same time the main 'reading frame' of the display allows

you to view up to 11 lines of your text.

You can LOOK UP or LOOK DOWN the text in the reading frame by pressing

the labelled function keys.

The text in the lower part of the screen can be edited as on the WRITE screen.

COPY will allow you to copy text from the reading frame to the lower writing


The SLATE symbol appears at the top of the screen. A cursor allows you to

write on either the bottom four lines or the upper 'slate' area. The SLATE offers

basic 'note-book' facilities. It can be used to jot down ideas and notes without

affecting the main text. DELETE will delete the character that the cursor is on

and backspace one character. To retype something, use the arrow keys to

reposition the cursor, then simply type over the old text.

You can scroll up or down the text in the lower writing area by moving the

cursor to the beginning or end of the line using the LEFT and RIGHT arrow


The text in the lower part of the screen can be edited as on the WRITE screen.

COPY will allow you to copy text from the 'slate' to the lower writing area.


The OPTIONS page is reached by pressing the labelled function key at the top

right of the keyboard. (Be careful not to press the BREAK key!)

All nine options are obtained from the OPTIONS page by pressing the

appropriate number key as requested at the bottom of the screen. When you

have finished using the options press the labelled function key f0 to return to

the WRITE screen.

1 Special options

See following section, Special options.

2 Look for

This option allow you to look for a particular word (or words) in your text.

Type in the word you wish to find. (Be sure to use capital/lower case where

appropriate. A maximum of 18 characters is allowed.)

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