
You will have noticed that ABC automatically lines text up against the left

margin (left justification) although the right margin is not regular. You might

prefer to present each line of text in the middle of the screen with an equal gap

at the beginning and end. This can be done by using the arrow keys to move the

cursor on to the line of text you wish to centre. Press the function key labelled


The line of text is automatically centred and the CENTRE symbol appears at

the top of the WRITE screen. If you return to this line in the future the symbol

will reappear to remind you that the line has been centred. It is then possible to

uncentre the line by pressing the CENTRE key again.

Note: If a line fills the width of the screen already, it will not move-

Fix line

You may wish to ensure that certain lines within your text (such as addresses

and sub-headings) are always left as originally entered on the screen, and not

reshuffled when the TIDY function is used (or when printing). This can be done

by pressing TAB while the cursor is on that particular line of the text. The line

is now 'fixed', and an exclamation mark will appear at the top of the screen to

remind you of this whenever the cursor is on that line.

To 'unfix' a line you should press TAB again.


TUG gives you the fastest way of moving whole single lines. Use the arrow

keys to place the cursor on the line of text you wish to move.

Press the function key labelled TUG. The text to be moved will now be coloured

yellow (highlighted in monochrome).

When TUG is being used the yellow TUG symbol appears at the top of the


Use the arrow keys to reposition the coloured text:

-----> moves text forward past the next unmarked word

<----- moves text back before the last unmarked word

v moves text forward (i.e. down) one whole line

^ moves text back (i/e. up) one whole line

TUG can be switched of by pressing the labelled key again.

Note: It is possible to create a buffer line of characters containing no spaces

which mark the limit beyond which text cannot be tugged.

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