
ABC adjusts the system of deletion automatically to suit your immediate

requirements. Deletion to the left occurs when you press DELETE immediately

after writing or when there is no text at, or to the right of, the cursor position.

Deletion at the cursor position and deletion to the right occur when you stop

writing and use the arrow keys to move to the start of any text to be deleted.


ABC will automatically move any existing text to make room for new text as it

is typed in.

Deleting lines

Use the arrow keys to position the cursor on the solid line beneath the words

you want to delete. You will notice that the cursor stands out from the line and

leaves a slight gap to either side. Press DELETE. The line of the text disappears

and the other lines automatically close up to fill the gap.

Inserting lines

Use the arrow keys to position the cursor on the solid line beneath the words:

me Last year. Hew clever of you to

You will notice that the cursor stands out from the line and leaves a slight gap

to either side. Press the Space Bar or RETURN to insert a blank line in the text.

Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the beginning of the blank line if you

want to type in new text.

Note: When inserting blank lines the Space Bar moves the cursor down to the

new line, but RETURN positions the cursor on the solid line beneath the new

blank line and may be pressed again to insert more lines.


Sometimes you will erase a word in the middle of a text or replace a long piece

of text with a short one. This will give the text an uneven appearance. Try


present, clever and purple

from the first paragraph of your letter.

Move the cursor to the top line of the text you wish to tidy and press the TIDY

function key. This will reshuffle the entire block of text from the line that the

cursor is on to the next blank line, 'centred' line or 'fixed' line.

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