you wish. If you want to try this, press the WRITE function key, then alter the

current copy of the letter by adding or deleting a few words so that this copy

will differ from the original. Now load the original as described below.

Loading files

Press the red function key labelled OPTIONS.

Press number key 4 to select LOAD TEXT option.

Type in the filename EDNA.


When the file has been loaded you will again see the message:

Press number (1-9).

When loading is complete press the red function key labelled WRITE. The

original EDNA text will overwrite the altered version. If you increase the

length of the letter, some of the altered version will remain below the original

text, as files are loaded into the top lines of the WRITE screen.

Features of ABC

You may wish to use the EDNA file to practise the techniques described in this


Word wrap-around

Each line of writing may contain a maximum of 35 characters (including

spaces). As you type a line of text the number of words that will fit into the line

is calculated automatically. Any word that will not fit into the available space

at the end of the line is transferred whole to the beginning of the following line.

This automatic function is called word wrap-around and it means that you will

not need to press the RETURN or arrow keys every time you approach the end of

the line -- with wrap-around you can keep typing.


The ABC screens will display text a section at a time. Each screen is like a

window. Text is moved past the windows by pressing the UP and DOWN arrow

keys (or the function key arrows on the READ AND WRITE screen). When you

fill a screen with writing the text moves and a new line is made available for

you to write on. This up and down movement of text (like a roll of paper

winding or unwinding past the screen window) is called scrolling.

When words are inserted in the upper half of the WRITE screen the text scrolls

downwards. It will scroll upwards if words are inserted in the lower half of the


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