Home Sweet Home

32 Owl Way



29th December

Dear Auntie Edna,

Thank you very much for your kind

present. Socks are always useful,

and they match the shirt you gave

me last year. How clever of you to

remember that it was orange and

purple as well! My friends have all

commented on the bright effect.

I hope that you and Uncle Harry are

both well and have enjoyed that

holiday from work. We've all been

having fun on our new computer. I

expect you guessed that this letter

wasn't written on an ordinary

typewriter! By the way, it's a BBC

Master Series microcomputer and you

can buy lots of 'programs' to go

with it. .. in case you can't find

any different coloured socks next


Your loving nephew John.

Now you can 'save' the text as a file on a disc.

Saving files

Note: Do not use the Welcome disc. Use a formatted disc of your own for this

purpose (see Chapter F).

Press the red function key labelled OPTIONS.

Press number key 5 to select the SAVE TEXT option.

Type in a filename, say, EDNA.

When the file has been saved you will again see the message:

Press number ( 1-9).

Now that you have saved one version of your letter to Auntie Edna you can

experiment with the text on the screen and still be able to load the original if

E 4